Exemple #1
// Returns true if f fully factors into distinct roots
// (i.e., if f is a product of distinct monic degree-1 polynomials
// times possibly a constant)
// and false otherwise.
// If f is zero, returns false.
// Let m=GF2E::degree() (i.e., the field is GF(2^m)).
// The check is accomplished by checking if f divides X^{2^m} - X, 
// or equivalently if X^{2^m}-X is 0 mod f. 
// X^{2^m} - X has 2^m distinct roots -- namely,
// every element of the field is a root.  Hence, f divides it if and only
// if f has all its roots and they are all distinct.
// Depends on NTL's implementation of FrobeniusMap, but for inputs of degree
// e that is relatively small compared m, should take e^{\log_2 3} m
// operations in GF(2^m).  Note that \log_2 3 is about 1.585.
bool CheckIfDistinctRoots(const GF2EX & f)
	if (IsZero(f))
	  return false;
	// We hanlde degree 0 and degree 1 case separately, so that later
	// we can assume X mod f is the same as X
	if (deg(f) == 0 || deg(f) == 1)
	  return true;

	GF2EXModulus F;
	// F is the same as f, just more efficient modular operations
	build(F, f);  	

	GF2EX h;
	FrobeniusMap (h, F); // h = X^{2^m} mod F

	// If X^{2^m} - X = 0 mod F, then X^{2^m} mod F
	// should be just X (because degree of F > 1)
	return (IsX(h));
long DetIrredTest(const ZZ_pEX& f)
   if (deg(f) <= 0) return 0;
   if (deg(f) == 1) return 1;

   ZZ_pEXModulus F;

   build(F, f);
   ZZ_pEX h;

   FrobeniusMap(h, F);

   ZZ_pEX s;
   PowerCompose(s, h, F.n, F);
   if (!IsX(s)) return 0;

   FacVec fvec;

   FactorInt(fvec, F.n);

   return RecIrredTest(fvec.length()-1, h, F, fvec);
Exemple #3
void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::mapToSlots(MappingData<type>& mappingData, const RX& G) const 
  assert(deg(G) > 0 && zMStar.getOrdP() % deg(G) == 0);
  assert(LeadCoeff(G) == 1);
  mappingData.G = G;
  mappingData.degG = deg(mappingData.G);

  long nSlots = zMStar.getNSlots();
  long m = zMStar.getM();


  mapToF1(mappingData.maps[0],mappingData.G); // mapping from base-G to base-F1
  for (long i=1; i<nSlots; i++)
    mapToFt(mappingData.maps[i], mappingData.G, zMStar.ith_rep(i), &(mappingData.maps[0])); 

  REBak bak; bak.save(); 

  if (deg(mappingData.G)==1) return;


  if (G == factors[0]) {
    // an important special case

    for (long i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) {
        long t = zMStar.ith_rep(i);
        long tInv = InvMod(t, m);

        RX ct_rep;
        PowerXMod(ct_rep, tInv, G);
        RE ct;
        conv(ct, ct_rep);

        REX Qi;
        SetCoeff(Qi, 1, 1);
        SetCoeff(Qi, 0, -ct);

        mappingData.rmaps[i] = Qi;
    // the general case: currently only works when r == 1

    assert(r == 1);

    vec_REX FRts;
    for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) {
      // We need to lift Fi from R[Y] to (R[X]/G(X))[Y]
      REX  Qi;
      long t, tInv=0;

      if (i == 0) {
        FRts=EDF(Qi, FrobeniusMap(Qi), deg(Qi)/deg(G)); 
        // factor Fi over GF(p)[X]/G(X)
      else {
        t = zMStar.ith_rep(i);
        tInv = InvMod(t, m);

      // need to choose the right factor, the one that gives us back X
      long j;
      for (j=0; j<FRts.length(); j++) { 
        // lift maps[i] to (R[X]/G(X))[Y] and reduce mod j'th factor of Fi

        REX FRtsj;
        if (i == 0) 
           FRtsj = FRts[j];
        else {
            REX X2tInv = PowerXMod(tInv, FRts[j]);
            IrredPolyMod(FRtsj, X2tInv, FRts[j]);

        // FRtsj is the jth factor of factors[i] over the extension field.
        // For j > 0, we save some time by computing it from the jth factor 
        // of factors[0] via a minimal polynomial computation.
        REX GRti;
        conv(GRti, mappingData.maps[i]);
        GRti %= FRtsj;

        if (IsX(rep(ConstTerm(GRti)))) { // is GRti == X?
          Qi = FRtsj;                // If so, we found the right factor
        } // If this does not happen then move to the next factor of Fi

      assert(j < FRts.length());
      mappingData.rmaps[i] = Qi;
long IterIrredTest(const ZZ_pEX& f)
   if (deg(f) <= 0) return 0;
   if (deg(f) == 1) return 1;

