Exemple #1
Bool_t myAna::Process(Long64_t entry)
  for (size_t p=0; p<7; p++)

  string RUN = Form("%i",runNumber);

  std::string BEAM   = TB_RUNS_DATA.get<std::string>(RUN+".BEAM");
  std::string ENERGY = TB_RUNS_DATA.get<std::string>(RUN+".ENERGY");
  std::string SENSOR = TB_RUNS_DATA.get<std::string>(RUN+".SENSOR");
  std::string HV1    = TB_RUNS_DATA.get<std::string>(RUN+".HV1");
  std::string HV2    = TB_RUNS_DATA.get<std::string>(RUN+".HV2");

  Char_t set = 0;
  if (SENSOR=="P120" || SENSOR=="N120") set = 1;
  else if (SENSOR=="P200" || SENSOR=="N200") set = 2;
  else if (SENSOR=="P300" || SENSOR=="N300") set = 3;
  else Abort(Form("Mission Abort! The set does not existe pas.  Sensor=%s", SENSOR.c_str()));
  //cout<<"\t Run number = **"<<RUN<<"**   BEAM ="<<BEAM<<endl;
  //Info("Process loop", "\t Run number = ** %s **   BEAM = %s", RUN.c_str(), BEAM.c_str());

  //TString msg = TString::Format("RUN: %s", RUN.c_str());
  //if (gProofServ) gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(msg);

  Float_t wc_dx = wc_recox[0]-wc_recox[1];
  Float_t wc_dy = wc_recoy[0]-wc_recoy[1];

  hists->fillProfile(runNumber, wc_dx, "WC_dx",";Run Number;Wire chambers x1-x2, mm",
		     runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], -10, 10, 1, "PER-RUN");
  hists->fillProfile(runNumber, wc_dy, "WC_dy",";Run Number;Wire chambers y1-y2, mm",
		     runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 10, 10, 1, "PER-RUN");

  UInt_t front = static_cast<UInt_t>(PadsEnum::SiPad1);
  UInt_t back  = static_cast<UInt_t>(PadsEnum::SiPad6);

  for (size_t tagIndex=0; tagIndex<4; tagIndex++)
      string tag = "_";
      if (tagIndex==1 && TB==2) continue; // Disable for June's Runs (only one energy is available)
      if (tagIndex==2) continue; // Disable for now, takes too long to run
      if (tagIndex==3) continue; // Disable for now, takes too long to run

      if (tagIndex==0) tag = "_GROUP_0_"+BEAM+"_SENSOR_"+SENSOR+"_irrHV_"+HV2;
      else if (tagIndex==1) tag = "_GROUP_1_"+BEAM+"_E"+ENERGY+"GEV_SENSOR_"+SENSOR+"_irrHV_"+HV2;
      else if (tagIndex==2 && BEAM!="NOBEAM") tag = "_GROUP_2_SENSOR_"+SENSOR+"_irrHV_"+HV2;
      else if (tagIndex==3) tag = "_RUN_"+RUN+"_"+BEAM+"_E"+ENERGY+"GEV_SENSOR_"+SENSOR+"_irrHV_"+HV2;

      if (tagIndex==1 && BEAM!="ELE") continue; // only do this for ELEctron runs, because of two energies

      hists->fill1DHist(t_at_threshold[0], "TrigDelay_Scintilator"+tag,
			";Time of Trigger (scintilator), ns; Events", 200, 150,180, 1, "Timing"+tag);

      for (size_t pad = 1; pad<7; pad++){

	string suffix = Form("%s_ch%i", PadsMap[pad].c_str(), (int)pad);

	Float_t aMiPcOr = 1.0; 
	if (TB==1 && HV2=="600" && (pad==1||pad==2||pad==3||pad==6))
	  aMiPcOr = 0.875;
	Float_t mipsInPad = wave_max[pad]/ADCperMIP[10*set+pad]/aMiPcOr;
	// ----
	// Pedestals
	// ----
	hists->fill1DHist(pedestal[pad], "Pedestal_"+suffix+tag,
			  ";Pedestal, ADC count; Events", 200, ped_offset,ped_offset+180, 1, "Other"+tag);
	hists->fill1DHist(pedestalRMS[pad], "PedestalRMS_"+suffix+tag,
			  ";Pedestal RMS (Noise), ADC count;Events", 200, 0,30, 1, "Other"+tag);

	if (tagIndex==0) {
	  //This one only do once (becasuse it's a plot Per run)
	  hists->fillProfile(runNumber, pedestal[pad], "Pedestal_PerRun_"+suffix,
			     ";Run Number;Pedestal, ADC count", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], ped_offset-50, ped_offset+300, 1, "PER-RUN");
	  //and this one
	  hists->fillProfile(runNumber, pedestalRMS[pad], "PedestalRMS_PerRun_"+suffix,
			     ";Run Number;Pedestal RMS, ADC count", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 0, 60, 1, "PER-RUN");
	const Float_t Scint = t_at_threshold[0]-trig_offset;
	// ---------------------
	// Count events here:
	FillHistoCounts(0, suffix,tag);
	if (wave_max[front]/ADCperMIP[10*set+front] < 15){
	  FillHistoCounts(1, suffix,tag);

	  if (tagIndex==0 && mipsInPad > 5  && mipsInPad < 10){
	    hists->fill1DHist(runNumber, "Events_PerRun_Cut3_"+suffix,
			      ";Run Number;Events", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 1, "PER-RUN");
	    FillHistoCounts(3, suffix,tag);
	  if (tagIndex==0 && mipsInPad > 10 && mipsInPad < 15){
	    hists->fill1DHist(runNumber, "Events_PerRun_Cut4_"+suffix,
			      ";Run Number;Events", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 1, "PER-RUN");
	    FillHistoCounts(4, suffix,tag);
	  if (tagIndex==0 && mipsInPad > 15){
	    hists->fill1DHist(runNumber, "Events_PerRun_Cut5_"+suffix,
			      ";Run Number;Events", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 1, "PER-RUN");
	    FillHistoCounts(5, suffix,tag);
	else {

	  FillHistoCounts(2, suffix,tag);
	  if (tagIndex==0 && mipsInPad > 5  && mipsInPad < 10){
	    hists->fill1DHist(runNumber, "Events_PerRun_Cut6_"+suffix,
			      ";Run Number;Events", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 1, "PER-RUN");
	    FillHistoCounts(6, suffix,tag);
	  if (tagIndex==0 && mipsInPad > 10 && mipsInPad < 15){
	    hists->fill1DHist(runNumber, "Events_PerRun_Cut7_"+suffix,
			      ";Run Number;Events", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 1, "PER-RUN");
	    FillHistoCounts(7, suffix,tag);
	  if (tagIndex==0 && mipsInPad > 15){
	    hists->fill1DHist(runNumber, "Events_PerRun_Cut8_"+suffix,
			      ";Run Number;Events", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 1, "PER-RUN");
	    FillHistoCounts(8, suffix,tag);

	// All events are accouted for..
	// -------------------
	// NOW.
	// --- Only for good signals (#Mips > X)
	// ----------------------
	if (mipsInPad > nMIPs){

	  // Here let's just plot the time delay from trigger
	  hists->fill1DHist(t_max_frac50[pad]-Scint, "TrigDelay_frac50_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Frac50 Time from trigger, ns;Events", 200, -2,4, 1,"Timing"+tag);

	  hists->fill1DHist(t_max[pad] - t_max_frac30[pad], "RisingEdge_30toMax_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Rising edge from 30% to Max, ns;Events", 200, 0.7,1.7, 1,"Timing"+tag);

	  hists->fill1DHist(t_max_frac90[pad] - t_max_frac10[pad], "RisingEdge_10to90_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Rising edge from 10% to 90%, ns;Events", 200, 0.7,1.7, 1,"Timing"+tag);

	  //hists->fill1DHist(t_max[pad], "TrigDelay_NoCorrection"+suffix,
	  //		";Time from trigger, ns;Events", 200, -20,60, 1,"Timing");

	  hists->fill1DHist(charge_integ[pad]/1000, "Charge_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Integral of the pulse (Charge) #times 1000;Events", 200, 0, 15, 1,"Pulse"+tag);

	  if (tagIndex==0 && BEAM!="NOBEAM") {
	    // This stuff only needs to be done once!

