Exemple #1
  Build a file descriptor for a socket.

  @param [in] pSocketProtocol   Socket protocol structure address

  @param [in] pErrno            Address of the errno variable

  @return  The file descriptor for the socket or -1 if an error occurs.

BslSocketProtocolToFd (
    IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
    IN int * pErrno
    int FileDescriptor;
    struct __filedes * pDescriptor;

    //  Assume failure
    FileDescriptor = -1;

    //  Locate a file descriptor
    FileDescriptor = FindFreeFD ( VALID_CLOSED );
    if ( FileDescriptor < 0 ) {
        // All available FDs are in use
        errno = EMFILE;
    else {
        //  Initialize the file descriptor
        pDescriptor = &gMD->fdarray[ FileDescriptor ];
        pDescriptor->f_offset = 0;
        pDescriptor->f_flag = 0;
        pDescriptor->f_iflags = DTYPE_SOCKET;
        pDescriptor->MyFD = (UINT16)FileDescriptor;
        pDescriptor->Oflags = O_RDWR;
        pDescriptor->Omode = S_ACC_READ | S_ACC_WRITE;
        pDescriptor->RefCount = 1;
        FILE_SET_MATURE ( pDescriptor );

        //  Socket specific file descriptor initialization
        pDescriptor->devdata = pSocketProtocol;
        pDescriptor->f_ops = &SocketOperations;

    //  Return the socket's file descriptor
    return FileDescriptor;
Exemple #2
/** The fcntl() function shall perform the operations described below on open
    files. The fildes argument is a file descriptor.

    The available values for cmd are defined in <fcntl.h> and are as follows:
      - F_DUPFD - Return a new file descriptor which shall be the lowest
                  numbered available (that is, not already open) file
                  descriptor greater than or equal to the third argument, arg,
                  taken as an integer of type int. The new file descriptor
                  shall refer to the same open file description as the original
                  file descriptor, and shall share any locks. The FD_CLOEXEC
                  flag associated with the new file descriptor shall be cleared
                  to keep the file open across calls to one of the exec functions.
      - F_GETFD - Get the file descriptor flags defined in <fcntl.h> that are
                  associated with the file descriptor fildes. File descriptor
                  flags are associated with a single file descriptor and do not
                  affect other file descriptors that refer to the same file.
      - F_SETFD - Set the file descriptor flags defined in <fcntl.h>, that are
                  associated with fildes, to the third argument, arg, taken
                  as type int. If the FD_CLOEXEC flag in the third argument
                  is 0, the file shall remain open across the exec
                  functions; otherwise, the file shall be closed upon
                  successful execution of one of the exec functions.
      - F_GETFL - Get the file status flags and file access modes, defined in
                  <fcntl.h>, for the file description associated with fildes.
                  The file access modes can be extracted from the return
                  value using the mask O_ACCMODE, which is defined in
                  <fcntl.h>. File status flags and file access modes are
                  associated with the file description and do not affect
                  other file descriptors that refer to the same file with
                  different open file descriptions.
      - F_SETFL - Set the file status flags, defined in <fcntl.h>, for the file
                  description associated with fildes from the corresponding
                  bits in the third argument, arg, taken as type int. Bits
                  corresponding to the file access mode and the file creation
                  flags, as defined in <fcntl.h>, that are set in arg shall
                  be ignored. If any bits in arg other than those mentioned
                  here are changed by the application, the result is unspecified.
      - F_GETOWN -  If fildes refers to a socket, get the process or process group
                  ID specified to receive SIGURG signals when out-of-band
                  data is available. Positive values indicate a process ID;
                  negative values, other than -1, indicate a process group
                  ID. If fildes does not refer to a socket, the results are
      - F_SETOWN -  If fildes refers to a socket, set the process or process
                  group ID specified to receive SIGURG signals when
                  out-of-band data is available, using the value of the third
                  argument, arg, taken as type int. Positive values indicate
                  a process ID; negative values, other than -1, indicate a
                  process group ID. If fildes does not refer to a socket, the
                  results are unspecified.

    The fcntl() function shall fail if:

    [EBADF]       The fildes argument is not a valid open file descriptor.
    [EINVAL]      The cmd argument is invalid, or the cmd argument is F_DUPFD
                  and arg is negative or greater than or equal to {OPEN_MAX}.
    [EMFILE]      The argument cmd is F_DUPFD and {OPEN_MAX} file descriptors
                  are currently open in the calling process, or no file
                  descriptors greater than or equal to arg are available.
    [EOVERFLOW]   One of the values to be returned cannot be represented correctly.

    @return   Upon successful completion, the value returned shall depend on
              cmd as follows:
                - F_DUPFD - A new file descriptor.
                - F_GETFD - Value of flags defined in <fcntl.h>. The return value
                            shall not be negative.
                - F_SETFD - Value other than -1.
                - F_GETFL - Value of file status flags and access modes. The return
                            value is not negative.
                - F_SETFL - Value other than -1.
                - F_GETOWN  - Value of the socket owner process or process group;
                            this will not be -1.
                - F_SETOWN - Value other than -1.
              Otherwise, -1 shall be returned and errno set to indicate the error.

fcntl     (int fildes, int cmd, ...)
  va_list             p3;
  struct __filedes   *MyFd;
  int                 retval = -1;
  int                 temp;

//Print(L"%a( %d, %d, ...)\n", __func__, fildes, cmd);
  va_start(p3, cmd);

  if(ValidateFD( fildes, VALID_OPEN )) {
    MyFd = &gMD->fdarray[fildes];

    switch(cmd) {
      case F_DUPFD:
        temp = va_arg(p3, int);
        if(ValidateFD( temp, VALID_DONT_CARE )) {
          temp = FindFreeFD( temp );
          if(temp < 0) {
            errno = EMFILE;
          /* temp is now a valid fd reserved for further use
             so copy fd into temp.
          (void)memcpy(&gMD->fdarray[temp], MyFd, sizeof(struct __filedes));
          retval = temp;
        else {
          errno = EINVAL;

      case F_SETFL:
        retval = MyFd->Oflags;        // Get original value
        temp = va_arg(p3, int);
        temp &= O_SETMASK;            // Only certain bits can be set
        temp |= retval & O_SETMASK;
        MyFd->Oflags = temp;          // Set new value

      case F_SETFD:
        retval = MyFd->f_iflags;
      //case F_SETOWN:
      //  retval = MyFd->SocProc;
      //  MyFd->SocProc = va_arg(p3, int);
      //  break;
      case F_GETFD:
        retval = MyFd->f_iflags;
      case F_GETFL:
        retval = MyFd->Oflags;
      //case F_GETOWN:
      //  retval = MyFd->SocProc;
      //  break;
        errno  = EINVAL;
  else {