/* ===================== CL_CGameRendering ===================== */ void CL_CGameRendering( stereoFrame_t stereo ) { #if 0 if ( cls.state == CA_ACTIVE ) { static int counter; if ( ++counter == 40 ) { VM_Debug( 2 ); } } #endif int timei=cl.serverTime; if (timei>60) { timei-=0; } G2API_SetTime(cl.serverTime,G2T_CG_TIME); VM_Call( CG_DRAW_ACTIVE_FRAME,timei, stereo, qfalse ); // VM_Debug( 0 ); }
void SV_Frame( int msec,float fractionMsec ) { int frameMsec; int startTime=0; // the menu kills the server with this cvar if ( sv_killserver->integer ) { SV_Shutdown ("Server was killed.\n"); Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "0" ); return; } if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) { return; } extern void SE_CheckForLanguageUpdates(void); SE_CheckForLanguageUpdates(); // will fast-return else load different language if menu changed it // allow pause if only the local client is connected if ( SV_CheckPaused() ) { return; } // go ahead and let time slip if the server really hitched badly if ( msec > 1000 ) { Com_DPrintf( "SV_Frame: Truncating msec of %i to 1000\n", msec ); msec = 1000; } // if it isn't time for the next frame, do nothing if ( sv_fps->integer < 1 ) { Cvar_Set( "sv_fps", "10" ); } frameMsec = 1000 / sv_fps->integer ; sv.timeResidual += msec; sv.timeResidualFraction+=fractionMsec; if (sv.timeResidualFraction>=1.0f) { sv.timeResidualFraction-=1.0f; if (cl_newClock&&cl_newClock->integer) { sv.timeResidual++; } } if ( sv.timeResidual < frameMsec ) { return; } // if time is about to hit the 32nd bit, restart the // level, which will force the time back to zero, rather // than checking for negative time wraparound everywhere. // 2giga-milliseconds = 23 days, so it won't be too often if ( sv.time > 0x70000000 ) { SV_Shutdown( "Restarting server due to time wrapping" ); Com_Printf("You win. if you can play this long and not die, you deserve to win.\n"); return; } // update infostrings if anything has been changed if ( cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_SERVERINFO ) { SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO; } if ( cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) { SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO; } if ( com_speeds->integer ) { startTime = Sys_Milliseconds (); } // SV_BotFrame( sv.time ); // run the game simulation in chunks while ( sv.timeResidual >= frameMsec ) { sv.timeResidual -= frameMsec; sv.time += frameMsec; G2API_SetTime(sv.time,G2T_SV_TIME); // let everything in the world think and move ge->RunFrame( sv.time ); } if ( com_speeds->integer ) { time_game = Sys_Milliseconds () - startTime; } SG_TestSave(); // returns immediately if not active, used for fake-save-every-cycle to test (mainly) Icarus disk code // check timeouts SV_CheckTimeouts (); // update ping based on the last known frame from all clients SV_CalcPings (); // send messages back to the clients SV_SendClientMessages (); }
/* ==================== CL_UISystemCalls The ui module is making a system call ==================== */ int CL_UISystemCalls( int *args ) { switch( args[0] ) { //rww - alright, DO NOT EVER add a GAME/CGAME/UI generic call without adding a trap to match, and //all of these traps must be shared and have cases in sv_game, cl_cgame, and cl_ui. They must also //all be in the same order, and start at 100. case TRAP_MEMSET: Com_Memset( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case TRAP_MEMCPY: Com_Memcpy( VMA(1), VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case TRAP_STRNCPY: return (int)strncpy( (char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case TRAP_SIN: return FloatAsInt( sin( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_COS: return FloatAsInt( cos( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_ATAN2: return FloatAsInt( atan2( VMF(1), VMF(2) ) ); case TRAP_SQRT: return FloatAsInt( sqrt( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: MatrixMultiply( (vec3_t *)VMA(1), (vec3_t *)VMA(2), (vec3_t *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case TRAP_ANGLEVECTORS: AngleVectors( (const float *)VMA(1), (float *)VMA(2), (float *)VMA(3), (float *)VMA(4) ); return 0; case TRAP_PERPENDICULARVECTOR: PerpendicularVector( (float *)VMA(1), (const float *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case TRAP_FLOOR: return FloatAsInt( floor( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_CEIL: return FloatAsInt( ceil( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_TESTPRINTINT: return 0; case TRAP_TESTPRINTFLOAT: return 0; case TRAP_ACOS: return FloatAsInt( Q_acos( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_ASIN: return FloatAsInt( Q_asin( VMF(1) ) ); case UI_ERROR: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s", VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_PRINT: Com_Printf( "%s", VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_MILLISECONDS: return Sys_Milliseconds(); case UI_CVAR_REGISTER: Cvar_Register( (vmCvar_t *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_UPDATE: Cvar_Update( (vmCvar_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SET: Cvar_Set( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_VARIABLEVALUE: return FloatAsInt( Cvar_VariableValue( (const char *)VMA(1) ) ); case UI_CVAR_VARIABLESTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( (const char *)VMA(1), (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SETVALUE: Cvar_SetValue( (const char *)VMA(1), VMF(2) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_RESET: Cvar_Reset( (const char *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_CREATE: Cvar_Get( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_INFOSTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_InfoStringBuffer( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_ARGC: return Cmd_Argc(); case UI_ARGV: Cmd_ArgvBuffer( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CMD_EXECUTETEXT: Cbuf_ExecuteText( args[1], (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_FS_FOPENFILE: return FS_FOpenFileByMode( (const char *)VMA(1), (int *)VMA(2), (fsMode_t)args[3] ); case UI_FS_READ: FS_Read2( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_WRITE: FS_Write( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_FCLOSEFILE: FS_FCloseFile( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_FS_GETFILELIST: return FS_GetFileList( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); case UI_R_REGISTERMODEL: return re.RegisterModel( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSKIN: return