	    // Here, let's see how much would the cut on wires change the results:
	    if (fabs(wc_dx-wc_cut_x[set]) < 1 && fabs(wc_dy-wc_cut_y[set]) < 1)

	    hists->fill2DHist(wc_dx, wc_dy, "WC_dx_dy"+tag,
			      ";WC x1-x2, mm;WC y1-y2, mm;", 200, -10,10, 200, -10,10, 1,"Other"+tag);

	    // Do pedestals again, but this time only when there is signal.
	    hists->fillProfile(runNumber, pedestal[pad], "Pedestal_PerRun_WithSig_"+suffix,
			       ";Run Number;Pedestal, ADC count", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], ped_offset-50, ped_offset+300, 1, "PER-RUN");
	    hists->fillProfile(runNumber, pedestalRMS[pad], "PedestalRMS_PerRun_WithSig_"+suffix,
			       ";Run Number;Pedestal RMS, ADC count", runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], 0, 60, 1, "PER-RUN");


	for (size_t step=0; step<4; step++){

	  // ---
	  // Here let's make a profile of all the waveforms
	  // Do this for four different ranges on nMIPS:
	  // [ 3*pedeatalRMS -- 5 MIPS -- 10 MIPS -- 20 MIPS -- above]
	  // ---

	  // Note: if setps 0,1,2 are 'continued' it means they wont run.
	  // This is to speed up things, they take too long... Comment out those lines to include the plots
	  if (step==0) continue;
	  if (step==1) continue;
	  if (step==2) continue;
	  if (step==0 && (wave_max[pad] < 3*pedestalRMS[pad] || mipsInPad > 5)) continue;
	  if (step==1 && (mipsInPad < 5  || mipsInPad > 10)) continue;
	  if (step==2 && (mipsInPad < 10 || mipsInPad > 20)) continue;
	  if (step==3 && (mipsInPad < 20)) continue;

	  for (size_t w=0; w<50; w++){

	    hists->fillProfile(time_aroundmax[pad][w]*1E9 - t_max_frac50[pad], wave_aroundmax[pad][w]/wave_max[pad],
			       ";Time (zero at 50%), ns;Pulse shape, normalized at peak", 300, -2,5, -2, 2, 1, "Pulse"+tag);

	    hists->fillProfile(time_aroundmax[pad][w]*1E9 - t_max_frac50[pad], wave_aroundmax[pad][w]/wave_max[pad],
			       ";Time (zero at 50%), ns;Pulse shape, normalized at peak", 300, -20,30, -2, 2, 1, "Pulse"+tag);

	    // See what's up with the double peak structure
	    if (t_max_frac50[pad]-Scint > 1)
	      hists->fillProfile(time_aroundmax[pad][w]*1E9 - t_max_frac50[pad], wave_aroundmax[pad][w]/wave_max[pad],
				 ";Time (zero at 50%), ns;Pulse shape, normalized at peak", 300, -20,30, -2, 2, 1, "Pulse"+tag);



	// ------
	// Can't rely on the Trigger for good timing study.
	// Instead let's use the first diod (SiPad1) as a reference ('front').
	// ----

	const Float_t refPad1 = t_max_frac50[front];

	// Only get the timing if both pads have high signals
	if (mipsInPad > nMIPs && wave_max[front]/ADCperMIP[10*set+front] > nMIPs && pad!=front){
	  // Only do this for time at 50% threshold for now

	  //hists->fill1DHist(t_at_threshold[pad] - refPad1, "Delay_from_Pad1_threshold_"+suffix+tag,
	  //";At Thresh Time from SiPad1 (frac50), ns;Events", 200, -0.6,0.6, 1,"Timing"+tag);
	  hists->fill1DHist(t_max_frac30[pad] - refPad1, "Delay_from_Pad1_frac30_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Frac30 Time from SiPad1 (frac50), ns;Events", 200, -0.6,0.6, 1,"Timing"+tag);
	  hists->fill1DHist(t_max_frac50[pad] - refPad1, "Delay_from_Pad1_frac50_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Frac50 Time from SiPad1 (frac50), ns;Events", 200, -0.6,0.6, 1,"Timing"+tag);

	  hists->fill1DHist(t_max_frac50[pad] - refPad1, "Delay_from_Pad1_frac50_wide_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Frac50 Time from SiPad1 (frac50), ns;Events", 200, -10,10, 1,"Timing"+tag);

	  hists->fill1DHist(t_max[pad] - refPad1, "Delay_from_Pad1_peak_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Peak Time from SiPad1 (frac50), ns;Events", 200, 0.3,1.6, 1,"Timing"+tag);


	// Select good signal in Pad 1 and make 2D plots in other Pads
	if (wave_max[front]/ADCperMIP[10*set+front] > nMIPs && pad!=front){

	  hists->fill1DHist(mipsInPad, "nMIPs_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Number of MiPs;Events", 400, 0,60, 1,"Other"+tag);

	  hists->fill1DHist(wave_max[pad]/pedestalRMS[pad], "Signal_over_noise_"+suffix+tag,
			    ";Signal/Noise;Events", 400, 2,160, 1,"Other"+tag);

	  hists->fill2DHist(mipsInPad, t_max_frac50[pad] - refPad1,
			    ";Number of MiPs;T_{padX} - T_{pad1}, ns", 400, 0,60, 200, -0.6,0.6, 1,"Timing"+tag);

	  hists->fill2DHist(wave_max[pad]/pedestalRMS[pad], t_max_frac50[pad] - refPad1,
			    ";Signal/Noise;T_{padX} - T_{pad1}, ns", 400, 2,160, 200, -0.6,0.6, 1,"Timing"+tag);


      // ----
      // Compare front vs back Pads
      // ---

      hists->fill2DHist(wave_max[front]/ADCperMIP[10*set+front], wave_max[back]/ADCperMIP[10*set+back], "2D_Mips_fron_back"+tag,
			";Front sensor apmplitude, MiPs;Back sensor apmplitude, MiPs", 200, 0,100, 200, 0,100, 1,"Other"+tag);

      if (wave_max[front]/ADCperMIP[10*set+front]>nMIPs && wave_max[back]/ADCperMIP[10*set+back]>nMIPs){

	hists->fill1DHist(t_max_frac50[back] - t_max_frac50[front], "FrontToBackPadsDelay"+tag,
			  ";Time delay, (Pad6 - Pad1), ns;Events", 100, -0.5,0.8, 1,"Timing"+tag);

