// only one full qualified PIDL has been passed
void CShellContextMenu::SetObjects(LPITEMIDLIST pidl)
	// free all allocated datas
	if (m_psfFolder && bDelete)
		m_psfFolder->Release ();
	m_psfFolder = NULL;
	FreePIDLArray (m_pidlArray);
	m_pidlArray = NULL;

		// full qualified PIDL is passed so we need
	// its parent IShellFolder interface and its relative PIDL to that
	SHBindToParent ((LPCITEMIDLIST) pidl, IID_IShellFolder, (void **) &m_psfFolder, (LPCITEMIDLIST *) &pidlItem);	

	m_pidlArray = (LPITEMIDLIST *) malloc (sizeof (LPITEMIDLIST));	// allocate ony for one elemnt
	m_pidlArray[0] = CopyPIDL (pidlItem);

	// now free pidlItem via IMalloc interface (but not m_psfFolder, that we need later
	LPMALLOC lpMalloc = NULL;
	SHGetMalloc (&lpMalloc);
	lpMalloc->Free (pidlItem);

	nItems = 1;
	bDelete = TRUE;	// indicates that m_psfFolder should be deleted by CShellContextMenu
void CShellContextMenu::SetObjects(const QStringList &strList)
	// free all allocated datas
	if (m_psfFolder && bDelete)
		m_psfFolder->Release ();
	m_psfFolder = NULL;
	FreePIDLArray (m_pidlArray);
	m_pidlArray = NULL;
	// get IShellFolder interface of Desktop (root of shell namespace)
	IShellFolder * psfDesktop = NULL;
	SHGetDesktopFolder (&psfDesktop);	// needed to obtain full qualified pidl

	// ParseDisplayName creates a PIDL from a file system path relative to the IShellFolder interface
	// but since we use the Desktop as our interface and the Desktop is the namespace root
	// that means that it's a fully qualified PIDL, which is what we need
	psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName (NULL, 0, (LPOLESTR)strList[0].utf16(), NULL, &pidl, NULL);

	// now we need the parent IShellFolder interface of pidl, and the relative PIDL to that interface
	LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem = NULL;	// relative pidl
	SHBindToParentEx (pidl, IID_IShellFolder, (void **) &m_psfFolder, NULL);
	free (pidlItem);
	// get interface to IMalloc (need to free the PIDLs allocated by the shell functions)
	LPMALLOC lpMalloc = NULL;
	SHGetMalloc (&lpMalloc);
	lpMalloc->Free (pidl);

	// now we have the IShellFolder interface to the parent folder specified in the first element in strArray
	// since we assume that all objects are in the same folder (as it's stated in the MSDN)
	// we now have the IShellFolder interface to every objects parent folder
	IShellFolder * psfFolder = NULL;
	nItems = strList.size ();
	for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++)
		psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName (NULL, 0, (LPOLESTR)strList[i].utf16(), NULL, &pidl, NULL);
                if (pidl)
                     m_pidlArray = (LPITEMIDLIST *) realloc (m_pidlArray, (i + 1) * sizeof (LPITEMIDLIST));
                     // get relative pidl via SHBindToParent
                     SHBindToParentEx (pidl, IID_IShellFolder, (void **) &psfFolder, (LPCITEMIDLIST *) &pidlItem);
                     m_pidlArray[i] = CopyPIDL (pidlItem);	// copy relative pidl to pidlArray
                     free (pidlItem);
                     lpMalloc->Free (pidl);		// free pidl allocated by ParseDisplayName
                     psfFolder->Release ();
	lpMalloc->Release ();
	psfDesktop->Release ();

	bDelete = TRUE;	// indicates that m_psfFolder should be deleted by CShellContextMenu
	// free all allocated datas
	if (m_psfFolder && bDelete)
		m_psfFolder->Release ();
	m_psfFolder = NULL;
	FreePIDLArray (m_pidlArray);
	m_pidlArray = NULL;

	if (m_Menu)
		delete m_Menu;
	// free all allocated datas
	if (m_psfFolder && m_bDelete)

	m_psfFolder = NULL;


	if (m_hMenu)
// IShellFolder interface with a relative pidl has been passed
void CShellContextMenu::SetObjects(IShellFolder *psfFolder, LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem)
	// free all allocated datas
	if (m_psfFolder && bDelete)
		m_psfFolder->Release ();
	m_psfFolder = NULL;
	FreePIDLArray (m_pidlArray);
	m_pidlArray = NULL;

	m_psfFolder = psfFolder;

	m_pidlArray = (LPITEMIDLIST *) malloc (sizeof (LPITEMIDLIST));
	m_pidlArray[0] = CopyPIDL (pidlItem);
	nItems = 1;
	bDelete = FALSE;	// indicates wheter m_psfFolder should be deleted by CShellContextMenu
void CShellContextMenu::SetObjects(IShellFolder * psfFolder, LPITEMIDLIST *pidlArray, int nItemCount)
	// free all allocated datas
	if (m_psfFolder && bDelete)
		m_psfFolder->Release ();
	m_psfFolder = NULL;
	FreePIDLArray (m_pidlArray);
	m_pidlArray = NULL;

	m_psfFolder = psfFolder;

	m_pidlArray = (LPITEMIDLIST *) malloc (nItemCount * sizeof (LPITEMIDLIST));

	for (int i = 0; i < nItemCount; i++)
		m_pidlArray[i] = CopyPIDL (pidlArray[i]);

	nItems = nItemCount;
	bDelete = FALSE;	// indicates wheter m_psfFolder should be deleted by CShellContextMenu
void CShellContextMenu::SetObjects(CString &strArray)
	// free all allocated datas
	if (m_psfFolder && bDelete)
		m_psfFolder->Release ();
	m_psfFolder = NULL;
	FreePIDLArray (m_pidlArray);
	m_pidlArray = NULL;
	// get IShellFolder interface of Desktop (root of shell namespace)
	IShellFolder * psfDesktop = NULL;
	SHGetDesktopFolder (&psfDesktop);	// needed to obtain full qualified pidl

