uint16_t FX_GetCodePageBit(uint16_t wCodePage) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_Bit2CodePage); ++i) {
    if (g_Bit2CodePage[i].wCodePage == wCodePage)
      return g_Bit2CodePage[i].wBit;
  return (uint16_t)-1;
Exemple #2
CPDF_Font* CPDF_Font::CreateFontF(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
                                  CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict) {
  CFX_ByteString type = pFontDict->GetStringBy("Subtype");
  std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Font> pFont;
  if (type == "TrueType") {
    CFX_ByteString tag = pFontDict->GetStringBy("BaseFont").Left(4);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(kChineseFontNames); ++i) {
      if (tag == CFX_ByteString(kChineseFontNames[i], 4)) {
        CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDesc = pFontDict->GetDictBy("FontDescriptor");
        if (!pFontDesc || !pFontDesc->KeyExist("FontFile2"))
          pFont.reset(new CPDF_CIDFont);
    if (!pFont)
      pFont.reset(new CPDF_TrueTypeFont);
  } else if (type == "Type3") {
    pFont.reset(new CPDF_Type3Font);
  } else if (type == "Type0") {
    pFont.reset(new CPDF_CIDFont);
  } else {
    pFont.reset(new CPDF_Type1Font);
  pFont->m_pFontDict = pFontDict;
  pFont->m_pDocument = pDoc;
  pFont->m_BaseFont = pFontDict->GetStringBy("BaseFont");
  return pFont->Load() ? pFont.release() : nullptr;
TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, ConsecutiveTextCount) {
  struct ConsecutiveTextCase {
    const wchar_t* input;
    int offset;
    int expected_count;
  } consecutive_text_cases[] = {
      // Empty string contains 0 consecutive text characters.
      {L"", 0, 0},

      // Single text character is 1 consecutive text characters.
      {L"X", 0, 1},

      // Trailing numbers count as text characters.
      {L"X123", 0, 4},

      // Leading numbers count as text characters.
      {L"123X", 0, 4},

      // Embedded lo-value binary characters terminate text runs.
      {L"ABC\x0001XXXX", 0, 3},

      // Embedded hi-value binary characters terminate text runs.
      {L"ABC\x0100XXXX", 0, 3},

      // Text run still found after indexing past lo-value character.
      {L"ABC\x0001XXXX", 4, 4},

      // Text run still found after indexing past hi-value character.
      {L"ABC\x0100XXXX", 4, 4},

      // Leading hi-value character results in 0 consecutive characters.
      {L"\x0100XXX", 0, 0},

      // Up to 12 numbers count as text.
      {L"123456789012", 0, 12},

      // 13 or more numbers are compresssed using numeric compression, not text.
      {L"1234567890123", 0, 0},

      // Leading Text character doesn't affect the 12 character case.
      {L"X123456789012", 0, 13},

      // Leading Text character doesn't affect the 13 character case.
      {L"X1234567890123", 0, 1},

      // Jumping between numbers and letters works properly.
      {L"XXX121XXX12345678901234", 0, 9},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(consecutive_text_cases); ++i) {
    ConsecutiveTextCase* ptr = &consecutive_text_cases[i];
    CFX_WideString input(ptr->input);
    int actual_count =
    EXPECT_EQ(ptr->expected_count, actual_count) << " for case number " << i;
    : m_pCheckBoxTP(new CFWL_CheckBoxTP),
      m_pListBoxTP(new CFWL_ListBoxTP),
      m_pPictureBoxTP(new CFWL_PictureBoxTP),
      m_pSrollBarTP(new CFWL_ScrollBarTP),
      m_pEditTP(new CFWL_EditTP),
      m_pComboBoxTP(new CFWL_ComboBoxTP),
      m_pMonthCalendarTP(new CFWL_MonthCalendarTP),
      m_pDateTimePickerTP(new CFWL_DateTimePickerTP),
      m_pPushButtonTP(new CFWL_PushButtonTP),
      m_pCaretTP(new CFWL_CaretTP),
      m_pBarcodeTP(new CFWL_BarcodeTP),
      m_pTextOut(new CFDE_TextOut),
      m_pApp(pApp) {

