bool BlockExpandLayer::init(const LayerMap& layerMap, const ParameterMap& parameterMap) { /* Initialize the basic parent class */ Layer::init(layerMap, parameterMap); CHECK_EQ(config_.inputs_size(), 1); const BlockExpandConfig& blockConf = config_.inputs(0).block_expand_conf(); blockH_ = blockConf.block_y(); blockW_ = blockConf.block_x(); strideH_ = blockConf.stride_y(); strideW_ = blockConf.stride_x(); paddingH_ = blockConf.padding_y(); paddingW_ = blockConf.padding_x(); channels_ = blockConf.channels(); imgSizeH_ = blockConf.img_size_y(); imgSizeW_ = blockConf.img_size_x(); std::vector<size_t> strides = {(size_t)strideH_, (size_t)strideW_}; std::vector<size_t> paddings = {(size_t)paddingH_, (size_t)paddingW_}; std::vector<size_t> blocks = {(size_t)blockH_, (size_t)blockW_}; createFunction(forward_, "BlockExpand", FuncConfig() .set("strides", strides) .set("paddings", paddings) .set("blocks", blocks)); createFunction(backward_, "BlockExpandGrad", FuncConfig() .set("strides", strides) .set("paddings", paddings) .set("blocks", blocks)); return true; }
bool CosSimVecMatLayer::init(const LayerMap& layerMap, const ParameterMap& parameterMap) { Layer::init(layerMap, parameterMap); CHECK_EQ(inputLayers_.size(), 2U); size_t dataDim = inputLayers_[0]->getSize(); size_t numKeys = getSize(); size_t memoryDim = inputLayers_[1]->getSize(); CHECK_EQ(dataDim * numKeys, memoryDim) << "Dimension mismatch"; tmpRow0 = Matrix::create(nullptr, /* height= */ 1, dataDim, /* trans= */ false, useGpu_); tmpRow1 = Matrix::create(nullptr, /* height= */ 1, dataDim, /* trans= */ false, useGpu_); tmpRow2 = Matrix::create(nullptr, /* height= */ numKeys, 1, /* trans= */ false, useGpu_); tmpRow3 = Matrix::create(nullptr, /* height= */ numKeys, 1, /* trans= */ false, useGpu_); tmpMtx0 = Matrix::create(nullptr, /* height= */ numKeys, dataDim, /* trans= */ false, useGpu_); tmpMtx1 = Matrix::create(nullptr, /* height= */ numKeys, dataDim, /* trans= */ false, useGpu_); CHECK(tmpRow0 && tmpRow1 && tmpRow2 && tmpRow3 && tmpMtx0 && tmpMtx1); createFunction(forward_, "CosSimForward", FuncConfig().set("scale", (real)config_.cos_scale())); createFunction(backward_, "CosSimBackward", FuncConfig().set("scale", (real)config_.cos_scale())); return true; }
bool ScaleSubRegionLayer::init(const LayerMap& layerMap, const ParameterMap& parameterMap) { Layer::init(layerMap, parameterMap); CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(inputLayers_.size()), 2); auto& conf = config_.inputs(0).scale_sub_region_conf(); value_ = conf.value(); createFunction(forward_, "ScaleSubRegion", FuncConfig().set("value", value_)); createFunction( backward_, "ScaleSubRegionGrad", FuncConfig().set("value", value_)); return true; }
TEST(CrossMapNormalGrad, real) { for (size_t numSamples : {5}) { for (size_t channels : {1, 5}) { for (size_t imgSizeH : {5, 33}) { for (size_t imgSizeW : {5, 32}) { for (size_t size : {1, 3}) { VLOG(3) << " numSamples=" << numSamples << " channels=" << channels << " imgSizeH=" << imgSizeH << " imgSizeW=" << imgSizeW << " size=" << size; CpuGpuFuncCompare test("CrossMapNormalGrad", FuncConfig() .set("size", size) .set("scale", (real)1.5) .set("pow", (real)0.5)); TensorShape shape{numSamples, channels, imgSizeH, imgSizeW}; test.addInputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, shape)); test.addInputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, shape)); test.addInputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, shape)); test.addInputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, shape)); test.addOutputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, shape)); // run Function; } } } } } }
TEST(Crop, real) { for (size_t numSamples : {5, 32}) { for (size_t channels : {5, 5, 32}) { for (size_t imgSizeH : {5, 33, 100}) { for (size_t imgSizeW : {5, 32, 96}) { VLOG(3) << " numSamples=" << numSamples << " channels=" << channels << " imgSizeH=" << imgSizeH << " imgSizeW=" << imgSizeW; for (bool test_grad : {false, true}) { CpuGpuFuncCompare compare( test_grad ? "CropGrad" : "Crop", FuncConfig() .set<std::vector<uint32_t>>("crop_corner", {0, 1, 1, 1}) .set<std::vector<uint32_t>>("crop_shape", {0, 2, 3, 3})); TensorShape inDims{numSamples, channels, imgSizeH, imgSizeW}; TensorShape outDims{numSamples, 2, 3, 3}; compare.addInputs( BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, test_grad ? outDims : inDims)); compare.addOutputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, test_grad ? inDims : outDims, test_grad ? ADD_TO : ASSIGN_TO), test_grad ? ADD_TO : ASSIGN_TO);; } } } } } }
bool CosSimLayer::init(const LayerMap& layerMap, const ParameterMap& parameterMap) { /* Initialize the basic parent class */ Layer::init(layerMap, parameterMap); CHECK_EQ(inputLayers_.size(), 2LU); createFunction(forward_, "CosSimForward", FuncConfig().set("scale", (real)config_.cos_scale())); createFunction(backward_, "CosSimBackward", FuncConfig().set("scale", (real)config_.cos_scale())); return true; }
TEST(BlockExpandBackward, real) { for (size_t batchSize : {5}) { for (size_t channels : {1, 5}) { for (size_t inputHeight : {5, 33}) { for (size_t inputWidth : {5, 32}) { for (size_t block : {1, 3, 5}) { for (size_t stride : {1, 2}) { for (size_t padding : {0, 1}) { // init Test object std::vector<size_t> strides = {stride, stride}; std::vector<size_t> paddings = {padding, padding}; std::vector<size_t> blocks = {block, block}; CpuGpuFuncCompare test("BlockExpandGrad", FuncConfig() .set("strides", strides) .set("paddings", paddings) .set("blocks", blocks)); size_t outputHeight = 1 + (inputHeight + 2 * padding - block + stride - 1) / stride; size_t outputWidth = 1 + (inputWidth + 2 * padding - block + stride - 1) / stride; TensorShape inputShape = TensorShape({batchSize, channels, inputHeight, inputWidth}); TensorShape outputShape = TensorShape({batchSize, outputHeight * outputWidth, channels * block * block}); test.addInputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, outputShape)); test.addOutputs(BufferArg(VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, inputShape), ADD_TO); // run Function; } } } } } } } }