	// Now, we have high signals in both front and back diodes,
	// lets look at wire chambers:
	if (tagIndex==0) { //only do this once

	  hists->fillProfile(runNumber, wc_dx, "WC_dx_sig",";Run Number;Wire chambers x1-x2, mm",
			     runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], -10, 10, 1, "PER-RUN");
	  hists->fillProfile(runNumber, wc_dy, "WC_dy_sig",";Run Number;Wire chambers y1-y2, mm",
			     runs[1]-runs[0], runs[0], runs[1], -10, 10, 1, "PER-RUN");
	// And this one for all different setups:
	hists->fill2DHist(wc_dx, wc_dy, "WC_dx_dy_sig"+tag,
			  ";WC x1-x2, mm;WC y1-y2, mm;", 200, -10,10, 200, -10,10, 1,"Other"+tag);


  //if (nEvents[0]<20)
  //std::cout<<"We are processing ev number "<<nEvents[0]<<endl;

  return kTRUE;
Bool_t zgamma::Process(Long64_t entry)
  CountEvents(0, "Ntuple events",fcuts);
  FillHistoCounts(0, 1);
  if (nEvents[0] % (int)5e4 == 0) cout<<nEvents[4]<<" events passed of "<<nEvents[0]<<" checked!"<<endl;

  if (nEvents[0] == 1) weighter->SetDataBit(isRealData);

  //if (nEvents[0]>20) Abort("enough is enosugh!");

  //Trigger status//
  Bool_t triggerPass  = 1;
  Bool_t isFound  = 0;
  Int_t  prescale = 99;
  Float_t eventWeight = 1.0;

  for (UInt_t i =0; i<ntrig; i++)
      triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTriggers[i], triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
      if(triggerPass) nEventsTrig[0][i]++;

  eventWeight = weighter->PUWeight(nPUVerticesTrue);
  //cout<<" weight="<<eventWeight<<endl;
  ObjID->SetEventInfo(isRealData, runNumber, eventNumber, rhoFactor);
  float phoMvaScore;

 //cout<<eventNumber<<"  ev rho = "<<rhoFactor<<endl;
  hists->fill1DHist(nPUVerticesTrue, "nPUVerticesTrue",";nPUVerticesTrue",  100, 0,100, 1,"GEN");
  hists->fill1DHist(nPUVertices,     "nPUVertices",";nPUVertices",          100, 0,100, 1,"GEN");

  nVtx = primaryVtx->GetSize();
  HM->Reset(rhoFactor, nVtx);

  // --- Primary vertex ---//
  if (nVtx<1) return kTRUE;
  TCPrimaryVtx *mainPrimaryVertex = 0; mainPrimaryVertex   = (TCPrimaryVtx*)(primaryVtx->At(0));
  TVector3* pvPosition; pvPosition = mainPrimaryVertex;


  // ----------------------//
  // Gen level particles --//
  vector<TCPhysObject> gen_mu, gen_el;
  TCPhysObject gen_gamma, gen_l1, gen_l2, gen_lPt1, gen_lPt2;
  TCPhysObject gen_higgs, gen_gamma_st1;

  double gen_co1,gen_co2,gen_phi,gen_co3;

  Float_t genMll  = 0;
  Float_t gendR   = 0;
  Float_t genMllg = 0;

  if(!isRealData && makeGen){
    //Int_t ZID = 3000001; //made-up particle that decays to l+l-
    Int_t A = 25;

    if (sample=="DY")

    Int_t fsr_mu_count = 0, fsr_el_count=0;
    Int_t ph=0, h=0;

    for (int i = 0; i < genParticles->GetSize(); ++i) {
      TCGenParticle* thisParticle = (TCGenParticle*) genParticles->At(i);

      if (thisParticle->GetPDGId()==23)
	hists->fill1DHist(thisParticle->M(), "gen_Z_mass",";m_{Z}^{gen} (GeV)",  200, 0,200, 1,"GEN");

      //Higgs himself:
      if (thisParticle->GetPDGId()==25 && (thisParticle->GetStatus()==3 || thisParticle->GetStatus()==22)){
	hists->fill1DHist(thisParticle->M(), "gen_H_mass",";m_{H}^{gen} (GeV)",  100, 100,200, 1,"GEN");
	gen_higgs = *thisParticle;

      //GEN MUONS
      if (abs(thisParticle->GetPDGId()) == 13 && thisParticle->GetStatus()==1) {
	if (ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId()==A)
	    hists->fill1DHist(thisParticle->M(), "gen_mu_mass",";gen mu mass",  200, -1,1, 1,"GEN");
	//this is for the Madgraph case, where there are events with no Higgs in LHE file
	//(while there are always should be):
	else if (h==0 && thisParticle->Mother() //good boys should have a mother
		 && ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId() == thisParticle->GetPDGId())
	    //cout<<"   --- this one --->>>"<<endl;
	    //cout<<"   <<--- this one"<<endl;

	    hists->fill1DHist(thisParticle->M(), "gen_mu_mass",";gen mu mass",  200, -1,1, 1,"GEN");

      if (abs(thisParticle->GetPDGId()) == 11 && thisParticle->GetStatus()==1) {
	if (ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId()==A)
	else if (h==0 && thisParticle->Mother()
		 && ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId() == thisParticle->GetPDGId())

      //if (thisParticle->GetPDGId()==22 && thisParticle->Pt()>2)
      //	ObjID->DiscoverGeneology(thisParticle);

      //PHOTON from the Higgs
      if (thisParticle->GetPDGId()==22 && (thisParticle->GetStatus()==1 || thisParticle->GetStatus()==23)
	  && thisParticle->Mother() &&  abs(thisParticle->Mother()->GetPDGId())!=11 && abs(thisParticle->Mother()->GetPDGId())!=13
	  && abs(thisParticle->Mother()->GetPDGId())!=15)
	  //cout<<"  DBG gen particles. Ancestorr = "<<ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId()<<endl;
	  if (ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId()==A || thisParticle->Mother()->GetPDGId()==A){
	    gen_gamma = *thisParticle;
	  else if (h==0 && ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId() == thisParticle->GetPDGId()) {
	    gen_gamma = *thisParticle;

      else if (sample=="DY" &&
	       thisParticle->GetPDGId()==22 && thisParticle->GetStatus()==1 && ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId()==23)
	gen_gamma = *thisParticle;

      // **** Find FSR PHOTONS *** //

      if (thisParticle->GetPDGId()==22 //&& thisParticle->GetStatus()==1
	  && thisParticle->Mother()
	  //&& ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId()==A
	  && selection=="mugamma" && abs(thisParticle->Mother()->GetPDGId())==13
	  hists->fill1DHist(thisParticle->Pt(), "gen_fsr_pho_pt",";gen fsr photon pt",  200, 0,30, 1,"GEN");
	  // if (ObjID->GetPrimaryAncestor(thisParticle)->GetPDGId()!=A)

	  //if (thisParticle->Pt() > 30)

	  Float_t preFSR_pt = thisParticle->Mother()->Pt();
	  for (int j = 0; j < genParticles->GetSize(); ++j) {
	    TCGenParticle* fsr = (TCGenParticle*) genParticles->At(j);
	    if(fsr->GetPDGId()  == thisParticle->Mother()->GetPDGId()
	       && fsr->Mother() == thisParticle->Mother()){

