Exemple #1
ImageProperties::ImageProperties(GDALDataset* dataset, const std::string& filename) :
	assert(dataset != NULL);

	driverName = (char *) GDALGetDescription(GDALGetDatasetDriver(dataset));
	driverLongName = (char *) GDALGetMetadataItem(GDALGetDatasetDriver(dataset),
	width = GDALGetRasterXSize(dataset);
	height = GDALGetRasterYSize(dataset);
	numBands = GDALGetRasterCount(dataset);
	string::size_type position = imageFileName.find_last_of("\\");
	if (position != string::npos) {
		shortFileName = imageFileName.substr(position + 1);
	} else {
		shortFileName = imageFileName;
Exemple #2
void fill_image_data(GDALImage *image)
    GDALResult result;
    // Open GDAL File
    image->dataset = GDALOpen(image->filepath, GA_ReadOnly);
    FAILIF(image->dataset, NULL, "Unable to open file.");
    // Get file information
    image->driver         = GDALGetDatasetDriver(image->dataset);
    image->original_width  = GDALGetRasterXSize(image->dataset);
    image->original_height = GDALGetRasterYSize(image->dataset);
    image->band_count      = limit_band_count(GDALGetRasterCount(image->dataset));

    // Open first band to get block information
    image->current_band = GDALGetRasterBand(image->dataset, 1);
    result = GDALGetGeoTransform(image->dataset, image->geo_transform);
    FAILIF(result, CE_Failure, "Failed to get GeoTransform data");
    GDALGetBlockSize(image->current_band, &image->block_size.x, &image->block_size.y);
    image->output_size.x = image->block_size.x/image->scale;
    image->output_size.y = image->block_size.y/image->scale;
    image->num_blocks.x = image->original_width/image->block_size.x;
    image->num_blocks.y = image->original_height/image->block_size.y;

    DEFAULT(image->num_blocks.x, 0, 1);
    DEFAULT(image->num_blocks.y, 0, 1);
    DEFAULT(image->output_size.x, 0, 1);
    DEFAULT(image->output_size.y, 0, 1);
static QgsOgrLayerItem *dataItemForLayer( QgsDataItem *parentItem, QString name,
    QString path, GDALDatasetH hDataSource,
    int layerId,
    bool isSubLayer, bool uniqueNames )
  OGRLayerH hLayer = GDALDatasetGetLayer( hDataSource, layerId );
  OGRFeatureDefnH hDef = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( hLayer );

  QgsLayerItem::LayerType layerType = QgsLayerItem::Vector;
  GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataSource );
  QString driverName = QString::fromUtf8( GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ) );
  OGRwkbGeometryType ogrType = QgsOgrProvider::getOgrGeomType( driverName, hLayer );
  QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = QgsOgrProviderUtils::qgisTypeFromOgrType( ogrType );
  switch ( QgsWkbTypes::geometryType( wkbType ) )
    case QgsWkbTypes::UnknownGeometry:
    case QgsWkbTypes::NullGeometry:
      layerType = QgsLayerItem::TableLayer;
    case QgsWkbTypes::PointGeometry:
      layerType = QgsLayerItem::Point;
    case QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry:
      layerType = QgsLayerItem::Line;
    case QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry:
      layerType = QgsLayerItem::Polygon;

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "ogrType = %1 layertype = %2" ).arg( ogrType ).arg( layerType ), 2 );

  QString layerUri = path;

  if ( isSubLayer )
    // we are in a collection
    name = QString::fromUtf8( OGR_FD_GetName( hDef ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( "OGR layer name : " + name );
    if ( !uniqueNames )
      layerUri += "|layerid=" + QString::number( layerId );
      layerUri += "|layername=" + name;
    path += '/' + name;
  Q_ASSERT( !name.isEmpty() );

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "OGR layer uri : " + layerUri, 2 );

  return new QgsOgrLayerItem( parentItem, name, path, layerUri, layerType, isSubLayer );
QVector<QgsDataItem *> QgsOgrDataCollectionItem::createChildren()
  QVector<QgsDataItem *> children;
  QStringList skippedLayerNames;

  char **papszOptions = nullptr;
  papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszOptions, "@LIST_ALL_TABLES", "YES" );
  gdal::dataset_unique_ptr hDataSource( GDALOpenEx( mPath.toUtf8().constData(), GDAL_OF_VECTOR, nullptr, papszOptions, nullptr ) );
  CSLDestroy( papszOptions );

  GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataSource.get() );
  QString driverName = QString::fromUtf8( GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ) );
  if ( driverName == QStringLiteral( "SQLite" ) )
    skippedLayerNames = QgsSqliteUtils::systemTables();

  if ( !hDataSource )
    return children;
  int numLayers = GDALDatasetGetLayerCount( hDataSource.get() );

