Exemple #1
//cycle the flashing light for when mine destroyed
void FlashFrame (void)
	static fixang flash_ang = 0;

if (!(gameData.reactor.bDestroyed || gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude)) {
	gameStates.render.nFlashScale = I2X (1);
if (gameStates.app.bEndLevelSequence)
if (paletteManager.BlueEffect () > 10)		//whiting out
//	flash_ang += FixMul(FLASH_CYCLE_RATE, gameData.time.xFrame);
if (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude) {
	fix xAddedFlash = abs(gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude);
	if (xAddedFlash < I2X (1))
		xAddedFlash *= 16;
	flash_ang += (fixang) FixMul (gameStates.render.nFlashRate, FixMul(gameData.time.xFrame, xAddedFlash+I2X (1)));
	FixFastSinCos (flash_ang, &gameStates.render.nFlashScale, NULL);
	gameStates.render.nFlashScale = (gameStates.render.nFlashScale + I2X (3))/4;	//	gets in range 0.5 to 1.0
else {
	flash_ang += (fixang) FixMul (gameStates.render.nFlashRate, gameData.time.xFrame);
	FixFastSinCos (flash_ang, &gameStates.render.nFlashScale, NULL);
	gameStates.render.nFlashScale = (gameStates.render.nFlashScale + I2X (1))/2;
	if (gameStates.app.nDifficultyLevel == 0)
		gameStates.render.nFlashScale = (gameStates.render.nFlashScale+I2X (3))/4;
Exemple #2
void SeismicDisturbanceFrame (void)
if (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nShakeFrequency) {
	if (((gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nStartTime < gameData.time.xGame) && 
		  (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nEndTime > gameData.time.xGame)) || StartSeismicDisturbance()) {
		fix	deltaTime = gameData.time.xGame - gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nStartTime;
		int	fc, rx, rz;
		fix	h;

		fc = abs(deltaTime - (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nEndTime - gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nStartTime) / 2);
		fc /= F1_0 / 16;
		if (fc > 16)
			fc = 16;
		else if (fc == 0)
			fc = 1;
		gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume += fc;
		h = 3 * F1_0 / 16 + (F1_0 * (16 - fc)) / 32;
		rx = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
		rz = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
		gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx;
		gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz;
		//	Shake the buddy!
		if (gameData.escort.nObjNum != -1) {
			gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx*4;
			gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz*4;
		//	Shake a guided missile!
		gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude += rx;
Exemple #3
//performs aspect scaling on global view matrix
void ScaleMatrix (int bOglScale)
	viewInfo.view [1] = viewInfo.view [0];		//so we can use unscaled if we want
	viewInfo.viewf [1] = viewInfo.viewf [0];		//so we can use unscaled if we want

viewInfo.scale = viewInfo.windowScale;
if (viewInfo.zoom <= f1_0) 		//xZoom in by scaling z
	viewInfo.scale[Z] = FixMul (viewInfo.scale[Z], viewInfo.zoom);
else {			//xZoom out by scaling x&y
	fix s = FixDiv (f1_0, viewInfo.zoom);

	viewInfo.scale[X] = FixMul (viewInfo.scale[X], s);
	viewInfo.scale[Y] = FixMul (viewInfo.scale[Y], s);
viewInfo.scalef = viewInfo.scale.ToFloat();
//viewInfo.scale[X] = viewInfo.scale[Y] = viewInfo.scale[Z] = F1_0;
//now scale matrix elements
if (bOglScale) {
	//glScalef (X2F (viewInfo.scale[X]), X2F (viewInfo.scale[Y]), -X2F (viewInfo.scale[Z]));
	glScalef (1, 1, -1);
else {
	//VmVecScale (&viewInfo.view [0].rVec, viewInfo.scale[X]);
	//VmVecScale (&viewInfo.view [0].uVec, viewInfo.scale[Y]);
	//viewInfo.scale[X] = viewInfo.scale[Y] = viewInfo.scale[Z] = F1_0;
	viewInfo.view [0][FVEC] *= (-viewInfo.scale[Z]);
	glScalef (1, 1, 1);
viewInfo.viewf[0] = viewInfo.view[0].ToFloat();
Exemple #4
fix ComputeHeadlightLightOnObject (tObject *objP)
	int	i;
	fix	light;
	//	Let's just illuminate players and robots for speed reasons, ok?
	if ((objP->nType != OBJ_ROBOT) && (objP->nType	!= OBJ_PLAYER))
		return 0;
	light = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nHeadLights; i++) {
		fix			dot, dist;
		vmsVector	vecToObj;
		tObject		*lightObjP;
		lightObjP = Headlights [i];
		VmVecSub (&vecToObj, &objP->position.vPos, &lightObjP->position.vPos);
		dist = VmVecNormalize (&vecToObj);
		if (dist > 0) {
			dot = VmVecDot (&lightObjP->position.mOrient.fVec, &vecToObj);
			if (dot < F1_0/2)
				light += FixDiv (HEADLIGHT_SCALE, FixMul (HEADLIGHT_SCALE, dist));	//	Do the normal thing, but darken around headlight.
				light += FixMul (FixMul (dot, dot), HEADLIGHT_SCALE)/8;
	return light;
Exemple #5
//performs aspect scaling on global view matrix
void ScaleMatrix (int bOglScale)
	viewInfo.view [1] = viewInfo.view [0];		//so we can use unscaled if we want
	viewInfo.viewf [1] = viewInfo.viewf [0];		//so we can use unscaled if we want