	      //cout<<"   0--- this one --->>>"<<endl;
	      //cout<<"   <<---0 this one"<<endl;

	      hists->fill1DHist((preFSR_pt - fsr->Pt())/preFSR_pt, "gen_fsr_mu_dPt",";gen mu (Pt_preFSR - Pt_afterFSR)/pt",  200, -0.4,1, 1,"GEN");

	      if(thisParticle->Pt() > 1)
		hists->fill1DHist((preFSR_pt - fsr->Pt())/preFSR_pt, "gen_fsr_mu_dPt_photonPt1",";gen mu (Pt_preFSR - Pt_afterFSR)/pt",  200, -0.4,1, 1,"GEN");
	}//end of fsr photons loop
    }// end of genparticles loop

    if (ph!=1 && (sample=="dalitz" || sample =="HZG"))
      Abort(Form("ev #%i NONONO There has to be exactly one photon from the Higgs! \n \t\t but there is %i",
		 (int)eventNumber, (int)ph));
    //if (h!=1 && sample=="dalitz")
    //return kTRUE;
    //Abort(Form(" NONONO There has to be exactly one Higgs! \n \t\t but there is %i", h));

    sort(gen_el.begin(), gen_el.end(), P4SortCondition);
    sort(gen_mu.begin(), gen_mu.end(), P4SortCondition);

    hists->fill1DHist(fsr_mu_count, "gen_mu_fsrcount",";gen mu FSR",  4, 0,4, 1,"GEN");
    hists->fill1DHist(fsr_el_count, "gen_el_fsrcount",";gen el FSR",  4, 0,4, 1,"GEN");

      if (gen_mu.size()!=2) return kTRUE;
      //Abort(Form("ev #%i NONONO There has to be exactly 2 muons from the Higgs! \n \t\t but there are %i", eventNumber, (int)gen_mu.size()));

      gen_lPt1 = gen_mu[0];
      gen_lPt2 = gen_mu[1];
      // If there are more muons - it's confusing, so let's just ignore them for now.
      // (they may come from ZH -> ZZgamma process)

      if (gen_mu[0].Charge()==1 && gen_mu[1].Charge()==-1){
	gen_l1 = gen_mu[0];
	gen_l2 = gen_mu[1];
      else if (gen_mu[0].Charge()==-1 && gen_mu[1].Charge()==1){
	gen_l1 = gen_mu[1];
	gen_l2 = gen_mu[0];
	Abort("They are the same charge!");

      //cout<<"\t\t event = "<<eventNumber<<"  "<<endl;
      //cout<<" charge = "<<gen_l1.Charge()<<" pt = "<<gen_l1.Pt()<<" eta="<<gen_l1.Eta()<<" phi="<<gen_l1.Phi()<<endl;
      //cout<<" charge = "<<gen_l2.Charge()<<" pt = "<<gen_l2.Pt()<<" eta="<<gen_l2.Eta()<<" phi="<<gen_l2.Phi()<<endl;


    if (gen_el.size()!=2 && gen_mu.size()!=2)
      Abort(Form("  - - WARNING - -\n ev #%i What's up with that?\n There should be exact two leptons from Higgs. Insteat there %i",
		 (int)eventNumber, (int)(gen_el.size() + gen_mu.size())));

    if (gen_gamma.E()==0 && sample=="dalitz")// return kTRUE;
      Abort(Form("%i: No gen gamma in an event? that sounds bad",(int)eventNumber));//return kTRUE;

    if (sample=="dalitz" || sample=="HZG"){
      ang->GetAngles(gen_l1, gen_l2, gen_gamma, gen_co1,gen_co2,gen_phi,gen_co3);
      //cout<<eventNumber<<" gen Angles: c1= "<<co1<<"  c2="<<co2<<"   gen_phi="<<gen_phi<<"   coTh="<<co3<<endl;
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_co1, "gen_co1",";gen cos_lp",  100,-1,1, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_co2, "gen_co2",";gen cos_lm",  100,-1,1, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_co3, "gen_co3",";gen cosTheta",100,-1,1, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_phi, "gen_phi",";gen phi lp",  100, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), 1,"GEN");

    gendR   = gen_l1.DeltaR(gen_l2);
    genMll  = (gen_l1+gen_l2).M();
    genMllg = (gen_l1+gen_l2+gen_gamma).M();

    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,"gen_Mll_init", ";m_{#mu#mu}",50,0, 20, 1,"GEN");
    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,"gen_Mll_init_b40", ";m_{#mu#mu}", 40,0, 20, 1,"GEN");

    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,"gen_Mll_low",  ";m_{#mu#mu}",100,0, 1, 1,"GEN");
    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,"gen_Mll_50",   ";m_{#mu#mu}",100,0, 50, 1,"GEN");
    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,"gen_Mll_full", ";m_{#mu#mu}",200,0,130, 1,"GEN");
    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,"gen_Mll_inter",";m_{#mu#mu}",100,20,80, 1,"GEN");

    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,"gen_Mll_0",";gen_Mll",100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
    hists->fill1DHist(gendR, "gen_dR_0", ";gen_dR", 50,0,0.3,1,"eff");
    hists->fillProfile(gendR, genMll, "gen_Mll_vs_dR", ";dR(l1,l2);M(l1,l2)", 100, 0, 0.5, 0, 20, 1,"eff");

    //Acceptance study (do not erase!)
    if (sample =="dalitz" && gen_gamma.Pt()>cut_gammapt && fabs(gen_gamma.Eta())<2.5){
      hists->fill1DHist(genMll, "gen_Mll_acc_gamma",";gen_Mll",100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
      hists->fill1DHist(gendR,  "gen_dR_acc_gamma", ";gen_dR", 50,0,0.3,1,"eff");

      if(sample=="dalitz" &&
	 gen_lPt1.Pt()>cut_l1pt && fabs(gen_lPt1.Eta())<2.4 &&
	 gen_lPt2.Pt()>cut_l2pt_low && fabs(gen_lPt2.Eta())<2.4
	hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  "gen_Mll_acc_lept",  ";gen_Mll",100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
	hists->fill1DHist(gendR,   "gen_dR_acc_lept",   ";gen_dR", 50,0,0.3,1,"eff");

      else if (accCut)
	return kTRUE;
    else if (accCut)
      return kTRUE;

    if (sample == "dalitz" || sample=="HZG"){
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_l1.DeltaR(gen_gamma),"gen_l1gamma_deltaR",";#Delta R(#mu_{1}, #gamma)",100,0,5, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_l2.DeltaR(gen_gamma),"gen_l2gamma_deltaR",";#Delta R(#mu_{2}, #gamma)",100,0,5, 1,"GEN");

      hists->fill1DHist(gen_higgs.Pt(),  "gen_higgs_pt",  ";p_{T}^{H} (GeV)", 100, 0,150,  1, "GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_higgs.M(),   "gen_higgs_mass",";m_{H} (GeV)",    100, 100,180, 1, "GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_gamma.Pt(),  "gen_gamma_pt",  ";p_{T}^{#gamma}",  50,  0,150,  1, "GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist(gen_gamma.Eta(), "gen_gamma_eta", ";#eta^{#gamma}",   50,  -3,3,   1, "GEN");

      //hists->fill1DHist(gen_gamma_st1.Pt(), "gen_gamma_st1_pt","Pt of gamma",   50, 0,150,  1, "");
      //hists->fill1DHist(gen_gamma_st1.Eta(),"gen_gamma_st1_eta","Eta of gamma", 50, -3,3,  1, "");

    FillHistoCounts(1, eventWeight);
    CountEvents(1,"Pass Gen acceptance",fcuts);

    //if (genMll<2.9 || genMll>3.3)
    //return kTRUE;


  FillHistoCounts(2, eventWeight);
  CountEvents(2, "Acceptance, and JPsi selection", fcuts);
  //CountEvents(2, "Acceptance", fcuts);

  vector<TCElectron> electrons0, electrons;
  vector<TCMuon> muons0, muons;
  vector<TCPhoton> photons0, photonsTight, photonsHZG, photonsMVA, fake_photons;
  vector<TCJet> jets;
  TCPhysObject l1,l2, lPt1, lPt2;
  TCPhoton gamma0, gamma;
  TCJet jet1, jet2;

