Exemple #1
void CE_SetArg (CodeEntry* E, const char* Arg)
/* Replace the argument by the new one. */
    /* Free the old argument */
    FreeArg (E->Arg);

    /* Assign the new one */
    E->Arg = GetArgCopy (Arg);
Exemple #2
void CE_ClearJumpTo (CodeEntry* E)
/* Clear the JumpTo entry and the argument (which contained the name of the
** label). Note: The function will not clear the backpointer from the label,
** so use it with care.
    /* Clear the JumpTo entry */
    E->JumpTo = 0;

    /* Clear the argument and assign the empty one */
    FreeArg (E->Arg);
    E->Arg = EmptyArg;
Exemple #3
void FreeCodeEntry (CodeEntry* E)
/* Free the given code entry */
    /* Free the string argument if we have one */
    FreeArg (E->Arg);

    /* Cleanup the collection */
    DoneCollection (&E->Labels);

    /* Release the line info */
    ReleaseLineInfo (E->LI);

    /* Delete the register info */
    CE_FreeRegInfo (E);

    /* Free the entry */
    xfree (E);