viewInfo.scale = viewInfo.windowScale;
if (viewInfo.zoom <= f1_0) 		//xZoom in by scaling z
	viewInfo.scale.p.z = FixMul (viewInfo.scale.p.z, viewInfo.zoom);
else {			//xZoom out by scaling x&y
	fix s = FixDiv (f1_0, viewInfo.zoom);

	viewInfo.scale.p.x = FixMul (viewInfo.scale.p.x, s);
	viewInfo.scale.p.y = FixMul (viewInfo.scale.p.y, s);
//viewInfo.scale.p.x = viewInfo.scale.p.y = viewInfo.scale.p.z = F1_0;
//now scale matrix elements
if (bOglScale)
	//glScalef (f2fl (viewInfo.scale.p.x), f2fl (viewInfo.scale.p.y), -f2fl (viewInfo.scale.p.z));
	glScalef (1, 1, -1);
else {
	//VmVecScale (&viewInfo.view [0].rVec, viewInfo.scale.p.x);
	//VmVecScale (&viewInfo.view [0].uVec, viewInfo.scale.p.y);
	//viewInfo.scale.p.x = viewInfo.scale.p.y = viewInfo.scale.p.z = F1_0;
	VmVecScale (&viewInfo.view [0].fVec, -viewInfo.scale.p.z);
	glScalef (1, 1, 1);
VmsMatToFloat (viewInfo.viewf, viewInfo.view);
void WiggleObject (CObject *objP)
	fix		xWiggle;
	int		nParent;
	CObject	*pParent;

if (gameStates.render.nShadowPass == 2)
if (gameOpts->app.bEpilepticFriendly)
if (!gameStates.app.bNostalgia && (!EGI_FLAG (nDrag, 0, 0, 0) || !EGI_FLAG (bWiggle, 1, 0, 1)))
nParent = gameData.objs.parentObjs [objP->Index ()];
pParent = (nParent < 0) ? NULL : OBJECTS + nParent;
FixFastSinCos (fix (gameData.time.xGame / gameStates.gameplay.slowmo [1].fSpeed), &xWiggle, NULL);
if (gameData.time.xFrame < I2X (1))// Only scale wiggle if getting at least 1 FPS, to avoid causing the opposite problem.
	xWiggle = FixMul (xWiggle * 20, gameData.time.xFrame); //make wiggle fps-independent (based on pre-scaled amount of wiggle at 20 FPS)
if (SPECTATOR (objP))
	OBJPOS (objP)->vPos += (OBJPOS (objP)->mOrient.UVec () * FixMul (xWiggle, gameData.pig.ship.player->wiggle)) * (I2X (1) / 20);
else if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_PLAYER) || !pParent)
	objP->mType.physInfo.velocity += objP->info.position.mOrient.UVec () * FixMul (xWiggle, gameData.pig.ship.player->wiggle);
else {
	objP->mType.physInfo.velocity += pParent->info.position.mOrient.UVec () * FixMul (xWiggle, gameData.pig.ship.player->wiggle);
	objP->info.position.vPos += objP->mType.physInfo.velocity * gameData.time.xFrame;
Exemple #7
void CShrapnel::Move (void)
	fix			xSpeed = FixDiv (m_info.xSpeed, I2X (25) / 1000);
	CFixVector	vOffs;
	time_t		nTicks;

if ((nTicks = gameStates.app.nSDLTicks - m_info.tUpdate) < 25)
xSpeed = (fix) (xSpeed / gameStates.gameplay.slowmo [0].fSpeed);
for (; nTicks >= 25; nTicks -= 25) {
	if (--(m_info.nTurn))
		vOffs = m_info.vOffs;
	else {
		m_info.nTurn = ((m_info.xTTL > I2X (1) / 2) ? 2 : 4) + d_rand () % 4;
		vOffs = m_info.vDir;
		vOffs [X] = FixMul (vOffs [X], 2 * d_rand ());
		vOffs [Y] = FixMul (vOffs [Y], 2 * d_rand ());
		vOffs [Z] = FixMul (vOffs [Z], 2 * d_rand ());
		CFixVector::Normalize (vOffs);
		m_info.vOffs = vOffs;
	vOffs *= xSpeed;
	m_info.vPos += vOffs;
if (m_info.nSmoke >= 0)
	particleManager.SetPos (m_info.nSmoke, &m_info.vPos, NULL, -1);
m_info.tUpdate = gameStates.app.nSDLTicks - nTicks;
Exemple #8
static void MixSoundSlot (struct sound_slot *sl, Uint8 *sldata, Uint8 *stream, int len)
    Uint8 *streamend = stream + len;
    Uint8 *slend = sldata - sl->position + sl->length;
    Uint8 *sp = stream, s;
    signed char v;
    fix vl, vr;
    int x;