  //--- PHOTON SELECTION ---//

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < recoPhotons->GetSize(); ++i) {
    //cout<<"new photon!!!!!!!"<<endl;
    TCPhoton* thisPhoton = (TCPhoton*) recoPhotons->At(i);
    //cout<<"in photon loop event = "<<eventNumber
    //  <<"\n pt="<<thisPhoton->Pt()<<" eta="<<thisPhoton->Eta()<<" phi="<<thisPhoton->Phi()<<" px="<<thisPhoton->Px()<<endl;

    //if (isRealData || !makeGen || (makeGen &&gen_lPt1.DeltaR(*thisPhoton) < 0.1 && thisPhoton->Pt()>20))

    if (!(fabs(thisPhoton->SCEta()) < 2.5)) continue;

    if(thisPhoton->Pt() > 15){
      //if (isRealData || !makeGen || (sample=="dalitz" && makeGen && gen_gamma.DeltaR(*thisPhoton) < 0.1) )

      if(ObjID->PassPhotonIdAndIso(*thisPhoton, "CutBased-MediumWP", phoMvaScore)
	 //&& (isRealData || !makeGen || (sample=="dalitz" && makeGen && gen_gamma.DeltaR(*thisPhoton) < 0.2) )

	  Double_t scale = 1;
	  Double_t corrPhoEnSC   = correctedPhotonEnergy(thisPhoton->SCEnergy(), thisPhoton->SCEta(), thisPhoton->R9(), runNumber,
							 0, "Moriond2014", !isRealData, myRandom);
	  Double_t corrPhoEnReco = correctedPhotonEnergy(thisPhoton->E(), thisPhoton->SCEta(), thisPhoton->R9(), runNumber,
							 0, "Moriond2014", !isRealData, myRandom);

	  HM->MakePhotonEnergyCorrPlots(*thisPhoton, corrPhoEnReco, corrPhoEnSC);

	  Double_t corrReg   = correctedPhotonEnergy(thisPhoton->EnergyRegression(), thisPhoton->SCEta(), thisPhoton->R9(), runNumber,
						     1, "Moriond2013", !isRealData, myRandom);

	  //Double_t Reg2 = thisPhoton->EnergyRegression()-thisPhoton->EnergyRegressionErr();
	  //Double_t Reg2 = myRandom->Gaus(thisPhoton->EnergyRegression(),thisPhoton->EnergyRegressionErr());
	  //Double_t corrReg2  = correctedPhotonEnergy(Reg2, thisPhoton->SCEta(), thisPhoton->R9(), runNumber,
	  //					     1, "Moriond2013", !isRealData, myRandom);

	  //cout<<runNumber<<"  uncor en="<< thisPhoton->E()<<"  reg en = "<<thisPhoton->EnergyRegression()
	  //  <<"   regerr ="<<thisPhoton->EnergyRegressionErr()<<"  gaus(Reg,err)="<<Reg2<<endl;
	  //cout<<"  corrReg = "<<corrReg<<"  corrReg2 = "<<corrReg2<<endl;

	  //scale = corrPhoEnReco/thisPhoton->E(); //Yes - use this one for mumugamma
	  //scale = corrPhoEnSC/thisPhoton->E();
	  //scale = corrReg2/thisPhoton->E();
	  scale = corrReg/thisPhoton->E();

	  thisPhoton->SetXYZM(scale*thisPhoton->Px(), scale*thisPhoton->Py(),scale*thisPhoton->Pz(),0);

	  //cout<<runNumber<<"  uncor en="<< thisPhoton->E()<<"  cor en = "<<corrPhoEn<<endl;

	  thisPhoton->SetIdMap("mvaScore", phoMvaScore);


      if(ObjID->PassPhotonIdAndIso(*thisPhoton, "CutBased-TightWP", phoMvaScore)){
	thisPhoton->SetIdMap("mvaScore", phoMvaScore);

      if(ObjID->PassPhotonIdAndIso(*thisPhoton, "MVA", phoMvaScore)){
	thisPhoton->SetIdMap("mvaScore", phoMvaScore);

  sort(photons0.begin(),     photons0.end(),     P4SortCondition);
  sort(photonsTight.begin(), photonsTight.end(), P4SortCondition);
  sort(photonsHZG.begin(),   photonsHZG.end(),   P4SortCondition);
  sort(photonsMVA.begin(),   photonsMVA.end(),   P4SortCondition);
  //sort(fake_photons.begin(), fake_photons.end(), P4SortCondition);

  //if (fake_photons.size()>1)
  // Abort("Nah, this is too much.");

  //if (photonsTight.size()<1) return kTRUE;
  //gamma = photonsTight[0];

  if (photonsHZG.size()<1) return kTRUE;
  gamma = photonsHZG[0];

  //if (photonsMVA.size()<1) return kTRUE;
  //gamma = photonsMVA[0];

  if (!isRealData)
    eventWeight *= weighter->PhotonSF(gamma);

  //if (photons0.size()<1) return kTRUE;
  //gamma0 = photons0[0];
  //if (gamma0.Pt() < cut_gammapt) return kTRUE;

  for (Int_t i = 0; i <  recoElectrons->GetSize(); ++i) {
    TCElectron* thisElec = (TCElectron*) recoElectrons->At(i);
    if (!(fabs(thisElec->Eta()) < 2.5)) continue;
    if (thisElec->Pt() > 10.0){
      if(isRealData || !makeGen || ( selection=="elgamma" && makeGen && (gen_l1.DeltaR(*thisElec) < 0.1 || gen_l2.DeltaR(*thisElec)<0.1)  && thisElec->Pt()>10))
	  if (thisElec->MvaID() > -0.50 && thisElec->Pt()>20)
      if (
	  ObjID->PassElectronIdAndIso(*thisElec, pvPosition, "Loose")

  sort(electrons0.begin(), electrons0.end(), P4SortCondition);
  sort(electrons.begin(),  electrons.end(),  P4SortCondition);

  if (doZee){
    //------ Z->ee STUDY ---//

    if (electrons.size()<2 || photons0.size()<2) return kTRUE;

    //cout<<"doing zee.  Enough photons and electrons!"<<endl;

    if (checkTrigger){
      triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTrigger, triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
      if (!triggerPass) return kTRUE;

    //cout<<"passed the trigger"<<endl;

    Int_t match1 = -1, match2 = -1;
    for (UInt_t p=0; p<photons0.size(); p++)
	if (photons0[p].Pt() < 40 || fabs(photons0[p].SCEta())>1.4442) continue;
	for (UInt_t e=0; e<electrons.size(); e++)
	    if (photons0[p].DeltaR(electrons[e]) < 0.2)
		//cout<<"matched! photon "<<p<<"  to electron "<<e<<endl;
		if (match1==-1) match1=p;
		else {match2=p; break;}

    if (match1!=-1 && match2!=-1)
      HM->MakeZeePlots(photons0[match1], photons0[match2]);

    return kTRUE;

