//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: walks a particular files config entry and removes an files not valid for this config //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CVCProjConvert::IterateFileConfigurations( IXMLDOMElement *pFile, CUtlSymbol fileName ) { #ifdef _WIN32 CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pConfigs; pFile->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("FileConfiguration"), &pConfigs); if (pConfigs) { long len = 0; pConfigs->get_length(&len); for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pNode; pConfigs->get_item( i, &pNode); if (pNode) { CComQIPtr<IXMLDOMElement> pElem( pNode ); CUtlSymbol configName = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "Name"); CUtlSymbol excluded = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem ,"ExcludedFromBuild"); if ( configName.IsValid() && excluded.IsValid() ) { int index = FindConfiguration( configName ); if ( index > 0 && excluded == "TRUE" ) { m_Configurations[index].RemoveFile( fileName ); } } } }//for }//if #elif _LINUX DOMNodeList *nodes = pFile->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("FileConfiguration")); if (nodes) { int len = nodes->getLength(); for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { DOMNode *node = nodes->item(i); if (node) { CUtlSymbol configName = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "Name"); CUtlSymbol excluded = GetXMLAttribValue( node ,"ExcludedFromBuild"); if ( configName.IsValid() && excluded.IsValid() ) { int index = FindConfiguration( configName ); if ( index >= 0 && excluded == "TRUE" ) { m_Configurations[index].RemoveFile( fileName ); } } } }//for }//if #endif return true; }
const char* HSTool::GetUUID() { std::string uuid = ""; long long time = HSTime::GetLocalityTime(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32) return "1234567890"; #elif (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) /** JniMethodInfo minfo; bool isOk = JniHelper::getStaticMethodInfo(minfo,"com/Zrong/HSBalloon/HSDeviceInfo","GetUUID","()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!isOk) { HSMessageBox("Get UUID Fail"); return ""; } jstring obj = (jstring)minfo.env->CallStaticObjectMethod(minfo.classID,minfo.methodID); uuid = JniHelper::jstring2string(obj); */ const char* s = CCString::createWithFormat("%s%s%s",HSTime::GetTime(),FindConfiguration("APPID").c_str(),FindConfiguration("ChannelID").c_str())->getCString(); return s; //uuid = CCString::createWithFormat("%s%s%ld",FindConfiguration("APPID").c_str(),FindConfiguration("ChannelID").c_str(),HSTime::GetLocalityTimeAccurate()); #elif(CC_TARGET_PLATFORM ==CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //uuid = CCString::createWithFormat("%s%s%ld",FindConfiguration("APPID").c_str(),FindConfiguration("ChannelID").c_str(),HSTime::GetLocalityTimeAccurate()); return "1234567890"; #endif CCLog("-HSAndroid- : UUID : %s",uuid.c_str()); return uuid.c_str(); }
void BuildMatrix::SetSelectedConfigurationName(const wxString &name) { //find the current selected configuration std::list<CSolitionConfigurationPtr>::iterator iter = m_configurationList.begin(); for(; iter != m_configurationList.end(); iter++){ if((*iter)->IsSelected()){ (*iter)->SetSelected(false); break; } } //set the new one CSolitionConfigurationPtr c = FindConfiguration(name); if(c){ c->SetSelected(true); } }
############################################################################################################################ */ void keyboardDown(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { /* **************************************************************************************************************************** */ if (key>='A' && key<='Z') key+='a'-'A'; /* **************************************************************************************************************************** */ switch (key) { case 13: FindConfiguration(); break; case 'f': glutFullScreen(); break; case 'h': HelpMessage(); break; case 'i': InnerIterate(); break; case 'l': AngleLimits = !AngleLimits; if (AngleLimits) fprintf(stderr, "Angle Limits: ON\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Angle Limits: OFF\n"); break; case 27: case 'q': case 'x': exit(0); break; case 'r': ReLoad(); break; case 'w': glutReshapeWindow(1024, 768); glutPositionWindow(100, 100); break; default: break; }
CSolitionConfigurationPtr BuildMatrix::GetConfigurationByName(const wxString &name) const { return FindConfiguration(name); }
############################################################################################################################ */ void motion(int x, int y) { /* **************************************************************************************************************************** */ int TempRes; MDFloat t; GLint ViewPort[4]; MDFloat Q[4]; MDFloat P[4]; MDFloat s[4]; GLdouble MM[16]; GLdouble PM[16]; /* **************************************************************************************************************************** */ if (MouseState==1) { xnew=xold+x-xx1; ynew=yold+y-yy1; glutPostRedisplay(); } /* **************************************************************************************************************************** */ if (MouseState==2) { znew=zold+y-zz1; glutPostRedisplay(); } /* **************************************************************************************************************************** */ if ( (MouseState==3) || (MouseState==4) ) { SetGlobalView(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); MoveToOrigin(); glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, MM); glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, PM); glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, ViewPort); /* * Obtain 2 points on line going from cursor */ TempRes = gluUnProject( x, ViewPort[3]-y, -1/*z*/, MM, PM, ViewPort, &Q[0], &Q[1], &Q[2] ); TempRes = gluUnProject( x, ViewPort[3]-y, 0/*z*/, MM, PM, ViewPort, &P[0], &P[1], &P[2] ); /* Find directional vector of this line */ VectSub(P, Q, s); /* Find intersection with plane in Selected node paralel with projection plane */ t = (-a*Q[0] - b*Q[1] - c*Q[2] - d) / (a*s[0] + b*s[1] + c*s[2]); PNew[0] = Q[0] + t*s[0]; PNew[1] = Q[1] + t*s[1]; PNew[2] = Q[2] + t*s[2]; if (MouseState==3) FindConfiguration(); glutPostRedisplay(); } /* **************************************************************************************************************************** */ if (MouseState==6) { ONew[1] = xold+x-xx1; if (ONew[1]>= 75) ONew[1] = 74.99; if (ONew[1]<=-75) ONew[1] = -74.99; glutPostRedisplay(); } if (MouseState==7) { ONew[2] = xold+x-xx1; if (ONew[2]>= 180) ONew[2] = 179.99; if (ONew[2]<=-80) ONew[2] = -79.99; glutPostRedisplay(); }