re.RegisterSkin( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSHADERNOMIP: return re.RegisterShaderNoMip( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_SHADERNAMEFROMINDEX: { char *gameMem = (char *)VMA(1); const char *retMem = re.ShaderNameFromIndex(args[2]); if (retMem) { strcpy(gameMem, retMem); } else { gameMem[0] = 0; } } return 0; case UI_R_CLEARSCENE: re.ClearScene(); return 0; case UI_R_ADDREFENTITYTOSCENE: re.AddRefEntityToScene( (const refEntity_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDPOLYTOSCENE: re.AddPolyToScene( args[1], args[2], (const polyVert_t *)VMA(3), 1 ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDLIGHTTOSCENE: #ifdef VV_LIGHTING VVLightMan.RE_AddLightToScene( (const float *)VMA(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5) ); #else re.AddLightToScene( (const float *)VMA(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5) ); #endif return 0; case UI_R_RENDERSCENE: re.RenderScene( (const refdef_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_SETCOLOR: re.SetColor( (const float *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_DRAWSTRETCHPIC: re.DrawStretchPic( VMF(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5), VMF(6), VMF(7), VMF(8), args[9] ); return 0; case UI_R_MODELBOUNDS: re.ModelBounds( args[1], (float *)VMA(2), (float *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case UI_UPDATESCREEN: SCR_UpdateScreen(); return 0; case UI_CM_LERPTAG: re.LerpTag( (orientation_t *)VMA(1), args[2], args[3], args[4], VMF(5), (const char *)VMA(6) ); return 0; case UI_S_REGISTERSOUND: return S_RegisterSound( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_S_STARTLOCALSOUND: S_StartLocalSound( args[1], args[2] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_KEYNUMTOSTRINGBUF: Key_KeynumToStringBuf( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETBINDINGBUF: Key_GetBindingBuf( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_SETBINDING: Key_SetBinding( args[1], (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_KEY_ISDOWN: return Key_IsDown( args[1] ); case UI_KEY_GETOVERSTRIKEMODE: return Key_GetOverstrikeMode(); case UI_KEY_SETOVERSTRIKEMODE: Key_SetOverstrikeMode( (qboolean)args[1] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_CLEARSTATES: Key_ClearStates(); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETCATCHER: return Key_GetCatcher(); case UI_KEY_SETCATCHER: Key_SetCatcher( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIPBOARDDATA: GetClipboardData( (char *)VMA(1), args[2] ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIENTSTATE: GetClientState( (uiClientState_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_GETGLCONFIG: CL_GetGlconfig( (glconfig_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_GETCONFIGSTRING: return GetConfigString( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case UI_LAN_LOADCACHEDSERVERS: LAN_LoadCachedServers(); return 0; case UI_LAN_SAVECACHEDSERVERS: LAN_SaveServersToCache(); return 0; case UI_LAN_ADDSERVER: return LAN_AddServer(args[1], (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3)); case UI_LAN_REMOVESERVER: LAN_RemoveServer(args[1], (const char *)VMA(2)); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGQUEUECOUNT: return LAN_GetPingQueueCount(); case UI_LAN_CLEARPING: LAN_ClearPing( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPING: LAN_GetPing( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3], (int *)VMA(4) ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGINFO: LAN_GetPingInfo( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERCOUNT: return LAN_GetServerCount(args[1]); case UI_LAN_GETSERVERADDRESSSTRING: LAN_GetServerAddressString( args[1], args[2], (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERINFO: LAN_GetServerInfo( args[1], args[2], (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERPING: return LAN_GetServerPing( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_MARKSERVERVISIBLE: LAN_MarkServerVisible( args[1], args[2], (qboolean)args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERISVISIBLE: return LAN_ServerIsVisible( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_UPDATEVISIBLEPINGS: return LAN_UpdateVisiblePings( args[1] ); case UI_LAN_RESETPINGS: LAN_ResetPings( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERSTATUS: return LAN_GetServerStatus( (char *)VMA(1), (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case UI_LAN_COMPARESERVERS: return LAN_CompareServers( args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] ); case UI_MEMORY_REMAINING: return Hunk_MemoryRemaining(); #ifdef USE_CD_KEY case UI_GET_CDKEY: CLUI_GetCDKey( (char *)VMA(1), args[2] ); return 0; case UI_SET_CDKEY: CLUI_SetCDKey( (char *)VMA(1) ); return 0; #endif // USE_CD_KEY case UI_R_REGISTERFONT: return re.RegisterFont( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRLENPIXELS: return re.Font_StrLenPixels( (const char *)VMA(1), args[2], VMF(3) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRLENCHARS: return re.Font_StrLenChars( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRHEIGHTPIXELS: return re.Font_HeightPixels( args[1], VMF(2) ); case UI_R_FONT_DRAWSTRING: re.Font_DrawString( args[1], args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), (const float *) VMA(4), args[5], args[6], VMF(7) ); return 0; case UI_LANGUAGE_ISASIAN: return re.Language_IsAsian(); case UI_LANGUAGE_USESSPACES: return re.Language_UsesSpaces(); case UI_ANYLANGUAGE_READCHARFROMSTRING: return re.AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (const char *)VMA(1), (int *) VMA(2), (qboolean *) VMA(3) ); case UI_PC_ADD_GLOBAL_DEFINE: return botlib_export->PC_AddGlobalDefine( (char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_LOAD_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_LoadSourceHandle( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_FREE_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_FreeSourceHandle( args[1] ); case UI_PC_READ_TOKEN: return botlib_export->PC_ReadTokenHandle( args[1], (struct pc_token_s *)VMA(2) ); case UI_PC_SOURCE_FILE_AND_LINE: return botlib_export->PC_SourceFileAndLine( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), (int *)VMA(3) ); case UI_PC_LOAD_GLOBAL_DEFINES: return botlib_export->PC_LoadGlobalDefines ( (char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_REMOVE_ALL_GLOBAL_DEFINES: botlib_export->PC_RemoveAllGlobalDefines ( ); return 0; case UI_S_STOPBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StopBackgroundTrack(); return 0; case