  for (size_t i = 0; !m_pCalendarFont && i < FX_ArraySize(g_FWLTheme_CalFonts);
       ++i) {
    m_pCalendarFont = CFGAS_GEFont::LoadFont(g_FWLTheme_CalFonts[i], 0, 0,
  if (!m_pCalendarFont) {
    m_pCalendarFont = m_pApp->GetFDEFontMgr()->GetFontByCodePage(
        FX_CODEPAGE_MSWin_WesternEuropean, 0, nullptr);

Exemple #5
int CPDF_FontEncoding::CharCodeFromUnicode(wchar_t unicode) const {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(m_Unicodes); i++) {
    if (m_Unicodes[i] == unicode)
      return i;
  return -1;
Exemple #6
bool CFX_FontMgr::GetBuiltinFont(size_t index,
                                 const uint8_t** pFontData,
                                 uint32_t* size) {
  if (index < FX_ArraySize(g_FoxitFonts)) {
    *pFontData = g_FoxitFonts[index].m_pFontData;
    *size = g_FoxitFonts[index].m_dwSize;
    return true;
  index -= FX_ArraySize(g_FoxitFonts);
  if (index < FX_ArraySize(g_MMFonts)) {
    *pFontData = g_MMFonts[index].m_pFontData;
    *size = g_MMFonts[index].m_dwSize;
    return true;
  return false;
Exemple #7
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, DateTimeFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* input;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30Z",
       L"'At' time{HH:MM Z} 'on' date{MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 GMT on Jul 16, 1999"},
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30", L"'At' time{HH:MM} 'on' date{MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 on Jul 16, 1999"},
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30Z",
       L"time{'At' HH:MM Z} date{'on' MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 GMT on Jul 16, 1999"},
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30Z",
       L"time{'At 'HH:MM Z}date{' on 'MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 GMT on Jul 16, 1999"}};

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
                    ->FormatDateTime(tests[i].input, tests[i].pattern,
                                     FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;
Exemple #8
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, DateParse) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* input;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    CFX_DateTime output;
  } tests[] = {
      {L"en", L"12/2/99", L"MM/D/YY", CFX_DateTime(1999, 12, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"2/2/99", L"M/D/YY", CFX_DateTime(1999, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"2/2/10", L"M/D/YY", CFX_DateTime(2010, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"Jan 10, 1999", L"MMM D, YYYY",
       CFX_DateTime(1999, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"Jan 10, 1999 AD", L"MMM D, YYYY G",
       CFX_DateTime(1999, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      // TODO(dsinclair): Should this be -2 instead of 2?
      {L"en", L"Jan 10, 0002 BC", L"MMM D, YYYY G",
       CFX_DateTime(2, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"October 25, 2002", L"MMMM DD, YYYY",
       CFX_DateTime(2002, 10, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      // TODO(dsinclair): The J and JJJ are ignored during parsing when they
      // could be turned back into a date.
      {L"en", L"1999-33", L"YYYY-J", CFX_DateTime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"1999-033", L"YYYY-JJJ", CFX_DateTime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"de_CH", L"30. Oktober 2004", L"D. MMMM YYYY",
       CFX_DateTime(2004, 10, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"fr_CA", L"30 octobre 2004", L"D MMMM YYYY",
       CFX_DateTime(2004, 10, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"Saturday, the 1 of January, 2000",
       L"EEEE, 'the' D 'of' MMMM, YYYY", CFX_DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"Sat, the 1 of January, 2000", L"EEE, 'the' D 'of' MMMM, YYYY",
       CFX_DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"7, the 1 of January, 2000",  // 7 == Saturday as 1 == Sunday
       L"E, 'the' D 'of' MMMM, YYYY", CFX_DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"6, the 1 of January, 2000",  // 6 == Saturday as 1 == Monday
       L"e, 'the' D 'of' MMMM, YYYY", CFX_DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"2004-07-22 Week of the month is 3",
       L"YYYY-MM-DD 'Week of the month is' w",
       CFX_DateTime(2004, 7, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      {L"en", L"2004-07-22 Week of the year is 03",
       L"YYYY-MM-DD 'Week of the year is' WW",
       CFX_DateTime(2004, 7, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0)}
      // {L"ja", L"H15/11/3", L"gY/M/D", CFX_DateTime(2003, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      // {L"ja", L"\u5e731-1-8", L"ggY-M-D", CFX_DateTime(1989, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0,
      // 0)}, {L"ja", L"\u5e73\u621089/11/03", L"gggYY/MM/DD",
      //  CFX_DateTime(1989, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0)},
      // {L"ja", L"u337b99/01/08", L"\u0067\u0067YY/MM/DD",
      //  CFX_DateTime(1999, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0)}
  // Note, none of the full width date symbols are listed here as they are
  // not supported. In theory there are the full width versions of DDD,
  // DDDD, MMM, MMMM, E, e, gg, YYY, YYYYY.

