Exemple #1
ESDSinkNode::Disconnect(const media_source& what, const media_destination& where)
	node_output *channel = FindOutput(what);
	// is this our output?
	if (channel == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "ESDSinkNode::Disconnect() returning (cause : B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE)\n");

	// Make sure that our connection is the one being disconnected
	if ((where == channel->fOutput.destination) && (what == channel->fOutput.source))
		channel->fOutput.destination = media_destination::null;
		channel->fOutput.format = channel->fPreferredFormat;
		delete channel->fBufferGroup;
		channel->fBufferGroup = NULL;
		fprintf(stderr, "\tDisconnect() called with wrong source/destination (%ld/%ld), ours is (%ld/%ld)\n",
			what.id, where.id, channel->fOutput.source.id, channel->fOutput.destination.id);
Exemple #2
ESDSinkNode::FormatProposal(const media_source& output, media_format* format)
	// FormatProposal() is the first stage in the BMediaRoster::Connect() process.  We hand
	// out a suggested format, with wildcards for any variations we support.
	node_output *channel = FindOutput(output);
	// is this a proposal for our select output?
	if (channel == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "ESDSinkNode::FormatProposal returning B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE\n");

	// we only support floating-point raw audio, so we always return that, but we
	// supply an error code depending on whether we found the proposal acceptable.
	media_type requestedType = format->type;
	*format = channel->fPreferredFormat;
	if ((requestedType != B_MEDIA_UNKNOWN_TYPE) && (requestedType != B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO))
		fprintf(stderr, "ESDSinkNode::FormatProposal returning B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT\n");
	else return B_OK;		// raw audio or wildcard type, either is okay by us
Exemple #3
ESDSinkNode::Connect(status_t error, const media_source& source, const media_destination& destination, const media_format& format, char* io_name)
	node_output *channel = FindOutput(source);
	// is this our output?
	if (channel == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "ESDSinkNode::Connect returning (cause : B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE)\n");
	// If something earlier failed, Connect() might still be called, but with a non-zero
	// error code.  When that happens we simply unreserve the connection and do
	// nothing else.
	if (error)
		channel->fOutput.destination = media_destination::null;
		channel->fOutput.format = channel->fPreferredFormat;

	// Okay, the connection has been confirmed.  Record the destination and format
	// that we agreed on, and report our connection name again.
	channel->fOutput.destination = destination;
	channel->fOutput.format = format;
	strncpy(io_name, channel->fOutput.name, B_MEDIA_NAME_LENGTH);

	// reset our buffer duration, etc. to avoid later calculations
	bigtime_t duration = channel->fOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size * 10000
			/ ( (channel->fOutput.format.u.raw_audio.format & media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_SIZE_MASK)
				* channel->fOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count) 
			/ ((int32)(channel->fOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate / 100));
	// Now that we're connected, we can determine our downstream latency.
	// Do so, then make sure we get our events early enough.
	media_node_id id;
	FindLatencyFor(channel->fOutput.destination, &fLatency, &id);
	PRINT(("\tdownstream latency = %Ld\n", fLatency));

	fInternalLatency = BufferDuration();
	PRINT(("\tbuffer-filling took %Ld usec on this machine\n", fInternalLatency));
	//SetEventLatency(fLatency + fInternalLatency);

	// Set up the buffer group for our connection, as long as nobody handed us a
	// buffer group (via SetBufferGroup()) prior to this.  That can happen, for example,
	// if the consumer calls SetOutputBuffersFor() on us from within its Connected()
	// method.
	if (!channel->fBufferGroup) 
	// we are sure the thread is started
Exemple #4
BMediaClient::FindOutput(const media_connection& output) const

	if (!output.IsOutput())
		return NULL;

	return FindOutput(output.Source());
Exemple #5
ESDSinkNode::PrepareToConnect(const media_source& what, const media_destination& where, media_format* format, media_source* out_source, char* out_name)
	// PrepareToConnect() is the second stage of format negotiations that happens
	// inside BMediaRoster::Connect().  At this point, the consumer's AcceptFormat()
	// method has been called, and that node has potentially changed the proposed
	// format.  It may also have left wildcards in the format.  PrepareToConnect()
	// *must* fully specialize the format before returning!

	node_output *channel = FindOutput(what);
	// is this our output?
	if (channel == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "ESDSinkNode::PrepareToConnect returning B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE\n");

	// are we already connected?
	if (channel->fOutput.destination != media_destination::null)

	// the format may not yet be fully specialized (the consumer might have
	// passed back some wildcards).  Finish specializing it now, and return an
	// error if we don't support the requested format.
	if (format->type != B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO)
		fprintf(stderr, "\tnon-raw-audio format?!\n");
	 // !!! validate all other fields except for buffer_size here, because the consumer might have
	// supplied different values from AcceptFormat()?