UI_S_STARTBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StartBackgroundTrack( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), qfalse); return 0; case UI_REAL_TIME: return Com_RealTime( (struct qtime_s *)VMA(1) ); case UI_CIN_PLAYCINEMATIC: Com_DPrintf("UI_CIN_PlayCinematic\n"); return CIN_PlayCinematic((const char *)VMA(1), args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); case UI_CIN_STOPCINEMATIC: return CIN_StopCinematic(args[1]); case UI_CIN_RUNCINEMATIC: return CIN_RunCinematic(args[1]); case UI_CIN_DRAWCINEMATIC: CIN_DrawCinematic(args[1]); return 0; case UI_CIN_SETEXTENTS: CIN_SetExtents(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); return 0; case UI_R_REMAP_SHADER: re.RemapShader( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3) ); return 0; #ifdef USE_CD_KEY case UI_VERIFY_CDKEY: return CL_CDKeyValidate((const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2)); #endif // USE_CD_KEY case UI_SP_GETNUMLANGUAGES: return SE_GetNumLanguages(); case UI_SP_GETLANGUAGENAME: char *languageName,*holdName; holdName = ((char *)VMA(2)); languageName = (char *) SE_GetLanguageName((const int)VMA(1)); Q_strncpyz( holdName, languageName,128 ); return 0; case UI_SP_GETSTRINGTEXTSTRING: const char* text; assert(VMA(1)); assert(VMA(2)); text = SE_GetString((const char *) VMA(1)); Q_strncpyz( (char *) VMA(2), text, args[3] ); return qtrue; /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ case UI_G2_LISTSURFACES: G2API_ListSurfaces( (CGhoul2Info *) args[1] ); return 0; case UI_G2_LISTBONES: G2API_ListBones( (CGhoul2Info *) args[1], args[2]); return 0; case UI_G2_HAVEWEGHOULMODELS: return G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]) ); case UI_G2_SETMODELS: G2API_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]),(qhandle_t *)VMA(2),(qhandle_t *)VMA(3)); return 0; case UI_G2_GETBOLT: return G2API_GetBoltMatrix(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC: gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qtrue; return G2API_GetBoltMatrix(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC_NOROT: gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qtrue; gG2_GBMUseSPMethod = qtrue; return G2API_GetBoltMatrix(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_INITGHOUL2MODEL: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return G2API_InitGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3], (qhandle_t) args[4], (qhandle_t) args[5], args[6], args[7]); case UI_G2_COLLISIONDETECT: case UI_G2_COLLISIONDETECTCACHE: return 0; //not supported for ui case UI_G2_ANGLEOVERRIDE: return G2API_SetBoneAngles(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), (float *)VMA(4), args[5], (const Eorientations) args[6], (const Eorientations) args[7], (const Eorientations) args[8], (qhandle_t *)VMA(9), args[10], args[11] ); case UI_G2_CLEANMODELS: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif G2API_CleanGhoul2Models((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1)); // G2API_CleanGhoul2Models((CGhoul2Info_v **)args[1]); return 0; case UI_G2_PLAYANIM: return G2API_SetBoneAnim(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), args[4], args[5], args[6], VMF(7), args[8], VMF(9), args[10]); case UI_G2_GETBONEANIM: { CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); int modelIndex = args[10]; return G2API_GetBoneAnim(&g2[modelIndex], (const char*)VMA(2), args[3], (float *)VMA(4), (int *)VMA(5), (int *)VMA(6), (int *)VMA(7), (float *)VMA(8), (int *)VMA(9)); } case UI_G2_GETBONEFRAME: { //rwwFIXMEFIXME: Just make a G2API_GetBoneFrame func too. This is dirty. CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); int modelIndex = args[6]; int iDontCare1 = 0, iDontCare2 = 0, iDontCare3 = 0; float fDontCare1 = 0; return G2API_GetBoneAnim(&g2[modelIndex], (const char*)VMA(2), args[3], (float *)VMA(4), &iDontCare1, &iDontCare2, &iDontCare3, &fDontCare1, (int *)VMA(5)); } case UI_G2_GETGLANAME: // return (int)G2API_GetGLAName(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)VMA(1)), args[2]); { char *point = ((char *)VMA(3)); char *local; local = G2API_GetGLAName(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2]); if (local) { strcpy(point, local); } } return 0; case UI_G2_COPYGHOUL2INSTANCE: return (int)G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[2]), args[3]); case UI_G2_COPYSPECIFICGHOUL2MODEL: G2API_CopySpecificG2Model(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[3]), args[4]); return 0; case UI_G2_DUPLICATEGHOUL2INSTANCE: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), (CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(2)); return 0; case UI_G2_HASGHOUL2MODELONINDEX: return (int)G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1), args[2]); //return (int)G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex((CGhoul2Info_v **)args[1], args[2]); case UI_G2_REMOVEGHOUL2MODEL: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return (int)G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)VMA(1), args[2]); //return (int)G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)args[1], args[2]); case UI_G2_ADDBOLT: return G2API_AddBolt(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3)); // case UI_G2_REMOVEBOLT: // return G2API_RemoveBolt(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)VMA(1)), args[2]); case UI_G2_SETBOLTON: G2API_SetBoltInfo(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], args[3]); return 0; #ifdef _SOF2 case UI_G2_ADDSKINGORE: G2API_AddSkinGore(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]),*(SSkinGoreData *)VMA(2)); return 0; #endif // _SOF2 /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ case UI_G2_SETROOTSURFACE: return G2API_SetRootSurface(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3)); case UI_G2_SETSURFACEONOFF: return G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), (const char *)VMA(2), /*(const int)VMA(3)*/args[3]); case UI_G2_SETNEWORIGIN: return G2API_SetNewOrigin(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), /*(const int)VMA(2)*/args[2]); case UI_G2_GETTIME: return G2API_GetTime(0); case UI_G2_SETTIME: G2API_SetTime(args[1], args[2]); return 0; case UI_G2_SETRAGDOLL: return 0; //not supported for ui break; case UI_G2_ANIMATEG2MODELS: return 0; //not supported for ui break; case UI_G2_SETBONEIKSTATE: return G2API_SetBoneIKState(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), args[4], (sharedSetBoneIKStateParams_t *)VMA(5)); case UI_G2_IKMOVE: return G2API_IKMove(*((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]), args[2], (sharedIKMoveParams_t *)VMA(3)); case UI_G2_GETSURFACENAME: { //Since returning a pointer in such a way to a VM seems to cause MASSIVE FAILURE<tm>, we will shove data into the pointer the vm passes instead char *point = ((char *)VMA(4)); char *local; int modelindex = args[3]; CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); local = G2API_GetSurfaceName(&g2[modelindex], args[2]); if (local) { strcpy(point, local); } } return 0; case UI_G2_SETSKIN: { CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); int modelIndex = args[2]; return G2API_SetSkin(&g2[modelIndex], args[3], args[4]); } case UI_G2_ATTACHG2MODEL: { CGhoul2Info_v *g2From = ((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[1]); CGhoul2Info_v *g2To = ((CGhoul2Info_v *)args[3]); return G2API_AttachG2Model(g2From[0], args[2], g2To[0], args[4], args[5]); } /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ default: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad UI system trap: %i", args[0] ); } return 0; }