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    CFX_DateTime result;
                    ->ParseDateTime(tests[i].input, tests[i].pattern,
                                    FX_DATETIMETYPE_Date, &result));
    EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].output, result) << " TEST: " << i;
TEST(SimpleParserTest, FindTagParamFromStart) {
  struct FindTagTestStruct {
    const unsigned char* input;
    unsigned int input_size;
    const char* token;
    int num_params;
    bool result;
    unsigned int result_pos;
  } test_data[] = {
      // Empty strings.
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("", "Tj", 1, false, 0),
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("", "", 1, false, 0),
      // Empty token.
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("  T j", "", 1, false, 5),
      // No parameter.
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("Tj", "Tj", 1, false, 2),
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("(Tj", "Tj", 1, false, 3),
      // Partial token match.
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("\r12\t34  56 78Tj", "Tj", 1, false, 15),
      // Regular cases with various parameters.
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("\r\0abd Tj", "Tj", 1, true, 0),
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("12 4 Tj 3 46 Tj", "Tj", 1, true, 2),
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("er^ 2 (34) (5667) Tj", "Tj", 2, true, 5),
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("<344> (232)\t343.4\n12 45 Tj", "Tj", 3, true, 11),
      STR_IN_TEST_CASE("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cm", "cm", 6, true, 3),
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(test_data); ++i) {
    const FindTagTestStruct& data = test_data[i];
    CPDF_SimpleParser parser(data.input, data.input_size);
              parser.FindTagParamFromStart(data.token, data.num_params))
        << " for case " << i;
    EXPECT_EQ(data.result_pos, parser.GetCurPos()) << " for case " << i;
Exemple #10
TEST_F(FPDFStructTreeEmbedderTest, GetType) {
  FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);

    ScopedFPDFStructTree struct_tree(FPDF_StructTree_GetForPage(page));
    ASSERT_EQ(1, FPDF_StructTree_CountChildren(struct_tree.get()));

        FPDF_StructTree_GetChildAtIndex(struct_tree.get(), 0);
    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, element);

    unsigned short buffer[12];
    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    // Deliberately pass in a small buffer size to make sure |buffer| remains
    // untouched.
    ASSERT_EQ(18U, FPDF_StructElement_GetType(element, buffer, 1));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(buffer); ++i)
      EXPECT_EQ(0U, buffer[i]);

    ASSERT_EQ(18U, FPDF_StructElement_GetType(element, buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
    const wchar_t kExpected[] = L"Document";
              WideString::FromUTF16LE(buffer, FXSYS_len(kExpected)));

