 * readRexx works as a merged version of the function GCI_readRexx and
 * GCI_readNewRexx below. The difference is the flag allocate. If this is
 * set, the function works aas GCI_readNewRexx, otherwise is works like
 * GCI_readRexx.
static GCI_result readRexx( void *hidden,
                            const GCI_str *name,
                            GCI_str *target,
                            int symbolicAccess,
                            int signalOnNovalue,
                            int allocate,
                            int *novalue )
   tsd_t *TSD = (tsd_t *) hidden;
   int retval;
   GCI_result rc;
   int Lengths[2];
   char *Strings[2];
   int allocated;

   Lengths[0] = GCI_strlen( name );
   Strings[0] = (char *) GCI_ccontent( name );

   if ( !signalOnNovalue )
      set_ignore_novalue( (const tsd_t *) hidden );
   retval = IfcVarPool( (tsd_t *) hidden,
                        ( symbolicAccess ) ? RX_GETSVAR : RX_GETVAR,
                        &allocated );
   if ( !signalOnNovalue )
      clear_ignore_novalue( (const tsd_t *) hidden );

   switch ( retval )
      case RX_CODE_OK:
         if ( novalue )
            *novalue = 0;
         rc = GCI_OK;

      case RX_CODE_NOVALUE:
         if ( novalue )
            *novalue = 1;
         rc = GCI_OK;

      case RX_CODE_INVNAME:
         return GCI_IllegalName;

         if ( allocated )
            FreeTSD( Strings[1] );
         return GCI_RexxError;
   if ( Lengths[1] == RX_NO_STRING )
      return GCI_RexxError;

    * We must copy the value's content (Strings[1]/Lengths[1]) and we must
    * destroy the value if "allocated" is set.
   if ( allocate )
      if ( ( rc = GCI_stralloc( hidden, target, Lengths[1] ) ) != GCI_OK )
         if ( allocated )
            FreeTSD( Strings[1] );
         return rc;
   else if ( Lengths[1] > GCI_strmax( target ) )
      if ( allocated )
         FreeTSD( Strings[1] );

      return GCI_BufferTooSmall;

   memcpy( GCI_content( target ), Strings[1], Lengths[1] );
   if ( allocated )
      FreeTSD( Strings[1] );
   GCI_strsetlen( target, Lengths[1] );
   return GCI_OK;
 * Returns the translated function code from GCI_result to the code that
 * Regina shall return to the caller.
 * This function set the textual representation of an error code to that value
 * that will be accessed by RxFuncErrMsg() and sets the variable GCI_RC to
 * that value, too.
 * dispo is either NULL (or the content is NULL) or contains the position of
 * the error within the structure. dispo's content will be deallocated.
static int GCIcode2ReginaFuncCode( tsd_t *TSD,
                                   GCI_result rc,
                                   GCI_str *dispo,
                                   int forceError )
   GCI_str description, fullinfo, *fi = NULL, *out;
   volatile char *tmpDispo, *tmpFull = NULL, *tmpBest;
   streng *h;
   char GCI_RC[7];

   GCI_strcats( &str_GCI_RC, "GCI_RC" );
   GCI_describe( &description, rc );

   if ( ( dispo != NULL ) && ( GCI_content( dispo ) == NULL ) )
      dispo = NULL;

   if ( ( dispo != NULL ) && ( rc != GCI_OK ) )
      if ( GCI_stralloc( TSD, &fullinfo, GCI_strlen( dispo ) +
                                         GCI_strlen( &description ) +
                                         3 ) == GCI_OK )
         fi = &fullinfo;
         GCI_strcpy( fi, &description );
         GCI_strcats( fi, ": " );
         GCI_strcat( fi, dispo );

   out = ( fi != NULL ) ? fi : &description;
   GCI_writeRexx( TSD, &str_GCI_RC, out, 0 );

   if ( ( rc == GCI_OK ) && !forceError )
      if ( dispo != NULL )
         GCI_strfree( TSD, dispo );
      if ( fi != NULL )
         GCI_strfree( TSD, fi );
      return 0;

   h = streng_of( TSD, &description );
   tmpDispo = tmpstr_of( TSD, h );
   Free_stringTSD( h );

   if ( fi != NULL )
      h = streng_of( TSD, fi );
      tmpFull = tmpstr_of( TSD, h );
      Free_stringTSD( h );

   if ( dispo != NULL )
      GCI_strfree( TSD, dispo );
   if ( fi != NULL )
      GCI_strfree( TSD, fi );

    * We have two temporary strings describing the error condition.
    * All stuff we have to deallocate is deallocated. Let's go.
   tmpBest = ( tmpFull != NULL ) ? tmpFull : tmpDispo;
   set_err_message( TSD, (char *) tmpBest, "" );

   switch ( rc )
      case GCI_NoMemory:
         exiterror( ERR_STORAGE_EXHAUSTED, 0 );

      case GCI_WrongInput:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 980, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_NumberRange:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 981, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_StringRange:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 982, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_UnsupportedType:
         if ( !forceError )
            return 71; /* RXFUNC_BADTYPE + 1 */
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 983, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_UnsupportedNumber:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 984, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_BufferTooSmall:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 985, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_MissingName:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 986, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_MissingValue:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 987, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_IllegalName:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 988, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_RexxError:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 989, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_NoBaseType:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 990, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_SyntaxError:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 991, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_ArgStackOverflow:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 992, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

