Exemple #1
static LONG DiskClose(ULONG FileId)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);

    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #2
static LONG DiskRead(ULONG FileId, VOID* Buffer, ULONG N, ULONG* Count)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);
    UCHAR* Ptr = (UCHAR*)Buffer;
    ULONG i, Length, Sectors;
    BOOLEAN ret;

    *Count = 0;
    i = 0;
    while (N > 0)
        Length = N;
        if (Length > DISKREADBUFFER_SIZE)
            Length = DISKREADBUFFER_SIZE;
        Sectors = (Length + Context->SectorSize - 1) / Context->SectorSize;
        ret = MachDiskReadLogicalSectors(
            Context->SectorNumber + Context->SectorOffset + i,
        if (!ret)
            return EIO;
        RtlCopyMemory(Ptr, (PVOID)DISKREADBUFFER, Length);
        Ptr += Length;
        *Count += Length;
        N -= Length;
        i += Sectors;

    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #3
static ARC_STATUS DiskClose(ULONG FileId)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);

    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #4
LONG IsoClose(ULONG FileId)
    PISO_FILE_INFO FileHandle = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);


    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #5
static ARC_STATUS DiskRead(ULONG FileId, VOID* Buffer, ULONG N, ULONG* Count)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);
    PCDB Cdb;
    ULONG FullSectors, NbSectors;
    ULONG Lba;

    *Count = 0;

    if (N == 0)
        return ESUCCESS;

    FullSectors = N / Context->SectorSize;
    NbSectors = (N + Context->SectorSize - 1) / Context->SectorSize;
    if (Context->SectorNumber + NbSectors >= Context->SectorCount)
        return EINVAL;
    if (FullSectors > 0xffff)
        return EINVAL;

    /* Read full sectors */
    ASSERT(Context->SectorNumber < 0xFFFFFFFF);
    Lba = (ULONG)Context->SectorNumber;
    if (FullSectors > 0)
        Srb = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
        if (!Srb)
            return ENOMEM;

        RtlZeroMemory(Srb, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
        Srb->Length = sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK);
        Srb->Function = SRB_FUNCTION_EXECUTE_SCSI;
        Srb->PathId = Context->PathId;
        Srb->TargetId = Context->TargetId;
        Srb->Lun = Context->Lun;
        Srb->CdbLength = 10;
        Srb->SrbFlags = SRB_FLAGS_DATA_IN;
        Srb->DataTransferLength = FullSectors * Context->SectorSize;
        Srb->TimeOutValue = 5; /* in seconds */
        Srb->DataBuffer = Buffer;
        Cdb = (PCDB)Srb->Cdb;
        Cdb->CDB10.OperationCode = SCSIOP_READ;
        Cdb->CDB10.LogicalUnitNumber = Srb->Lun;
        Cdb->CDB10.LogicalBlockByte0 = (Lba >> 24) & 0xff;
        Cdb->CDB10.LogicalBlockByte1 = (Lba >> 16) & 0xff;
        Cdb->CDB10.LogicalBlockByte2 = (Lba >> 8) & 0xff;
        Cdb->CDB10.LogicalBlockByte3 = Lba & 0xff;
        Cdb->CDB10.TransferBlocksMsb = (FullSectors >> 8) & 0xff;
        Cdb->CDB10.TransferBlocksLsb = FullSectors & 0xff;
        if (!SpiSendSynchronousSrb(Context->DeviceExtension, Srb))
            return EIO;
        Buffer = (PUCHAR)Buffer + FullSectors * Context->SectorSize;
        N -= FullSectors * Context->SectorSize;
        *Count += FullSectors * Context->SectorSize;
        Lba += FullSectors;
Exemple #6
static LONG DiskGetFileInformation(ULONG FileId, FILEINFORMATION* Information)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);

    RtlZeroMemory(Information, sizeof(FILEINFORMATION));
    Information->EndingAddress.QuadPart = (Context->SectorOffset + Context->SectorCount) * Context->SectorSize;
    Information->CurrentAddress.QuadPart = (Context->SectorOffset + Context->SectorNumber) * Context->SectorSize;

