Exemple #1
GrB_Info GB_ijsort
    const GrB_Index *I, // index array of size ni
    int64_t *p_ni,      // input: size of I, output: number of indices in I2
    GrB_Index **p_I2,   // output array of size ni, where I2 [0..ni2-1]
                        // contains the sorted indices with duplicates removed.
    GB_Context Context

    GrB_Index *I2 = NULL ;
    int64_t ni = *p_ni ;

    // allocate the new list

    GB_MALLOC_MEMORY (I2, ni, sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
    if (I2 == NULL)
        return (GB_OUT_OF_MEMORY (GBYTES (ni, sizeof (GrB_Index)))) ;

    // copy I into I2 and sort it

    for (int64_t k = 0 ; k < ni ; k++)
        I2 [k] = I [k] ;

    GB_qsort_1 ((int64_t *) I2, ni) ;

    // remove duplicates from I2

    int64_t ni2 = 1 ;
    for (int64_t k = 1 ; k < ni ; k++)
        if (I2 [ni2-1] != I2 [k])
            I2 [ni2++] = I2 [k] ;

    // return the new sorted list

    *p_I2 = I2 ;        // I2 has size ni, but only I2 [0..ni2-1] is defined
    *p_ni = ni2 ;

    return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;
Exemple #2
void mexFunction
    int nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]

    bool malloc_debug = GB_mx_get_global (true) ;
    GrB_Matrix A = NULL ;
    void *Y = NULL ;
    void *Xtemp = NULL ;
    void *X = NULL ;
    GrB_Index nvals = 0 ;

    // check inputs
    if (nargout > 3 || nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: " USAGE) ;

    #define GET_DEEP_COPY ;
    #define FREE_DEEP_COPY ;

    // get A (shallow copy)
    A = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [0], "A input", false, true) ;
    if (A == NULL)
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("A failed") ;
    mxClassID aclass = GB_mx_Type_to_classID (A->type) ;

    // get the number of entries in A
    GrB_Matrix_nvals (&nvals, A) ;

    mxClassID xclass ;
    GrB_Type xtype ;

    if (A->type == Complex)
        // input argument xclass is ignored
        xtype = Complex ;
        xclass = mxDOUBLE_CLASS ;
        // create Xtemp
        if (nargout > 2)
            GB_MALLOC_MEMORY (Xtemp, nvals, sizeof (double complex)) ;
        // get xclass, default is class (A), and the corresponding xtype
        xclass = GB_mx_string_to_classID (aclass, PARGIN (1)) ;
        xtype = GB_mx_classID_to_Type (xclass) ;
        if (xtype == NULL)
            FREE_ALL ;
            mexErrMsgTxt ("X must be numeric") ;
        // create X
        if (nargout > 2)
            pargout [2] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (nvals, 1, xclass, mxREAL) ;
            X = (void *) mxGetData (pargout [2]) ;

    // create I
    pargout [0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (nvals, 1, mxUINT64_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
    GrB_Index *I = (GrB_Index *) mxGetData (pargout [0]) ;

    // create J
    GrB_Index *J = NULL ;
    if (nargout > 1)
        pargout [1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (nvals, 1, mxUINT64_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
        J = (GrB_Index *) mxGetData (pargout [1]) ;

    // [I,J,X] = find (A)
    if (GB_VECTOR_OK (A))
        // test extract vector methods
        GrB_Vector v = (GrB_Vector) A ;
        switch (xtype->code)
            case GB_BOOL_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (bool     *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT8_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int8_t   *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT8_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint8_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT16_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int16_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT16_code : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint16_t *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT32_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int32_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT32_code : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint32_t *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT64_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int64_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT64_code : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint64_t *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP32_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (float    *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP64_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (double   *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UCT_code    : 
            case GB_UDT_code    : 
              METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, Xtemp, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            default             : FREE_ALL ; mexErrMsgTxt ("unsupported class") ;
        if (J != NULL)
            for (int64_t p = 0 ; p < nvals ; p++) J [p] = 0 ;
        switch (xtype->code)
            case GB_BOOL_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (bool     *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT8_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int8_t   *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT8_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint8_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT16_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int16_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT16_code : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint16_t *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT32_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int32_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT32_code : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint32_t *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT64_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int64_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT64_code : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint64_t *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP32_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (float    *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP64_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (double   *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break;
            case GB_UCT_code    :
            case GB_UDT_code    :
                METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, Xtemp, &nvals, A)) ; break;
            default             : FREE_ALL ; mexErrMsgTxt ("unsupported class") ;

    if (A->type == Complex && nargout > 2)
        // create the MATLAB complex X
        pargout [2] = mxCreateNumericMatrix
            (nvals, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX) ;
        GB_mx_complex_split (nvals, Xtemp, pargout [2]) ;