	// ParseDisplayName creates a PIDL from a file system path relative to the IShellFolder interface
	// but since we use the Desktop as our interface and the Desktop is the namespace root
	// that means that it's a fully qualified PIDL, which is what we need
#ifndef _UNICODE
	OLECHAR * olePath = (OLECHAR *) calloc (strArray.GetLength () + 1, sizeof (OLECHAR));
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPCSTR)strArray, -1, olePath, strArray.GetLength () + 1);	
	psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName (NULL, 0, olePath, NULL, &pidl, NULL);
	free (olePath);
	psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName (NULL, 0, strArray.GetBuffer (0), NULL, &pidl, NULL);

	// now we need the parent IShellFolder interface of pidl, and the relative PIDL to that interface
	LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem = NULL;	// relative pidl
	SHBindToParentEx (pidl, IID_IShellFolder, (void **) &m_psfFolder, NULL);
	free (pidlItem);
	// get interface to IMalloc (need to free the PIDLs allocated by the shell functions)
	LPMALLOC lpMalloc = NULL;
	SHGetMalloc (&lpMalloc);
	lpMalloc->Free (pidl);

	// now we have the IShellFolder interface to the parent folder specified in the first element in strArray
	// since we assume that all objects are in the same folder (as it's stated in the MSDN)
	// we now have the IShellFolder interface to every objects parent folder
	IShellFolder * psfFolder = NULL;
	nItems = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++)
#ifndef _UNICODE
		olePath = (OLECHAR *) calloc (strArray.GetLength () + 1, sizeof (OLECHAR));
		MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (strArray), -1, olePath, strArray.GetLength () + 1);	
		psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName (NULL, 0, olePath, NULL, &pidl, NULL);
		free (olePath);
		psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName (NULL, 0, strArray.GetBuffer (0), NULL, &pidl, NULL);
		m_pidlArray = (LPITEMIDLIST *) realloc (m_pidlArray, (i + 1) * sizeof (LPITEMIDLIST));
		// get relative pidl via SHBindToParent
		SHBindToParentEx (pidl, IID_IShellFolder, (void **) &psfFolder, (LPCITEMIDLIST *) &pidlItem);
		m_pidlArray[i] = CopyPIDL (pidlItem);	// copy relative pidl to pidlArray
		free (pidlItem);
		lpMalloc->Free (pidl);		// free pidl allocated by ParseDisplayName
		psfFolder->Release ();
	lpMalloc->Release ();
	psfDesktop->Release ();

	bDelete = TRUE;	// indicates that m_psfFolder should be deleted by CShellContextMenu
Exemple #8
void CShellContextMenu::SetPath(const tstring& strPath)
	// free all allocated datas
	if(m_psfFolder && bDelete)
	m_psfFolder = NULL;
	m_pidlArray = NULL;

	// get IShellFolder interface of Desktop(root of shell namespace)
	IShellFolder* psfDesktop = NULL;

	// ParseDisplayName creates a PIDL from a file system path relative to the IShellFolder interface
	// but since we use the Desktop as our interface and the Desktop is the namespace root
	// that means that it's a fully qualified PIDL, which is what we need
	psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName(NULL, 0, (LPOLESTR)const_cast<TCHAR*>(strPath.c_str()), NULL, &pidl, NULL);

	// now we need the parent IShellFolder interface of pidl, and the relative PIDL to that interface
	LPFUNC MySHBindToParent = (LPFUNC)GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary(_T("shell32")), "SHBindToParent");
	if(MySHBindToParent == NULL) return;

	MySHBindToParent(pidl, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&m_psfFolder, NULL);

	// get interface to IMalloc (need to free the PIDLs allocated by the shell functions)
	LPMALLOC lpMalloc = NULL;

	// now we need the relative pidl
	IShellFolder* psfFolder = NULL;
	HRESULT res = psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName (NULL, 0, (LPOLESTR)const_cast<TCHAR*>(strPath.c_str()), NULL, &pidl, NULL);
	if(res != S_OK) return;

	SHBindToParent(pidl, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&psfFolder, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlItem);
	// copy pidlItem to m_pidlArray
	m_pidlArray = (LPITEMIDLIST *) realloc(m_pidlArray, sizeof (LPITEMIDLIST));
	int nSize = 0;
	LPITEMIDLIST pidlTemp = pidlItem;
	if(pidlTemp) //[+]PPA http://iceberg.leschat.net/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=265&view=findpost&p=26331
		nSize += pidlTemp->mkid.cb;
		pidlTemp = (LPITEMIDLIST) (((LPBYTE) pidlTemp) + pidlTemp->mkid.cb);
	 LPITEMIDLIST pidlRet = (LPITEMIDLIST) calloc(nSize + sizeof (USHORT), sizeof (BYTE));
	 CopyMemory(pidlRet, pidlItem, nSize);
	 m_pidlArray[0] = pidlRet;

	if(psfFolder) //[+]PPA http://iceberg.leschat.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=265&st=2320&#

	bDelete = true;	// indicates that m_psfFolder should be deleted by CShellContextMenu