Exemple #1
// Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const float *angles,
							const int flags, const Eorientations up, const Eorientations left, const Eorientations forward,
							qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime)
	model_t		*mod_m;

	if (!fileName[0])
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(modelList[modelIndex]);
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));

	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;
		blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime;
		blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime;
		OutputDebugString(va("%2d %6d   (%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f) %d %d %d %d\n",index,currentTime,angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],up,left,forward,flags));

		G2_Generate_Matrix(mod_a, blist, index, angles, flags, up, left, forward);
		return qtrue;

	// no - lets try and add this bone in
	index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find a free one?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;
		blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime;
		blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime;
		OutputDebugString(va("%2d %6d   (%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f) %d %d %d %d\n",index,currentTime,angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],up,left,forward,flags));

		G2_Generate_Matrix(mod_a, blist, index, angles, flags, up, left, forward);
		return qtrue;

	// no
	return qfalse;
int	G2_Get_Bone_Index(CGhoul2Info *ghoul2, const char *boneName, qboolean bAddIfNotFound)
	if (bAddIfNotFound)
		return G2_Add_Bone(ghoul2->animModel, ghoul2->mBlist, boneName);
		return G2_Find_Bone(ghoul2, ghoul2->mBlist, boneName);
Exemple #3
// Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding - using a matrix directly
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Matrix(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const mdxaBone_t &matrix,
								   const int flags, qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime)
		model_t		*mod_m;
	if (!fileName[0])
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(modelList[modelIndex]);
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;

		memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		return qtrue;

	// no - lets try and add this bone in
	index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find a free one?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;

		memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		return qtrue;

	// no
	return qfalse;
// Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding - using a matrix directly
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Matrix(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const mdxaBone_t &matrix,
								   const int flags,const int blendTime, const int currentTime)
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(ghlInfo, blist, boneName);
 	if (index == -1)
		index = G2_Add_Bone(ghlInfo->animModel, blist, boneName);
	if (index != -1)
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;
		memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
// Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const float *angles,
							const int flags, const Eorientations up, const Eorientations left, const Eorientations forward,
							const int blendTime, const int currentTime)
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(ghlInfo, blist, boneName);
	if (index == -1)
		index = G2_Add_Bone(ghlInfo->animModel, blist, boneName);
	if (index != -1)
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;
		blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime;
		blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime;

		G2_Generate_Matrix(ghlInfo->animModel, blist, index, angles, flags, up, left, forward);
		return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Exemple #6
// given a model, bone name, a bonelist, a start/end frame number, a anim speed and some anim flags, set up or modify an existing bone entry for a new set of anims
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Anim(const char *fileName,
						  boneInfo_v &blist,
						  const char *boneName,
						  const int startFrame,
						  const int endFrame,
						  const int flags,
						  const float animSpeed,
						  const int currentTime,
						  const float setFrame,
						  const int blendTime)
  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);
	if (index == -1)
		index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);
	if (index != -1)
		return G2_Set_Bone_Anim_Index(blist,index,startFrame,endFrame,flags,animSpeed,currentTime,setFrame,blendTime);
	return qfalse;
// given a model, bone name, a bonelist, a start/end frame number, a anim speed and some anim flags, set up or modify an existing bone entry for a new set of anims
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Anim(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const int startFrame, 
						  const int endFrame, const int flags, const float animSpeed, const int currentTime, const float setFrame, const int blendTime)
	int			modFlags = flags;
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(ghlInfo, blist, boneName);
	// sanity check to see if setfram is within animation bounds
	if (setFrame != -1)
		assert((setFrame >= startFrame) && (setFrame <= endFrame));

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		return G2_Set_Bone_Anim_Index(blist, index, startFrame, endFrame, flags, animSpeed, currentTime, setFrame, blendTime,ghlInfo->aHeader->numFrames);
	// no - lets try and add this bone in
	index = G2_Add_Bone(ghlInfo->animModel, blist, boneName);
	// did we find a free one?
	if (index != -1)
		blist[index].blendFrame = blist[index].blendLerpFrame = 0;
		blist[index].blendTime = 0;
		// we aren't blending, so remove the option to do so
		modFlags &= ~BONE_ANIM_BLEND;
		// yes, so set the anim data and flags correctly
		blist[index].endFrame = endFrame;
		blist[index].startFrame = startFrame;
		blist[index].animSpeed = animSpeed;
		blist[index].pauseTime = 0;
		// start up the animation:)
		if (setFrame != -1)
			blist[index].startTime = (currentTime - (((setFrame - (float)startFrame) * 50.0)/ animSpeed));
			blist[index].startTime = currentTime;
		blist[index].flags &= ~BONE_ANIM_TOTAL;
		blist[index].flags |= modFlags;
		if (index>-10) 
			const boneInfo_t &bone=blist[index];
			char mess[1000];
			if (bone.flags&BONE_ANIM_BLEND)
				sprintf(mess,"s2b[%2d] %5d  %5d  (%5d-%5d) %4.2f %4x   bt(%5d-%5d) %7.2f %5d\n",
				sprintf(mess,"s2a[%2d] %5d  %5d  (%5d-%5d) %4.2f %4x\n",
		return qtrue;

	//assert(index != -1);
	// no
	return qfalse;