void FuelCollection::init()

	float distLayers = 1000;
	float radius = 1000;

	for (int layer = 1; layer < 10; ++layer)
		radius += distLayers;

		for (float rad = 0; rad < 2*M_PI; rad += (800.0 / radius))
			float x = (radius * cos(rad)) + (rand() % 400);
			float y = (radius * sin(rad)) + (rand() % 400);;

			m_fuelList.push_back(Fuel(m_fuelTexture, sf::Vector2f(x, y)));
Exemple #2
std::list<MovePathNode> Fleet::MovePath(const std::list<int>& route) const {
    std::list<MovePathNode> retval;

    if (route.empty())
        return retval;                                      // nowhere to go => empty path
    // if (route.size() == 1) do nothing special.  this fleet is probably on the starlane leading to
    //                        its final destination.  normal looping to read destination should work fine
    if (route.size() == 2 && route.front() == route.back())
        return retval;                                      // nowhere to go => empty path
    if (this->Speed() < FLEET_MOVEMENT_EPSILON) {
        retval.push_back(MovePathNode(this->X(), this->Y(), true, ETA_NEVER, this->SystemID(), INVALID_OBJECT_ID, INVALID_OBJECT_ID));
        return retval;                                      // can't move => path is just this system with explanatory ETA

    double fuel =       Fuel();
    double max_fuel =   MaxFuel();

    //Logger().debugStream() << "Fleet " << this->Name() << " movePath fuel: " << fuel << " sys id: " << this->SystemID();

    // determine all systems where fleet(s) can be resupplied if fuel runs out
    int owner = this->Owner();
    const Empire* empire = Empires().Lookup(owner);
    std::set<int> fleet_supplied_systems;
    std::set<int> unobstructed_systems;
    if (empire) {
        fleet_supplied_systems = empire->FleetSupplyableSystemIDs();
        unobstructed_systems = empire->SupplyUnobstructedSystems();

    // determine if, given fuel available and supplyable systems, fleet will ever be able to move
    if (fuel < 1.0 &&
        this->SystemID() != INVALID_OBJECT_ID &&
        fleet_supplied_systems.find(this->SystemID()) == fleet_supplied_systems.end())
        MovePathNode node(this->X(), this->Y(), true, ETA_OUT_OF_RANGE,
        return retval;      // can't move => path is just this system with explanatory ETA

    // get iterator pointing to System* on route that is the first after where this fleet is currently.
    // if this fleet is in a system, the iterator will point to the system after the current in the route
    // if this fleet is not in a system, the iterator will point to the first system in the route
    std::list<int>::const_iterator route_it = route.begin();
    if (*route_it == SystemID())
        ++route_it;     // first system in route is current system of this fleet.  skip to the next system
    if (route_it == route.end())
        return retval;  // current system of this fleet is the *only* system in the route.  path is empty.

    // get current, previous and next systems of fleet
    const System* cur_system = GetSystem(this->SystemID());         // may be 0
    const System* prev_system = GetSystem(this->PreviousSystemID());// may be 0 if this fleet is not moving or ordered to move
    const System* next_system = GetSystem(*route_it);               // can't use this->NextSystemID() because this fleet may not be moving and may not have a next system. this might occur when a fleet is in a system, not ordered to move or ordered to move to a system, but a projected fleet move line is being calculated to a different system
    if (!next_system) {
        Logger().errorStream() << "Fleet::MovePath couldn't get next system with id " << *route_it << " for this fleet " << this->Name();
        return retval;

    //Logger().debugStream() << "initial cur system: " << (cur_system ? cur_system->Name() : "(none)") <<
    //                          "  prev system: " << (prev_system ? prev_system->Name() : "(none)") <<
    //                          "  next system: " << (next_system ? next_system->Name() : "(none)");

    // place initial position MovePathNode
    MovePathNode initial_pos(this->X(), this->Y(), false /* not an end of turn node */, 0 /* turns taken to reach position of node */,
                             (cur_system  ? cur_system->ID()  : INVALID_OBJECT_ID),
                             (prev_system ? prev_system->ID() : INVALID_OBJECT_ID),
                             (next_system ? next_system->ID() : INVALID_OBJECT_ID));

    const int       TOO_LONG =              100;        // limit on turns to simulate.  99 turns max keeps ETA to two digits, making UI work better
    int             turns_taken =           1;
    double          turn_dist_remaining =   m_speed;    // additional distance that can be travelled in current turn of fleet movement being simulated
    double          cur_x =                 this->X();
    double          cur_y =                 this->Y();
    double          next_x =                next_system->X();
    double          next_y =                next_system->Y();

    // simulate fleet movement given known speed, starting position, fuel limit and systems on route
    // need to populate retval with MovePathNodes that indicate the correct position, whether this
    // fleet will end a turn at the node, the turns it will take to reach the node, and (when applicable)
    // the current (if at a system), previous and next system IDs at which the fleet will be.  the
    // previous and next system ids are needed to know what starlane a given node is located on, if any.
    // nodes at systems don't need previous system ids to be valid, but should have next system ids
    // valid so that when rendering starlanes using the returned move path, lines departing a system
    // can be drawn on the correct side of the system icon

    while (turns_taken < TOO_LONG) {
        // each loop iteration moves the current position to the next location of interest along the move
        // path, and then adds a node at that position.