Exemple #11
std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Object> CPDF_FontEncoding::Realize(
    WeakPtr<ByteStringPool> pPool) {
  int predefined = 0;
       cs++) {
    const uint16_t* pSrc = PDF_UnicodesForPredefinedCharSet(cs);
    bool match = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(m_Unicodes); i++) {
      if (m_Unicodes[i] != pSrc[i]) {
        match = false;
    if (match) {
      predefined = cs;
  if (predefined) {
    const char* pName;
    if (predefined == PDFFONT_ENCODING_WINANSI)
      pName = "WinAnsiEncoding";
    else if (predefined == PDFFONT_ENCODING_MACROMAN)
      pName = "MacRomanEncoding";
    else if (predefined == PDFFONT_ENCODING_MACEXPERT)
      pName = "MacExpertEncoding";
      return nullptr;

    return pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Name>(pPool, pName);
  const uint16_t* pStandard =
  auto pDiff = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Array>();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(m_Unicodes); i++) {
    if (pStandard[i] == m_Unicodes[i])


  auto pDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>(pPool);
  pDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("BaseEncoding", "WinAnsiEncoding");
  pDict->SetFor("Differences", std::move(pDiff));
  return std::move(pDict);
void PDF_ReplaceAbbr(CPDF_Object* pObj) {
  switch (pObj->GetType()) {
      CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pObj->AsDictionary();
      for (const auto& it : *pDict) {
        CFX_ByteString key = it.first;
        CPDF_Object* value = it.second;
        CFX_ByteStringC fullname = PDF_FindFullName(
            PDF_InlineKeyAbbr, FX_ArraySize(PDF_InlineKeyAbbr), key);
        if (!fullname.IsEmpty()) {
          pDict->ReplaceKey(key, fullname);
          key = fullname;

        if (value->IsName()) {
          CFX_ByteString name = value->GetString();
          fullname = PDF_FindFullName(PDF_InlineValueAbbr,
                                      FX_ArraySize(PDF_InlineValueAbbr), name);
          if (!fullname.IsEmpty()) {
            pDict->SetAtName(key, fullname);
        } else {
    case PDFOBJ_ARRAY: {
      CPDF_Array* pArray = pObj->AsArray();
      for (FX_DWORD i = 0; i < pArray->GetCount(); i++) {
        CPDF_Object* pElement = pArray->GetElement(i);
        if (pElement->IsName()) {
          CFX_ByteString name = pElement->GetString();
          CFX_ByteStringC fullname = PDF_FindFullName(
              PDF_InlineValueAbbr, FX_ArraySize(PDF_InlineValueAbbr), name);
          if (!fullname.IsEmpty()) {
            pArray->SetAt(i, new CPDF_Name(fullname));
        } else {
Exemple #13
void CPDF_ModuleMgr::LoadEmbeddedKorea1CMaps()
    CPDF_FontGlobals* pFontGlobals = CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->GetPageModule()->GetFontGlobals();
    pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedCharsets[CIDSET_KOREA1].m_pMapList = g_FXCMAP_Korea1_cmaps;
    pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedCharsets[CIDSET_KOREA1].m_Count = FX_ArraySize(g_FXCMAP_Korea1_cmaps);
    pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedToUnicodes[CIDSET_KOREA1].m_pMap = g_FXCMAP_Korea1CID2Unicode_2;
    pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedToUnicodes[CIDSET_KOREA1].m_Count = 18352;
Exemple #14
FX_BOOL CPWL_FontMap::IsStandardFont(const CFX_ByteString& sFontName) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_sDEStandardFontName); ++i) {
    if (sFontName == g_sDEStandardFontName[i])
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
Exemple #15
    : m_pCID2UnicodeMap(nullptr),
      m_bAdobeCourierStd(false) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(m_CharBBox); ++i)
    m_CharBBox[i] = FX_RECT(-1, -1, -1, -1);
Exemple #16
CPDF_FontEncoding::CPDF_FontEncoding(int PredefinedEncoding) {
  const uint16_t* pSrc = PDF_UnicodesForPredefinedCharSet(PredefinedEncoding);
  if (!pSrc) {
    memset(m_Unicodes, 0, sizeof(m_Unicodes));
  } else {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(m_Unicodes); i++)
      m_Unicodes[i] = pSrc[i];
Exemple #17
wchar_t FX_GetArabicFromShaddaTable(wchar_t shadda) {
  static const size_t s_iShaddaCount = FX_ArraySize(gs_FX_ShaddaTable);
  for (size_t iStart = 0; iStart < s_iShaddaCount; iStart++) {
    const FX_ARASHADDA& v = gs_FX_ShaddaTable[iStart];
    if (v.wShadda == shadda)
      return v.wIsolated;
  return shadda;
Exemple #18
CFX_FontMapper::~CFX_FontMapper() {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(m_FoxitFaces); ++i) {
    if (m_FoxitFaces[i])
  if (m_MMFaces[0])
  if (m_MMFaces[1])
Exemple #19
void CPDF_ModuleMgr::LoadEmbeddedGB1CMaps() {
  CPDF_FontGlobals* pFontGlobals =
  pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedCharsets[CIDSET_GB1].m_pMapList = g_FXCMAP_GB1_cmaps;
  pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedCharsets[CIDSET_GB1].m_Count =
  pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedToUnicodes[CIDSET_GB1].m_pMap =
  pFontGlobals->m_EmbeddedToUnicodes[CIDSET_GB1].m_Count = 30284;
Exemple #20
int PDF_GetStandardFontName(CFX_ByteString* name) {
  AltFontName* found = static_cast<AltFontName*>(
      FXSYS_bsearch(name->c_str(), g_AltFontNames, FX_ArraySize(g_AltFontNames),
                    sizeof(AltFontName), CompareString));
  if (!found)
    return -1;