    FREE_ALL ;
Exemple #3
GrB_Info GB_to_hyper        // convert a matrix to hypersparse
    GrB_Matrix A,           // matrix to convert to hypersparse
    GB_Context Context

    // check inputs

    // GB_subref_numeric can return a matrix with jumbled columns, since it
    // soon be transposed (and sorted) in GB_accum_mask.  However, it passes
    // the jumbled matrix to GB_to_hyper_conform.  This function does not
    // access the row indices at all, so it works fine if the columns have
    // jumbled row indices.

    ASSERT_OK_OR_JUMBLED (GB_check (A, "A converting to hypersparse", GB0)) ;

    #ifndef NDEBUG
    GrB_Info info ;

    // convert A to hypersparse form

    if (!A->is_hyper)
        ASSERT (A->h == NULL) ;
        ASSERT (A->nvec == A->plen && A->plen == A->vdim) ;

        // count the number of non-empty vectors in A

        int64_t *restrict Ap_old = A->p ;
        bool Ap_old_shallow = A->p_shallow ;

        int64_t n = A->vdim ;
        int64_t nvec_new = A->nvec_nonempty ;

        // allocate the new A->p and A->h

        int64_t *restrict Ap_new ;
        int64_t *restrict Ah_new ;
        GB_MALLOC_MEMORY (Ap_new, nvec_new+1, sizeof (int64_t)) ;
        GB_MALLOC_MEMORY (Ah_new, nvec_new,   sizeof (int64_t)) ;
        if (Ap_new == NULL || Ah_new == NULL)
            // out of memory
            A->is_hyper = true ;    // A is hypersparse, but otherwise invalid
            GB_FREE_MEMORY (Ap_new, nvec_new+1, sizeof (int64_t)) ;
            GB_FREE_MEMORY (Ah_new, nvec_new,   sizeof (int64_t)) ;
            GB_CONTENT_FREE (A) ;
            return (GB_OUT_OF_MEMORY (GBYTES (2*nvec_new+1, sizeof (int64_t))));

        // transplant the new A->p and A->h into the matrix

        // this must be done here so that GB_jappend, just below, can be used.

        A->is_hyper = true ;
        A->plen = nvec_new ;
        A->nvec = 0 ;

        A->p = Ap_new ;
        A->h = Ah_new ;
        A->p_shallow = false ;
        A->h_shallow = false ;

        // construct the new hyperlist in the new A->p and A->h

        int64_t jlast, anz, anz_last ;
        GB_jstartup (A, &jlast, &anz, &anz_last) ;

        for (int64_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
            anz = Ap_old [j+1] ;
            ASSERT (A->nvec <= A->plen) ;
            #ifndef NDEBUG
            info = 
            GB_jappend (A, j, &jlast, anz, &anz_last, Context) ;
            ASSERT (info == GrB_SUCCESS) ;
            ASSERT (A->nvec <= A->plen) ;
        GB_jwrapup (A, jlast, anz) ;
        ASSERT (A->nvec == nvec_new) ;
        ASSERT (A->nvec_nonempty == nvec_new) ;

        // free the old A->p unless it's shallow

        // this cannot use GB_ph_free because the new A->p content has already
        // been placed into A, as required by GB_jappend just above.

        if (!Ap_old_shallow)
            GB_FREE_MEMORY (Ap_old, n+1, sizeof (int64_t)) ;

    // A is now in hypersparse form

    ASSERT_OK_OR_JUMBLED (GB_check (A, "A converted to hypersparse", GB0)) ;
    ASSERT (A->is_hyper) ;
    return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;