        //Logger().debugStream() << " starting iteration";
        //if (cur_system)
        //    Logger().debugStream() << "     at system " << cur_system->Name() << " with id " << cur_system->ID();
        //    Logger().debugStream() << "     at (" << cur_x << ", " << cur_y << ")";

        // check if fuel limits movement or current system refuels passing fleet
        if (cur_system) {
            // check if current system has fuel supply available
            if (fleet_supplied_systems.find(cur_system->ID()) != fleet_supplied_systems.end()) {
                // current system has fuel supply.  replenish fleet's supply and don't restrict movement
                fuel = max_fuel;
                //Logger().debugStream() << " ... at system with fuel supply.  replenishing and continuing movement";

            } else {
                // current system has no fuel supply.  require fuel to proceed
                if (fuel >= 1.0) {
                    //Logger().debugStream() << " ... at system without fuel supply.  consuming unit of fuel to proceed";
                    fuel -= 1.0;

                } else {
                    //Logger().debugStream() << " ... at system without fuel supply.  have insufficient fuel to continue moving";
                    turns_taken = ETA_OUT_OF_RANGE;

        // find distance to next system along path from current position
        double dist_to_next_system = std::sqrt((next_x - cur_x)*(next_x - cur_x) + (next_y - cur_y)*(next_y - cur_y));
        //Logger().debugStream() << " ... dist to next system: " << dist_to_next_system;

        // move ship as far as it can go this turn, or to next system, whichever is closer, and deduct
        // distance travelled from distance travellable this turn
        if (turn_dist_remaining >= FLEET_MOVEMENT_EPSILON) {
            double dist_travelled_this_step = std::min(turn_dist_remaining, dist_to_next_system);

            //Logger().debugStream() << " ... fleet moving " << dist_travelled_this_step << " this iteration.  dist to next system: " << dist_to_next_system << " and turn_dist_remaining: " << turn_dist_remaining;

            double x_dist = next_x - cur_x;
            double y_dist = next_y - cur_y;
            // dist_to_next_system = std::sqrt(x_dist * x_dist + y_dist * y_dist);  // should already equal this distance, so don't need to recalculate
            double unit_vec_x = x_dist / dist_to_next_system;
            double unit_vec_y = y_dist / dist_to_next_system;

            cur_x += unit_vec_x*dist_travelled_this_step;
            cur_y += unit_vec_y*dist_travelled_this_step;

            turn_dist_remaining -= dist_travelled_this_step;
            dist_to_next_system -= dist_travelled_this_step;

            // if moved away any distance from a system, are no longer in that system
            if (cur_system && dist_travelled_this_step >= FLEET_MOVEMENT_EPSILON) {
                prev_system = cur_system;
                cur_system = 0;

        bool end_turn_at_cur_position = false;

        // check if fleet can move any further this turn
        if (turn_dist_remaining < FLEET_MOVEMENT_EPSILON) {
            //Logger().debugStream() << " ... fleet can't move further this turn.";
            turn_dist_remaining = 0.0;      // to prevent any possible precision-related errors
            end_turn_at_cur_position = true;

        // check if current position is close enough to next system on route to qualify as at that system.
        if (dist_to_next_system < FLEET_MOVEMENT_EPSILON) {
            // close enough to be consider to be at next system.
            // set current position to be exactly at next system to avoid rounding issues
            cur_system = next_system;
            cur_x = cur_system->X();    // update positions to ensure no round-off-errors
            cur_y = cur_system->Y();

            //Logger().debugStream() << " ... arrived at system: " << cur_system->Name();

            // attempt to get next system on route, to update next system.  if new current
            // system is the end of the route, abort.
            if (route_it == route.end())

            // update next system on route and distance to it from current position
            next_system = GetEmpireKnownSystem(*route_it, owner);
            if (!next_system) {
                Logger().errorStream() << "Fleet::MovePath couldn't get system with id " << *route_it;
            next_x = next_system->X();
            next_y = next_system->Y();

        // if new position is an obstructed system, must end turn here
        if (cur_system && unobstructed_systems.find(cur_system->ID()) == unobstructed_systems.end()) {
            turn_dist_remaining = 0.0;
            end_turn_at_cur_position = true;

        // if turn done and turns taken is enough, abort simulation
        if (end_turn_at_cur_position && (turns_taken + 1 >= TOO_LONG)) {
            // exit loop before placing current node to simplify post-loop processing: now all cases require a post-loop node to be added

        // add MovePathNode for current position (end of turn position and/or system location)
        MovePathNode cur_pos(cur_x, cur_y, end_turn_at_cur_position, turns_taken,
                             (cur_system  ? cur_system->ID()  : INVALID_OBJECT_ID),
                             (prev_system ? prev_system->ID() : INVALID_OBJECT_ID),
                             (next_system ? next_system->ID() : INVALID_OBJECT_ID));

        // if the turn ended at this position, increment the turns taken and
        // reset the distance remaining to be travelled during the current (now
        // next) turn for the next loop iteration
        if (end_turn_at_cur_position) {
            //Logger().debugStream() << " ... end of simulated turn " << turns_taken;
            turn_dist_remaining = m_speed;

    // done looping.  may have exited due to reaching end of path, lack of fuel, or turns taken getting too big
    if (turns_taken == TOO_LONG)
        turns_taken = ETA_NEVER;

    MovePathNode final_pos(cur_x, cur_y, true, turns_taken,
                           (cur_system  ? cur_system->ID()  : INVALID_OBJECT_ID),
                           (prev_system ? prev_system->ID() : INVALID_OBJECT_ID),
                           (next_system ? next_system->ID() : INVALID_OBJECT_ID));

    return retval;
Exemple #3
Reactor::Reactor():Reactor(0, 0, Fuel()){