      case GCI_NestingOverflow:
         exiterror( ERR_INCORRECT_CALL, 993, ( tmpDispo ) ? ": " : "", ( tmpDispo ) ? tmpDispo : "" );

   exiterror( ERR_INTERPRETER_FAILURE, 1, __FILE__, __LINE__, tmpBest );
   return 0; /* Keep the compiler happy */
Exemple #3
 * decode decodes one line of the type structure named str into the
 * a parseinfo block called pi. depth is the current depth which may be 0.
 * newName is set in case of ARRAY (to the empty string) or CONTAINER. In this
 * case is set to the LIKE parameter or to the empty string.
 * Leading and trailing spaces are ignored completely, "INDIRECTFLOAT32" is
 * acceptable. Differences in case are ignored.
 * Return values:
 * GCI_OK:              Line understood, *pi filled.
 * GCI_UnsupportedType: Wrong type of input, e.g. FLOAT31 or the empty string.
 * GCI_NoBaseType:      The type won't fit the requirements for basic types.
static GCI_result decode( void *hidden,
                          const GCI_str *str,
                          GCI_parseinfo *pi,
                          int depth,
                          GCI_str *newName )
    const char *ptr = GCI_ccontent( str );
    int size = GCI_strlen( str );

     * Chop off leading and trailing spaces. We really need it.
    while ( ( size > 0 ) && GCI_isspace( *ptr ) )
    while ( ( size > 0 ) && GCI_isspace( ptr[size - 1] ) )

    memset( pi, 0, sizeof( GCI_parseinfo ) );

    if ( ( pi->type = checkname( &ptr, &size ) ) == GCI_unknown )
        return GCI_UnsupportedType;
    if ( pi->type == GCI_indirect )
        while ( ( size > 0 ) && GCI_isspace( *ptr ) )
        pi->type = checkname( &ptr, &size );
        if ( ( pi->type == GCI_unknown ) || ( pi->type == GCI_indirect ) )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->indirect = 1;
        pi->indirect = 0;

     * Check for a size operand.
    while ( ( size > 0 ) && GCI_isspace( *ptr ) )

     * We may have a size operand only if not an array or container is
     * processed!
     * This implementation shall support plain types like "INTEGER" without
     * any bit size.
    switch ( pi->type )
    case GCI_container:
        if ( size > 0 )
            GCI_str tmp;

            if ( checkname( &ptr, &size ) != GCI_like )
                return GCI_UnsupportedType;
            while ( ( size > 0 ) && GCI_isspace( *ptr ) )
            if ( size == 0 )
                 * Single "like" after "container".
                return GCI_UnsupportedType;
            while ( GCI_isspace( ptr[size - 1] ) )
             * Cut off a final dot, we append one later.
            if ( ptr[size - 1] == '.' )
                 * Check for single "." as stem.
                if ( --size == 0 )
                    return GCI_UnsupportedType;
            if ( GCI_stralloc( hidden, newName, size + 256 ) != GCI_OK )
                return GCI_NoMemory;
            GCI_strfromascii( &tmp, (char *) ptr, size );
            GCI_strsetlen( &tmp, size );
            GCI_strcpy( newName, &tmp );
            size = 0;
    /* fall through */

    case GCI_array:
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        if ( ( depth == 0 ) && !pi->indirect )
            if ( GCI_content( newName ) != NULL )
                GCI_strfree( hidden, newName );
            return GCI_NoBaseType;
        pi->size = 0;
        return GCI_OK;

    case GCI_integer:
        if ( size == 0 )
            pi->size = 8 * sizeof( int );

    case GCI_unsigned:
        if ( size == 0 )
            pi->size = 8 * sizeof( unsigned );

    case GCI_float:
        if ( size == 0 )
            pi->size = 8 * sizeof( double ); /* surprised? */

    case GCI_char:
        if ( size == 0 )
            pi->size = 8 * 1; /* always, even in unicode or utf8 systems */

    case GCI_string:
        if ( size == 0 ) /* length must be supplied */
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;

    // JLF needed for portability: aliases which depend on the system & bitness.
    // Each alias defines a type and a size, no size accepted after these aliases.

    case GCI_long:
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->type = GCI_integer;
        pi->size = 8 * sizeof( long );

    case GCI_llong:
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->type = GCI_integer;
        pi->size = 8 * sizeof( long long );

    case GCI_pointer: // opaque
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->type = GCI_unsigned;
        pi->size = 8 * sizeof( void* );

    case GCI_size_t:
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->type = GCI_unsigned;
        pi->size = 8 * sizeof( size_t );

    case GCI_ssize_t:
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->type = GCI_integer;
        pi->size = 8 * sizeof( ssize_t );

    case GCI_ulong:
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->type = GCI_unsigned;
        pi->size = 8 * sizeof( unsigned  long );

    case GCI_ullong:
        if ( size > 0 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->type = GCI_unsigned;
        pi->size = 8 * sizeof( unsigned  long long );

        return GCI_UnsupportedType;

    if ( size > 0 )
        if ( GCI_string2bin( hidden,
                             sizeof( pi->size ),
                             GCI_unsigned ) != GCI_OK )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;

    if ( ( pi->type == GCI_string ) && ( pi->size > 0 ) )
        return GCI_OK;

     * A byte has 8 bit, always! We don't support PDP10.
    if ( pi->type != GCI_string )
        if ( pi->size % 8 )
            return GCI_UnsupportedType;
        pi->size /= 8;

    return GCI_validate( pi->size, pi->type, depth || pi->indirect );