	// check the buffer size, which may still be wildcarded
	if (format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size == media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.buffer_size)
		format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size = 2048;		// pick something comfortable to suggest
		fprintf(stderr, "\tno buffer size provided, suggesting %lu\n", format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size);
		fprintf(stderr, "\tconsumer suggested buffer_size %lu\n", format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size);

	// Now reserve the connection, and return information about it
	channel->fOutput.destination = where;
	channel->fOutput.format = *format;
	*out_source = channel->fOutput.source;
	strncpy(out_name, channel->fOutput.name, B_MEDIA_NAME_LENGTH);
	return B_OK;
Exemple #6
ESDSinkNode::EnableOutput(const media_source& what, bool enabled, int32* _deprecated_)

	// If I had more than one output, I'd have to walk my list of output records to see
	// which one matched the given source, and then enable/disable that one.  But this
	// node only has one output, so I just make sure the given source matches, then set
	// the enable state accordingly.
	node_output *channel = FindOutput(what);
	if (channel != NULL)
		channel->fOutputEnabled = enabled;
Exemple #7
ESDSinkNode::LateNoticeReceived(const media_source& what, bigtime_t how_much, bigtime_t performance_time)
	node_output *channel = FindOutput(what);
	// is this our output?
	if (channel == NULL)

	// If we're late, we need to catch up.  Respond in a manner appropriate to our
	// current run mode.
	if (RunMode() == B_RECORDING)
		// A hardware capture node can't adjust; it simply emits buffers at
		// appropriate points.  We (partially) simulate this by not adjusting
		// our behavior upon receiving late notices -- after all, the hardware
		// can't choose to capture "sooner"....
	else if (RunMode() == B_INCREASE_LATENCY)
		// We're late, and our run mode dictates that we try to produce buffers
		// earlier in order to catch up.  This argues that the downstream nodes are
		// not properly reporting their latency, but there's not much we can do about
		// that at the moment, so we try to start producing buffers earlier to
		// compensate.
		fInternalLatency += how_much;
		SetEventLatency(fLatency + fInternalLatency);

		fprintf(stderr, "\tincreasing latency to %Ld\n", fLatency + fInternalLatency);
		// The other run modes dictate various strategies for sacrificing data quality
		// in the interests of timely data delivery.  The way *we* do this is to skip
		// a buffer, which catches us up in time by one buffer duration.
		/*size_t nSamples = fOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size / sizeof(float);
		mSamplesSent += nSamples;*/

		fprintf(stderr, "\tskipping a buffer to try to catch up\n");
Exemple #8
ESDSinkNode::SetBufferGroup(const media_source& for_source, BBufferGroup* newGroup)

	node_output *channel = FindOutput(for_source);
	// is this our output?
	if (channel == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "ESDSinkNode::SetBufferGroup returning B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE\n");

	// Are we being passed the buffer group we're already using?
	if (newGroup == channel->fBufferGroup) return B_OK;

	// Ahh, someone wants us to use a different buffer group.  At this point we delete
	// the one we are using and use the specified one instead.  If the specified group is
	// NULL, we need to recreate one ourselves, and use *that*.  Note that if we're
	// caching a BBuffer that we requested earlier, we have to Recycle() that buffer
	// *before* deleting the buffer group, otherwise we'll deadlock waiting for that
	// buffer to be recycled!
	delete channel->fBufferGroup;		// waits for all buffers to recycle
	if (newGroup != NULL)
		// we were given a valid group; just use that one from now on
		channel->fBufferGroup = newGroup;
		// we were passed a NULL group pointer; that means we construct
		// our own buffer group to use from now on
		size_t size = channel->fOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size;
		int32 count = int32(fLatency / BufferDuration() + 1 + 1);
		channel->fBufferGroup = new BBufferGroup(size, count);

	return B_OK;