    if ((x = sl->pan) & 0x8000) {
        vl = 0x20000 - x * 2;
        vr = 0x10000;
    else {
        vl = 0x10000;
        vr = x * 2;
    vl = FixMul (vl, (x = sl->volume));
    vr = FixMul (vr, x);
    while (sp < streamend) {
        if (sldata == slend) {
            if (!sl->looped) {
                sl->playing = 0;
            sldata = sl->samples;
        v = *(sldata++) - 0x80;
        s = *sp;
        *(sp++) = mix8 [s + FixMul (v, vl) + 0x80];
        s = *sp;
        *(sp++) = mix8 [s + FixMul (v, vr) + 0x80];
    sl->position = (int) (sldata - sl->samples);
Exemple #9
int Blend (int i1, int i2) 
	Fixed	smallFix, bigFix, tempFix;

	smallFix = ONE * i1;
	bigFix = ONE * i2;
	tempFix = FixMul (fract, bigFix) +FixMul (ONE-fract, smallFix);
	return (FixRound (tempFix));
Exemple #10
//	------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Move all sub-gameData.objs.objects in an tObject towards their goals.
//	Current orientation of tObject is at:	polyObjInfo.animAngles
//	Goal orientation of tObject is at:		aiInfo.goalAngles
//	Delta orientation of tObject is at:		aiInfo.deltaAngles
void AIFrameAnimation (tObject *objP)
	int	nObject = OBJ_IDX (objP);
	int	joint;
	int	nJoints = gameData.models.polyModels [objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nModel].nModels;

	for (joint=1; joint<nJoints; joint++) {
		fix			delta_to_goal;
		fix			scaled_delta_angle;
		vmsAngVec	*curangp = &objP->rType.polyObjInfo.animAngles [joint];
		vmsAngVec	*goalangp = &gameData.ai.localInfo [nObject].goalAngles [joint];
		vmsAngVec	*deltaangp = &gameData.ai.localInfo [nObject].deltaAngles [joint];

		Assert (nObject >= 0);
		delta_to_goal = goalangp->p - curangp->p;
		if (delta_to_goal > 32767)
			delta_to_goal = delta_to_goal - 65536;
		else if (delta_to_goal < -32767)
			delta_to_goal = 65536 + delta_to_goal;

		if (delta_to_goal) {
			scaled_delta_angle = FixMul (deltaangp->p, gameData.time.xFrame) * DELTA_ANG_SCALE;
			curangp->p += (fixang) scaled_delta_angle;
			if (abs (delta_to_goal) < abs (scaled_delta_angle))
				curangp->p = goalangp->p;

		delta_to_goal = goalangp->b - curangp->b;
		if (delta_to_goal > 32767)
			delta_to_goal = delta_to_goal - 65536;
		else if (delta_to_goal < -32767)
			delta_to_goal = 65536 + delta_to_goal;

		if (delta_to_goal) {
			scaled_delta_angle = FixMul (deltaangp->b, gameData.time.xFrame) * DELTA_ANG_SCALE;
			curangp->b += (fixang) scaled_delta_angle;
			if (abs (delta_to_goal) < abs (scaled_delta_angle))
				curangp->b = goalangp->b;

		delta_to_goal = goalangp->h - curangp->h;
		if (delta_to_goal > 32767)
			delta_to_goal = delta_to_goal - 65536;
		else if (delta_to_goal < -32767)
			delta_to_goal = 65536 + delta_to_goal;

		if (delta_to_goal) {
			scaled_delta_angle = FixMul (deltaangp->h, gameData.time.xFrame) * DELTA_ANG_SCALE;
			curangp->h += (fixang) scaled_delta_angle;
			if (abs (delta_to_goal) < abs (scaled_delta_angle))
				curangp->h = goalangp->h;


Exemple #11
fix OmegaEnergy (fix xDeltaCharge)
	fix xEnergyUsed;

if (xDeltaCharge < 0)
	return -1;
xEnergyUsed = FixMul (OMEGA_ENERGY_RATE, xDeltaCharge);
if (gameStates.app.nDifficultyLevel < 2)
	xEnergyUsed = FixMul (xEnergyUsed, i2f (gameStates.app.nDifficultyLevel + 2) / 4);
return xEnergyUsed;
Exemple #12
void CObject::RandomBump (fix xScale, fix xForce, bool bSound)
	fix angle;