  //--- MUON SELECTION ---//

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < recoMuons->GetSize(); ++ i) {
    TCMuon* thisMuon = (TCMuon*) recoMuons->At(i);
    //cout<<"event = "<<eventNumber
    //  <<"\n pt="<<thisMuon->Pt()<<" eta="<<thisMuon->Eta()<<" phi="<<thisMuon->Phi()<<" px="<<thisMuon->Px()<<endl;

    if (!(fabs(thisMuon->Eta()) < 2.4)) continue;

    if(thisMuon->Pt() > 4)
      for(Int_t ev=0; ev<evSize;ev++){
	if (eventNumber==hisEVTS[ev]){cout<<"   mu>4 cut ---> "<<eventNumber<<" <--- Found an event after cut "<<endl;
	  ObjID->MuonDump(*thisMuon, pvPosition);

    if(thisMuon->Pt() > 4 && ObjID->PassMuonId(*thisMuon, pvPosition, "Soft") ) {
      if (doRochCorr){
	Float_t qter = 1;
	if (isRealData){
	  roch->momcor_data(*thisMuon, thisMuon->Charge(), 0, qter);
	  if (period=="2012D")
	    roch->momcor_data(*thisMuon, thisMuon->Charge(), 1, qter);
	  roch->momcor_mc  (*thisMuon, thisMuon->Charge(), 0, qter );

	//cout<<"DBG rochcor. qterr = "<<qter<<endl;


  sort(muons.begin(), muons.end(), P4SortCondition);

  if(!isRealData && makeGen){
    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  "gen_Mll_reco_gamma",  ";gen_Mll",100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
    hists->fill1DHist(gendR,   "gen_dR_reco_gamma",   ";gen_dR", 50, 0,0.3,    1,"eff");

  if (checkTrigger){
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTrigger, triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    if (!triggerPass) return kTRUE;

  if (gamma.Pt() < cut_gammapt) return kTRUE;
  //if (fabs(gamma.SCEta()) > 1.4442) return kTRUE;

  if(!isRealData && makeGen){
    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  "gen_Mll_reco_gamma_iso",  ";gen_Mll",100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
    hists->fill1DHist(gendR,   "gen_dR_reco_gamma_iso",   ";gen_dR", 50, 0,0.3,    1,"eff");

  FillHistoCounts(3, eventWeight);
  CountEvents(3,"Pass Trigger and Photon reco selection",fcuts);
  HM->MakeNPlots(3,muons.size(), electrons.size(), electrons0.size(), photonsHZG.size(),
		 photonsTight.size(), photonsMVA.size(), jets.size(), eventWeight);

  if (muons.size()<2) return kTRUE;

  //------ PICK THE Muons --//
  Float_t tmpMll = 99999;
  if (muons.size()==2){
    lPt1 = muons[0];
    lPt2 = muons[1];
    for (UInt_t m1=0; m1 < muons.size(); m1++){
      for (UInt_t m2=m1; m2 < muons.size(); m2++){
	if (muons[m1].Charge()*muons[m2].Charge()==1) continue; //same charge - don't care

	if( (muons[m1]+muons[m2]).M() < tmpMll)
	    lPt1 = muons[m1];
	    lPt2 = muons[m2];
	    tmpMll = (muons[m1]+muons[m2]).M();

  if (lPt1.Charge()==1 && lPt2.Charge()==-1){
    l1 = lPt1;
    l2 = lPt2;
  else if (lPt1.Charge()==-1 && lPt2.Charge()==1){
    l1 = lPt2;
    l2 = lPt1;
    //cout<<"ch1 = "<<muons[0].Charge()<<"  ch2 = "<<muons[1].Charge()<<endl;
    return kTRUE;//Abort("reco * They are the same charge!");

  //------JET SELECTION ---//

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < recoJets->GetSize(); ++i) {
    TCJet* thisJ = (TCJet*) recoJets->At(i);
    if (thisJ->Pt() < 30 || fabs(thisJ->Eta())>4.7) continue;
    if (thisJ->DeltaR(gamma) < 0.4) continue;
    if (thisJ->DeltaR(lPt1) < 0.3 || thisJ->DeltaR(lPt2) < 0.3) continue;

    if (ObjID->PassJetID(*thisJ, nVtx))

  sort(jets.begin(), jets.end(), P4SortCondition);

  if (jets.size()>=1){
    jet1 = jets[0];

  Bool_t isVBF = 0;

  if (jets.size()>=2){
    jet2 = jets[1];

    //----- VBF SELECTION ------//
    if (fabs(jet1.Eta() - jet2.Eta()) > 3.
	&& (jet1+jet2).M() > 450
	&& fabs(HM->Zeppenfeld((lPt1+lPt2+gamma),jet1,jet2)) < 4
	//&& (jet1+jet2).DeltaPhi(lPt1+lPt2+gamma)) > 0.1
    isVBF = 1;

  //------MISSING ENERGY ---//

  //cout<<"MET: "<<recoMET->Mod()<<endl;

  //------ KINEMATIC SELECTION ------//

  Double_t Mll  = (l1+l2).M();
  Double_t Mllg = (l1+l2+gamma).M();
  Double_t dR   = l1.DeltaR(l2);

  hists->fill1DHist(Mll,  Form("diLep_mass_low_cut%i",  3),";M(ll)", 50, 0,20,  1, "");
  hists->fill1DHist(Mll,  Form("diLep_mass_high_cut%i", 3),";M(ll)", 50, 0,120, 1, "");

  if (ObjID->CalculateMuonIso(muons[0]) > 0.4)
    return kTRUE;
  //if (lPt2.Pt() > 20 && ObjID->CalculateMuonIso(&muons[1]) > 0.4)
  //return kTRUE;


  if (lPt1.Pt() < cut_l1pt || lPt2.Pt() < cut_l2pt_low)   return kTRUE;

  //if (!isfinite(eventWeight))
  //cout<<"nan/inf "<<eventWeight<<endl;
  //    if (fabs(eventWeight)>50 || fabs(eventWeight)<0.00001)

  if (!isRealData){
    eventWeight *= weighter->MuonSF(lPt1);
    eventWeight *= weighter->MuonSF(lPt2);

  if (!isfinite(eventWeight))
    cout<<"nan after muon sf  "<<eventWeight<<endl;

  if(!isRealData && makeGen){
    hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  "gen_Mll_two_lep_reco", ";gen_Mll",100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
    hists->fill1DHist(gendR,   "gen_dR_two_lep_reco",  ";gen_dR", 50, 0,0.3,    1,"eff");

    double co1,co2,phi,co3;

    if (sample=="dalitz" || sample=="HZG"){
      ang->GetAngles(l1, l2, gamma, co1,co2,phi,co3);
      //cout<<eventNumber<<" gen Angles: c1= "<<co1<<"  c2="<<co2<<"   phi="<<phi<<"   coTh="<<co3<<endl;
      hists->fill1DHist((gen_co1 - co1)/gen_co1, "res_co1",";Resolution on cos(#vec{l-},#vec{Z})",  100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist((gen_co2 - co2)/gen_co2, "res_co2",";Resolution on cos(#vec{l+},#vec{Z})",  100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist((gen_co3 - co3)/gen_co3, "res_co3",";Resolution on cos(#Theta)",  100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist((gen_phi - phi)/gen_phi, "res_phi",";Resolution on #phi(l+)",     100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");

    if (fabs(gamma.SCEta()) < 1.4442){
      hists->fill1DHist((genMll - Mll)/genMll, "res_EB_Mll",
			";(m_{#mu#mu}^{gen} - m_{#mu#mu}^{reco})/m_{#mu#mu}^{gen}",                  100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist((genMllg - Mllg)/genMllg, "res_EB_Mllg",
			";(m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{gen} - m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{reco})/m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{gen}",100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist((gendR - dR)/gendR,    "res_EB_dR",
			";(dR_{#mu#mu}^{gen} - dR_{#mu#mu}^{reco})/dR_{#mu#mu}^{gen}",               100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");

