void U8Archive::SetData( const u8 *stuff, u32 len )
	fst = NULL;
	name_table = NULL;
	data = NULL;
	if( !stuff || len < 0x40 )
		gprintf( "SetData(): !stuff || len < 0x40  %p %08x\n", stuff, len );
	stuff = FindU8Tag( stuff, len );
	if( !stuff )
		gprintf( "U8 tag not found\n" );
	const U8Header * binHdr = (const U8Header *)stuff;

	const u8* fst_buffer = stuff + binHdr->rootNodeOffset;
	fst = (FstEntry *)fst_buffer;
	u32 name_table_offset = fst->filelen * 0xC;
	name_table = (char *)( fst_buffer + name_table_offset );
	data = (u8*)stuff;
bool U8NandArchive::SetFile( const char* nandPath )

	// open file
	if( (fd = ISFS_Open( nandPath, ISFS_OPEN_READ ) ) < 0 )
		gprintf( "U8NandArchive:  ISFS_Open( \"%s\" ) failed\n", nandPath );
		return false;

	// get file size
	fstats stats __attribute__(( aligned( 32 ) ));
	int ret = ISFS_GetFileStats( fd, &stats );
	if( ret < 0 )
		gprintf( "U8NandArchive:  ISFS_GetFileStats( \"%s\" ) failed\n", nandPath );
		return false;

	// buffer for reading the header and stuff
	u8* buffer = (u8*)memalign( 32, 0x800 );
	if( !buffer )
		gprintf( "U8NandArchive: enomem\n" );
		return false;

	// read a chunk big enough that it should contain the U8 header if there is going to be one
	if( (ret = ISFS_Read( fd, buffer, 0x800 )) != 0x800 )
		free( buffer );
		gprintf( "U8NandArchive: ISFS_Read( 0x800 ) = %i\n", ret );
		return false;

	// find the start of the U8 data
	U8Header* tagStart = (U8Header*)FindU8Tag( buffer, ret );
	if( !tagStart )
		free( buffer );
		gprintf( "U8NandArchive: didn't see a U8 tag\n" );
		return false;

	// remember where in the file the U8 starts
	dataOffset = ( (u8*)tagStart - buffer );

	// allocate memory and read the fst
	if( !(fst = (FstEntry *)memalign( 32, RU( tagStart->dataOffset - dataOffset, 32 ) ) )
			|| ( ISFS_Seek( fd, dataOffset + tagStart->rootNodeOffset, SEEK_SET ) != (s32)( dataOffset + tagStart->rootNodeOffset ) )
			|| ( ISFS_Read( fd, fst, tagStart->dataOffset - dataOffset ) != (s32)( tagStart->dataOffset - dataOffset ) )
			|| ( fst->filelen * 0xC > tagStart->dataOffset ) )
		dataOffset = 0;
		free( buffer );
		if( fst )
			free( fst );
		gprintf( "U8NandArchive: error reading fst\n" );

	// set name table pointer
	u32 name_table_offset = fst->filelen * 0xC;
	name_table = ((char *)fst) + name_table_offset;

	free( buffer );
	return true;
bool U8FileArchive::SetFile( const char* filePath )
	FREE( fst );
	FREE( name_table );

	// open file
	if( !(fd = fopen( filePath, "rb" ) ) )
		gprintf( "U8FileArchive:  fopen( \"%s\" ) failed\n",filePath );
		return false;

	int ret;

	// buffer for reading the header and stuff
	u8* buffer = (u8*)memalign( 32, 0x800 );
	if( !buffer )
		gprintf( "U8FileArchive: enomem\n" );
		return false;

	// read a chunk big enough that it should contain the U8 header if there is going to be one
	if( (ret = fread( buffer, 0x800, 1, fd )) != 1 )
		free( buffer );
		gprintf( "U8FileArchive: fread( 0x800 ) = %i\n", ret );
		return false;

	// find the start of the U8 data
	U8Header* tagStart = (U8Header*)FindU8Tag( buffer, 0x800 );
	if( !tagStart )
		free( buffer );
		gprintf( "U8FileArchive: didn't see a U8 tag\n" );
		return false;

	// remember where in the file the U8 starts
	dataOffset = ( (u8*)tagStart - buffer );

	// allocate memory and read the fst
	if( !(fst = (FstEntry *)memalign( 32, RU( tagStart->dataOffset - dataOffset, 32 ) ) )
			|| ( fseek( fd, dataOffset + tagStart->rootNodeOffset, SEEK_SET ) )
			|| ( fread( fst, tagStart->dataOffset - dataOffset, 1, fd ) != 1 )
			|| ( fst->filelen * 0xC > tagStart->dataOffset ) )
		gprintf( "U8FileArchive: error reading fst\n" );
		gprintf( "%08x, %p, %p, %08x\n", dataOffset, buffer, fst, ftell( fd ) );
		dataOffset = 0;
		free( buffer );
		FREE( fst );
		return false;

	// set name table pointer
	u32 name_table_offset = fst->filelen * 0xC;
	name_table = ((char *)fst) + name_table_offset;

	free( buffer );
	return true;