/* ================ SV_SpawnServer Change the server to a new map, taking all connected clients along with it. ================ */ void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, ForceReload_e eForceReload, qboolean bAllowScreenDissolve ) { int i; int checksum; // The following fixes for potential issues only work on Xbox #ifdef _XBOX extern qboolean stop_icarus; stop_icarus = qfalse; //Broken scripts may leave the player locked. I think that's always bad. extern qboolean player_locked; player_locked = qfalse; //If you quit while in Matrix Mode, this never gets cleared! extern qboolean MatrixMode; MatrixMode = qfalse; // Temporary code to turn on HDR effect for specific maps only if (!Q_stricmp(server, "t3_rift")) { Cvar_Set( "r_hdreffect", "1" ); } else { Cvar_Set( "r_hdreffect", "0" ); } #endif RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin( server, eForceReload, bAllowScreenDissolve ); Cvar_SetValue( "cl_paused", 0 ); Cvar_Set( "timescale", "1" );//jic we were skipping // shut down the existing game if it is running SV_ShutdownGameProgs(qtrue); Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n%s\n", com_version->string); Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server); #ifdef _XBOX // disable vsync during load for speed qglDisable(GL_VSYNC); #endif // don't let sound stutter and dump all stuff on the hunk CL_MapLoading(); if (!CM_SameMap(server)) { //rww - only clear if not loading the same map CM_ClearMap(); } #ifndef _XBOX else if (CM_HasTerrain()) { //always clear when going between maps with terrain CM_ClearMap(); } #endif // Miniheap never changes sizes, so I just put it really early in mem. G2VertSpaceServer->ResetHeap(); #ifdef _XBOX // Deletes all textures R_DeleteTextures(); #endif Hunk_Clear(); // Moved up from below to help reduce fragmentation if (svs.snapshotEntities) { Z_Free(svs.snapshotEntities); svs.snapshotEntities = NULL; } // wipe the entire per-level structure // Also moved up, trying to do all freeing before new allocs for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { if ( sv.configstrings[i] ) { Z_Free( sv.configstrings[i] ); sv.configstrings[i] = NULL; } } #ifdef _XBOX SV_ClearLastLevel(); #endif // Collect all the small allocations done by the cvar system // This frees, then allocates. Make it the last thing before other // allocations begin! Cvar_Defrag(); /* This is useful for debugging memory fragmentation. Please don't remove it. */ #ifdef _XBOX // We've over-freed the info array above, this puts it back into a working state Ghoul2InfoArray_Reset(); extern void Z_DumpMemMap_f(void); extern void Z_Details_f(void); extern void Z_TagPointers(memtag_t); Z_DumpMemMap_f(); // Z_TagPointers(TAG_ALL); Z_Details_f(); #endif // init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities // This is moved down quite a bit, but should be safe. And keeps // svs.clients right at the beginning of memory if ( !Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_running") ) { SV_Startup(); } // clear out those shaders, images and Models R_InitImages(); R_InitShaders(); R_ModelInit(); // allocate the snapshot entities svs.snapshotEntities = (entityState_t *) Z_Malloc (sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, TAG_CLIENTS, qtrue ); Music_SetLevelName(server); // toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a // server has changed //!@ svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT; // set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden // by the game startup or another console command Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) ); memset (&sv, 0, sizeof(sv)); for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString(""); } sv.time = 1000; G2API_SetTime(sv.time,G2T_SV_TIME); #ifdef _XBOX CL_StartHunkUsers(); CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum ); RE_LoadWorldMap(va("maps/%s.bsp", server)); #else CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum, qfalse ); #endif // set serverinfo visible name Cvar_Set( "mapname", server ); Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) ); // serverid should be different each time sv.serverId = com_frameTime; Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) ); // clear physics interaction links SV_ClearWorld (); // media configstring setting should be done during // the loading stage, so connected clients don't have // to load during actual gameplay sv.state = SS_LOADING; // load and spawn all other entities SV_InitGameProgs(); // run a few frames to allow everything to settle for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) { ge->RunFrame( sv.time ); sv.time += 100; G2API_SetTime(sv.time,G2T_SV_TIME); } #ifndef __NO_JK2 if(!Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("com_jk2")) #endif ge->ConnectNavs(sv_mapname->string, sv_mapChecksum->integer); // create a baseline for more efficient communications SV_CreateBaseline (); for (i=0 ; i<1 ; i++) { // clear all time counters, because we have reset sv.time svs.clients[i].lastPacketTime = 0; svs.clients[i].lastConnectTime = 0; svs.clients[i].nextSnapshotTime = 0; // send the new gamestate to all connected clients if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) { char *denied; // connect the client again denied = ge->ClientConnect( i, qfalse, eNO/*qfalse*/ ); // firstTime = qfalse, qbFromSavedGame if ( denied ) { // this generally shouldn't happen, because the client // was connected before the level change SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied ); } else { svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED; // when we get the next packet from a connected client, // the new gamestate will be sent } } } // run another frame to allow things to look at all connected clients ge->RunFrame( sv.time ); sv.time += 100; G2API_SetTime(sv.time,G2T_SV_TIME); // save systeminfo and serverinfo strings SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO; SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO; // any media configstring setting now should issue a warning // and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted // to all clients sv.state = SS_GAME; // send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info svs.nextHeartbeatTime = -9999999; Hunk_SetMark(); Z_Validate(); Z_Validate(); Z_Validate(); Com_Printf ("-----------------------------------\n"); }
