Exemple #1
/* TpReadData reads a fut from a memory block and returns a handle to a newly allocated fut
	TpReadData(	KpFd_p			fd,
				PTType_t		format,
				PTRefNum_t		PTRefNum,
				KpHandle_t		PTHdr,
				KpHandle_t FAR*	PTData)
PTErr_t			errnum;
fut_p			fut = NULL, theFutFromMatrix = NULL, newFut = NULL, lab2xyzFut = NULL, finalFut = NULL;
fut_hdr_p		futHdr;
KpInt32_t		ret, iomask;
KpChar_t		ENUM_String[20];
KpInt32_t		inCS, i, i1;
ResponseRecord_t	inRedTRC, inGreenTRC, inBlueTRC;
ResponseRecord_t	outRedTRC, outGreenTRC, outBlueTRC;
PTRefNum_t		matrixPTRefNum;
PTDataClass_t 	iClass, oClass;

	futHdr = (fut_hdr_p) lockBuffer (PTHdr);	/* get buffer pointer */
	if (futHdr == NULL) {
		errnum = KCP_MEM_LOCK_ERR;
		goto GetOut;

	futHdr->profileType = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_ICC_PROFILE_TYPE);
	futHdr->spaceIn = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_IN);
	futHdr->spaceOut = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_OUT);
	futHdr->iDataClass = getDataClass (futHdr->spaceIn);
	futHdr->oDataClass = getDataClass (futHdr->spaceOut);

	switch (format) {
	case FUT_CIGAM: /* fut with bytes reversed */
	case FUT_MAGIC: /* fut with bytes in correct order */
		if ((fut = fut_alloc_fut ()) == NULL) {	/* allocate a new fut structure */
			errnum = KCP_NO_ACTIVATE_MEM;
		else {
			if (fut_read_tbls (fd, fut, futHdr) != 1) {	/* read fut tables */
				errnum = KCP_PT_DATA_READ_ERR;
			else {
				if (fut_io_decode (fut, futHdr) == 0) {
					errnum = KCP_PTERR_0;
				else {
					errnum = KCP_SUCCESS;

	case PTTYPE_MFT1:
	case PTTYPE_MFT2:
		fut = fut_readMFutTbls (fd, futHdr, matrix);	/* read matrix fut tables */
		if (fut == NULL) {
			errnum = KCP_NO_ACTIVATE_MEM;
		else {
			inCS = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_IN);

			if ((inCS == KCM_CIE_XYZ) && (isIdentityMatrix (matrix, MF_MATRIX_DIM) != 1)) {
				ret = makeOutputMatrixXform ((Fixed_p)&matrix, 8, &theFutFromMatrix);
				if (ret != 1) {
					errnum = KCP_INCON_PT;
					goto GetOut;
				else {
					iomask = FUT_PASS(FUT_XYZ);		/* get the Lab to XYZ fut */
					lab2xyzFut = get_lab2xyz (KCP_GRID_DIM_SIXTEEN);

					newFut = fut_comp (theFutFromMatrix, lab2xyzFut, iomask);			

					if (newFut != NULL) {
						finalFut = fut_comp (fut, newFut, iomask);

					fut_free (theFutFromMatrix);	/* free intermediate futs */
					fut_free (lab2xyzFut);
					fut_free (fut);
					fut_free (newFut);

					fut = finalFut;

					/* set the input color space attribute to Lab */
					KpItoa (KCM_CIE_LAB, ENUM_String);
					errnum = PTSetAttribute (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_IN, ENUM_String);
					if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) {
						goto GetOut;

					/* set the input composition attribute to Lab */
					errnum = PTSetAttribute (PTRefNum, KCM_IN_CHAIN_CLASS_2, "6");
					if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) {
						goto GetOut;

			if ((fut == NULL) || !fut_io_encode (fut, futHdr)) {	/* make the info header */
				errnum = KCP_INCON_PT;
				goto GetOut;

			errnum = KCP_SUCCESS;

