Exemple #1
UT_array* CharSelectDataFind(CharSelectData* charselect, const char* needle)
    UnicodeSet *result = NULL;

    UT_array* returnRes;
    utarray_new(returnRes, fcitx_int32_icd);
    char* simplified = Simplified(needle);
    UT_array* searchStrings = SplitString(simplified);

    if (strlen(simplified) == 1) {
        // search for hex representation of the character
        char* format = FormatCode(simplified[0], 4, "U+");
        utarray_push_back(searchStrings, &format);

    if (utarray_len(searchStrings) == 0) {
        return returnRes;

    utarray_foreach(s, searchStrings, char*) {
        char* end = NULL;
        if(IsHexString(*s)) {
            end = NULL;
            uint32_t uni = (uint32_t) strtoul(*s + 2, &end, 16);
            utarray_push_back(returnRes, &uni);

            // search for "1234" instead of "0x1234"
            char* news = strdup(*s + 2);
            *s = news;
        // try to parse string as decimal number
        end = NULL;
        uint32_t unicode = (uint32_t) strtoul(*s, &end, 10);
        if (*end == '\0') {
            utarray_push_back(returnRes, &unicode);
void TopLevelWinWrapper::GenerateCode(const wxcProjectMetadata& project, bool promptUser, bool baseOnly,
                                      wxString& baseCpp, wxString& baseHeader, wxArrayString& headers,
                                      wxStringMap_t& additionalFiles)
    wxString size = PropertyString(PROP_SIZE);
    wxString filename = PropertyFile(PROP_FILE);

    if(promptUser && (GetType() != ID_WXIMAGELIST)) { // By design we dont provide a subclass for wxImageList
        if(filename.IsEmpty() && !wxcSettings::Get().HasFlag(wxcSettings::DONT_PROMPT_ABOUT_MISSING_SUBCLASS)) {
            wxString message;
            message << _("You did not set the 'Inherited C++ Class Properties -> File name' property for the top level "
                         "window: '")
                    << GetName() << "'\n"
                    << _("This means that only base class code will be generated\nTo fix this, select the toplevel "
                         "entry from the tree-view and provide an Inherited class name and file name");

            wxRichMessageDialog dlg(NULL, message, "wxCrafter", wxOK | wxOK_DEFAULT | wxCENTER | wxICON_WARNING);
            dlg.SetOKLabel("OK, continue with code generation");
            dlg.ShowCheckBox(_("Don't show this message again"));

            if(dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) { return; }
            if(dlg.IsCheckBoxChecked()) {
                wxcSettings::Get().EnableFlag(wxcSettings::DONT_PROMPT_ABOUT_MISSING_SUBCLASS, true);

    /// Clear all window IDs related to this top level window
    m_auiDropDownMenuHelperRegistered = false;
    wxcCodeGeneratorHelper::Get().ClearIcons(); // Icons should be cleared between top-level windows

    wxString ctorBody, dtorCode, membersChunk, eventFunctions, eventConnectCode, eventDisconnectCode,
        extraFunctionsCodeImpl, extraFunctionsCodeDecl;
    headers.Add(wxT("#include <wx/settings.h>"));
    headers.Add(wxT("#include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>"));
    headers.Add(wxT("#include <wx/xrc/xh_bmp.h>"));

    DoTraverseAndGenCode(headers, ctorBody, membersChunk, eventFunctions, eventConnectCode, additionalFiles, dtorCode,
                         extraFunctionsCodeImpl, extraFunctionsCodeDecl);

    // Format the code a bit
    ctorBody = FormatCode(ctorBody);

    // Window colors
    if(IsWindow()) {
        wxString bgcol = wxCrafter::ColourToCpp(PropertyString(PROP_BG));
        wxString fgcol = wxCrafter::ColourToCpp(PropertyString(PROP_FG));

