Exemple #1
    float alt, az;


    if (!calib_stars) {
        txtPrint("Getting calibration stars\n");
        polaris = FindStar("Polaris");
        polaris->GetAltAz(time(), my_longitude, my_latitude, &alt, &az);
        target_alt = alt;
        target_az = az;

	txtPrint("Seeking Home Position\n\n");
        laser->PointTo(az, alt);

    if (calibrate_second_star) {
        txtPrintf("Aim laser at %s\n", calib_stars[curr_calib_star]->star_name);
    } else {
        txtPrint("Aim laser at Polaris       \n");
    txtPrint("and press A or Enter.\n\n");

    txtPrint("Press B or Back to point the\n");
    txtPrint("laser near the target star.\n\n");

    txtPrintf("Star  Alt: %4.1f  Az: %5.1f\n", target_alt, target_az);
Exemple #2
// Move the Flagship to the destination of the autopilot.
// Should only be called from HyperSpace/QuasiSpace.
// It can be called from debugHook directly after entering HS/QS though.
doInstantMove (void)
	// Move to the new location:
	if ((GLOBAL (autopilot)).x == ~0 || (GLOBAL (autopilot)).y == ~0)
		// If no destination has been selected, use the current location
		// as the destination.
		(GLOBAL (autopilot)).x = LOGX_TO_UNIVERSE(GLOBAL_SIS (log_x));
		(GLOBAL (autopilot)).y = LOGY_TO_UNIVERSE(GLOBAL_SIS (log_y));
		// A new destination has been selected.
		GLOBAL_SIS (log_x) = UNIVERSE_TO_LOGX((GLOBAL (autopilot)).x);
		GLOBAL_SIS (log_y) = UNIVERSE_TO_LOGY((GLOBAL (autopilot)).y);

	// Check for a solar systems at the destination.
		// If there's a solar system at the destination, enter it.
		CurStarDescPtr = FindStar (0, &(GLOBAL (autopilot)), 0, 0);
		if (CurStarDescPtr)
			// Leave HyperSpace/QuasiSpace if we're there:
			GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) &= ~IN_BATTLE;

			// Enter IP:
			GLOBAL (ShipFacing) = 0;
			GLOBAL (ip_planet) = 0;
			GLOBAL (in_orbit) = 0;
					// This causes the ship position in IP to be reset.

	// Turn off the autopilot:
	(GLOBAL (autopilot)).x = ~0;
	(GLOBAL (autopilot)).y = ~0;
Exemple #3
LoadGame (COUNT which_game, SUMMARY_DESC *SummPtr)
	uio_Stream *in_fp;
	char file[PATH_MAX];
	char buf[256];
	COUNT num_links;
	ACTIVITY Activity;

	sprintf (file, "starcon2.%02u", which_game);
	in_fp = res_OpenResFile (saveDir, file, "rb");
	if (!in_fp)
		return FALSE;

	if (!LoadSummary (&loc_sd, in_fp))
		log_add (log_Error, "Warning: Savegame is corrupt");
		res_CloseResFile (in_fp);
		return FALSE;

	if (!SummPtr)
		SummPtr = &loc_sd;
	{	// only need summary for displaying to user
		memcpy (SummPtr, &loc_sd, sizeof (*SummPtr));
		res_CloseResFile (in_fp);
		return TRUE;

	// Crude check for big-endian/little-endian incompatibilities.
	// year_index is suitable as it's a multi-byte value within
	// a specific recognisable range.
	if (SummPtr->year_index < START_YEAR ||
			SummPtr->year_index >= START_YEAR +
			YEARS_TO_KOHRAH_VICTORY + 1 /* Utwig intervention */ +
			1 /* time to destroy all races, plenty */ +
			25 /* for cheaters */)
		log_add (log_Error, "Warning: Savegame corrupt or from "
				"an incompatible platform.");
		res_CloseResFile (in_fp);
		return FALSE;

	GlobData.SIS_state = SummPtr->SS;

	if ((fh = copen (in_fp, FILE_STREAM, STREAM_READ)) == 0)
		res_CloseResFile (in_fp);
		return FALSE;

	ReinitQueue (&GLOBAL (GameClock.event_q));
	ReinitQueue (&GLOBAL (encounter_q));
	ReinitQueue (&GLOBAL (ip_group_q));
	ReinitQueue (&GLOBAL (npc_built_ship_q));
	ReinitQueue (&GLOBAL (built_ship_q));

	memset (&GLOBAL (GameState[0]), 0, sizeof (GLOBAL (GameState)));
	Activity = GLOBAL (CurrentActivity);
	LoadGameState (&GlobData.Game_state, fh);
	NextActivity = GLOBAL (CurrentActivity);
	GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) = Activity;