angle = (d_rand () - I2X (1) / 4);
mType.physInfo.rotVel [X] += FixMul (angle, xScale);
angle = (d_rand () - I2X (1) / 4);
mType.physInfo.rotVel [Z] += FixMul (angle, xScale);
CFixVector vRand = CFixVector::Random ();
Bump (vRand, xForce);
if (bSound)
	audio.CreateObjectSound (SOUND_PLAYER_HIT_WALL, SOUNDCLASS_GENERIC, Index ());
Exemple #13
bool G3DrawBitMap(vms_vector *pos,fix width,fix height,grs_bitmap *bm, int orientation)
	vms_vector pv,v1;
	int i;


width = FixMul(width,viewInfo.scale.x);
height = FixMul(height,viewInfo.scale.y);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	switch (i) {
		case 0:
			glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, 0.0, 0.0);
		case 1:
			glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, bm->glTexture->u, 0.0);
		case 2:
			glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, bm->glTexture->u, bm->glTexture->v);
		case 3:
			glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB,0.0, bm->glTexture->v);
	glVertex3d (f2glf(pv.x), f2glf(pv.y), -f2glf(pv.z));

//These next lines are important for later leave these here - Lehm 4/26/05
return 0;
Exemple #14
//changed on 980905 by adb to cleanup, add pan support and optimize mixer
static void _CDECL_ AudioMixCallback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len)
    Uint8 *streamend = stream + len;
    struct sound_slot *sl;

    if (!gameStates.sound.digi.bInitialized)

    memset(stream, 0x80, len); // fix "static" sound bug on Mac OS X

    for (sl = SoundSlots; sl < SoundSlots + MAX_SOUND_SLOTS; sl++) {
        if (sl->playing && sl->samples && sl->length) {
#if 0
            MixSoundSlot (sl, sl->samples + sl->position, stream, len);
            Uint8 *sldata = sl->samples + sl->position, *slend = sl->samples + sl->length;
            Uint8 *sp = stream, s;
            signed char v;
            fix vl, vr;
            int x;

            if ((x = sl->pan) & 0x8000) {
                vl = 0x20000 - x * 2;
                vr = 0x10000;
            else {
                vl = 0x10000;
                vr = x * 2;
            vl = FixMul (vl, (x = sl->volume));
            vr = FixMul (vr, x);
            while (sp < streamend) {
                if (sldata == slend) {
                    if (!sl->looped) {
                        sl->playing = 0;
                    sldata = sl->samples;
                v = *(sldata++) - 0x80;
                s = *sp;
                *(sp++) = mix8 [s + FixMul (v, vl) + 0x80];
                s = *sp;
                *(sp++) = mix8 [s + FixMul (v, vr) + 0x80];
            sl->position = (int) (sldata - sl->samples);
Exemple #15
//process a continuously-spinning CObject
void CObject::Spin (void)
	CAngleVector rotangs;
	CFixMatrix rotmat, new_pm;

Assert (info.movementType == MT_SPINNING);
rotangs = CAngleVector::Create((fixang) FixMul (mType.spinRate [X], gameData.time.xFrame),
										 (fixang) FixMul (mType.spinRate [Y], gameData.time.xFrame),
										 (fixang) FixMul (mType.spinRate [Z], gameData.time.xFrame));
rotmat = CFixMatrix::Create (rotangs);
new_pm = info.position.mOrient * rotmat;
info.position.mOrient = new_pm;
Exemple #16
//compute the corners of a rod.  fills in vertbuf.
int CalcRodCorners (g3sPoint *btmPoint, fix xBtmWidth, g3sPoint *topPoint, fix xTopWidth)
	vmsVector	vDelta, vTop, vTemp, vRodNorm;
	ubyte			andCodes;
	int			i;

//compute vector from one point to other, do cross product with vector
//from eye to get perpendicular
vDelta = btmPoint->p3_vec - topPoint->p3_vec;
//unscale for aspect
vDelta.p.x = FixDiv (vDelta.p.x, viewInfo.scale.p.x);
vDelta.p.y = FixDiv (vDelta.p.y, viewInfo.scale.p.y);
//calc Perp vector
//do lots of normalizing to prevent overflowing.  When this code works,
//it should be optimized
vTop = topPoint->p3_vec;
vRodNorm = vmsVector::Cross(vDelta, vTop);
//scale for aspect
vRodNorm.p.x = FixMul (vRodNorm.p.x, viewInfo.scale.p.x);
vRodNorm.p.y = FixMul (vRodNorm.p.y, viewInfo.scale.p.y);
//now we have the usable edge.  generate four points
//vTop points
vTemp = vRodNorm * xTopWidth;
vTemp[Z] = 0;
rodPoints [0].p3_vec = topPoint->p3_vec + vTemp;
rodPoints [1].p3_vec = topPoint->p3_vec - vTemp;
vTemp = vRodNorm * xBtmWidth;
vTemp[Z] = 0;
rodPoints [2].p3_vec = btmPoint->p3_vec - vTemp;
rodPoints [3].p3_vec = btmPoint->p3_vec + vTemp;

