
  Synopsis    [Recursively derives the truth table for the cut.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fpga_CutVolume_rec( Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vVisited )
    assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pCut) );
    if ( pCut->fMark )
    pCut->fMark = 1;
    Fpga_CutVolume_rec( Fpga_CutRegular(pCut->pOne), vVisited );
    Fpga_CutVolume_rec( Fpga_CutRegular(pCut->pTwo), vVisited );
    Fpga_NodeVecPush( vVisited, (Fpga_Node_t *)pCut );

  Synopsis    [Computes the array of mapping.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

float Fpga_MappingGetSwitching( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vMapping )
    Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
    float Switch;
    int i;
    Switch = 0.0;
    for ( i = 0; i < vMapping->nSize; i++ )
        pNode = vMapping->pArray[i];
        // at least one phase has the best cut assigned
        assert( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) || pNode->pCutBest != NULL );
        // at least one phase is used in the mapping
        assert( pNode->nRefs > 0 );
        // compute the array due to the supergate
        Switch += pNode->Switching;
    // add buffer for each CO driven by a CI
    for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
        if ( Fpga_NodeIsVar(pMan->pOutputs[i]) && !Fpga_IsComplement(pMan->pOutputs[i]) )
            Switch += pMan->pOutputs[i]->Switching;
    return Switch;

  Synopsis    [Recursively derives the truth table for the cut.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

DdNode * Fpga_TruthsCutBdd_rec( DdManager * dd, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vVisited )
    DdNode * bFunc, * bFunc0, * bFunc1;
    assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pCut) );
    // if the cut is visited, return the result
    if ( pCut->uSign )
        return (DdNode *)pCut->uSign;
    // compute the functions of the children
    bFunc0 = Fpga_TruthsCutBdd_rec( dd, Fpga_CutRegular(pCut->pOne), vVisited );   Cudd_Ref( bFunc0 );
    bFunc0 = Cudd_NotCond( bFunc0, Fpga_CutIsComplement(pCut->pOne) );
    bFunc1 = Fpga_TruthsCutBdd_rec( dd, Fpga_CutRegular(pCut->pTwo), vVisited );   Cudd_Ref( bFunc1 );
    bFunc1 = Cudd_NotCond( bFunc1, Fpga_CutIsComplement(pCut->pTwo) );
    // get the function of the cut
    bFunc  = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bFunc0, bFunc1 );   Cudd_Ref( bFunc );
    bFunc  = Cudd_NotCond( bFunc, pCut->Phase );
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bFunc0 );
    Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bFunc1 );
    assert( pCut->uSign == 0 );
    pCut->uSign = (unsigned)bFunc;
    // add this cut to the visited list
    Fpga_NodeVecPush( vVisited, (Fpga_Node_t *)pCut );
    return bFunc;