	LoadRaceQueue (fh, &GLOBAL (avail_race_q));
	// START_INTERPLANETARY is only set when saving from Homeworld
	//   encounter screen. When the game is loaded, the
	//   GenerateOrbitalFunction for the current star system will
	//   create the encounter anew and populate the npc queue.
	if (!(NextActivity & START_INTERPLANETARY))
		if (NextActivity & START_ENCOUNTER)
			LoadShipQueue (fh, &GLOBAL (npc_built_ship_q));
		else if (LOBYTE (NextActivity) == IN_INTERPLANETARY)
			// XXX: Technically, this queue does not need to be
			//   saved/loaded at all. IP groups will be reloaded
			//   from group state files. But the original code did,
			//   and so will we until we can prove we do not need to.
			LoadGroupQueue (fh, &GLOBAL (ip_group_q));
			// XXX: The empty queue read is only needed to maintain
			//   the savegame compatibility
			LoadEmptyQueue (fh);
	LoadShipQueue (fh, &GLOBAL (built_ship_q));

	// Load the game events (compressed)
	cread_16 (fh, &num_links);
		log_add (log_Debug, "EVENTS:");
#endif /* DEBUG_LOAD */
		while (num_links--)
			HEVENT hEvent;
			EVENT *EventPtr;

			hEvent = AllocEvent ();
			LockEvent (hEvent, &EventPtr);

			LoadEvent (EventPtr, fh);

		log_add (log_Debug, "\t%u/%u/%u -- %u",
#endif /* DEBUG_LOAD */
			UnlockEvent (hEvent);
			PutEvent (hEvent);

	// Load the encounters (black globes in HS/QS (compressed))
	cread_16 (fh, &num_links);
		while (num_links--)
			HENCOUNTER hEncounter;
			ENCOUNTER *EncounterPtr;

			hEncounter = AllocEncounter ();
			LockEncounter (hEncounter, &EncounterPtr);

			LoadEncounter (EncounterPtr, fh);

			UnlockEncounter (hEncounter);
			PutEncounter (hEncounter);

	// Copy the star info file from the compressed stream
	fp = OpenStateFile (STARINFO_FILE, "wb");
	if (fp)
		DWORD flen;

		cread_32 (fh, &flen);
		while (flen)
			COUNT num_bytes;

			num_bytes = flen >= sizeof (buf) ? sizeof (buf) : (COUNT)flen;
			cread (buf, num_bytes, 1, fh);
			WriteStateFile (buf, num_bytes, 1, fp);

			flen -= num_bytes;
		CloseStateFile (fp);

	// Copy the defined groupinfo file from the compressed stream
	fp = OpenStateFile (DEFGRPINFO_FILE, "wb");
	if (fp)
		DWORD flen;

		cread_32 (fh, &flen);
		while (flen)
			COUNT num_bytes;

			num_bytes = flen >= sizeof (buf) ? sizeof (buf) : (COUNT)flen;
			cread (buf, num_bytes, 1, fh);
			WriteStateFile (buf, num_bytes, 1, fp);

			flen -= num_bytes;
		CloseStateFile (fp);

	// Copy the random groupinfo file from the compressed stream
	fp = OpenStateFile (RANDGRPINFO_FILE, "wb");
	if (fp)
		DWORD flen;

		cread_32 (fh, &flen);
		while (flen)
			COUNT num_bytes;

			num_bytes = flen >= sizeof (buf) ? sizeof (buf) : (COUNT)flen;
			cread (buf, num_bytes, 1, fh);
			WriteStateFile (buf, num_bytes, 1, fp);

			flen -= num_bytes;
		CloseStateFile (fp);

	LoadStarDesc (&SD, fh);

	cclose (fh);
	res_CloseResFile (in_fp);

	EncounterGroup = 0;
	EncounterRace = -1;