  *name = g_Base14FontNames[found->m_Index];
  return found->m_Index;
int CPDF_Type3Font::GetCharWidthF(uint32_t charcode, int level) {
  if (charcode >= FX_ArraySize(m_CharWidthL))
    charcode = 0;

  if (m_CharWidthL[charcode])
    return m_CharWidthL[charcode];

  const CPDF_Type3Char* pChar = LoadChar(charcode, level);
  return pChar ? pChar->m_Width : 0;
void CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Inverse() {
  for (size_t l = 0; l < FX_ArraySize(MIXED); ++l)
    MIXED[l] = -1;

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(TEXT_MIXED_RAW); ++i) {
    uint8_t b = TEXT_MIXED_RAW[i];
    if (b != 0)
      MIXED[b] = i;

  for (size_t l = 0; l < FX_ArraySize(PUNCTUATION); ++l)
    PUNCTUATION[l] = -1;

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(TEXT_PUNCTUATION_RAW); ++i) {
    uint8_t b = TEXT_PUNCTUATION_RAW[i];
    if (b != 0)
      PUNCTUATION[b] = i;
Exemple #23
TEST(CPDF_LinkExtractTest, CheckMailLink) {
  CPDF_TestLinkExtract extractor;
  // Check cases that fail to extract valid mail link.
  const wchar_t* const invalid_strs[] = {
      L"peter.pan",       // '@' is required.
      L"abc@server",      // Domain name needs at least one '.'.
      L"*****@*****.**",  // '.' can not immediately precede '@'.
      L"abc@xyz&q.org",   // Domain name should not contain '&'.
      L"*****@*****.**",    // Domain name should not start with '.'.
      L"*****@*****.**"       // Domain name should not have consecutive '.'
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(invalid_strs); ++i) {
    const wchar_t* const input = invalid_strs[i];
    WideString text_str(input);
    EXPECT_FALSE(extractor.CheckMailLink(&text_str)) << input;