	case PTTYPE_MA2B:
	case PTTYPE_MB2A:
		matrix[0] = matrix[4] = matrix[8] = KpF15d16FromDouble(1.0);
		matrix[1] = matrix[2] = matrix[3] = 
		matrix[5] = matrix[6] = matrix[7] = 
		matrix[9] = matrix[10] = matrix[11] = KpF15d16FromDouble(0.0);
		fut = fut_readMabFutTbls (fd, futHdr, matrix);	/* read matrix fut tables */
		if (fut == NULL) {
			errnum = KCP_NO_ACTIVATE_MEM;
		else {
			if (fut->lutConfig & HAS_MATRIX_DATA) {
				for (i1 = 0; i1 < i; i1++)
					fut->matrix[i1] = matrix[i1];
				switch (fut->lutConfig) {
					inRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[0];
					inGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[1];
					inBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[2];
					inRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[0];
					inGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[1];
					inBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[2];
					outRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[0];
					outGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[1];
					outBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[2];
					outRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[0];
					outGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[1];
					outBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[2];
					iClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceIn);
					oClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceOut);
					ret = makeFutFromMatrix ((Fixed_p)&matrix, &inRedTRC, &inGreenTRC, &inBlueTRC, 
												&outRedTRC, &outGreenTRC, &outBlueTRC, MATRIX_GRID_SIZE, iClass, oClass, 
												(fut_p *)&theFutFromMatrix);

					inRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[0];
					inGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[1];
					inBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[2];
					inRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[0];
					inGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[1];
					inBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[2];
					iClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceIn);
					oClass = KCP_UNKNOWN;
					ret = makeFutFromMatrix ((Fixed_p)&matrix, &inRedTRC, &inGreenTRC, &inBlueTRC, 
												NULL, NULL, NULL, MATRIX_GRID_SIZE, iClass, oClass, (fut_p *)&theFutFromMatrix);

					outRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[0];
					outGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[1];
					outBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[2];
					outRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[0];
					outGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[1];
					outBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[2];
					iClass = KCP_UNKNOWN;
					oClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceOut);
					ret = makeFutFromMatrix ((Fixed_p)&matrix, NULL, NULL, NULL, &outRedTRC, &outGreenTRC,
												&outBlueTRC, MATRIX_GRID_SIZE, iClass, oClass, (fut_p *)&theFutFromMatrix);

				if (NULL != theFutFromMatrix)
					/* Create a PT from the fut */
					errnum = fut2PT (&theFutFromMatrix, KCM_UNKNOWN, KCM_UNKNOWN, PTTYPE_CALCULATED, &matrixPTRefNum);
					if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) {
						goto GetOut;
					errnum = setMatrixPTRefNum (PTRefNum, matrixPTRefNum, fut->lutConfig);
					if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) {
						goto GetOut;
				if (ret != 1) {
					errnum = KCP_INCON_PT;
					goto GetOut;

			if ((fut == NULL) || !fut_io_encode (fut, futHdr)) {	/* make the info header */
				errnum = KCP_INCON_PT;
				goto GetOut;

			errnum = KCP_SUCCESS;


	if ((errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) || (fut == NULL)) {
		fut_free (fut);
	else {		/* return handle to fut to caller */

	/* make sure the futs are in the reference state */
		if (fut_to_mft (fut) == 1) {
			*PTData = (KpHandle_t)fut_unlock_fut (fut);

	if ( ! unlockBuffer (PTHdr)) {
		errnum = KCP_MEM_UNLOCK_ERR;

	return errnum;
	fut_comp (fut_p fut1, fut_p fut0, KpInt32_t iomask)
KpInt32_t		ok = 1, nGridPoints, omask, evalomask, imask, pmask, order, i, j, nEntries, nOutChans;
fut_p			fut2 = NULL, evalFut = NULL;
fut_itbl_p		oitbls[FUT_NICHAN];
mf2_tbldat_p	indat[FUT_NICHAN], outdat[FUT_NOCHAN];
fut_gtbl_p		fut1_gtbls[FUT_NOCHAN];

	if (( ! IS_FUT(fut0)) || ( ! IS_FUT(fut1))) {
		return (NULL);

	/* extract component masks from iomask */
	omask = FUT_OMASK(iomask);		/* which output chans? */
	pmask = FUT_PMASK(iomask);		/* which ones allowed to pass through? */
	order = FUT_ORDMASK(iomask);	/* which interpolation to use? */
	if ( order == FUT_DEFAULT ) {
		order = fut1->iomask.order;