//now code the four points
for (i = 0, andCodes = 0xff; i < 4; i++)
	andCodes &= G3EncodePoint (rodPoints + i);
if (andCodes)
	return 1;		//1 means off screen
//clear flags for new points (not projected)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	rodPoints [i].p3_flags = 0;
	rodPoints [i].p3_index = -1;
return 0;
void CreateSmallFireballOnObject (CObject *objP, fix size_scale, int bSound)
	fix			size;
	CFixVector	vPos, vRand;
	short			nSegment;

vPos = objP->info.position.vPos;
vRand = CFixVector::Random();
vRand *= (objP->info.xSize / 2);
vPos += vRand;
size = FixMul (size_scale, I2X (1) / 2 + d_rand () * 4 / 2);
nSegment = FindSegByPos (vPos, objP->info.nSegment, 1, 0);
if (nSegment != -1) {
	CObject *explObjP = /*Object*/CreateExplosion (nSegment, vPos, size, VCLIP_SMALL_EXPLOSION);
	if (!explObjP)
	AttachObject (objP, explObjP);
	if (bSound || (d_rand () < 8192)) {
		fix vol = I2X (1) / 2;
		if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT)
			vol *= 2;
		audio.CreateObjectSound (SOUND_EXPLODING_WALL, SOUNDCLASS_EXPLOSION, objP->Index (), 0, vol);
Exemple #18
//	------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Move all sub-OBJECTS in an CObject towards their goals.
//	Current orientation of CObject is at:	polyObjInfo.animAngles
//	Goal orientation of CObject is at:		aiInfo.goalAngles
//	Delta orientation of CObject is at:		aiInfo.deltaAngles
void AIFrameAnimation (CObject *objP)
	int	nObject = objP->Index ();
	int	nJoint;
	int	nJoints = gameData.models.polyModels [0][objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nModel].ModelCount ();

for (nJoint = 1; nJoint < nJoints; nJoint++) {
	fix				deltaToGoal;
	fix				scaledDeltaAngle;
	CAngleVector*	curAngP = &objP->rType.polyObjInfo.animAngles [nJoint];
	CAngleVector*	goalAngP = &gameData.ai.localInfo [nObject].goalAngles [nJoint];
	CAngleVector*	deltaAngP = &gameData.ai.localInfo [nObject].deltaAngles [nJoint];

	Assert (nObject >= 0);
	for (int nAngle = 0; nAngle < 3; nAngle++) {
		deltaToGoal = (*goalAngP)[nAngle] - (*curAngP)[nAngle];
		if (deltaToGoal > 32767)
			deltaToGoal -= 65536;
		else if (deltaToGoal < -32767)
			deltaToGoal += deltaToGoal;

		if (deltaToGoal) {
			scaledDeltaAngle = FixMul ((*deltaAngP)[nAngle], gameData.time.xFrame) * DELTA_ANG_SCALE;
			(*curAngP)[nAngle] += (fixang) scaledDeltaAngle;
			if (abs (deltaToGoal) < abs (scaledDeltaAngle))
				(*curAngP)[nAngle] = (*goalAngP)[nAngle];
Exemple #19
void CHUD::DrawAfterburnerBar (void)
if (cockpit->Hide ())
	int h, y;

	return;		//don't draw if don't have
h = FixMul (gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge, 100);
if (!gameOpts->render.cockpit.bTextGauges) {
	y = CCanvas::Current ()->Height () - (int) ((((gameData.app.nGameMode & GM_MULTI) ? 8 : 3) * m_info.nLineSpacing - 1) * m_info.yGaugeScale);
	CCanvas::Current ()->SetColorRGB (255, 0, 0, 255);
	glLineWidth (1);
	OglDrawEmptyRect (6, y, 6 + (int) (100 * m_info.xGaugeScale), y + (int) (9 * m_info.yGaugeScale));
	CCanvas::Current ()->SetColorRGB (224, 0, 0, 128);
	OglDrawFilledRect (6, y, 6 + (int) (h * m_info.xGaugeScale), y + (int) (9 * m_info.yGaugeScale));
if (gameData.demo.nState == ND_STATE_RECORDING) {
	if (gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge != m_history [gameStates.render.vr.nCurrentPage].afterburner) {
		NDRecordPlayerAfterburner (m_history [gameStates.render.vr.nCurrentPage].afterburner, gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge);
		m_history [gameStates.render.vr.nCurrentPage].afterburner = gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge;
Exemple #20
int OptimizePath (tPointSeg *pointSegP, int nSegs)
	int			i, j;
	CFixVector	temp1, temp2;
	fix			dot, mag1, mag2 = 0;

for (i = 1; i < nSegs - 1; i += 2) {
	if (i == 1) {
		temp1 = pointSegP [i].point - pointSegP [i-1].point;
		mag1 = temp1.Mag();
	else {
		temp1 = temp2;
		mag1 = mag2;
	temp2 = pointSegP [i + 1].point - pointSegP [i].point;
	mag2 = temp1.Mag();
	dot = CFixVector::Dot (temp1, temp2);
	if (dot * 9/8 > FixMul (mag1, mag2))
		pointSegP [i].nSegment = -1;
//	Now, scan for points with nSegment == -1
for (i = j = 0; i < nSegs; i++)
	if (pointSegP [i].nSegment != -1)
		pointSegP [j++] = pointSegP [i];
return j;
Exemple #21
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//see if a point is inside a face by projecting into 2d
bool PointIsInQuad (CFixVector vRef, CFixVector* vertP, CFixVector vNormal)
	CFixVector	t, v0, v1;
	int 			i, j, iEdge, biggest;
	fix			check_i, check_j;
	vec2d 		vEdge, vCheck;

