Exemple #1
/* randomly re-place one of two points that are too close to each other,
* move others that are too far from the centroid towards the centroid
void OpticalFlow::AddNewFeatures(IplImage* rgbImage,
                                 CPointVector& features,
                                 CStatusVector& status,
                                 int last_width, int last_height,
                                 bool use_prob_distr)

  CDoubleMatrix distances;
  DistanceMatrix(features, distances);
  // discard the highest 15percent of distances when computing centroid
  int discard_num_distances = (int)(0.15*(double)distances.size());
  int centroid_index = FindCentroid(distances, discard_num_distances);
  CvPoint2D32f centroid = features[centroid_index];
//  double halfwidth = last_width/2.0;
//  double halfheight = last_height/2.0;
//  double left = centroid.x-halfwidth;
//  double right = centroid.x+halfwidth;
//  double top = centroid.y-halfheight;
//  double bottom = centroid.y+halfheight;

  for (int fcnt=m_num_features_tracked; fcnt<m_target_num_features; fcnt++) {
    // try to find a location that was segmented as foreground color
    int x, y;
    double prob = 1.0;
    int prob_cnt = 0;
    do {
      x = (int) (centroid.x-last_width/2.0+(rand()%last_width));
      y = (int) (centroid.y-last_height/2.0+(rand()%last_height));
      x = min(x, rgbImage->width-1);
      y = min(y, rgbImage->height-1);
      x = max(x, 0);
      y = max(y, 0);
      ColorBGR* color;
      GetPixel(rgbImage, x, y, &color);
      if (use_prob_distr) {
        prob = m_pProbDistrProvider->LookupProb(*color);
    } while (prob<MIN_PROB_FOREGROUND && prob_cnt<20);

    features[fcnt].x = (float)x;
    features[fcnt].y = (float)y;
    status[fcnt] = 0;
  } // end for fcnt
Exemple #2
/* randomly re-place one of two points that are too close to each other,
* move others that are too far from the centroid towards the centroid
void OpticalFlow::ConcentrateFeatures(IplImage* rgbImage,
                                      CPointVector& features,
                                      CStatusVector& status,
                                      int last_width, int last_height,
                                      bool use_prob_distr)

  int round_or_square = 2; // the area in which we will concentrate the features, 1 is round, 2 is rectangular
  CDoubleMatrix distances;
  DistanceMatrix(features, distances);
  // discard the highest 15percent of distances when computing centroid
  int discard_num_distances = (int)(0.15*(double)distances.size());
  int centroid_index = FindCentroid(distances, discard_num_distances);
  CvPoint2D32f centroid = features[centroid_index];
  double halfwidth = last_width/2.0;
  double halfheight = last_height/2.0;
  double left = centroid.x-halfwidth;
  double right = centroid.x+halfwidth;
  double top = centroid.y-halfheight;
  double bottom = centroid.y+halfheight;
  int num_features = (int)features.size();

  for (int fcnt=0; fcnt<num_features; fcnt++) {
    m_feature_status[fcnt] = 1;
    for (int scnd=fcnt+1; scnd<num_features; scnd++) {
      double dist;
      if (fcnt<scnd) {
        dist = distances[fcnt][scnd];
      } else { // scnd<fcnt
        dist = distances[scnd][fcnt];
      int cnt=0;
      bool too_close = dist<m_min_distance;
      while (too_close && cnt<20) {
        // try to find a location that was segmented as foreground color
        // and one that's far away enough from all other features
        int x, y;
        double prob = 1.0;
        int prob_cnt = 0;
        do {
          x = (int) (centroid.x-last_width/2.0+(rand()%last_width));
          y = (int) (centroid.y-last_height/2.0+(rand()%last_height));
          x = min(x, rgbImage->width-1);
          y = min(y, rgbImage->height-1);
          x = max(x, 0);
          y = max(y, 0);
          ColorBGR* color;
          GetPixel(rgbImage, x, y, &color);
          if (use_prob_distr) {
            prob = m_pProbDistrProvider->LookupProb(*color);
        } while (prob<MIN_PROB_FOREGROUND && prob_cnt<20);
        features[fcnt].x = (float)x;
        features[fcnt].y = (float)y;
        status[fcnt] = 0;

        too_close = TooCloseToOthers(features, fcnt, (int)features.size());