        // Add colors and fonts here
        if(bgcol.IsEmpty() == false) { ctorBody << wxT("    SetBackgroundColour(") << bgcol << wxT(");\n"); }

        if(fgcol.IsEmpty() == false) { ctorBody << wxT("    SetForegroundColour(") << fgcol << wxT(");\n"); }

    ctorBody << FormatCode(wxcNotebookCodeHelper::Get().Code());

    if(IsWindow()) {
        // Set the window name
        ctorBody << "    SetName(" << wxCrafter::WXT(GetName()) << ");\n";
        wxSize sz = wxCrafter::DecodeSize(PropertyString(PROP_MINSIZE));
        if(sz != wxDefaultSize) {
            ctorBody << wxT("    SetMinClientSize(wxSize(" << wxCrafter::EncodeSize(sz) << "));\n");

        if(GetType() != ID_WXAUITOOLBARTOPLEVEL) {
            ctorBody << "    SetSize(" << wxCrafter::GetSizeAsDlgUnits(GetSize(), "this") << wxT(");\n");
            ctorBody << "    if (GetSizer()) {\n";
            ctorBody << "         GetSizer()->Fit(this);\n";
            ctorBody << "    }\n";

            if(IsWxTopLevelWindow()) {
                ctorBody << "    if(GetParent()) {\n";
                ctorBody << "        CentreOnParent(" << PropertyString(PROP_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN) << ");\n";
                ctorBody << "    } else {\n";
                ctorBody << "        CentreOnScreen(" << PropertyString(PROP_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN) << ");\n";
                ctorBody << "    }\n";

            // Add support for wxPersistenceManager object
            if(wxcSettings::Get().IsLicensed() && IsWxTopLevelWindow() && IsPropertyChecked(PROP_PERSISTENT)) {
                ctorBody << wxCrafter::WX29_BLOCK_START();
                ctorBody << "    if(!wxPersistenceManager::Get().Find(this)) {\n";
                ctorBody << "        wxPersistenceManager::Get().RegisterAndRestore(this);\n";
                ctorBody << "    } else {\n";
                ctorBody << "        wxPersistenceManager::Get().Restore(this);\n";
                ctorBody << "    }\n";
                ctorBody << "#endif\n";

    // Format the function code
    eventFunctions = FormatCode(eventFunctions);
    eventConnectCode = FormatCode(eventConnectCode);

    eventDisconnectCode = eventConnectCode;
    eventDisconnectCode.Replace(wxT("->Connect("), wxT("->Disconnect("));

    wxString baseClassName = CreateBaseclassName();

    wxString cppDecorator = PropertyString(PROP_CLASS_DECORATOR);

    wxString superclass = GetRealClassName();
    wxString derivedSuperclass = baseClassName;

    if(baseClassName.IsEmpty()) { // meaning that it was empty until BASE_CLASS_SUFFIX was appended
        wxString msg;
        msg << wxT("Can not generate code.\nMake sure that all toplevel windows have a valid C++ class name");
        wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("wxCrafter"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING | wxCENTER);

    if(filename.IsEmpty()) { baseOnly = true; }

    wxFileName headerFile, sourceFile;
    wxFileName baseFile(wxcProjectMetadata::Get().GetGeneratedFilesDir(),

    // If the files are relative make them abs
    if(baseFile.IsRelative()) { baseFile.MakeAbsolute(project.GetProjectPath()); }

    wxString dbg = baseFile.GetFullPath();

    headerFile = baseFile;
    sourceFile = baseFile;



    // Write the C++ file
    baseCpp << wxT("\n") << BaseCtorImplPrefix() << wxT("{\n") << wxcCodeGeneratorHelper::Get().GenerateInitCode(this)
            << ctorBody;

    if(eventConnectCode.IsEmpty() == false) { baseCpp << wxT("    // Connect events\n") << eventConnectCode; }

    // Now Connect() any auitoolbar dropdown menu; it must be *after* the normal Connect()s, otherwise it won't be
    // called if the user-code forgets to event.Skip()
    if(IsAuiToolBarDropDownHelpersRegistered()) {
        baseCpp << "    this->Connect("
                << "wxID_ANY, "
                << "wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN, wxAuiToolBarEventHandler(" << GetName()
                << "::" << DEFAULT_AUI_DROPDOWN_FUNCTION << "), NULL, this);\n";