//now do 2d check to see if vRef is in side
//project polygon onto plane by finding largest component of Normal
t [X] = labs (vNormal [0]);
t [Y] = labs (vNormal [1]);
t [Z] = labs (vNormal [2]);
if (t [X] > t [Y]) {
	if (t [X] > t [Z])
		biggest = 0;
		biggest = 2;
else {
	if (t [Y] > t [Z])
		biggest = 1;
		biggest = 2;
if (vNormal [biggest] > 0) {
	i = ijTable [biggest][0];
	j = ijTable [biggest][1];
else {
	i = ijTable [biggest][1];
	j = ijTable [biggest][0];
//now do the 2d problem in the i, j plane
check_i = vRef [i];
check_j = vRef [j];
for (iEdge = 0; iEdge < 4; iEdge) {
	v0 = vertP [iEdge++];
	v1 = vertP [iEdge % 4];
	vEdge.i = v1 [i] - v0 [i];
	vEdge.j = v1 [j] - v0 [j];
	vCheck.i = check_i - v0 [i];
	vCheck.j = check_j - v0 [j];
	if (FixMul (vCheck.i, vEdge.j) - FixMul (vCheck.j, vEdge.i) < 0)
		return false;
return true;
Exemple #22
//compute the corners of a rod.  fills in vertbuf.
int CalcRodCorners (g3sPoint *bot_point, fix bot_width, g3sPoint *top_point, fix top_width)
	vmsVector	delta_vec, top, tempv, rod_norm;
	ubyte			codes_and;
	int			i;

//compute vector from one point to other, do cross product with vector
//from eye to get perpendiclar
VmVecSub (&delta_vec, &bot_point->p3_vec, &top_point->p3_vec);
//unscale for aspect
delta_vec.x = FixDiv (delta_vec.x, viewInfo.scale.x);
delta_vec.y = FixDiv (delta_vec.y, viewInfo.scale.y);
//calc perp vector
//do lots of normalizing to prevent overflowing.  When this code works, 
//it should be optimized
VmVecNormalize (&delta_vec);
VmVecCopyNormalize (&top, &top_point->p3_vec);
VmVecCross (&rod_norm, &delta_vec, &top);
VmVecNormalize (&rod_norm);
//scale for aspect
rod_norm.x = FixMul (rod_norm.x, viewInfo.scale.x);
rod_norm.y = FixMul (rod_norm.y, viewInfo.scale.y);
//now we have the usable edge.  generate four points
//top points
VmVecCopyScale (&tempv, &rod_norm, top_width);
tempv.z = 0;
VmVecAdd (&rodPoints [0].p3_vec, &top_point->p3_vec, &tempv);
VmVecSub (&rodPoints [1].p3_vec, &top_point->p3_vec, &tempv);
VmVecCopyScale (&tempv, &rod_norm, bot_width);
tempv.z = 0;
VmVecSub (&rodPoints [2].p3_vec, &bot_point->p3_vec, &tempv);
VmVecAdd (&rodPoints [3].p3_vec, &bot_point->p3_vec, &tempv);

//now code the four points
for (i = 0, codes_and = 0xff; i < 4; i++)
	codes_and &= G3EncodePoint (rodPoints + i);
if (codes_and)
	return 1;		//1 means off screen
//clear flags for new points (not projected)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	rodPoints [i].p3Flags = 0;
	rodPoints [i].p3_index = -1;
return 0;
Exemple #23
void SetObjectTurnRoll (tObject *objP)
//if (!gameStates.app.bD1Mission) 
	fixang desired_bank = -FixMul (objP->mType.physInfo.rotVel.y, TURNROLL_SCALE);
	if (objP->mType.physInfo.turnRoll != desired_bank) {
		fixang delta_ang, max_roll;
		max_roll = FixMul (ROLL_RATE, gameData.time.xFrame);
		delta_ang = desired_bank - objP->mType.physInfo.turnRoll;
		if (labs (delta_ang) < max_roll)
			max_roll = delta_ang;
			if (delta_ang < 0)
				max_roll = -max_roll;
		objP->mType.physInfo.turnRoll += max_roll;
bool FontPlatformData::applyState(FS_STATE* font, float scale) const
    if (FS_set_font(font, m_name) != SUCCESS)
        return false;

    if (FS_set_cmap(font, 3, 10) != SUCCESS) // First try Windows Unicode with surrogates...
        if (FS_set_cmap(font, 3, 1) != SUCCESS) // try normal Windows Unicode
            if (FS_set_cmap(font, 1, 0) != SUCCESS)
                return false;

    if (m_syntheticBold) {
        if (FS_set_bold_pct(font, floatToITypeFixed(0.06)) != SUCCESS) // 6% pseudo bold
            return false;
    } else {
        if (FS_set_bold_pct(font, 0) != SUCCESS)
            return false;