      } // end while
    } // end for scnd

    if (centroid_index!=fcnt) {
      if (round_or_square==1) {
        // round
        double dist = -1;
        if (fcnt<centroid_index) {
          dist = distances[fcnt][centroid_index];
        } else if (centroid_index<fcnt) {
          dist = distances[centroid_index][fcnt];
        } else {
          // will not enter the following loop
        while (dist>last_width/2.0) {
          features[fcnt].x = (float)((features[fcnt].x+centroid.x)/2.0);
          features[fcnt].y = (float)((features[fcnt].y+centroid.y)/2.0);
          m_feature_status[fcnt] = 0;
          double dx = features[fcnt].x-centroid.x;
          double dy = features[fcnt].y-centroid.y;
          dist = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);;
      } else {
        // rectangular area
        // move towards horizontal center
        while (features[fcnt].x<left || features[fcnt].x>right) {
          features[fcnt].x = (float)((features[fcnt].x+centroid.x)/2.0);
          status[fcnt] = 0;
        // move towards vertical center
        while (features[fcnt].y<top || features[fcnt].y>bottom) {
          features[fcnt].y = (float)((features[fcnt].y+centroid.y)/2.0);
          status[fcnt] = 0;
    } // end centroid_index!=fcnt

    features[fcnt].x = min(max(features[fcnt].x, .0f), rgbImage->width-1.0f);
    features[fcnt].y = min(max(features[fcnt].y, .0f), rgbImage->height-1.0f);
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
	ParseCommandLine (argc, argv);

	StereoPosData out_data, out_data_dominant;
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> out_image;
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> out_image_dominant;
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> old_image;
	out_image.Resize (Size, Size);
	out_image_dominant.Resize (Size, Size);
	old_image.Resize (Size, Size);
	memset (old_image.GetRawBuffer(), 0, Size * Size);

	// register names.
	for (int i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCHANNELS; i++)
		channels[i].Register (portnames[i]);

	out_saliency.Register (out_saliency_name);
	out.Register (out_pos_data_name);
	out_dominant.Register (out_pos_data_name_dominant);

	for (i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCHANNELS; i++)
		memset (boxes+i, 0, sizeof(FiveBoxesInARow));
		boxes[i].box1.valid = false;
		boxes[i].box2.valid = false;
		boxes[i].box3.valid = false;
		boxes[i].box4.valid = false;
		boxes[i].box5.valid = false;

	// compute saliency scale factor.
	int scalefactor = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCHANNELS; i++)
		scalefactor += relative_weight[i];

	scalefactor = 255 / scalefactor;
	if (scalefactor == 0)
		scalefactor = 1;


	while (1)
		// read all the valid boxes and try to fuse them...
		for (int i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCHANNELS; i++)
			if (channels[i].Read(0))
				boxes[i] = channels[i].Content();

		out_image.Zero ();
		out_image_dominant.Zero ();

		// add channel boxes (5) to out_image.
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCHANNELS; i++)
			DrawBoxes (boxes[i], out_image, relative_weight[i], scalefactor);
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBEROFCHANNELS; i++)
		    if (source_retina[i] == RETINA_DOMINANT)
			DrawBoxes (boxes[i], out_image_dominant, relative_weight[i], scalefactor);

		//TmpFilter (old_image, out_image);

		int xx = 0, yy = 0;
		int xx_dom = 0, yy_dom = 0;
		bool valid = FindCentroid (out_image, &xx, &yy);
		FindCentroid (out_image_dominant, &xx_dom, &yy_dom);

		out_data.valid = valid;
		out_data.xl = xx;
		out_data.yl = yy;
		out_data.xr = xx;
		out_data.yr = yy;

		out_data_dominant.valid = true;
		out_data_dominant.xl = xx_dom;
		out_data_dominant.yl = yy_dom;
		out_data_dominant.xr = xx_dom;
		out_data_dominant.yr = yy_dom;

		YARPGenericImage& outImg = out_saliency.Content(); // Lasts until next Write()

		out.Content() = out_data;
		out_dominant.Content() = out_data_dominant;