task FwControlTask()
	// Set the gain
	gain = 0.00025;

	// We are using Speed geared motors
	// Set the encoder ticks per revolution
	ticks_per_rev = MOTOR_TPR_393T;

		// Calculate velocity

		// Do the velocity TBH calculations
		FwControlUpdateVelocityTbh() ;

		// Scale drive into the range the motors need
		motor_drive  = (driver * FW_MAX_POWER) + 0.5;

		// Final Limit of motor values - don't really need this
		if( motor_drive >  127 ) motor_drive =  127;
		if( motor_drive < -127 ) motor_drive = -127;

		// and finally set the motor control value
		FwMotorSet( motor_drive );

		// Run at somewhere between 20 and 50mS
		wait1Msec( FW_LOOP_SPEED );
task leftFwControlTask()
	fw_controller *fw = lFly;

	// We are using Speed geared motors
	// Set the encoder ticks per revolution
	fw->ticks_per_rev = fw->MOTOR_TPR;

		// debug counter

		// Calculate velocity
		getEncoderAndTimeStamp(lFlyBottom,fw->e_current, fw->encoder_timestamp);

		// Set current speed for the tbh calculation code
		fw->current = fw->v_current;

		// Do the velocity TBH calculations
		FwControlUpdateVelocityTbh( fw ) ;

		// Scale drive into the range the motors need
		fw->motor_drive  = fw->drive * (FW_MAX_POWER/127);

		// Final Limit of motor values - don't really need this
		if( fw->motor_drive >  127 ) fw->motor_drive =  127;
		if( fw->motor_drive < -127 ) fw->motor_drive = -127;

		// and finally set the motor control value
		//if(fw->current < fw->target - 20) {
		//	setRightFwSpeed( 70 );
		//} else

		// Run at somewhere between 20 and 50mS
		wait1Msec( FW_LOOP_SPEED );


		str = sprintf( str, "%4d %4d  %5.2f", fw->target,  fw->current, nImmediateBatteryLevel/1000.0 );
		displayLCDString(0, 0, str );
		str = sprintf( str, "%4.2f %4.2f ", fw->drive, fw->drive_at_zero );
		displayLCDString(1, 0, str );
		// Run at somewhere between 20 and 50mS
		wait1Msec( FW_LOOP_SPEED );
	fw_controller *fw = &flywheel;

	// Set the gain
	fw->gain = 0.00025;

	// We are using Speed geared motors
	// Set the encoder ticks per revolution
	fw->ticks_per_rev = MOTOR_TPR_393S;

		// debug counter

		// Calculate velocity
		FwCalculateSpeed( fw );

		// Set current speed for the tbh calculation code
		fw->current = fw->v_current;

		// Do the velocity TBH calculations
		FwControlUpdateVelocityTbh( fw ) ;

		// Scale drive into the range the motors need
		fw->motor_drive  = (fw->drive * FW_MAX_POWER) + 0.55; // Orig: 0.5

		// Final Limit of motor values - don't really need this
		if( fw->motor_drive >  127 ) fw->motor_drive =  127;
		if( fw->motor_drive < -127 ) fw->motor_drive = -127;

		// and finally set the motor control value
		FwMotorSet( fw->motor_drive );

		// Run at somewhere between 20 and 50mS
		wait1Msec( FW_LOOP_SPEED );
void FwControlTask(fw_parameters FW, int e_count){

    // Set the gain
    FW.gain = 0.00025;

    // We are using Speed geared motors
    // Set the encoder ticks per revolution
    FW.ticks_per_rev = MOTOR_TPR_393S;

    	// debug counter

      // Calculate velocity
      FwCalculateSpeed(FW, e_count);

      // Set current speed for the tbh calculation code
      FW.current = FW.v_current;

      // Do the velocity TBH calculations
      FwControlUpdateVelocityTbh(FW) ;

      // Scale drive into the range the motors need
      FW.motor_drive  = (FW.drive * FW_MAX_POWER) + 0.5;

      // Final Limit of motor values - don't really need this
      if( FW.motor_drive >  127 ){
      	FW.motor_drive =  127;
      if(FW.motor_drive < -127 ){
      	FW.motor_drive = -127;
      // and finally set the motor control value
      FwMotorSet(FW.motor_drive );

      // Run at somewhere between 20 and 50mS
      wait1Msec( FW_LOOP_SPEED );
task rightFwControlTask()
    fw_controller *fw = rFly;

    // We are using Speed geared motors
    // Set the encoder ticks per revolution
    fw->ticks_per_rev = fw->MOTOR_TPR;

        // debug counter

        // Calculate velocity
        getEncoderAndTimeStamp(flyWheelR2,fw->e_current, fw->encoder_timestamp);

        // Set current speed for the tbh calculation code
        fw->current = fw->v_current;

        // Do the velocity TBH calculations
        FwControlUpdateVelocityTbh( fw ) ;

        // Scale drive into the range the motors need
        fw->motor_drive  = (fw->drive * FW_MAX_POWER) + 0.5;

        // Final Limit of motor values - don't really need this
        if( fw->motor_drive >  127 ) fw->motor_drive =  127;
        if( fw->motor_drive < -127 ) fw->motor_drive = -127;

        // and finally set the motor control value
        setRFly( fw->motor_drive );

        // Run at somewhere between 20 and 50mS
        wait1Msec( FW_LOOP_SPEED );