    FS_FIXED skew = 0;
    if (m_syntheticOblique)
        skew = 13930; // 12 degrees

    FS_FIXED fixedScale = std::min(FixMul(floatToITypeFixed(scale), floatToITypeFixed(m_size)), MAXITYPEFONTSCALE);
    if (FS_set_scale(font, fixedScale, FixMul(fixedScale, skew), 0, fixedScale) != SUCCESS)
        return false;

    if (FS_set_flags(font, FLAGS_CMAP_OFF) != SUCCESS)
        return false;

    if (FS_set_flags(font, FLAGS_HINTS_OFF) != SUCCESS)
        return false;

    if (FS_set_flags(font, FLAGS_DEFAULT_CSM_OFF) != SUCCESS)
        return false;

    if (m_orientation == Vertical) {
        if (FS_set_flags(font, (m_textOrientation == TextOrientationVerticalRight) ? FLAGS_VERTICAL_ROTATE_LEFT_ON : FLAGS_VERTICAL_ON) != SUCCESS)
            return false;
    return true;
Exemple #25
void CAudioChannel::Mix (ubyte* stream, int len)
if (m_info.bPlaying && m_info.sample.Buffer () && m_info.nLength) {
#if 0
	MixSoundchannelPot (channelP, m_info.sample + m_info.nPosition, stream, len);
	ubyte* streamEnd = stream + len;
	ubyte* channelData = reinterpret_cast<ubyte*> (m_info.sample.Buffer () + m_info.nPosition);
	ubyte* channelEnd = reinterpret_cast<ubyte*> (m_info.sample.Buffer () + m_info.nLength);
	ubyte* streamPos = stream, s;
	signed char v;
	fix vl, vr;
	int x;

	if ((x = m_info.nPan) & 0x8000) {
		vl = 0x20000 - x * 2;
		vr = 0x10000;
	else {
		vl = 0x10000;
		vr = x * 2;
	x = m_info.nVolume;
	vl = FixMul (vl, x);
	vr = FixMul (vr, x);
	while (streamPos < streamEnd) {
		if (channelData == channelEnd) {
			if (!m_info.bLooped) {
				m_info.bPlaying = 0;
			channelData = m_info.sample.Buffer ();
		v = *(channelData++) - 0x80;
		s = *streamPos;
		*streamPos++ = mix8 [s + FixMul (v, vl) + 0x80];
		s = *streamPos;
		*streamPos++ = mix8 [s + FixMul (v, vr) + 0x80];
	m_info.nPosition = int (channelData - m_info.sample.Buffer ());
Exemple #26
//	If a smega missile been detonated, rock the mine!
//	This should be called every frame.
//	Maybe this should affect all robots, being called when they get their physics done.
void RockTheMineFrame (void)
	int	i;

for (i = 0; i < MAX_ESHAKER_DETONATES; i++) {
	if (eshakerDetonateTimes [i] != 0) {
		fix	deltaTime = gameData.time.xGame - eshakerDetonateTimes [i];
		if (!gameStates.gameplay.seismic.bSound) {
			DigiPlaySampleLooping ((short) gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nSound, F1_0, -1, -1);
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.bSound = 1;
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nNextSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame + d_rand()/2;
		if (deltaTime < ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME) {
			//	Control center destroyed, rock the tPlayer's ship.
			int	fc, rx, rz;
			fix	h;
			// -- fc = abs(deltaTime - ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME/2);
			//	Changed 10/23/95 to make decreasing for super mega missile.
			fc = (ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME - deltaTime) / (ESHAKER_SHAKE_TIME / 16);
			if (fc > 16)
				fc = 16;
			else if (fc == 0)
				fc = 1;
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nVolume += fc;
			h = 3 * F1_0 / 16 + (F1_0 * (16 - fc)) / 32;
			rx = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
			rz = FixMul(d_rand() - 16384, h);
			gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx;
			gameData.objs.console->mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz;
			//	Shake the buddy!
			if (gameData.escort.nObjNum != -1) {
				gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.x += rx*4;
				gameData.objs.objects[gameData.escort.nObjNum].mType.physInfo.rotVel.p.z += rz*4;
			//	Shake a guided missile!
			gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude += rx;
			eshakerDetonateTimes [i] = 0;
//	Hook in the rumble sound effect here.
Exemple #27
const CFixMatrix CFixMatrix::Inverse (void) 
	fix xDet = Det ();
	CFixMatrix m;