    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #7
static LONG DiskSeek(ULONG FileId, LARGE_INTEGER* Position, SEEKMODE SeekMode)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);

    if (SeekMode != SeekAbsolute)
        return EINVAL;
    if (Position->LowPart & (Context->SectorSize - 1))
        return EINVAL;

    Context->SectorNumber = (ULONG)(Position->QuadPart / Context->SectorSize);
    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #8
LONG IsoGetFileInformation(ULONG FileId, FILEINFORMATION* Information)
    PISO_FILE_INFO FileHandle = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);

    TRACE("IsoGetFileInformation() FileSize = %d\n", FileHandle->FileSize);
    TRACE("IsoGetFileInformation() FilePointer = %d\n", FileHandle->FilePointer);

    RtlZeroMemory(Information, sizeof(FILEINFORMATION));
    Information->EndingAddress.LowPart = FileHandle->FileSize;
    Information->CurrentAddress.LowPart = FileHandle->FilePointer;

    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #9
static LONG DiskSeek(ULONG FileId, LARGE_INTEGER* Position, SEEKMODE SeekMode)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);

    if (SeekMode != SeekAbsolute)
        return EINVAL;
    if (Position->LowPart & (Context->SectorSize - 1))
        return EINVAL;

    /* FIXME: take HighPart into account */
    Context->SectorNumber = Position->LowPart / Context->SectorSize;
    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #10
    PISO_FILE_INFO FileHandle = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);

    TRACE("IsoSeek() NewFilePointer = %lu\n", Position->LowPart);

    if (SeekMode != SeekAbsolute)
        return EINVAL;
    if (Position->HighPart != 0)
        return EINVAL;
    if (Position->LowPart >= FileHandle->FileSize)
        return EINVAL;

    FileHandle->FilePointer = Position->LowPart;
    return ESUCCESS;
Exemple #11
static LONG DiskRead(ULONG FileId, VOID* Buffer, ULONG N, ULONG* Count)
    DISKCONTEXT* Context = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);
    UCHAR* Ptr = (UCHAR*)Buffer;
    ULONG Length, TotalSectors, MaxSectors, ReadSectors;
    BOOLEAN ret;
    ULONGLONG SectorOffset;

    TotalSectors = (N + Context->SectorSize - 1) / Context->SectorSize;
    MaxSectors   = DISKREADBUFFER_SIZE / Context->SectorSize;
    SectorOffset = Context->SectorNumber + Context->SectorOffset;

    ret = 1;

    while (TotalSectors)
        ReadSectors = TotalSectors;
        if (ReadSectors > MaxSectors)
            ReadSectors = MaxSectors;

        ret = MachDiskReadLogicalSectors(
        if (!ret)

        Length = ReadSectors * Context->SectorSize;
        if (Length > N)
            Length = N;

        RtlCopyMemory(Ptr, (PVOID)DISKREADBUFFER, Length);

        Ptr += Length;
        N -= Length;
        SectorOffset += ReadSectors;
        TotalSectors -= ReadSectors;

    *Count = (ULONG)(Ptr - (UCHAR*)Buffer);

    return (!ret) ? EIO : ESUCCESS;
Exemple #12
LONG IsoRead(ULONG FileId, VOID* Buffer, ULONG N, ULONG* Count)
    PISO_FILE_INFO FileHandle = FsGetDeviceSpecific(FileId);
    UCHAR SectorBuffer[SECTORSIZE];
    LARGE_INTEGER Position;
    ULONG DeviceId;
    ULONG FilePointer;
    ULONG        SectorNumber;
    ULONG        OffsetInSector;
    ULONG        LengthInSector;
    ULONG        NumberOfSectors;
    ULONG BytesRead;
    LONG ret;

    TRACE("IsoRead() Buffer = %p, N = %lu\n", Buffer, N);

    DeviceId = FsGetDeviceId(FileId);
    *Count = 0;

    // If they are trying to read past the
    // end of the file then return success
    // with Count == 0
    FilePointer = FileHandle->FilePointer;
    if (FilePointer >= FileHandle->FileSize)
        return ESUCCESS;