  // Check cases that can extract valid mail link.
  // An array of {input_string, expected_extracted_email_address}.
  const wchar_t* const valid_strs[][2] = {
      {L"[email protected]", L"[email protected]"},
      {L"*****@*****.**", L"*****@*****.**"},
      {L"*****@*****.**", L"*****@*****.**"},  // '_' is ok before '@'.
       L"*****@*****.**"},                  // '-' is ok in user name.
      {L"*****@*****.**", L"*****@*****.**"},    // Stop at consecutive '.'.
      {L"*****@*****.**", L"*****@*****.**"},  // Remove heading '.'.
      {L"[email protected]?/", L"*****@*****.**"},       // Trim ending invalid chars.
      {L"fan{[email protected]", L"*****@*****.**"},     // Trim beginning invalid chars.
      {L"[email protected]..", L"*****@*****.**"},           // Trim the ending periods.
      {L"*****@*****.**", L"*****@*****.**"},  // Keep the original case.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(valid_strs); ++i) {
    const wchar_t* const input = valid_strs[i][0];
    WideString text_str(input);
    WideString expected_str(L"mailto:");
    expected_str += valid_strs[i][1];
    EXPECT_TRUE(extractor.CheckMailLink(&text_str)) << input;
    EXPECT_STREQ(expected_str.c_str(), text_str.c_str());
Exemple #24
const uint8_t* CPDF_CIDFont::GetCIDTransform(uint16_t CID) const {
  if (m_Charset != CIDSET_JAPAN1 || m_pFontFile)
    return nullptr;

  const auto* pEnd = g_Japan1_VertCIDs + FX_ArraySize(g_Japan1_VertCIDs);
  const auto* pTransform = std::lower_bound(
      g_Japan1_VertCIDs, pEnd, CID,
      [](const CIDTransform& entry, uint16_t cid) { return entry.cid < cid; });
  return (pTransform < pEnd && CID == pTransform->cid) ? &pTransform->a
                                                       : nullptr;
CPDF_FormControl::HighlightingMode CPDF_FormControl::GetHighlightingMode() {
    if (!m_pWidgetDict)
        return Invert;

    CFX_ByteString csH = m_pWidgetDict->GetStringBy("H", "I");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_sHighlightingMode); ++i) {
        if (csH == g_sHighlightingMode[i])
            return static_cast<HighlightingMode>(i);
    return Invert;
Exemple #26
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, NullFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {{L"en", L"null{'n/a'}", L"n/a"}, {L"en", L"null{}", L""}};

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
    EXPECT_TRUE(fmt(tests[i].locale)->FormatNull(tests[i].pattern, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;
Exemple #27
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, TimeFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* input;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {{L"en", L"01:01:11", L"h:M A", L"1:1 AM"},
               {L"en", L"13:01:11", L"h:M A", L"1:1 PM"},
               {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A", L"01:01:11 AM"},
               {L"en", L"13:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A", L"01:01:11 PM"},
               {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A Z", L"01:01:11 AM GMT-02:00"},
               {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A z", L"01:01:11 AM -02:00"},
               // {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A zz", L"01:01:11 AM GMT"},
               // Should change ?*+ into ' ' when formatting.
               // {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS?*+A", L"01:01:11   AM"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:01", L"k:MM:SS", L"12:01:01"},
               {L"en", L"14:01:01", L"k:MM:SS", L"2:01:01"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:11", L"kk:MM", L"12:01"},
               {L"en", L"14:01:11", L"kk:MM", L"02:01"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:11 +04:30", L"kk:MM", L"05:31"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:11", L"kk:MM A", L"12:01 PM"},
               {L"en", L"00:01:01", L"H:M:S", L"0:1:1"},
               {L"en", L"13:02:11", L"H:M:S", L"13:2:11"},
               {L"en", L"00:01:11.001", L"HH:M:S.FFF", L"00:1:11.001"},
               {L"en", L"13:02:11", L"HH:M", L"13:2"},
               {L"en", L"00:01:11", L"K:M", L"24:1"},
               {L"en", L"00:02:11", L"KK:M", L"24:2"},
               {L"en", L"11:11:11", L"HH:MM:SS 'o''clock' A Z",
                L"11:11:11 o'clock AM GMT-02:00"},
               {L"en", L"14:30:59", L"h:MM A", L"2:30 PM"},
               {L"en", L"14:30:59", L"HH:MM:SS A Z", L"14:30:59 PM GMT-02:00"}};
  // Note, none of the full width time symbols are listed here
  // as they are not supported. In theory there are the full
  // width versions of kkk, kkkk, HHH, HHHH, KKK, KKKK, MMM, MMMM,
  // SSS, SSSS plus 2 more that the spec apparently forgot to
  // list the symbol.

