CPLErr GDALDefaultOverviews::BuildOverviews( const char * pszBasename, const char * pszResampling, int nOverviews, int * panOverviewList, int nBands, int * panBandList, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void * pProgressData) { if( pfnProgress == NULL ) pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress; if( nOverviews == 0 ) return CleanOverviews(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we don't already have an overview file, we need to decide */ /* what format to use. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poODS == NULL ) { bOvrIsAux = CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption( "USE_RRD", "NO" )); if( bOvrIsAux ) { osOvrFilename = CPLResetExtension(poDS->GetDescription(),"aux"); VSIStatBufL sStatBuf; if( VSIStatExL( osOvrFilename, &sStatBuf, VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG ) == 0 ) osOvrFilename.Printf( "%s.aux", poDS->GetDescription() ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we already have the overviews open, but they are */ /* read-only, then try and reopen them read-write. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( poODS->GetAccess() == GA_ReadOnly ) { GDALClose( poODS ); poODS = static_cast<GDALDataset *>( GDALOpen( osOvrFilename, GA_Update )); if( poODS == NULL ) return CE_Failure; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Our TIFF overview support currently only works safely if all */ /* bands are handled at the same time. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !bOvrIsAux && nBands != poDS->GetRasterCount() ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Generation of overviews in external TIFF currently only " "supported when operating on all bands. " "Operation failed." ); return CE_Failure; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If a basename is provided, use it to override the internal */ /* overview filename. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pszBasename == NULL && osOvrFilename.length() == 0 ) pszBasename = poDS->GetDescription(); if( pszBasename != NULL ) { if( bOvrIsAux ) osOvrFilename.Printf( "%s.aux", pszBasename ); else osOvrFilename.Printf( "%s.ovr", pszBasename ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Establish which of the overview levels we already have, and */ /* which are new. We assume that band 1 of the file is */ /* representative. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALRasterBand *poBand = poDS->GetRasterBand( 1 ); int nNewOverviews = 0; int *panNewOverviewList = static_cast<int *>( CPLCalloc(sizeof(int), nOverviews) ); double dfAreaNewOverviews = 0; double dfAreaRefreshedOverviews = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nOverviews && poBand != NULL; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < poBand->GetOverviewCount(); j++ ) { GDALRasterBand * poOverview = poBand->GetOverview( j ); if( poOverview == NULL ) continue; int nOvFactor = GDALComputeOvFactor(poOverview->GetXSize(), poBand->GetXSize(), poOverview->GetYSize(), poBand->GetYSize()); if( nOvFactor == panOverviewList[i] || nOvFactor == GDALOvLevelAdjust2( panOverviewList[i], poBand->GetXSize(), poBand->GetYSize() ) ) { panOverviewList[i] *= -1; } } const double dfArea = 1.0 / (panOverviewList[i] * panOverviewList[i]); dfAreaRefreshedOverviews += dfArea; if( panOverviewList[i] > 0 ) { dfAreaNewOverviews += dfArea; panNewOverviewList[nNewOverviews++] = panOverviewList[i]; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build band list. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALRasterBand **pahBands = static_cast<GDALRasterBand **>( CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDALRasterBand *), nBands) ); for( int i = 0; i < nBands; i++ ) pahBands[i] = poDS->GetRasterBand( panBandList[i] ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build new overviews - Imagine. Keep existing file open if */ /* we have it. But mark all overviews as in need of */ /* regeneration, since HFAAuxBuildOverviews() doesn't actually */ /* produce the imagery. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLErr eErr = CE_None; void* pScaledProgress = GDALCreateScaledProgress( 0, dfAreaNewOverviews / dfAreaRefreshedOverviews, pfnProgress, pProgressData ); if( bOvrIsAux ) { if( nNewOverviews == 0 ) { /* if we call HFAAuxBuildOverviews() with nNewOverviews == 0 */ /* because that there's no new, this will wipe existing */ /* overviews (#4831) */ // eErr = CE_None; } else { eErr = HFAAuxBuildOverviews( osOvrFilename, poDS, &poODS, nBands, panBandList, nNewOverviews, panNewOverviewList, pszResampling, GDALScaledProgress, pScaledProgress ); } for( int j = 0; j < nOverviews; j++ ) { if( panOverviewList[j] > 0 ) panOverviewList[j] *= -1; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build new overviews - TIFF. Close TIFF files while we */ /* operate on it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { if( poODS != NULL ) { delete poODS; poODS = NULL; } eErr = GTIFFBuildOverviews( osOvrFilename, nBands, pahBands, nNewOverviews, panNewOverviewList, pszResampling, GDALScaledProgress, pScaledProgress ); // Probe for proxy overview filename. if( eErr == CE_Failure ) { const char *pszProxyOvrFilename = poDS->GetMetadataItem("FILENAME","ProxyOverviewRequest"); if( pszProxyOvrFilename != NULL ) { osOvrFilename = pszProxyOvrFilename; eErr = GTIFFBuildOverviews( osOvrFilename, nBands, pahBands, nNewOverviews, panNewOverviewList, pszResampling, GDALScaledProgress, pScaledProgress ); } } if( eErr == CE_None ) { poODS = static_cast<GDALDataset *>( GDALOpen( osOvrFilename, GA_Update ) ); if( poODS == NULL ) eErr = CE_Failure; } } GDALDestroyScaledProgress( pScaledProgress ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Refresh old overviews that were listed. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALRasterBand **papoOverviewBands = static_cast<GDALRasterBand **>( CPLCalloc(sizeof(void*), nOverviews) ); for( int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands && eErr == CE_None; iBand++ ) { poBand = poDS->GetRasterBand( panBandList[iBand] ); nNewOverviews = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nOverviews && poBand != NULL; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < poBand->GetOverviewCount(); j++ ) { GDALRasterBand * poOverview = poBand->GetOverview( j ); if( poOverview == NULL ) continue; int bHasNoData = FALSE; double noDataValue = poBand->GetNoDataValue(&bHasNoData); if( bHasNoData ) poOverview->SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); const int nOvFactor = GDALComputeOvFactor(poOverview->GetXSize(), poBand->GetXSize(), poOverview->GetYSize(), poBand->GetYSize()); if( nOvFactor == - panOverviewList[i] || (panOverviewList[i] < 0 && nOvFactor == GDALOvLevelAdjust2( -panOverviewList[i], poBand->GetXSize(), poBand->GetYSize() )) ) { papoOverviewBands[nNewOverviews++] = poOverview; break; } } } if( nNewOverviews > 0 ) { const double dfOffset = dfAreaNewOverviews / dfAreaRefreshedOverviews; const double dfScale = 1.0 - dfOffset; pScaledProgress = GDALCreateScaledProgress( dfOffset + dfScale * iBand / nBands, dfOffset + dfScale * (iBand+1) / nBands, pfnProgress, pProgressData ); eErr = GDALRegenerateOverviews( (GDALRasterBandH) poBand, nNewOverviews, (GDALRasterBandH*)papoOverviewBands, pszResampling, GDALScaledProgress, pScaledProgress ); GDALDestroyScaledProgress( pScaledProgress ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLFree( papoOverviewBands ); CPLFree( panNewOverviewList ); CPLFree( pahBands ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we have a mask file, we need to build its overviews too. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( HaveMaskFile() && poMaskDS ) { // Some config option are not compatible with mask overviews // so unset them, and define more sensible values. const bool bJPEG = EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption("COMPRESS_OVERVIEW", ""), "JPEG"); const bool bPHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR = EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption("PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW", ""), "YCBCR"); if( bJPEG ) CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("COMPRESS_OVERVIEW", "DEFLATE"); if( bPHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR ) CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW", ""); poMaskDS->BuildOverviews( pszResampling, nOverviews, panOverviewList, 0, NULL, pfnProgress, pProgressData ); // Restore config option. if( bJPEG ) CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("COMPRESS_OVERVIEW", "JPEG"); if( bPHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR ) CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW", "YCBCR"); if( bOwnMaskDS ) { // Reset the poMask member of main dataset bands, since it // will become invalid after poMaskDS closing. for( int iBand = 1; iBand <= poDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand ++ ) { GDALRasterBand *poOtherBand = poDS->GetRasterBand(iBand); if( poOtherBand != NULL ) poOtherBand->InvalidateMaskBand(); } GDALClose( poMaskDS ); } // force next request to reread mask file. poMaskDS = NULL; bOwnMaskDS = false; bCheckedForMask = false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we have an overview dataset, then mark all the overviews */ /* with the base dataset Used later for finding overviews */ /* masks. Uggg. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poODS ) { const int nOverviewCount = GetOverviewCount(1); for( int iOver = 0; iOver < nOverviewCount; iOver++ ) { GDALRasterBand *poOtherBand = GetOverview( 1, iOver ); GDALDataset *poOverDS = poOtherBand != NULL ? poOtherBand->GetDataset() : NULL; if( poOverDS != NULL ) { poOverDS->oOvManager.poBaseDS = poDS; poOverDS->oOvManager.poDS = poOverDS; } } } return eErr; }