/* ================== SV_Frame Player movement occurs as a result of packet events, which happen before SV_Frame is called ================== */ void SV_Frame( int msec ) { int frameMsec; int startTime; // the menu kills the server with this cvar if ( sv_killserver->integer ) { SV_Shutdown ("Server was killed.\n"); Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "0" ); return; } if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) { return; } // Send a system link info packet if needed, even if paused! SVC_Info(); // allow pause if only the local client is connected if ( SV_CheckPaused() ) { return; } // if it isn't time for the next frame, do nothing if ( sv_fps->integer < 1 ) { Cvar_Set( "sv_fps", "10" ); } frameMsec = 1000 / sv_fps->integer ; sv.timeResidual += msec; if (!com_dedicated->integer) SV_BotFrame( svs.time + sv.timeResidual ); if ( com_dedicated->integer && sv.timeResidual < frameMsec && (!com_timescale || com_timescale->value >= 1) ) { // NET_Sleep will give the OS time slices until either get a packet // or time enough for a server frame has gone by NET_Sleep(frameMsec - sv.timeResidual); return; } // if time is about to hit the 32nd bit, kick all clients // and clear sv.time, rather // than checking for negative time wraparound everywhere. // 2giga-milliseconds = 23 days, so it won't be too often if ( svs.time > 0x70000000 ) { SV_Shutdown( "Restarting server due to time wrapping" ); //Cbuf_AddText( "vstr nextmap\n" ); Cbuf_AddText( "map_restart 0\n" ); return; } // this can happen considerably earlier when lots of clients play and the map doesn't change if ( svs.nextSnapshotEntities >= 0x7FFFFFFE - svs.numSnapshotEntities ) { SV_Shutdown( "Restarting server due to numSnapshotEntities wrapping" ); //Cbuf_AddText( "vstr nextmap\n" ); Cbuf_AddText( "map_restart 0\n" ); return; } if( sv.restartTime && svs.time >= sv.restartTime ) { sv.restartTime = 0; Cbuf_AddText( "map_restart 0\n" ); return; } // update infostrings if anything has been changed if ( cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_SERVERINFO ) { SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO; } if ( cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) { SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO; } if ( com_speeds->integer ) { startTime = Sys_Milliseconds (); } else { startTime = 0; // quite a compiler warning } // update ping based on the all received frames SV_CalcPings(); if (com_dedicated->integer) SV_BotFrame( svs.time ); // run the game simulation in chunks while ( sv.timeResidual >= frameMsec ) { sv.timeResidual -= frameMsec; svs.time += frameMsec; // let everything in the world think and move VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time ); } //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END if ( com_speeds->integer ) { time_game = Sys_Milliseconds () - startTime; } // check timeouts SV_CheckTimeouts(); // send messages back to the clients SV_SendClientMessages(); SV_CheckCvars(); // send a heartbeat to the master if needed #ifndef _XBOX // No master on Xbox SV_MasterHeartbeat(); #endif }
/* ================ SV_SpawnServer Change the server to a new map, taking all connected clients along with it. ================ */ void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, ForceReload_e eForceReload, qboolean bAllowScreenDissolve ) { int i; int checksum; RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin( server, eForceReload, bAllowScreenDissolve ); Cvar_SetValue( "cl_paused", 0 ); Cvar_Set( "timescale", "1" );//jic we were skipping // shut down the existing game if it is running SV_ShutdownGameProgs(); Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n%s\n", com_version->string); Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server); // init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities if ( !Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_running") ) { SV_Startup(); } // don't let sound stutter and dump all stuff on the hunk CL_MapLoading(); Hunk_Clear(); // clear out those shaders, images and Models R_InitImages(); R_InitShaders(); R_ModelInit(); // create a heap for Ghoul2 to use for game side model vertex transforms used in collision detection if (!G2VertSpaceServer) { static const int MiniHeapSize=128 * 1024; // maxsize of ghoul2 miniheap G2VertSpaceServer = new CMiniHeap(MiniHeapSize); } if (svs.snapshotEntities) { Z_Free(svs.snapshotEntities); } // allocate the snapshot entities svs.snapshotEntities = (entityState_t *) Z_Malloc (sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, TAG_CLIENTS, qtrue ); Music_SetLevelName(server); // toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a // server has changed //!@ svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT; // set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden // by the game startup or another console command Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) ); // wipe the entire per-level structure for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { if ( sv.configstrings[i] ) { Z_Free( sv.configstrings[i] ); } } memset (&sv, 0, sizeof(sv)); for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString(""); } sv.time = 1000; G2API_SetTime(sv.time,G2T_SV_TIME); CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum ); // set serverinfo visible name Cvar_Set( "mapname", server ); Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) ); // serverid should be different each time sv.serverId = com_frameTime; Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) ); // clear physics interaction links SV_ClearWorld (); // media configstring setting should be done during // the loading stage, so connected clients don't have // to load during actual gameplay sv.state = SS_LOADING; // load and spawn all other entities SV_InitGameProgs(); // run a few frames to