/* static */
void wxPaintDCImpl::EndPaint(wxWindow *win)
    wxPaintDCInfo *info = FindInCache(win);
    if ( info )
        delete info;
Exemple #2
QDateTime AssetCache::LastModified(const QString &assetRef)
    QString absolutePath = FindInCache(assetRef);
    if (absolutePath.isEmpty())
        return QDateTime();

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    HANDLE fileHandle = (HANDLE)OpenFileHandle(absolutePath);
    if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        LogError("AssetCache: Failed to open cache file to read last modified time: " + assetRef);
        return QDateTime();

    // Get last write time.
    FILETIME fileTime;
    BOOL success = GetFileTime(fileHandle, 0, 0, &fileTime); // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724320(v=VS.85).aspx
    if (!success)
        LogError("AssetCache: Failed to read cache file last modified time: " + assetRef);
        return QDateTime();

    // Convert to UTC.
    SYSTEMTIME sysTime;
    if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&fileTime, &sysTime)) // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724280(v=VS.85).aspx
        LogError("Win32 FileTimeToSystemTime failed for asset ref " + assetRef);
        return QDateTime();

    // Ignore msec
    QDateTime dateTime;
    dateTime.setDate(QDate((int)sysTime.wYear, (int)sysTime.wMonth, (int)sysTime.wDay));
    dateTime.setTime(QTime((int)sysTime.wHour, (int)sysTime.wMinute, (int)sysTime.wSecond, 0));
    return dateTime;
    QDateTime dateTime;
    QString nativePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(absolutePath);
    struct stat fileStats;
    if (stat(nativePath.toStdString().c_str(), &fileStats) == 0)
        qint64 msecFromEpoch = (qint64)fileStats.st_mtime * 1000;
        LogError("AssetCache: Failed to read cache file last modified time: " + assetRef);
    return dateTime;
/* static */
WXHDC wxPaintDCImpl::FindDCInCache(wxWindow* win)
    wxPaintDCInfo* const info = FindInCache(win);

    return info ? info->GetHDC() : 0;
Exemple #4
wxIconManager::GetIcon(const String &iconNameOrig)
   String iconName = iconNameOrig;

   wxLogTrace(wxTraceIconLoading, _T("wxIconManager::GetIcon(%s) called..."),

   wxIcon icon;

   // first always look in the cache
   if ( FindInCache(iconName, &icon) )
      return icon;

   // next step: try to load the icon files .png,.xpm,.gif:

      // look in the source directory to make it possible to use the program
      // without installing it
      pf.AddPaths(String(M_TOP_SOURCEDIR) + _T("/src/icons"));
      pf.AddPaths(String(M_TOP_SOURCEDIR) + _T("/res"));

      pf.AddPaths(m_GlobalDir, false);
      if(ms_IconPath.Length() > 0)
         pf.AddPaths(ms_IconPath,false, true /*prepend */);
      pf.AddPaths(m_LocalDir, false);
      if(m_SubDir.Length() > 1)  // 1 == "/" == empty
         pf.AddPaths(m_GlobalDir+m_SubDir, false, true);
         pf.AddPaths(m_LocalDir+m_SubDir, false, true);

      String name;
      for ( int ext = 0; wxIconManagerFileExtensions[ext]; ext++ )
         // use iconNameOrig here to preserve the original case
         name = pf.FindFile(iconNameOrig + wxIconManagerFileExtensions[ext]);

         // but if it's not found, also fall back to the usual lower case
         if ( name.empty() )
            name = pf.FindFile(iconName + wxIconManagerFileExtensions[ext]);

         if ( !name.empty() )
            ms_IconPath = name.BeforeLast('/');

            if ( !icon.LoadFile(name, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY) )
               // try to load it via conversion to XPM
               char **ptr = LoadImageXpm(name);
                  icon = wxIcon(ptr);

            if ( icon.Ok() )
               IconData  id;
               id.iconRef = icon;
               id.iconName = iconName;
               wxLogTrace(wxTraceIconLoading, _T("... icon found in '%s'"),
               return icon;
     } // for all extensions
   } // if globaldir is not empty

#ifdef OS_WIN
   // last, look in the resources
      icon = wxIcon(iconNameOrig);
      if ( icon.Ok() ) {
         wxLogTrace(wxTraceIconLoading, _T("... icon found in the ressources."));
         return icon;

      // ok, it failed - now do all the usual stuff
#endif  //Windows

   wxLogTrace(wxTraceIconLoading, _T("... icon not found."));

   return m_unknownIcon;
Exemple #5
bool AssetCache::SetLastModified(const QString &assetRef, const QDateTime &dateTime)
    if (!dateTime.isValid())
        LogError("AssetCache::SetLastModified() DateTime is invalid: " + assetRef);
        return false;

    QString absolutePath = FindInCache(assetRef);
    if (absolutePath.isEmpty())
        return false;

    QDate date = dateTime.date();
    QTime time = dateTime.time();

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    HANDLE fileHandle = (HANDLE)OpenFileHandle(absolutePath);
    if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        LogError("AssetCache: Failed to open cache file to update last modified time: " + assetRef);
        return false;

    // Notes: For SYSTEMTIME Sunday is 0 and ignore msec.
    SYSTEMTIME sysTime;
    sysTime.wDay = (WORD)date.day();
    sysTime.wDayOfWeek = (WORD)date.dayOfWeek();
    if (sysTime.wDayOfWeek == 7)
        sysTime.wDayOfWeek = 0;
    sysTime.wMonth = (WORD)date.month();
    sysTime.wYear = (WORD)date.year();
    sysTime.wHour = (WORD)time.hour();
    sysTime.wMinute = (WORD)time.minute();
    sysTime.wSecond = (WORD)time.second();
    sysTime.wMilliseconds = 0; 

    // Set last write time
    FILETIME fileTime;
    BOOL success = SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &fileTime);
    if (success)
        success = SetFileTime(fileHandle, 0, 0, &fileTime);
    if (!success)
        LogError("AssetCache: Failed to update cache file last modified time: " + assetRef);
        return false;
    return true;
    QString nativePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(absolutePath);
    utimbuf modTime;
    modTime.actime = (time_t)(dateTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
    modTime.modtime = (time_t)(dateTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
    if (utime(nativePath.toStdString().c_str(), &modTime) == -1)
        LogError("AssetCache: Failed to read cache file last modified time: " + assetRef);
        return false;
        return true;