Exemple #1
struct scanner_token *scan_filename(char *fname)
    FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "r");
    struct scanner_input *i = GC_malloc(sizeof(struct scanner_input));
    struct scanner_token *tokens = NULL;

    if (fp == NULL)
        die("Could not open file \'%s\'\n", fname);

    i->fp = fp;
    i->filename = GC_strdup(fname);
    i->str = NULL;
    i->pos = 0;
    i->line_number = 1;

    tokens = scan(i, NULL);

    return tokens;
Exemple #2
 extern const char* Error_printMessagesStr(threadData_t *threadData,int warningsAsErrors)
     std::string res = ErrorImpl__printMessagesStr(threadData,warningsAsErrors);
     return GC_strdup(res.c_str());
Exemple #3
static struct scanner_token scan_next(struct scanner_input *I)
    char c = 1;
    int i, num_invalid_chars = 0; 
    struct scanner_token T;
    T.line = I->line_number;
    T.value = NULL;

    while (c != 0)
        c = next_char(I);
        if (isalpha(c)) /* An identifier */
            char name[512]; /* Arbitrary limit to name length */
            name[0] = c;
            i = 1;
            c = next_char(I);
            while (isalnum(c) || c == '_')
                name[i++] = c;
                c = next_char(I);
            name[i] = 0;
            put_back(I, c);
            if      ( strcmp(name, "class")     == 0 )  {   T.type = TOK_CLASS;     }
            else if ( strcmp(name, "end")       == 0 )  {   T.type = TOK_END;       }
            else if ( strcmp(name, "return")    == 0 )  {   T.type = TOK_RETURN;    }
                T.type = TOK_IDENTIFIER;
                T.value = GC_strdup(name);
            return T;
        /* FIXME: Need to check that there is only 1 '.' and 'e' in a number.
         * Also maybe make 'e' an actual operator instead because that would be cool */
        if (isdigit(c))
            char num[512];
            int ndots = 0;
            num[0] = c;
            i = 1;
            c = next_char(I);
            while (isdigit(c) || c == '.')
                num[i++] = c;
                if (c == '.')
                c = next_char(I);
            num[i] = 0;
            put_back(I, c);
            if (ndots > 1)
                die("Invalid number: Too many decimal points", 1);
            T.type = (ndots == 0) ? TOK_INT : TOK_DECIMAL;
            /* It must be strdup'd to stop it being destroyed as soon as this loop returns */
            T.value = GC_strdup(num);
            return T;
        if (c == '=')
            T.type = TOK_ASSIGN;
            /* Check it is =, not == */
            c = next_char(I);
            if (c == '=') /* It must be comparison: == */
                T.type = TOK_ISEQUAL;
                put_back(I, c);
            return T;
        if (c == '<')
            T.type = TOK_LT;
            c = next_char(I);
            if (c == '=')
                T.type = TOK_LTE;
                put_back(I, c);
            return T;
        if (c == '>')
            T.type = TOK_GT;
            c = next_char(I);
            if (c == '=')
                T.type = TOK_GTE;
                put_back(I, c);
            return T;
        if (c == '\"')
            char *s = read_quoted_string(I);
            T.value = s;
            T.type = TOK_STRING;
            return T;
        if (c == '#')
            while (c != '\n')
                c = next_char(I);
        if (isspace(c)) /* Ignore whitespace */
        switch (c)
            case   0:   T.type = TOK_EOF;           return T;
            case '.':   T.type = TOK_DOT;           return T;
            case '+':   T.type = TOK_ADD;           return T;
            case '-':   T.type = TOK_SUB;           return T;
            case '*':   T.type = TOK_MUL;           return T;
            case '/':   T.type = TOK_DIV;           return T;
            case '(':   T.type = TOK_OPEN_BRACKET;  return T;
            case ')':   T.type = TOK_CLOSED_BRACKET;return T;
            //case '{':   T.type = TOK_STARTBLOCK;    return T;
            //case '}':   T.type = TOK_ENDBLOCK;      return T;
            case ',':   T.type = TOK_COMMA;         return T;
            case ';':   T.type = TOK_SEMICOLON;     return T;
                if (num_invalid_chars++ < 1)
                            "Syntax error, line %lu: Invalid character \'%c\' (%d)\n",
                            I->line_number, c, c);
    T.type = TOK_EOF;
    return T;
Exemple #4
 extern const char* Error_printErrorsNoWarning(threadData_t *threadData)
     std::string res = ErrorImpl__printErrorsNoWarning(threadData);
     return GC_strdup(res.c_str());