  // The z modifier only appends if the TZ is outside of +0

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
                    ->FormatDateTime(tests[i].input, tests[i].pattern,
                                     FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;

Exemple #28
TEST(SimpleParserTest, GetWord) {
  static const pdfium::StrFuncTestData test_data[] = {
      // Empty src string.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("", ""),
      // Content with whitespaces only.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \t \0 \n", ""),
      // Content with comments only.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("%this is a test case\r\n%2nd line", ""),
      // Mixed whitespaces and comments.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \t \0%try()%haha\n %another line \aa", ""),
      // Name.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" /Tester ", "/Tester"),
      // String.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t(nice day)!\n ", "(nice day)"),
      // String with nested braces.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t(It is a (long) day)!\n ", "(It is a (long) day)"),
      // String with escaped chars.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t(It is a \\(long\\) day!)hi\n ",
                      "(It is a \\(long\\) day!)"),
      // Hex string.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \n<4545acdfedertt>abc ", "<4545acdfedertt>"),
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \n<4545a<ed>ertt>abc ", "<4545a<ed>"),
      // Dictionary.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("<</oc 234 /color 2 3 R>>", "<<"),
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t\t<< /abc>>", "<<"),
      // Handling ending delimiters.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("> little bear", ">"),
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(") another bear", ")"), STR_IN_OUT_CASE(">> end ", ">>"),
      // No ending delimiters.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("(sdfgfgbcv", "(sdfgfgbcv"),
      // Regular cases.
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("apple pear", "apple"),
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" pi=3.1415 ", "pi=3.1415"),
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" p t x c ", "p"), STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" pt\0xc ", "pt"),
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" $^&&*\t\0sdff ", "$^&&*"),
      STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\n\r+3.5656 -11.0", "+3.5656"),
  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(test_data); ++i) {
    const pdfium::StrFuncTestData& data = test_data[i];
    CPDF_SimpleParser parser(pdfium::make_span(data.input, data.input_size));
    ByteStringView word = parser.GetWord();
    EXPECT_EQ(data.expected_size, word.GetLength()) << " for case " << i;
    if (data.expected_size != word.GetLength())
        0, memcmp(data.expected, word.unterminated_c_str(), data.expected_size))
        << " for case " << i;
bool CXFA_FMCallExpression::IsBuildInFunc(CFX_WideTextBuf* funcName) {
  uint32_t uHash = FX_HashCode_GetW(funcName->AsStringC(), true);
  const XFA_FMBuildInFunc* pEnd = g_BuildInFuncs + FX_ArraySize(g_BuildInFuncs);
  const XFA_FMBuildInFunc* pFunc =
      std::lower_bound(g_BuildInFuncs, pEnd, uHash,
                       [](const XFA_FMBuildInFunc& func, uint32_t hash) {
                         return func.m_uHash < hash;
  if (pFunc < pEnd && uHash == pFunc->m_uHash) {
    *funcName << pFunc->m_buildinfunc;
    return true;
  return false;
TEST(XfaUtilsImp, XFA_MapRotation) {
  struct TestCase {
    int input;
    int expected_output;
  } TestCases[] = {{-1000000, 80}, {-361, 359}, {-360, 0},  {-359, 1},
                   {-91, 269},     {-90, 270},  {-89, 271}, {-1, 359},
                   {0, 0},         {1, 1},      {89, 89},   {90, 90},
                   {91, 91},       {359, 359},  {360, 0},   {361, 1},
                   {100000, 280}};

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(TestCases); ++i) {