      float mllBins[9] = {0,0.2,0.5,1,2,4,9,20,50};
      hists->fill2DHistUnevenBins(genMll,Mll , "res_2D_EB_Mll", ";m_{#mu#mu}^{gen};m_{#mu#mu}^{reco}", 8,mllBins, 8,mllBins, 1,"GEN");

      for(int m=1; m<8; m++){
	if (Mll > mllBins[m-1] && Mll < mllBins[m]){

	  hists->fill1DHist((genMll - Mll)/genMll, Form("res_EB_Mll_%.1fto%.1f",mllBins[m-1],mllBins[m]),
			    ";(m_{#mu#mu}^{gen} - m_{#mu#mu}^{reco})/m_{#mu#mu}^{gen}", 100, -0.1,0.1, 1,"GEN");
	  hists->fill1DHist((genMllg - Mllg)/genMllg, Form("res_EB_Mllg_%.1fto%.1f",mllBins[m-1],mllBins[m]),
			    ";(m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{gen} - m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{reco})/m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{gen}",100, -0.1,0.1, 1,"GEN");
    else if  (fabs(gamma.SCEta()) > 1.566){
      hists->fill1DHist((genMll - Mll)/genMll, "res_EE_Mll",
			";(m_{#mu#mu}^{gen} - m_{#mu#mu}^{reco})/m_{#mu#mu}^{gen}",                  100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist((genMllg - Mllg)/genMllg, "res_EE_Mllg",
			";(m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{gen} - m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{reco})/m_{#mu#mu#gamma}^{gen}",100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");
      hists->fill1DHist((gendR - dR)/gendR,    "res_EE_dR",
			";(dR_{#mu#mu}^{gen} - dR_{#mu#mu}^{reco})/dR_{#mu#mu}^{gen}",               100, -0.2,0.2, 1,"GEN");


  HM->SetLeptons(lPt1, lPt2);

  HM->FillHistosFull(4, eventWeight);
  FillHistoCounts(4, eventWeight);
  CountEvents(4, "Two muons selected", fcuts);
  HM->MakeNPlots(4,muons.size(), electrons.size(), electrons0.size(), photonsHZG.size(),
		 photonsTight.size(), photonsMVA.size(), jets.size(), eventWeight);

  if (sample!="HZG" && Mll > 50)
    return kTRUE;

  if (makeApzTree){
    apz_w = eventWeight;

    *apz_lep1 = lPt1;
    *apz_lep2 = lPt2;
    *apz_gamma = gamma;
    *apz_jet1 = jet1;
    *apz_jet2 = jet2;
    *apz_met = *recoMET;
    apz_njets = jets.size();

    //cout<<"\t orig = "<<lPt1.Phi()<<endl;
    //cout<<"\t apz  = "<<apz_lep1->Phi()<<endl;
    //cout<<"orig = "<<lPt1.Phi()<<endl;
    //cout<<"apz  = "<<apz_lep1->Phi()<<endl;

    apz_pt1 = lPt1.Pt();
    apz_pt2 = lPt2.Pt();
    apz_pt3 = gamma.Pt();
    apz_pt4 = -1;
    apz_pt12 = (lPt1+lPt2).Pt();
    apz_pt34 = gamma.Pt();

    apz_dr1234 = (lPt1+lPt2).DeltaR(gamma);
    apz_dr12 = lPt1.DeltaR(lPt2);
    apz_dr13 = lPt1.DeltaR(gamma);
    apz_dr23 = lPt2.DeltaR(gamma);
    apz_dr34 = -1;

    apz_eta1 = lPt1.Eta();
    apz_eta2 = lPt2.Eta();
    apz_eta3 = gamma.SCEta();
    apz_eta4 = -999;

    apz_eta12 = (lPt1+lPt2).Eta();
    apz_eta34 = gamma.SCEta();
    apz_eta1234 = (lPt1+lPt2+gamma).Eta();

    apz_m12 = (lPt1+lPt2).M();
    apz_m34 = gamma.M();

    apz_m123 = (lPt1+lPt2+gamma).M();

    apz_m4l = 0;
    apz_vbf = isVBF;

    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger("HLT_Mu22_Photon22_CaloIdL_v", triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    apz_trig1 = triggerPass;
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger("HLT_IsoMu24_v", triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    apz_trig2 = triggerPass;
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger("HLT_IsoMu24_eta2p1_v", triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    apz_trig3 = triggerPass;
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger("HLT_Mu13_Mu8_v", triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    apz_trig4 = triggerPass;
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger("HLT_Mu17_Mu8_v", triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    apz_trig5 = triggerPass;




  //for(Int_t ev=0; ev<evSize;ev++){
  //if (eventNumber==hisEVTS[ev]){cout<<eventNumber<<" Found an event after lept selection "<<endl;
  //  cout<<"Mll = "<<Mll<<endl;
  //  break;}

  //if (Mllg<60 || Mllg>120)
  if (sample!="HZG" &&(Mllg<110 || Mllg>170))
    return kTRUE;

  HM->FillHistosFull(5, eventWeight);
  FillHistoCounts(5, eventWeight);
  //CountEvents(5, "76 < m(llg) < 106; m(ll) < 50", fcuts);
  CountEvents(5, "110 < m(llg) < 170; m(ll) < 50", fcuts);

  if (lPt1.DeltaR(gamma)<1.0 || lPt2.DeltaR(gamma)<1.0) return kTRUE;
  if ( (Mll>2.9 && Mll<3.3) || (Mll>9.3 && Mll<9.7)) return kTRUE; //jpsi and upsilon removeal
  //CountEvents(6, "dR(l,g) > 1", fcuts);
  CountEvents(6, "dR(l,g) > 1; removed J/Psi, Ups", fcuts);

  HM->FillHistosFull(6, eventWeight);
  FillHistoCounts(6, eventWeight);
  HM->MakeNPlots(6,muons.size(), electrons.size(), electrons0.size(), photonsHZG.size(),
		 photonsTight.size(), photonsMVA.size(), jets.size(), eventWeight);

  if (Mll < 20) {
    HM->FillHistosFull(7, eventWeight);
    FillHistoCounts(7, eventWeight);
    CountEvents(7, "m(ll) < 20 GeV", fcuts);
    HM->MakeNPlots(7,muons.size(), electrons.size(), electrons0.size(), photonsHZG.size(),
		   photonsTight.size(), photonsMVA.size(), jets.size(), eventWeight);


    if (fabs(gamma.SCEta()) < 1.4442){

      HM->FillHistosFull(8, eventWeight);
      FillHistoCounts(8, eventWeight);
      CountEvents(8, "gamma eta < 1.4442", fcuts);

      if ((l1+l2).Pt()/Mllg > 0.30 && gamma.Pt()/Mllg > 0.30) {
	HM->FillHistosFull(9, eventWeight);
	FillHistoCounts(9, eventWeight);
	CountEvents(9, "pT/m(llg) > 0.3", fcuts);
	HM->MakeNPlots(9,muons.size(), electrons.size(), electrons0.size(), photonsHZG.size(),
		       photonsTight.size(), photonsMVA.size(), jets.size(), eventWeight);