m.m_data.mat [RVEC][X] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [UVEC][Y], m_data.mat [FVEC][Z]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [UVEC][Z], m_data.mat [FVEC][Y]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [RVEC][Y] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Z], m_data.mat [FVEC][Y]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Y], m_data.mat [FVEC][Z]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [RVEC][Z] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Y], m_data.mat [UVEC][Z]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Z], m_data.mat [UVEC][Y]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [UVEC][X] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [UVEC][Z], m_data.mat [FVEC][X]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [UVEC][X], m_data.mat [FVEC][Z]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [UVEC][Y] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][X], m_data.mat [FVEC][Z]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Z], m_data.mat [FVEC][X]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [UVEC][Z] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Z], m_data.mat [UVEC][X]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][X], m_data.mat [UVEC][Z]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [FVEC][X] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [UVEC][X], m_data.mat [FVEC][Y]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [UVEC][Y], m_data.mat [FVEC][X]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [FVEC][Y] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Y], m_data.mat [FVEC][X]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][X], m_data.mat [FVEC][Y]), xDet);
m.m_data.mat [FVEC][Z] = FixDiv (FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][X], m_data.mat [UVEC][Y]) - FixMul (m_data.mat [RVEC][Y], m_data.mat [UVEC][X]), xDet);
return m;
Exemple #28
//do special cloaked render
int DrawCloakedObject (CObject *objP, fix light, fix *glow, fix xCloakStartTime, fix xCloakEndTime)
	tObjTransformation	*posP = OBJPOS (objP);
	tCloakInfo	ci;
	int			bOk = 0;

if (gameStates.render.bQueryCoronas)
	return 1;
GetCloakInfo (objP, xCloakStartTime, xCloakEndTime, &ci);
if (ci.bFading < 0) {
	fix xNewLight, xSaveGlow;
	tBitmapIndex * altTextures = NULL;

	if (objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nAltTextures > 0)
		altTextures = mpTextureIndex [objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nAltTextures - 1];
	xNewLight = FixMul (light, ci.xLightScale);
	xSaveGlow = glow [0];
	glow [0] = FixMul (glow [0], ci.xLightScale);
	gameData.models.nLightScale = ci.xLightScale;
	bOk = DrawPolyModel (objP, &posP->vPos, &posP->mOrient,
								reinterpret_cast<CAngleVector*> (&objP->rType.polyObjInfo.animAngles),
								objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nModel, objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nSubObjFlags,
								xNewLight, glow, altTextures, NULL);
	gameData.models.nLightScale = 0;
	glow [0] = xSaveGlow;
else {
	gameStates.render.bCloaked = 1;
	gameStates.render.grAlpha = GrAlpha (ci.nFadeValue);
	CCanvas::Current ()->SetColorRGB (0, 0, 0, 255);	//set to black (matters for s3)
	fpDrawTexPolyMulti = G3DrawTexPolyFlat;
	bOk = DrawPolyModel (objP, &posP->vPos, &posP->mOrient,
								reinterpret_cast<CAngleVector*> (&objP->rType.polyObjInfo.animAngles),
								objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nModel, objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nSubObjFlags,
								light, glow, NULL, NULL);
	fpDrawTexPolyMulti = G3DrawTexPolyMulti;
	gameStates.render.grAlpha = 1.0f;
	gameStates.render.bCloaked = 0;
return bOk;
Exemple #29
void NetworkHandlePingReturn (ubyte nPlayer)
if ((nPlayer >= gameData.multiplayer.nPlayers) || !pingStats [nPlayer].launchTime) {
#if 1			
	 console.printf (CON_DBG, "Got invalid PING RETURN from %s!\n", gameData.multiplayer.players [nPlayer].callsign);
xPingReturnTime = TimerGetFixedSeconds ();
pingStats [nPlayer].ping = X2I (FixMul (xPingReturnTime - pingStats [nPlayer].launchTime, I2X (1000)));
if (!gameStates.render.cockpit.bShowPingStats)
	HUDInitMessage ("Ping time for %s is %d ms!", gameData.multiplayer.players [nPlayer].callsign, pingStats [nPlayer].ping);
pingStats [nPlayer].launchTime = 0;
pingStats [nPlayer].received++;
Exemple #30
void Mix_VolPan (int channel, int vol, int pan)
    if (gameOpts->sound.bUseSDLMixer && (channel >= 0)) {
        if (vol) {
            vol = (FixMul (vol, gameStates.sound.digi.nVolume) + (SOUND_MAX_VOLUME / MIX_MAX_VOLUME) / 2) / (SOUND_MAX_VOLUME / MIX_MAX_VOLUME);
            if (!vol)
                vol = 1;
            Mix_Volume (channel, vol);
            pan /= (32767 / 127);
            Mix_SetPanning (channel, (ubyte) pan, (ubyte) (254 - pan));