	/* adjust masks for iomask_check below */
	pmask &= fut0->iomask.out;		/* available for "pass through" */
	if ( omask == 0 ) {				/* required outputs (0 means all) */
		omask = fut1->iomask.out;

	/* see if fut0 can provide required inputs to fut1 */
	imask = fut0->iomask.out;		/* available inputs for fut1 */
	iomask = FUT_OUT(omask) | FUT_IN(imask) | FUT_PASS(pmask);
	if ( ! fut_iomask_check (fut1, iomask) ) {
		return (NULL);

	/* make sure the futs are in the reference state */
	if ((fut_to_mft (fut0) != 1) || (fut_to_mft (fut1) != 1)) {
		return (NULL);

	/* fut1 will be used to process the grid tables of fut0, placing the
	 * results in the grid tables of fut2.  Fut0's grid table data must first
	 * be passed through its output tables before sending it through fut1's
	 * input tables.  This is accomplished more efficiently by composing
	 * fut1's input tables with fut0's output tables and using these directly
	 * on fut0 grid data rather than the normal input tables.
	 * Create the result fut (fut2) which will be the composition of fut1
	 * and fut0.  Fut2 will inherit the input tables of fut0 and the output
	 * tables of fut1.  Its grid data will be in the same color coordinates
	 * as fut1's.
	fut2 = fut_new (FUT_IN(FUT_ALLIN), fut0->itbl, NULL, NULL);
	if ( fut2 == NULL ) {
		return (NULL);

	/* for each desired channel i in fut2, create a new grid table.  The
	 * dimensions of each new grid table are derived from fut0 and fut1
	 * like so:  for every input required for channel i of fut1, form the
	 * union of the input sets of all corresponding fut0 outputs.

	/* null all io tables and table pointers */
	KpMemSet (oitbls, 0, sizeof(oitbls));

	imask = 0;			/* will be the input mask for all inputs needed to fut1 */
	evalomask = 0;		/* omask for evaluation */

	for (i = 0; (i < FUT_NOCHAN) && ok; i++) {
		KpInt32_t	size[FUT_NICHAN];
		fut_gtbl_p	gtbl;
		KpInt32_t	imask1, imask2;

		fut1_gtbls[i] = NULL;	/* assume not needed */

		if ((omask & FUT_BIT(i)) == 0) {	/* is this output channel needed? */
			continue;						/* no */

		/* if a specified output is to be passed through from fut0, do that here */
		if ( ! IS_CHAN(fut1->chan[i]) && IS_CHAN(fut0->chan[i])) {

			ok = fut_defchan (fut2, FUT_OUT(FUT_BIT(i)), NULL,
							fut0->chan[i]->gtbl, fut0->chan[i]->otbl);

			continue;			/* no need to evaluate this ochan */

		if (! IS_CHAN(fut1->chan[i])) {
			ok = 0;						/* something wrong */
			goto GetOut;

		/* At this point we know that (fut1->chan[i] != 0).  We also
		 * have determined (from iomask_check above) that fut0->chan[j] != 0.
		imask2 = 0;						/* determine inputs from fut0 needed for this channel */
		imask1 = fut1->chan[i]->imask;	/* inputs used by this chan */

		for (j = 0; (j < FUT_NICHAN) && ok; j++) {
			if ((imask1 & FUT_BIT(j)) != 0) {		/* this input chan is needed */
				if ( ! IS_CHAN(fut0->chan[j])) {	/* available? */
					ok = 0;							/* composition fails */
					goto GetOut;

				if (fut1->itbl[j] != fut1->chan[i]->itbl[j]) {	/* shared itbl? */
					goto nextOChan;								/* nope, ignore this ochan */

				imask2 |= fut0->chan[j]->imask;

		evalomask |= FUT_BIT(i);	/* will be evalutating this channel */
		imask |= imask1;			/* build mask of all needed inputs */
		/* determine required dimensions from mask */
		for (j = 0; j < FUT_NICHAN; j++) {
			size[j] = (imask2 & (KpInt32_t)FUT_BIT(j)) ? fut0->itbl[j]->size : 1;