    // If they are trying to read more than there is to read
    // then adjust the amount to read
    if (FilePointer + N > FileHandle->FileSize)
        N = FileHandle->FileSize - FilePointer;

    // Ok, now we have to perform at most 3 calculations
    // I'll draw you a picture (using nifty ASCII art):
    // CurrentFilePointer -+
    //                     |
    //    +----------------+
    //    |
    // +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
    // | Sector  1 | Sector  2 | Sector  3 | Sector  4 |
    // +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
    //    |                                    |
    //    +---------------+--------------------+
    //                    |
    // N -----------------+
    // 1 - The first calculation (and read) will align
    //     the file pointer with the next sector
    //     boundary (if we are supposed to read that much)
    // 2 - The next calculation (and read) will read
    //     in all the full sectors that the requested
    //     amount of data would cover (in this case
    //     sectors 2 & 3).
    // 3 - The last calculation (and read) would read
    //     in the remainder of the data requested out of
    //     the last sector.

    // Only do the first read if we
    // aren't aligned on a cluster boundary
    if (FilePointer % SECTORSIZE)
        // Do the math for our first read
        SectorNumber = FileHandle->FileStart + (FilePointer / SECTORSIZE);
        OffsetInSector = FilePointer % SECTORSIZE;
        LengthInSector = (N > (SECTORSIZE - OffsetInSector)) ? (SECTORSIZE - OffsetInSector) : N;

        // Now do the read and update Count, N, FilePointer, & Buffer
        Position.HighPart = 0;
        Position.LowPart = SectorNumber * SECTORSIZE;
        ret = ArcSeek(DeviceId, &Position, SeekAbsolute);
        if (ret != ESUCCESS)
            return ret;
        ret = ArcRead(DeviceId, SectorBuffer, SECTORSIZE, &BytesRead);
        if (ret != ESUCCESS || BytesRead != SECTORSIZE)
            return EIO;
        RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, SectorBuffer + OffsetInSector, LengthInSector);
        *Count += LengthInSector;
        N -= LengthInSector;
        FilePointer += LengthInSector;
        Buffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Buffer + LengthInSector);

    // Do the math for our second read (if any data left)
    if (N > 0)
        // Determine how many full clusters we need to read
        NumberOfSectors = (N / SECTORSIZE);

        SectorNumber = FileHandle->FileStart + (FilePointer / SECTORSIZE);

        // Now do the read and update Count, N, FilePointer, & Buffer
        Position.HighPart = 0;
        Position.LowPart = SectorNumber * SECTORSIZE;
        ret = ArcSeek(DeviceId, &Position, SeekAbsolute);
        if (ret != ESUCCESS)
            return ret;
        ret = ArcRead(DeviceId, Buffer, NumberOfSectors * SECTORSIZE, &BytesRead);
        if (ret != ESUCCESS || BytesRead != NumberOfSectors * SECTORSIZE)
            return EIO;

        *Count += NumberOfSectors * SECTORSIZE;
        N -= NumberOfSectors * SECTORSIZE;
        FilePointer += NumberOfSectors * SECTORSIZE;
        Buffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Buffer + NumberOfSectors * SECTORSIZE);

    // Do the math for our third read (if any data left)
    if (N > 0)
        SectorNumber = FileHandle->FileStart + (FilePointer / SECTORSIZE);

        // Now do the read and update Count, N, FilePointer, & Buffer
        Position.HighPart = 0;
        Position.LowPart = SectorNumber * SECTORSIZE;
        ret = ArcSeek(DeviceId, &Position, SeekAbsolute);
        if (ret != ESUCCESS)
            return ret;
        ret = ArcRead(DeviceId, SectorBuffer, SECTORSIZE, &BytesRead);
        if (ret != ESUCCESS || BytesRead != SECTORSIZE)
            return EIO;
        RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, SectorBuffer, N);
        *Count += N;
        FilePointer += N;

    TRACE("IsoRead() done\n");

    return ESUCCESS;