CPLErr GTIFFBuildOverviews( const char * pszFilename, int nBands, GDALRasterBand **papoBandList, int nOverviews, int * panOverviewList, const char * pszResampling, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void * pProgressData ) { if( nBands == 0 || nOverviews == 0 ) return CE_None; if( !GTiffOneTimeInit() ) return CE_Failure; TIFF *hOTIFF = nullptr; int nBitsPerPixel = 0; int nCompression = COMPRESSION_NONE; int nPhotometric = 0; int nSampleFormat = 0; int nPlanarConfig = 0; int iOverview = 0; int nXSize = 0; int nYSize = 0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Verify that the list of bands is suitable for emitting in */ /* TIFF file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++ ) { int nBandBits = 0; int nBandFormat = 0; GDALRasterBand *hBand = papoBandList[iBand]; switch( hBand->GetRasterDataType() ) { case GDT_Byte: nBandBits = 8; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; break; case GDT_UInt16: nBandBits = 16; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; break; case GDT_Int16: nBandBits = 16; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_INT; break; case GDT_UInt32: nBandBits = 32; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; break; case GDT_Int32: nBandBits = 32; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_INT; break; case GDT_Float32: nBandBits = 32; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP; break; case GDT_Float64: nBandBits = 64; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP; break; case GDT_CInt16: nBandBits = 32; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXINT; break; case GDT_CInt32: nBandBits = 64; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXINT; break; case GDT_CFloat32: nBandBits = 64; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXIEEEFP; break; case GDT_CFloat64: nBandBits = 128; nBandFormat = SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXIEEEFP; break; default: CPLAssert( false ); return CE_Failure; } if( hBand->GetMetadataItem( "NBITS", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" ) ) { nBandBits = atoi(hBand->GetMetadataItem("NBITS", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE")); if( nBandBits == 1 && STARTS_WITH_CI(pszResampling, "AVERAGE_BIT2") ) nBandBits = 8; } if( iBand == 0 ) { nBitsPerPixel = nBandBits; nSampleFormat = nBandFormat; nXSize = hBand->GetXSize(); nYSize = hBand->GetYSize(); } else if( nBitsPerPixel != nBandBits || nSampleFormat != nBandFormat ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "GTIFFBuildOverviews() doesn't support a mixture of band" " data types." ); return CE_Failure; } else if( hBand->GetColorTable() != nullptr ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "GTIFFBuildOverviews() doesn't support building" " overviews of multiple colormapped bands." ); return CE_Failure; } else if( hBand->GetXSize() != nXSize || hBand->GetYSize() != nYSize ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "GTIFFBuildOverviews() doesn't support building" " overviews of different sized bands." ); return CE_Failure; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Use specified compression method. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszCompress = CPLGetConfigOption( "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW", nullptr ); if( pszCompress != nullptr && pszCompress[0] != '\0' ) { nCompression = GTIFFGetCompressionMethod(pszCompress, "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW"); if( nCompression < 0 ) return CE_Failure; } if( nCompression == COMPRESSION_JPEG && nBitsPerPixel > 8 ) { if( nBitsPerPixel > 16 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "GTIFFBuildOverviews() doesn't support building" " JPEG compressed overviews of nBitsPerPixel > 16." ); return CE_Failure; } nBitsPerPixel = 12; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Figure out the planar configuration to use. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( nBands == 1 ) nPlanarConfig = PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG; else nPlanarConfig = PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE; bool bSourceIsPixelInterleaved = false; bool bSourceIsJPEG2000 = false; if( nBands > 1 ) { GDALDataset* poSrcDS = papoBandList[0]->GetDataset(); if( poSrcDS ) { const char* pszSrcInterleave = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("INTERLEAVE", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE"); if( pszSrcInterleave && EQUAL(pszSrcInterleave, "PIXEL") ) { bSourceIsPixelInterleaved = true; } } const char* pszSrcCompression = papoBandList[0]->GetMetadataItem("COMPRESSION", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE"); if( pszSrcCompression ) { bSourceIsJPEG2000 = EQUAL(pszSrcCompression, "JPEG2000"); } if( bSourceIsPixelInterleaved && bSourceIsJPEG2000 ) { nPlanarConfig = PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG; } } const char* pszInterleave = CPLGetConfigOption( "INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW", nullptr ); if( pszInterleave != nullptr && pszInterleave[0] != '\0' ) { if( EQUAL( pszInterleave, "PIXEL" ) ) nPlanarConfig = PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG; else if( EQUAL( pszInterleave, "BAND" ) ) nPlanarConfig = PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE; else { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW=%s unsupported, " "value must be PIXEL or BAND. ignoring", pszInterleave ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Figure out the photometric interpretation to use. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( nBands == 3 ) nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; else if( papoBandList[0]->GetColorTable() != nullptr && !STARTS_WITH_CI(pszResampling, "AVERAGE_BIT2") ) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE; // Should set the colormap up at this point too! } else if( nBands >= 3 && papoBandList[0]->GetColorInterpretation() == GCI_RedBand && papoBandList[1]->GetColorInterpretation() == GCI_GreenBand && papoBandList[2]->GetColorInterpretation() == GCI_BlueBand ) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; } else nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK; const char* pszPhotometric = CPLGetConfigOption( "PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW", nullptr ); if( pszPhotometric != nullptr && pszPhotometric[0] != '\0' ) { if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "MINISBLACK" ) ) nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK; else if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "MINISWHITE" ) ) nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE; else if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "RGB" )) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; } else if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "CMYK" )) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED; } else if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "YCBCR" )) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR; // Because of subsampling, setting YCBCR without JPEG compression // leads to a crash currently. Would need to make // GTiffRasterBand::IWriteBlock() aware of subsampling so that it // doesn't overrun buffer size returned by libtiff. if( nCompression != COMPRESSION_JPEG ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Currently, PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW=YCBCR requires " "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=JPEG" ); return CE_Failure; } if( pszInterleave != nullptr && pszInterleave[0] != '\0' && nPlanarConfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW=YCBCR requires " "INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW=PIXEL" ); return CE_Failure; } else { nPlanarConfig = PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG; } // YCBCR strictly requires 3 bands. Not less, not more // Issue an explicit error message as libtiff one is a bit cryptic: // JPEGLib:Bogus input colorspace. if( nBands != 3 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW=YCBCR requires a source raster " "with only 3 bands (RGB)" ); return CE_Failure; } } else if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "CIELAB" )) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB; } else if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "ICCLAB" )) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_ICCLAB; } else if( EQUAL( pszPhotometric, "ITULAB" )) { nPhotometric = PHOTOMETRIC_ITULAB; } else { CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_IllegalArg, "PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW=%s value not recognised, ignoring.", pszPhotometric ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Figure out the predictor value to use. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nPredictor = PREDICTOR_NONE; if( nCompression == COMPRESSION_LZW || nCompression == COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE ) { const char* pszPredictor = CPLGetConfigOption( "PREDICTOR_OVERVIEW", nullptr ); if( pszPredictor != nullptr ) { nPredictor = atoi( pszPredictor ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the file, if it does not already exist. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIStatBufL sStatBuf; VSILFILE* fpL = nullptr; if( VSIStatExL( pszFilename, &sStatBuf, VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG ) != 0 ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute the uncompressed size. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double dfUncompressedOverviewSize = 0; int nDataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(papoBandList[0]->GetRasterDataType()); for( iOverview = 0; iOverview < nOverviews; iOverview++ ) { const int nOXSize = (nXSize + panOverviewList[iOverview] - 1) / panOverviewList[iOverview]; const int nOYSize = (nYSize + panOverviewList[iOverview] - 1) / panOverviewList[iOverview]; dfUncompressedOverviewSize += nOXSize * static_cast<double>(nOYSize) * nBands * nDataTypeSize; } if( nCompression == COMPRESSION_NONE && dfUncompressedOverviewSize > 4200000000.0 ) { #ifndef BIGTIFF_SUPPORT CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "The overview file would be larger than 4GB, " "but this is the largest size a TIFF can be, " "and BigTIFF is unavailable. " "Creation failed." ); return CE_Failure; #endif } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Should the file be created as a bigtiff file? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszBIGTIFF = CPLGetConfigOption( "BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW", nullptr ); if( pszBIGTIFF == nullptr ) pszBIGTIFF = "IF_SAFER"; bool bCreateBigTIFF = false; if( EQUAL(pszBIGTIFF,"IF_NEEDED") ) { if( nCompression == COMPRESSION_NONE && dfUncompressedOverviewSize > 4200000000.0 ) bCreateBigTIFF = true; } else if( EQUAL(pszBIGTIFF,"IF_SAFER") ) { // Look at the size of the base image and suppose that // the added overview levels won't be more than 1/2 of // the size of the base image. The theory says 1/3 of the // base image size if the overview levels are 2, 4, 8, 16. // Thus take 1/2 as the security margin for 1/3. const double dfUncompressedImageSize = nXSize * static_cast<double>(nYSize) * nBands * nDataTypeSize; if( dfUncompressedImageSize * 0.5 > 4200000000.0 ) bCreateBigTIFF = true; } else { bCreateBigTIFF = CPLTestBool( pszBIGTIFF ); if( !bCreateBigTIFF && nCompression == COMPRESSION_NONE && dfUncompressedOverviewSize > 4200000000.0 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "The overview file will be larger than 4GB, " "so BigTIFF is necessary. " "Creation failed."); return CE_Failure; } } #ifndef BIGTIFF_SUPPORT if( bCreateBigTIFF ) { CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported, "BigTIFF requested, but GDAL built without BigTIFF " "enabled libtiff, request ignored." ); bCreateBigTIFF = false; } #endif if( bCreateBigTIFF ) CPLDebug( "GTiff", "File being created as a BigTIFF." ); fpL = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "w+" ); if( fpL == nullptr ) hOTIFF = nullptr; else hOTIFF = VSI_TIFFOpen( pszFilename, bCreateBigTIFF ? "w+8" : "w+", fpL ); if( hOTIFF == nullptr ) { if( CPLGetLastErrorNo() == 0 ) CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Attempt to create new tiff file `%s' " "failed in VSI_TIFFOpen().", pszFilename ); if( fpL != nullptr ) CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fpL)); return CE_Failure; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Otherwise just open it for update access. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { fpL = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "r+" ); if( fpL == nullptr ) hOTIFF = nullptr; else hOTIFF = VSI_TIFFOpen( pszFilename, "r+", fpL ); if( hOTIFF == nullptr ) { if( CPLGetLastErrorNo() == 0 ) CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Attempt to create new tiff file `%s' " "failed in VSI_TIFFOpen().", pszFilename ); if( fpL != nullptr ) CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fpL)); return CE_Failure; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we have a palette? If so, create a TIFF compatible version. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ unsigned short *panRed = nullptr; unsigned short *panGreen = nullptr; unsigned short *panBlue = nullptr; if( nPhotometric == PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE ) { GDALColorTable *poCT = papoBandList[0]->GetColorTable(); int nColorCount = 65536; if( nBitsPerPixel <= 8 ) nColorCount = 256; panRed = static_cast<unsigned short *>( CPLCalloc(nColorCount, sizeof(unsigned short)) ); panGreen = static_cast<unsigned short *>( CPLCalloc(nColorCount, sizeof(unsigned short)) ); panBlue = static_cast<unsigned short *>( CPLCalloc(nColorCount, sizeof(unsigned short)) ); for( int iColor = 0; iColor < nColorCount; iColor++ ) { GDALColorEntry sRGB = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if( poCT->GetColorEntryAsRGB( iColor, &sRGB ) ) { // TODO(schwehr): Check for underflow. // Going from signed short to unsigned short. panRed[iColor] = static_cast<unsigned short>(257 * sRGB.c1); panGreen[iColor] = static_cast<unsigned short>(257 * sRGB.c2); panBlue[iColor] = static_cast<unsigned short>(257 * sRGB.c3); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we need some metadata for the overviews? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLString osMetadata; GDALDataset *poBaseDS = papoBandList[0]->GetDataset(); GTIFFBuildOverviewMetadata( pszResampling, poBaseDS, osMetadata ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop, creating overviews. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nOvrBlockXSize = 0; int nOvrBlockYSize = 0; GTIFFGetOverviewBlockSize(&nOvrBlockXSize, &nOvrBlockYSize); CPLString osNoData; // don't move this in inner scope const char* pszNoData = nullptr; int bNoDataSet = FALSE; const double dfNoDataValue = papoBandList[0]->GetNoDataValue(&bNoDataSet); if( bNoDataSet ) { osNoData = GTiffFormatGDALNoDataTagValue(dfNoDataValue); pszNoData = osNoData.c_str(); } std::vector<uint16> anExtraSamples; for( int i = GTIFFGetMaxColorChannels(nPhotometric)+1; i <= nBands; i++ ) { if( papoBandList[i-1]->GetColorInterpretation() == GCI_AlphaBand ) { anExtraSamples.push_back( GTiffGetAlphaValue(CPLGetConfigOption("GTIFF_ALPHA", nullptr), DEFAULT_ALPHA_TYPE)); } else { anExtraSamples.push_back(EXTRASAMPLE_UNSPECIFIED); } } for( iOverview = 0; iOverview < nOverviews; iOverview++ ) { const int nOXSize = (nXSize + panOverviewList[iOverview] - 1) / panOverviewList[iOverview]; const int nOYSize = (nYSize + panOverviewList[iOverview] - 1) / panOverviewList[iOverview]; GTIFFWriteDirectory( hOTIFF, FILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE, nOXSize, nOYSize, nBitsPerPixel, nPlanarConfig, nBands, nOvrBlockXSize, nOvrBlockYSize, TRUE, nCompression, nPhotometric, nSampleFormat, nPredictor, panRed, panGreen, panBlue, static_cast<int>(anExtraSamples.size()), anExtraSamples.empty() ? nullptr : anExtraSamples.data(), osMetadata, CPLGetConfigOption( "JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW", nullptr ), CPLGetConfigOption( "JPEG_TABLESMODE_OVERVIEW", nullptr ), pszNoData, nullptr ); } if( panRed ) { CPLFree(panRed); CPLFree(panGreen); CPLFree(panBlue); panRed = nullptr; panGreen = nullptr; panBlue = nullptr; } XTIFFClose( hOTIFF ); if( VSIFCloseL(fpL) != 0 ) return CE_Failure; fpL = nullptr; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open the overview dataset so that we can get at the overview */ /* bands. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALDataset *hODS = GDALDataset::Open( pszFilename, GDAL_OF_RASTER | GDAL_OF_UPDATE ); if( hODS == nullptr ) return CE_Failure; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we need to set the jpeg quality? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TIFF *hTIFF = static_cast<TIFF *>( hODS->GetInternalHandle(nullptr) ); if( nCompression == COMPRESSION_JPEG && CPLGetConfigOption( "JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW", nullptr ) != nullptr ) { const int nJpegQuality = atoi(CPLGetConfigOption("JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW","75")); TIFFSetField( hTIFF, TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY, nJpegQuality ); GTIFFSetJpegQuality(GDALDataset::ToHandle(hODS), nJpegQuality); } if( nCompression == COMPRESSION_JPEG && CPLGetConfigOption( "JPEG_TABLESMODE_OVERVIEW", nullptr ) != nullptr ) { const int nJpegTablesMode = atoi(CPLGetConfigOption("JPEG_TABLESMODE_OVERVIEW", CPLSPrintf("%d", knGTIFFJpegTablesModeDefault))); TIFFSetField( hTIFF, TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE, nJpegTablesMode ); GTIFFSetJpegTablesMode(GDALDataset::ToHandle(hODS), nJpegTablesMode); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop writing overview data. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int *panOverviewListSorted = static_cast<int*>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * nOverviews)); memcpy( panOverviewListSorted, panOverviewList, sizeof(int) * nOverviews); std::sort(panOverviewListSorted, panOverviewListSorted + nOverviews); GTIFFSetInExternalOvr(true); CPLErr eErr = CE_None; if( ((bSourceIsPixelInterleaved && bSourceIsJPEG2000) || (nCompression != COMPRESSION_NONE)) && nPlanarConfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && !GDALDataTypeIsComplex(papoBandList[0]->GetRasterDataType()) && papoBandList[0]->GetColorTable() == nullptr && (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszResampling, "NEAR") || EQUAL(pszResampling, "AVERAGE") || EQUAL(pszResampling, "GAUSS") || EQUAL(pszResampling, "CUBIC") || EQUAL(pszResampling, "CUBICSPLINE") || EQUAL(pszResampling, "LANCZOS") || EQUAL(pszResampling, "BILINEAR")) ) { // In the case of pixel interleaved compressed overviews, we want to // generate the overviews for all the bands block by block, and not // band after band, in order to write the block once and not loose // space in the TIFF file. GDALRasterBand ***papapoOverviewBands = static_cast<GDALRasterBand ***>( CPLCalloc(sizeof(void *), nBands) ); for( int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands && eErr == CE_None; iBand++ ) { GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = papoBandList[iBand]; GDALRasterBand *poDstBand = hODS->GetRasterBand( iBand + 1 ); papapoOverviewBands[iBand] = static_cast<GDALRasterBand **>( CPLCalloc(sizeof(void *), nOverviews) ); int bHasNoData = FALSE; const double noDataValue = poSrcBand->GetNoDataValue(&bHasNoData); if( bHasNoData ) poDstBand->SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); for( int i = 0; i < nOverviews && eErr == CE_None; i++ ) { for( int j = -1; j < poDstBand->GetOverviewCount() && eErr == CE_None; j++ ) { GDALRasterBand * poOverview = (j < 0 ) ? poDstBand : poDstBand->GetOverview( j ); if( poOverview == nullptr ) { eErr = CE_Failure; continue; } const int nOvFactor = GDALComputeOvFactor(poOverview->GetXSize(), poSrcBand->GetXSize(), poOverview->GetYSize(), poSrcBand->GetYSize()); if( nOvFactor == panOverviewListSorted[i] || nOvFactor == GDALOvLevelAdjust2( panOverviewListSorted[i], poSrcBand->GetXSize(), poSrcBand->GetYSize() ) ) { papapoOverviewBands[iBand][i] = poOverview; if( bHasNoData ) poOverview->SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); break; } } CPLAssert( papapoOverviewBands[iBand][i] != nullptr ); } } if( eErr == CE_None ) eErr = GDALRegenerateOverviewsMultiBand( nBands, papoBandList, nOverviews, papapoOverviewBands, pszResampling, pfnProgress, pProgressData ); for( int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++ ) { CPLFree(papapoOverviewBands[iBand]); } CPLFree(papapoOverviewBands); } else { GDALRasterBand **papoOverviews = static_cast<GDALRasterBand **>( CPLCalloc( sizeof(void*), knMaxOverviews ) ); for( int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands && eErr == CE_None; iBand++ ) { GDALRasterBand *hSrcBand = papoBandList[iBand]; GDALRasterBand *hDstBand = hODS->GetRasterBand( iBand + 1 ); int bHasNoData = FALSE; const double noDataValue = hSrcBand->GetNoDataValue(&bHasNoData); if( bHasNoData ) hDstBand->SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); // FIXME: this logic regenerates all overview bands, not only the // ones requested. papoOverviews[0] = hDstBand; int nDstOverviews = hDstBand->GetOverviewCount() + 1; CPLAssert( nDstOverviews < knMaxOverviews ); nDstOverviews = std::min(knMaxOverviews, nDstOverviews); // TODO(schwehr): Convert to starting with i = 1 and remove +1. for( int i = 0; i < nDstOverviews - 1 && eErr == CE_None; i++ ) { papoOverviews[i+1] = hDstBand->GetOverview(i); if( papoOverviews[i+1] == nullptr ) { eErr = CE_Failure; } else { if( bHasNoData ) papoOverviews[i+1]->SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); } } void *pScaledProgressData = GDALCreateScaledProgress( iBand / static_cast<double>( nBands ), (iBand + 1) / static_cast<double>( nBands ), pfnProgress, pProgressData ); if( eErr == CE_None ) eErr = GDALRegenerateOverviews( hSrcBand, nDstOverviews, reinterpret_cast<GDALRasterBandH *>( papoOverviews ), pszResampling, GDALScaledProgress, pScaledProgressData ); GDALDestroyScaledProgress( pScaledProgressData ); } CPLFree( papoOverviews ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( eErr == CE_None ) hODS->FlushCache(); delete hODS; GTIFFSetInExternalOvr(false); CPLFree(panOverviewListSorted); pfnProgress( 1.0, nullptr, pProgressData ); return eErr; }