        // We need to disconnect it too
        dtorCode << "    this->Disconnect("
                 << "wxID_ANY, "
                 << "wxEVT_COMMAND_AUITOOLBAR_TOOL_DROPDOWN, wxAuiToolBarEventHandler(" << GetName()
                 << "::" << DEFAULT_AUI_DROPDOWN_FUNCTION << "), NULL, this);\n";

    baseCpp << wxT("}\n\n") << baseClassName << wxT("::~") << baseClassName << wxT("()\n") << wxT("{\n") << dtorCode
            << wxT("}\n");

    // Write any extra (i.e. not ctor/dtor) functions
    if(!extraFunctionsCodeImpl.empty()) {
        baseCpp << extraFunctionsCodeImpl; // Don't use FormatCode() here; it'd indent the signature etc too

    // prepare the enum block for the
    // Write the header file

    baseHeader << wxT("\n") << wxT("class ") << (cppDecorator.IsEmpty() ? "" : cppDecorator + " ") << baseClassName
               << wxT(" : public ") << superclass << wxT("\n") << wxT("{\n")
               << wxcCodeGeneratorHelper::Get().GenerateWinIdEnum() << wxT("protected:\n") << membersChunk << wxT("\n")
               << wxT("protected:\n") << eventFunctions << wxT("\n") << wxT("public:\n") << extraFunctionsCodeDecl
               << BaseCtorDecl() << wxT("    virtual ~") << baseClassName << wxT("();\n") << wxT("};\n\n");

    if(baseOnly) { return; }

    wxString inheritedClass = PropertyString(PROP_INHERITED_CLASS);

    if(inheritedClass.IsEmpty()) { return; }

    if(inheritedClass == baseClassName) {
        ::wxMessageBox(_("Base class and inherited class have the same name"), "wxCrafter",
                       wxOK | wxICON_WARNING | wxCENTER);

    // Create the derived classes files

    wxFileName derivedClassFileCPP(filename);
    wxFileName derivedClassFileH(filename);


    // Fix the paths if needed
    // i.e. if the derived classes are relative, make them use the same
    // path as the base classes file
    if(derivedClassFileCPP.IsRelative()) { derivedClassFileCPP.SetPath(headerFile.GetPath()); }

    if(derivedClassFileH.IsRelative()) { derivedClassFileH.SetPath(headerFile.GetPath()); }

    wxString dCpp, dH, dBlockGuard;
    dBlockGuard << inheritedClass;
    dBlockGuard << wxT("_H");

    // Prepare the Header file content
    dH << wxT("#ifndef ") << dBlockGuard << wxT("\n") << wxT("#define ") << dBlockGuard << wxT("\n")
       << wxT("#include \"") << headerFile.GetFullName() << wxT("\"\n") << wxT("\n") << wxT("class ")
       << (cppDecorator.IsEmpty() ? "" : cppDecorator + " ") << inheritedClass << wxT(" : public ") << derivedSuperclass
       << wxT("\n") << wxT("{\n") << wxT("public:\n") << wxT("    ") << inheritedClass << GetDerivedClassCtorSignature()
       << ";\n"
       << wxT("    virtual ~") << inheritedClass << wxT("();\n") << wxT("};\n") << wxT("#endif // ") << dBlockGuard
       << wxT("\n");

    // Prepare the CPP file content
    dCpp << wxT("#include \"") << derivedClassFileH.GetFullName() << wxT("\"\n\n") << inheritedClass << wxT("::")
         << inheritedClass << GetDerivedClassCtorSignature() << "\n"
         << wxT("    : ") << baseClassName << GetParentCtorInitArgumentList() << "\n"
         << wxT("{\n") << wxT("}\n\n") << inheritedClass << wxT("::~") << inheritedClass << wxT("()\n") << wxT("{\n")
         << wxT("}\n\n");

    // Keep track of the generated files
    if(WantsSubclass()) {


    if(WantsSubclass() && wxCrafter::IsTheSame(derivedClassFileH, dH) == false) {
        wxCrafter::WriteFile(derivedClassFileH, dH, false);

    if(WantsSubclass() && wxCrafter::IsTheSame(derivedClassFileCPP, dCpp) == false) {
        wxCrafter::WriteFile(derivedClassFileCPP, dCpp, false);

    // Tell CodeLite to reload externall modified files