   ZZ_pEXModulus F;

   build(F, f);
   ZZ_pEX h;

   FrobeniusMap(h, F);

   long CompTableSize = 2*SqrRoot(deg(f));

   ZZ_pEXArgument H;

   build(H, h, F, CompTableSize);

   long i, d, limit, limit_sqr;
   ZZ_pEX g, X, t, prod;


   i = 0;
   g = h;
   d = 1;
   limit = 2;
   limit_sqr = limit*limit;


   while (2*d <= deg(f)) {
      sub(t, g, X);
      MulMod(prod, prod, t, F);
      if (i == limit_sqr) {
         GCD(t, f, prod);
         if (!IsOne(t)) return 0;

         limit_sqr = limit*limit;
         i = 0;

      d = d + 1;
      if (2*d <= deg(f)) {
         CompMod(g, g, H, F);

   if (i > 0) {
      GCD(t, f, prod);
      if (!IsOne(t)) return 0;

   return 1;
void SFCanZass(vec_ZZ_pEX& factors, const ZZ_pEX& ff, long verbose)
   ZZ_pEX f = ff;

   if (!IsOne(LeadCoeff(f)))
      LogicError("SFCanZass: bad args");

   if (deg(f) == 0) {

   if (deg(f) == 1) {
      factors[0] = f;


   double t;

   ZZ_pEXModulus F;
   build(F, f);

   ZZ_pEX h;

   if (verbose) { cerr << "computing X^p..."; t = GetTime(); }
   FrobeniusMap(h, F);
   if (verbose) { cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n"; }

   vec_pair_ZZ_pEX_long u;
   if (verbose) { cerr << "computing DDF..."; t = GetTime(); }
   NewDDF(u, f, h, verbose);
   if (verbose) { 
      t = GetTime()-t; 
      cerr << "DDF time: " << t << "\n";

   ZZ_pEX hh;
   vec_ZZ_pEX v;

   long i;
   for (i = 0; i < u.length(); i++) {
      const ZZ_pEX& g = u[i].a;
      long d = u[i].b;
      long r = deg(g)/d;

      if (r == 1) {
         // g is already irreducible

         append(factors, g);
      else {
         // must perform EDF

         if (d == 1) {
            // root finding
            RootEDF(v, g, verbose);
            append(factors, v);
         else {
            // general case
            rem(hh, h, g);
            EDF(v, g, hh, d, verbose);
            append(factors, v);
void SFBerlekamp(vec_GF2EX& factors, const GF2EX& ff, long verbose)
   GF2EX f = ff;

   if (!IsOne(LeadCoeff(f)))
      Error("SFBerlekamp: bad args");

   if (deg(f) == 0) {

   if (deg(f) == 1) {
      factors[0] = f;

   double t;

   long n = deg(f);

   GF2EXModulus F;

   build(F, f);

   GF2EX g, h;

   if (verbose) { cerr << "computing X^p..."; t = GetTime(); }
   FrobeniusMap(g, F);
   if (verbose) { cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n"; }

   vec_long D;
   long r;

   vec_GF2XVec M;

   if (verbose) { cerr << "building matrix..."; t = GetTime(); }
   BuildMatrix(M, n, g, F, verbose);
   if (verbose) { cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n"; }

   if (verbose) { cerr << "diagonalizing..."; t = GetTime(); }
   NullSpace(r, D, M, verbose);
   if (verbose) { cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n"; }

   if (verbose) cerr << "number of factors = " << r << "\n";

   if (r == 1) {
      factors[0] = f;

   if (verbose) { cerr << "factor extraction..."; t = GetTime(); }

   vec_GF2E roots;

   RandomBasisElt(g, D, M);
   MinPolyMod(h, g, F, r);
   if (deg(h) == r) M.kill();
   FindRoots(roots, h);
   FindFactors(factors, f, g, roots);

   GF2EX g1;
   vec_GF2EX S, S1;
   long i;

   while (factors.length() < r) {
      if (verbose) cerr << "+";
      RandomBasisElt(g, D, M);
      for (i = 0; i < factors.length(); i++) {
         const GF2EX& f = factors[i];
         if (deg(f) == 1) {
            append(S, f);
         build(F, f);
         rem(g1, g, F);
         if (deg(g1) <= 0) {
            append(S, f);
         MinPolyMod(h, g1, F, min(deg(f), r-factors.length()+1));
         FindRoots(roots, h);
         FindFactors(S1, f, g1, roots);
         append(S, S1);
      swap(factors, S);

   if (verbose) { cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n"; }

   if (verbose) {
      cerr << "degrees:";
      long i;
      for (i = 0; i < factors.length(); i++)
         cerr << " " << deg(factors[i]);
      cerr << "\n";