Exemple #1
void F_CastDrawer (void)
    spritedef_t*	sprdef;
    spriteframe_t*	sprframe;
    int			lump;
    boolean		flip;
    patch_t*		patch;
    // erase the entire screen to a background
    V_DrawPatch (0, 0, W_CacheLumpName (DEH_String("BOSSBACK"), PU_CACHE));

    F_CastPrint (DEH_String(castorder[castnum].name));
    // draw the current frame in the middle of the screen
    sprdef = &sprites[caststate->sprite];
    sprframe = &sprdef->spriteframes[ caststate->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK];
    lump = sprframe->lump[castangle]; // [crispy] turnable cast
    flip = (boolean)sprframe->flip[castangle]; // [crispy] turnable cast
    patch = W_CacheLumpNum (lump+firstspritelump, PU_CACHE);
    if (flip)
	V_DrawPatchFlipped(160, 170, patch);
	V_DrawPatch(160, 170, patch);
Exemple #2
// F_CastDrawer
static void F_CastDrawer(void)
    spritedef_t         *sprdef;
    spriteframe_t       *sprframe;
    int                 lump;
    int                 rot = 0;
    dboolean            flip;
    patch_t             *patch;
    int                 y = ORIGINALHEIGHT - 30;
    mobjtype_t          type = castorder[castnum].type;

    // erase the entire screen to a background
    V_DrawPatch(0, 0, 0, W_CacheLumpName(bgcastcall, PU_CACHE));


    // draw the current frame in the middle of the screen
    sprdef = &sprites[caststate->sprite];
    sprframe = &sprdef->spriteframes[caststate->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK];
    if (sprframe->rotate)
        rot = castrot;
    lump = sprframe->lump[rot];
    flip = !!(sprframe->flip & (1 << rot));

    patch = W_CacheLumpNum(lump + firstspritelump, PU_CACHE);

    patch->topoffset = spritetopoffset[lump] >> FRACBITS;

    if (type == MT_SKULL)
        y -= 30;
    else if (type == MT_PAIN || (type == MT_HEAD && !castdeath))
        y -= 20;

    if (flip || castdeathflip)
        patch->leftoffset = (spritewidth[lump] - spriteoffset[lump]) >> FRACBITS;

        if (r_shadows && ((type != MT_SKULL && type != MT_PAIN) || !castdeath))
            if (r_translucency)
                if (type == MT_SHADOWS)
                    V_DrawFlippedSpectreShadowPatch(ORIGINALWIDTH / 2, ORIGINALHEIGHT - 28, patch);
                    V_DrawFlippedShadowPatch(ORIGINALWIDTH / 2, ORIGINALHEIGHT - 28, patch);
                V_DrawFlippedSolidShadowPatch(ORIGINALWIDTH / 2, ORIGINALHEIGHT - 28, patch);

        if (r_translucency && (type == MT_SKULL || (type == MT_PAIN && castdeath)))
            V_DrawFlippedTranslucentRedPatch(ORIGINALWIDTH / 2, y, patch);
        else if (type == MT_SHADOWS)
            V_DrawFlippedFuzzPatch(ORIGINALWIDTH / 2, y, patch);
            V_DrawFlippedPatch(ORIGINALWIDTH / 2, y, patch);
Exemple #3
OVERLAY void F_CastDrawer (void)
  spritedef_t*        sprdef;
  spriteframe_t*      sprframe;
  int                 lump;
  boolean             flip;
  // erase the entire screen to a background
  // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
  V_DrawNamePatch(0,0,0, bgcastcall, NULL, VPT_STRETCH); // Ty 03/30/98 bg texture extern

  F_CastPrint (*(castorder[castnum].name));
  // draw the current frame in the middle of the screen
  sprdef = &sprites[caststate->sprite];
  sprframe = &sprdef->spriteframes[ caststate->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK];
  lump = sprframe->lump[0];
  flip = (boolean)sprframe->flip[0];

  // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
  V_DrawNumPatch(160, 170, 0, lump+firstspritelump, NULL, 
		 (enum patch_translation_e)(VPT_STRETCH | (flip ? VPT_FLIP : 0)));