	ReinitQueue (&race_q[0]);
	ReinitQueue (&race_q[1]);
	CurStarDescPtr = FindStar (NULL, &SD.star_pt, 0, 0);
	if (!(NextActivity & START_ENCOUNTER)
			&& LOBYTE (NextActivity) == IN_INTERPLANETARY)

	return TRUE;
Exemple #4
int main()
	int nprob, nstars, curprob, index, subprobs, starInd, secs, subprob;
	double elev, az;

	if(fgets(&(inbuf[0]), 255, stdin) == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Read failed on problem and star count\n");
		return -1;
	if(sscanf(&(inbuf[0]), "%d %d", &nstars, &nprob) != 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "Scan failed on problem and star count\n");
		return -2;
	if((nstars < 5) || (nstars > MAX_STARS))
		fprintf(stderr, "star count must be in range 5 to %d\n", MAX_STARS);
		return -21;
	for(starInd = 1; starInd <= nstars ; starInd++)
		if(fgets(&(inbuf[0]), 255, stdin) == NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "Read failed on star %d data\n", starInd);
			return -23;
		if(sscanf(&(inbuf[0]), "%d %lf %lf", &index, &az, &elev) != 3)
			fprintf(stderr, "scan failed on star %d data\n", starInd);
			return -26;
		if(starInd != index) {
			fprintf(stderr, "star index %d not = expected star %d\n",
				index, starInd);
			return -27;
		stars[index].azimuth = (az * PI)/180.0;
		stars[index].elevation = (elev * PI)/180.0;
	for(curprob = 1; curprob <= nprob ; curprob++)
		if(fgets(&(inbuf[0]), 255, stdin) == NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "Read failed on problem header problem index  %d \n", curprob);
			return -3;
		// get prob num and subprob count
		if(sscanf(&(inbuf[0]), "%d %d", &index, &subprobs) != 2)
			fprintf(stderr, "scan failed on problem header problem index %d\n",
			return -6;
		if(curprob != index) {
			fprintf(stderr, "problem index %d not = expected %d\n",
				index, curprob);
			return -7;
		if((subprobs < 1) || (subprobs > MAX_SUBPROBS)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "number of subproblems %d not in range 1 to %d problem %d\n",
				subprobs, MAX_SUBPROBS, curprob);
			return -8;

		// get first alignment star
		if(fgets(&(inbuf[0]), 255, stdin) == NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "Read failed on first alignment star problem %d \n", curprob);
			return -10;
		if(sscanf(&(inbuf[0]), "%d %d %lf %lf", &secs, &starInd, &az, &elev) != 4)
			fprintf(stderr, "scan failed on on first alignment star problem %d\n",
			return -11;
		if((starInd < 1) || (starInd > MAX_STARS)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "first alignment star index %d not in range 1 to %d problem %d\n",
				starInd, MAX_STARS, curprob);
			return -51;
		SetStar1(secs, starInd, (PI*az)/180.0, (PI*elev)/180.0);
		// get second alignment star
		if(fgets(&(inbuf[0]), 255, stdin) == NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "Read failed on second alignment star problem %d \n", curprob);
			return -12;
		if(sscanf(&(inbuf[0]), "%d %d %lf %lf", &secs, &starInd, &az, &elev) != 4)
			fprintf(stderr, "scan failed on on second alignment star problem %d\n",
			return -13;
		if((starInd < 1) || (starInd > MAX_STARS)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "second alignment star index %d not in range 1 to %d problem %d\n",
				starInd, MAX_STARS, curprob);
			return -52;
#ifdef USE_ORIG
		if(SetStar2(secs, starInd, (PI*az)/180.0, (PI*elev)/180.0) != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "bad alignment stars problem %d\n",
			return -14;
		if(SetStar2A(secs, starInd, (PI*az)/180.0, (PI*elev)/180.0) != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "bad alignmentA stars problem %d\n",
			return -24;
		printf("%d %d\n", curprob, subprobs);
		for(subprob = 1 ; subprob <= subprobs ; subprob++) {
			if(fgets(&(inbuf[0]), 255, stdin) == NULL)
				fprintf(stderr, "Read failed on sub problem %d problem %d \n", subprob, curprob);
				return -15;
			if(sscanf(&(inbuf[0]), "%d %d %d", &index, &secs, &starInd) != 3)
				fprintf(stderr, "scan failed on on sub problem %d problem %d\n",
					subprob, curprob);
				return -16;
			if(index != subprob) {
				fprintf(stderr, "subproblem index %d not = expected %d problem %d\n",
					index, subprob, curprob);
				return -17;
			if((starInd < 1) || (starInd > MAX_STARS)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "sub problem %d star index %d not in range 1 to %d problem %d\n",
					subprob, starInd, MAX_STARS, curprob);
				return -53;
#ifdef USE_ORIG
			FindStar(secs, starInd, &az, &elev);
			FindStarA(secs, starInd, &az, &elev);
			if(elev < 0.0) {
				printf("%d NOT VISIBLE\n", subprob);
			} else {
				printf("%d %.1lf %.1lf\n", subprob, az, elev);

	return 0;