allow everything to settle for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) { ge->RunFrame( sv.time ); sv.time += 100; G2API_SetTime(sv.time,G2T_SV_TIME); } // create a baseline for more efficient communications SV_CreateBaseline (); for (i=0 ; i<1 ; i++) { // clear all time counters, because we have reset sv.time svs.clients[i].lastPacketTime = 0; svs.clients[i].lastConnectTime = 0; svs.clients[i].nextSnapshotTime = 0; // send the new gamestate to all connected clients if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) { char *denied; // connect the client again denied = ge->ClientConnect( i, qfalse, eNO/*qfalse*/ ); // firstTime = qfalse, qbFromSavedGame if ( denied ) { // this generally shouldn't happen, because the client // was connected before the level change SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied ); } else { svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED; // when we get the next packet from a connected client, // the new gamestate will be sent } } } // run another frame to allow things to look at all connected clients ge->RunFrame( sv.time ); sv.time += 100; G2API_SetTime(sv.time,G2T_SV_TIME); // save systeminfo and serverinfo strings SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO; SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO; // any media configstring setting now should issue a warning // and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted // to all clients sv.state = SS_GAME; // send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info svs.nextHeartbeatTime = -9999999; Hunk_SetMark(); Com_Printf ("-----------------------------------\n"); }
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, qboolean killBots, ForceReload_e eForceReload ) { int i; int checksum; qboolean isBot; char systemInfo[16384]; const char *p; SV_SendMapChange(); RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin(server, eForceReload); // shut down the existing game if it is running SV_ShutdownGameProgs(); Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n"); Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server); /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ // de allocate the snapshot entities if (svs.snapshotEntities) { delete[] svs.snapshotEntities; svs.snapshotEntities = NULL; } /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ SV_SendMapChange(); #ifdef _XBOX // disable vsync during load for speed qglDisable(GL_VSYNC); #endif // if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server // also print some status stuff CL_MapLoading(); #ifndef DEDICATED // make sure all the client stuff is unloaded CL_ShutdownAll(); #endif CM_ClearMap(); #ifdef _XBOX R_DeleteTextures(); #endif // clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server Hunk_Clear(); #ifdef _XBOX SV_ClearLastLevel(); ClientManager::ActivateClient(0); #endif R_InitSkins(); R_InitShaders(qtrue); // This was in SV_DedicatedSpawn, but it gets in the way of my memory maps: if( com_dedicated->integer ) { // Textures have been blown away - need to kill font system so it // will re-register shaders when UI re-scans menu files below: extern void R_ShutdownFonts( void ); R_ShutdownFonts(); } ClientManager::ClientActiveRelocate( !com_dedicated->integer && !ClientManager::splitScreenMode ); #if defined(_XBOX) && !defined(FINAL_BUILD) //Useful for memory debugging. Please don't delete. Comment out if //necessary. extern void Z_DisplayLevelMemory(int, int, int); extern void Z_Details_f(void); extern void Z_TagPointers(memtag_t); Z_DisplayLevelMemory(0, 0, 0); Z_TagPointers( TAG_ALL ); Z_Details_f(); #endif // init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities if ( !Cvar_VariableValue("sv_running") ) { SV_Startup(); } else { // check for maxclients change if ( sv_maxclients->modified ) { SV_ChangeMaxClients(); } } // Do dedicated server-specific startup if ( com_dedicated->integer ) { SV_DedicatedSpawn(server); } // Xbox - Correct various problems with broken rules settings when people // change gametype in-game, etc... SV_FixBrokenRules(); SV_SendMapChange(); /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ // clear out those shaders, images and Models as long as this // isnt a dedicated server. /* if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) { #ifndef DEDICATED R_InitImages(); R_InitShaders(); R_ModelInit(); #endif } else */ if (com_dedicated->integer) { R_SVModelInit(); } SV_SendMapChange(); // clear pak references FS_ClearPakReferences(0); /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ // allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk // svs.snapshotEntities = (struct entityState_s *)Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, h_high ); svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0; // allocate the snapshot entities svs.snapshotEntities = new entityState_s[svs.numSnapshotEntities]; // we CAN afford to do this here, since we know the STL vectors in Ghoul2 are empty memset(svs.snapshotEntities, 0, sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities); /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ // toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a // server has changed svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT; // set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden // by the game startup or another console command Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "map_restart 0"); // Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) ); // wipe the entire per-level structure SV_ClearServer(); for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString(""); } //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END // make sure we are not paused Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0"); // get a new checksum feed and restart the file system srand(Com_Milliseconds()); sv.checksumFeed = ( ((int) rand() << 16) ^ rand() ) ^ Com_Milliseconds(); FS_Restart( sv.checksumFeed ); #ifdef _XBOX CL_StartHunkUsers(); CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum ); // RE_LoadWorldMap(va("maps/%s.bsp", server)); // Start up voice system if it isn't running yet. (ie, if we're on syslink) if( !logged_on ) g_Voice.Initialize(); #else CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum ); #endif SV_SendMapChange(); // set serverinfo visible name Cvar_Set( "mapname", server ); Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) ); // serverid should be different each time sv.serverId = com_frameTime; sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId; Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) ); // clear