		/* create the new grid table
		 * insert it along with fut1's output table into fut2
		gtbl = fut_new_gtblEx (FUT_IN(FUT_ALLIN), NULL, NULL, size);
		ok = fut_defchan (fut2, FUT_OUT(FUT_BIT(i)), NULL, gtbl, fut1->chan[i]->otbl);
		fut_free_gtbl (gtbl);
		if (!ok) {
			goto GetOut;

		fut1_gtbls[i] = fut1->chan[i]->gtbl;	/* collect gtbls for evaluation fut */

		/* verify the input data for the evaluation of the output channel in fut1 */
		for (j = 0; j < FUT_NICHAN; j++) {
			if ((imask1 & FUT_BIT(j)) != 0) {									/* this channel needed as input */
				if ((fut0->chan[j]->imask & (~fut2->chan[i]->imask)) != 0) {	/* it's inputs must be used by output */
					ok = 0;				/* composition fails */
					goto GetOut;

	/* collect the gtbls which are the input data for the chan evaluation.
	 * also pre-compose fut0's otbls with fut1's itbls.
	for (i = 0; i < FUT_NICHAN; i++) {
		oitbls[i] = NULL;

		if (ok) {
			fut_chan_p theChan = fut0->chan[i];
			if ((imask & FUT_BIT(i)) == 0) {
				continue;				/* this output from fut0 not required */

			indat[i] = theChan->gtbl->refTbl;	/* collect gtbls: the input data for the evaluation */

			ok = (indat[i] != NULL);
			/* allocate memory for composed i/o tables
			 * these have the same size as the output tables of the channel supplying the input */
			if (ok) {
				fut_itbl_p	theITbl = fut1->itbl[i];
				fut_otbl_p	theOTbl = theChan->otbl;

				oitbls[i] = fut_alloc_itbl ();		/* get an itbl */

				oitbls[i]->size = theITbl->size;
				oitbls[i]->dataClass = KCP_FIXED_RANGE;

				nEntries = MAX(theITbl->refTblEntries, theOTbl->refTblEntries);

				ok = (fut_alloc_imftdat (oitbls[i], nEntries) != NULL);

				if (ok) {	/* make input table for evaluation */
					ok = fut_comp_iotblMF (theITbl, theOTbl, oitbls[i]);

	/* make an evaluation fut with the composed I/O tables, fut1's gtbls, and no otbls */
	evalFut = fut_new (iomask, oitbls, fut1_gtbls, NULL);
	if (( ! ok) ||
		(evalFut == NULL) ||		/* if evaluation fut ok */
		(fut_to_mft (fut2) != 1)) {	/* make sure the futs are in the reference state */
		ok = 0;
		goto GetOut;
	else {	/* Finally, we are ready to pass fut0's grid tables through fut1 */
		for (i = 0, nOutChans = 0; (i < FUT_NOCHAN) && ok; i++) {
			if ((evalomask & FUT_BIT(i)) != 0) {
				fut_gtbl_p	gtbl;
				gtbl = fut2->chan[i]->gtbl;
				nGridPoints = gtbl->tbl_size / sizeof (fut_gtbldat_t);	/* grid points for eval */

				if (evalFut->iomask.in != evalFut->chan[i]->imask) {	/* must evaluate this channel singly */
					evalomask &= ~FUT_BIT(i);							/* remove channel from multiple eval list */
					ok = evaluateFut (evalFut, FUT_BIT(i), KCM_USHORT, nGridPoints,
									(KpGenericPtr_t FAR*) indat, (KpGenericPtr_t FAR*) &(gtbl->refTbl));
				else {
					outdat[nOutChans] = gtbl->refTbl;


		/* eval result is composed fut's gtbls */
		ok = evaluateFut (evalFut, evalomask, KCM_USHORT, nGridPoints,
						 (KpGenericPtr_t FAR*) indat, (KpGenericPtr_t FAR*) outdat);

	/* must always free up the evaluation fut and io tables, even if an error occurred! */
	fut_free (evalFut);
	fut_free_tbls (FUT_NICHAN, (void *)oitbls);

	/* check for errors */
	if ( !ok ) {
		fut_free (fut2);
		fut2 = NULL;

	return (fut2);