	HM->MakePhotonPlots(gamma, "Pho-after");

	if (Mllg>122 && Mllg<128){
	  HM->FillHistosFull(10, eventWeight);
	  FillHistoCounts(10, eventWeight);
	  CountEvents(10, "122 < m(llg) < 128 GeV", fcuts);

	if (isVBF){
	  HM->FillHistosFull(11, eventWeight);
	  FillHistoCounts(11, eventWeight);
	  CountEvents(11, "VBF ID", fcuts);

	  if (Mllg>122 && Mllg<128){
	    HM->FillHistosFull(12, eventWeight);
	    FillHistoCounts(12, eventWeight);
	    CountEvents(12, "VBF in [122, 128]", fcuts);

    else if (fabs(gamma.SCEta()) > 1.566) {
      HM->FillHistosFull(15, eventWeight);
      FillHistoCounts(15, eventWeight);
      CountEvents(15, "gamma eta > 1.566", fcuts);

      if ((l1+l2).Pt()/Mllg > 0.30 && gamma.Pt()/Mllg > 0.30) {
	HM->FillHistosFull(16, eventWeight);
	FillHistoCounts(16, eventWeight);
	CountEvents(16, "pT/m(llg) > 0.3", fcuts);

	if (Mllg>122 && Mllg<128){
	  HM->FillHistosFull(17, eventWeight);
	  FillHistoCounts(17, eventWeight);
	  CountEvents(17, "122 GeV < m(llg) < 128 GeV", fcuts);
  else if (Mll < 50 && fabs(gamma.SCEta()) < 1.4442){

    HM->FillHistosFull(18, eventWeight);
    FillHistoCounts(18, eventWeight);
    CountEvents(18, "20 GeV < m(ll) < 50 GeV; EB only", fcuts);

    if ((l1+l2).Pt()/Mllg > 0.30 && gamma.Pt()/Mllg > 0.30) {
      HM->FillHistosFull(19, eventWeight);
      FillHistoCounts(19, eventWeight);
      CountEvents(19, "pT/m(llg) > 0.3", fcuts);

      if (Mllg>122 && Mllg<128){
	HM->FillHistosFull(20, eventWeight);
	FillHistoCounts(20, eventWeight);
	CountEvents(20, "122 GeV < m(llg) < 128 GeV", fcuts);
  else if(Mll > 50){
    HM->FillHistosFull(21, eventWeight);
    FillHistoCounts(21, eventWeight);
    CountEvents(21, "m(ll) > 50 GeV", fcuts);
  for (UInt_t i=0; i<ntrig; i++){
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTriggers[i], triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    if(triggerPass) nEventsTrig[6][i]++;

    if (!isFound)
      cout<<"TRG **** Warning ***\n The trigger name "<<myTriggers[i]<<" is not in the list of trigger names"<<endl;

  if(!isRealData && makeGen && sample=="dalitz"){
    hists->fill1DHist(gen_l1.DeltaR(l1),"reco_gen_l1_deltaR","reco_gen_l1_deltaR",100,0,5, 1,"");
    hists->fill1DHist(gen_l2.DeltaR(l2),"reco_gen_l2_deltaR","reco_gen_l2_deltaR",100,0,5, 1,"");

    hists->fill2DHist(gen_l1.DeltaR(l1), gen_l2.DeltaR(l2),      "reco_gen_2D_ll_deltaR",     "reco_gen_2D_ll_deltaR",     100,0,5, 100,0,5, 1,"");
    hists->fill2DHist(gen_l1.DeltaR(l1), gen_gamma.DeltaR(gamma),"reco_gen_2D_l1gamma_deltaR","reco_gen_2D_l1gamma_deltaR",100,0,5, 100,0,5, 1,"");

    hists->fill1DHist(gen_gamma.DeltaR(gamma),"reco_gen_gamma_deltaR","reco_gen_gamma_deltaR",100,0,5, 1,"");

  if(!isRealData && makeGen){
    for (Int_t i = 1; i<=6; i++){
      if ((l1+l2).Pt()>20+i*5)
	hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  Form("gen_Mll_%i",i),";gen_Mll", 100,0,mllMax,    1,"eff");
      if (gamma.Pt()>20+i*5)
	hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  Form("gen_Mll_%i",6+i),";gen_Mll", 100,0,mllMax,  1,"eff");
      if (gamma.Pt()/Mllg> 0.15+0.05*i)
	hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  Form("gen_Mll_%i",12+i),";gen_Mll", 100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
      if ((l1+l2).Pt()/Mllg> 0.15+0.05*i)
	hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  Form("gen_Mll_%i",18+i),";gen_Mll", 100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");
      if ((l1+l2).Pt()/Mllg> 0.15+0.05*i   && gamma.Pt()/Mllg> 0.15+0.05*i)
	hists->fill1DHist(genMll,  Form("gen_Mll_%i",24+i),";gen_Mll", 100,0,mllMax, 1,"eff");

  //if (checkTrigger){
  //triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTrigger, triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
  //if (!triggerPass) return kTRUE;
  ////  else Abort("Event trigger should mu or el");

  if (NoiseFilters_isScraping ||
      NoiseFilters_isNoiseHcalHBHE || NoiseFilters_isNoiseHcalLaser
    return kTRUE;

  if (NoiseFilters_isNoiseEcalTP || NoiseFilters_isNoiseEcalBE || NoiseFilters_isNoiseEEBadSc
    return kTRUE;

  if (NoiseFilters_isCSCTightHalo// || NoiseFilters_isCSCLooseHalo
    return kTRUE;

  if (NoiseFilters_isNoiseTracking ||
      !NoiseFilters_isNoisetrkPOG1 || !NoiseFilters_isNoisetrkPOG2 || !NoiseFilters_isNoisetrkPOG3
    return kTRUE;

  FillHistoCounts(22, eventWeight);
  CountEvents(22, "noise filters, after cuts #6",fcuts);

  if (lPt1.Phi() > -1.8 && lPt1.Phi() < -1.6){
    HM->FillHistosFull(18, eventWeight);
    fout<<" nEvt = "<<nEvents[0]<<" : Run/lumi/event = "<<runNumber<<"/"<<lumiSection<<"/"<<eventNumber<<endl;
    fout<<"lPt1:   "<<&lPt1<<endl;
    fout<<"dilep phi = "<<(lPt1+lPt2).Phi()<<endl;

  for (UInt_t i =0; i<ntrig; i++){
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTriggers[i], triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    if(triggerPass) nEventsTrig[3][i]++;

  if (Mll < 20){
    for (UInt_t i=0; i<ntrig; i++){
      triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTriggers[i], triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
      if(triggerPass) nEventsTrig[4][i]++;

  for (UInt_t i =0; i<ntrig; i++){
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTriggers[i], triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
    if(triggerPass) nEventsTrig[5][i]++;

    Bool_t pa  = 1;
    Bool_t fo  = 0;
    Int_t  pr  = 99;
    triggerSelector->SelectTrigger("HLT_Mu22_Photon22_CaloIdL_v", triggerStatus, hltPrescale, fo, pa, pr);

    if(triggerPass || pa) nEventsTrig[6][i]++;
  /* single ele trigger study
  for (UInt_t i =0; i<ntrig; i++)
      triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTriggers[i], triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);

      Bool_t pa  = 1;
      Bool_t fo  = 0;
      Int_t  pr  = 99;
      triggerSelector->SelectTrigger("HLT_Ele27_WP80_v", triggerStatus, hltPrescale, fo, pa, pr);

      //cout<<i<<"   "<<myTriggers[i]<<"   is Found = "<<isFound<<"   ispassed = "<<triggerPass<<"  prescale = "<<prescale<<endl;
      if(triggerPass) nEventsTrig[2][i]++;
      if(triggerPass || pa) nEventsTrig[5][i]++;

  for (UInt_t i =0; i<ntrig; i++) {
      triggerSelector->SelectTrigger(myTriggers[i], triggerStatus, hltPrescale, isFound, triggerPass, prescale);
      if(triggerPass) nEventsTrig[3][i]++;


  return kTRUE;