physics interaction links SV_ClearWorld (); // media configstring setting should be done during // the loading stage, so connected clients don't have // to load during actual gameplay sv.state = SS_LOADING; // load and spawn all other entities SV_InitGameProgs(); // don't allow a map_restart if game is modified sv_gametype->modified = qfalse; // run a few frames to allow everything to settle for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) { //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time ); SV_BotFrame( svs.time ); svs.time += 100; } //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END // create a baseline for more efficient communications SV_CreateBaseline (); for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) { // send the new gamestate to all connected clients if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) { char *denied; if ( svs.clients[i].netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) { if ( killBots ) { SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], "" ); continue; } isBot = qtrue; } else { isBot = qfalse; } // connect the client again denied = (char *)VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot ) ); // firstTime = qfalse if ( denied ) { // this generally shouldn't happen, because the client // was connected before the level change // SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied ); SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], "@MENUS_LOST_CONNECTION" ); } else { if( !isBot ) { // when we get the next packet from a connected client, // the new gamestate will be sent svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED; } else { client_t *client; sharedEntity_t *ent; client = &svs.clients[i]; client->state = CS_ACTIVE; ent = SV_GentityNum( i ); ent->s.number = i; client->gentity = ent; client->deltaMessage = -1; client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time; // generate a snapshot immediately VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_BEGIN, i ); } } } } // run another frame to allow things to look at all the players VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time ); SV_BotFrame( svs.time ); svs.time += 100; //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END if ( sv_pure->integer ) { // the server sends these to the clients so they will only // load pk3s also loaded at the server p = FS_LoadedPakChecksums(); Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", p ); if (strlen(p) == 0) { Com_Printf( "WARNING: sv_pure set but no PK3 files loaded\n" ); } p = FS_LoadedPakNames(); Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", p ); // if a dedicated pure server we need to touch the cgame because it could be in a // seperate pk3 file and the client will need to load the latest cgame.qvm if ( com_dedicated->integer ) { SV_TouchCGame(); } } else { Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", "" ); Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", "" ); } // the server sends these to the clients so they can figure // out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded p = FS_ReferencedPakChecksums(); Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPaks", p ); p = FS_ReferencedPakNames(); Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPakNames", p ); // save systeminfo and serverinfo strings Q_strncpyz( systemInfo, Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ), sizeof( systemInfo ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO; SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, systemInfo ); SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO; // any media configstring setting now should issue a warning // and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted // to all clients sv.state = SS_GAME; // send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info SV_Heartbeat_f(); Hunk_SetMark(); /* MrE: 2000-09-13: now called in CL_DownloadsComplete // don't call when running dedicated if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) { // note that this is called after setting the hunk mark with Hunk_SetMark CL_StartHunkUsers(); } */ // Xbox - Dedicated servers need to do extra work here. Most of this is done in // cl_parse normally, but that never runs in this case: if ( com_dedicated->integer ) { // Normally, we start advertising when we get the first snapshot. // Do it now. This is also necessary so that Net_GetXNKID works below. XBL_MM_Advertise(); // We need to put ourselves into the playerlist. xbOnlineInfo.localIndex = DEDICATED_SERVER_INDEX; XBPlayerInfo *plyrInfo = &xbOnlineInfo.xbPlayerList[DEDICATED_SERVER_INDEX]; memset( plyrInfo, 0, sizeof(XBPlayerInfo) ); // We get the first refIndex plyrInfo->refIndex = svs.clientRefNum++; // Address information plyrInfo->xbAddr = *Net_GetXNADDR( NULL ); XNetXnAddrToInAddr( &plyrInfo->xbAddr, Net_GetXNKID(), &plyrInfo->inAddr ); // Gamertag and XUID Q_strncpyz( plyrInfo->name, Cvar_VariableString("name"), sizeof(plyrInfo->name) ); XONLINE_USER *pUser; if (logged_on && (pUser = &XBLLoggedOnUsers[ IN_GetMainController() ]) && (pUser->hr == S_OK)) plyrInfo->xuid = pUser->xuid; else plyrInfo->xuid.qwUserID = plyrInfo->refIndex; plyrInfo->isActive = true; // Start up the voice chat session g_Voice.JoinSession(); // And mark ourselves as playing, so that others can join our game: XBL_F_SetState( XONLINE_FRIENDSTATE_FLAG_PLAYING, true ); } }
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, qboolean killBots, ForceReload_e eForceReload ) { int i; int checksum; qboolean isBot; char systemInfo[16384]; const char *p; SV_SendMapChange(); RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin(server, eForceReload); // shut down the existing game if it is running SV_ShutdownGameProgs(); Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n"); Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server); /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ // de allocate the snapshot entities if (svs.snapshotEntities) { delete[] svs.snapshotEntities; svs.snapshotEntities = NULL; } /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ SV_SendMapChange(); // if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server // also print some status stuff CL_MapLoading(); #ifndef DEDICATED // make sure all the client stuff is unloaded CL_ShutdownAll(); #endif CM_ClearMap(); // clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server Hunk_Clear(); R_InitSkins(); R_InitShaders(qtrue); // init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities if ( !Cvar_VariableValue("sv_running") ) { SV_Startup(); } else { // check for maxclients change if ( sv_maxclients->modified ) { SV_ChangeMaxClients(); } } SV_SendMapChange(); /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ // clear out those shaders, images and Models as long as this // isnt a dedicated server. /* if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) { #ifndef DEDICATED R_InitImages(); R_InitShaders(); R_ModelInit(); #endif } else */ if (com_dedicated->integer) { R_SVModelInit(); } SV_SendMapChange(); // clear pak references FS_ClearPakReferences(0); /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ // allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk // svs.snapshotEntities = (struct entityState_s *)Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, h_high ); svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0; // allocate the snapshot entities svs.snapshotEntities = new entityState_s[svs.numSnapshotEntities]; // we CAN afford to do this here, since we know the STL vectors in Ghoul2 are empty memset(svs.snapshotEntities, 0, sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities); /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ // toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a // server has changed svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT; // set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden // by the game startup or another console command Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "map_restart 0"); // Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) ); // wipe the entire per-level structure SV_ClearServer(); for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString(""); } //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END // make sure we are not paused Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0"); // get a new checksum feed and restart the file system srand(Com_Milliseconds()); sv.checksumFeed = ( ((int) rand() << 16) ^ rand() ) ^ Com_Milliseconds(); FS_Restart( sv.checksumFeed ); CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum ); SV_SendMapChange(); // set serverinfo visible name Cvar_Set( "mapname", server ); Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) ); // serverid should be different each time sv.serverId = com_frameTime; sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId; Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) ); // clear physics interaction links SV_ClearWorld (); // media configstring setting should be done during // the loading stage, so connected clients don't have // to load during actual gameplay sv.state = SS_LOADING; // load and spawn all other entities SV_InitGameProgs(); // don't allow a map_restart if game is modified sv_gametype->modified = qfalse; // run a few frames to allow everything to settle for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) { //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time ); SV_BotFrame( svs.time ); svs.time += 100; } //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END // create a baseline for more efficient communications SV_CreateBaseline (); for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) { // send the new gamestate to all connected clients if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) { char *denied; if ( svs.clients[i].netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) { if ( killBots ) { SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], "" ); continue; } isBot = qtrue; } else { isBot = qfalse; } // connect the client again denied = (char *)VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot ) ); // firstTime = qfalse if ( denied ) { // this generally shouldn't happen, because the client // was connected before the level change SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied ); } else { if( !isBot ) { // when we get the next packet from a connected client, // the new gamestate will be sent svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED; } else { client_t *client; sharedEntity_t *ent; client = &svs.clients[i]; client->state = CS_ACTIVE; ent = SV_GentityNum( i ); ent->s.number = i; client->gentity = ent; client->deltaMessage = -1; client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time; // generate a snapshot immediately VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_BEGIN, i ); } } } } // run another frame to allow things to look at all the players VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time ); SV_BotFrame( svs.time ); svs.time += 100; //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN G2API_SetTime(svs.time,0); //rww - RAGDOLL_END if ( sv_pure->integer ) { // the server sends these to the clients so they will only // load pk3s also loaded at the server p = FS_LoadedPakChecksums(); Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", p ); if (strlen(p) == 0) { Com_Printf( "WARNING: sv_pure set but no PK3 files loaded\n" ); } p = FS_LoadedPakNames(); Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", p ); // if a dedicated pure server we need to touch the cgame because it could be in a // seperate pk3 file and the client will need to load the latest cgame.qvm if ( com_dedicated->integer ) { SV_TouchCGame(); } } else { Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", "" ); Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", "" ); } // the server sends these to the clients so they can figure // out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded p = FS_ReferencedPakChecksums(); Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPaks", p ); p = FS_ReferencedPakNames(); Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPakNames", p ); // save systeminfo and serverinfo strings Q_strncpyz( systemInfo, Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ), sizeof( systemInfo ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO; SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, systemInfo ); SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ); cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO; // any media configstring setting now should issue a warning // and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted // to all clients sv.state = SS_GAME; // send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info SV_Heartbeat_f(); Hunk_SetMark(); /* MrE: 2000-09-13: now called in CL_DownloadsComplete // don't call when running dedicated if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) { // note that this is called after setting the hunk mark with Hunk_SetMark CL_StartHunkUsers(); } */ }