  // Check if layer names are unique, so we can use |layername= in URI
  QMap< QString, int > mapLayerNameToCount;
  QList< int > skippedLayers;
  bool uniqueNames = true;
  for ( int i = 0; i < numLayers; ++i )
    OGRLayerH hLayer = GDALDatasetGetLayer( hDataSource.get(), i );
    OGRFeatureDefnH hDef = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( hLayer );
    QString layerName = QString::fromUtf8( OGR_FD_GetName( hDef ) );
    if ( mapLayerNameToCount[layerName] > 1 )
      uniqueNames = false;
    if ( ( driverName == QStringLiteral( "SQLite" ) && layerName.contains( QRegularExpression( QStringLiteral( "idx_.*_geometry($|_.*)" ) ) ) )
         || skippedLayerNames.contains( layerName ) )
      skippedLayers << i;

  children.reserve( numLayers );
  for ( int i = 0; i < numLayers; ++i )
    if ( !skippedLayers.contains( i ) )
      QgsOgrLayerItem *item = dataItemForLayer( this, QString(), mPath, hDataSource.get(), i, true, uniqueNames );
      children.append( item );

  return children;
OGRDataSourceH OGROpenShared( const char *pszName, int bUpdate,
                              OGRSFDriverH *pahDriverList )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( pszName, "OGROpenShared", NULL );

    GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpenEx(pszName, GDAL_OF_VECTOR |
            ((bUpdate) ? GDAL_OF_UPDATE: 0) | GDAL_OF_SHARED, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if( hDS != NULL && pahDriverList != NULL )
        *pahDriverList = (OGRSFDriverH) GDALGetDatasetDriver(hDS);
    return (OGRDataSourceH) hDS;
OGRDataSourceH OGROpen( const char *pszName, int bUpdate,
                        OGRSFDriverH *pahDriverList )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( pszName, "OGROpen", NULL );

    int iSnapshot = OGRAPISpyOpenTakeSnapshot(pszName, bUpdate);

    GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpenEx(pszName, GDAL_OF_VECTOR |
                            ((bUpdate) ? GDAL_OF_UPDATE: 0), NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if( hDS != NULL && pahDriverList != NULL )
        *pahDriverList = (OGRSFDriverH) GDALGetDatasetDriver(hDS);

    OGRAPISpyOpen(pszName, bUpdate, iSnapshot, &hDS);

    return (OGRDataSourceH) hDS;
Exemple #7
int main( int nArgc, char ** papszArgv )
    GDALDatasetH hDS = NULL;
    GDALDatasetH hODS = NULL;
    int bCloseODS = TRUE;
    int bUsageError = FALSE;
    GDALDatasetH hDstDS;
    int nRetCode = 1;
    GDALVectorTranslateOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary;
    GDALVectorTranslateOptions *psOptions;

    /* Check strict compilation and runtime library version as we use C++ API */
    if (! GDAL_CHECK_VERSION(papszArgv[0]))

    EarlySetConfigOptions(nArgc, papszArgv);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Register format(s).                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Processing command line arguments.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nArgc = OGRGeneralCmdLineProcessor( nArgc, &papszArgv, 0 );

    if( nArgc < 1 )
        papszArgv = NULL;
        nRetCode = -nArgc;
        goto exit;

    for( int iArg = 1; iArg < nArgc; iArg++ )
        if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg], "--utility_version") )
            printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n",
                   papszArgv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"));
            nRetCode = 0;
            goto exit;
        else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"--help") )
            goto exit;
        else if ( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg], "--long-usage") )
            goto exit;

    psOptionsForBinary = GDALVectorTranslateOptionsForBinaryNew();
    psOptions = GDALVectorTranslateOptionsNew(papszArgv + 1, psOptionsForBinary);

    if( psOptions == NULL )
        goto exit;

    if( psOptionsForBinary->pszDataSource == NULL ||
        psOptionsForBinary->pszDestDataSource == NULL )
        if( psOptionsForBinary->pszDestDataSource == NULL )
            Usage("no target datasource provided");
            Usage("no source datasource provided");
        goto exit;

    if( strcmp(psOptionsForBinary->pszDestDataSource, "/vsistdout/") == 0 )
        psOptionsForBinary->bQuiet = TRUE;

    if (!psOptionsForBinary->bQuiet && !psOptionsForBinary->bFormatExplicitlySet &&
        psOptionsForBinary->eAccessMode == ACCESS_CREATION)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open data source.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* Avoid opening twice the same datasource if it is both the input and output */
    /* Known to cause problems with at least FGdb, SQlite and GPKG drivers. See #4270 */
    if (psOptionsForBinary->eAccessMode != ACCESS_CREATION &&
        strcmp(psOptionsForBinary->pszDestDataSource, psOptionsForBinary->pszDataSource) == 0)
        hODS = GDALOpenEx( psOptionsForBinary->pszDataSource,
                GDAL_OF_UPDATE | GDAL_OF_VECTOR, NULL, psOptionsForBinary->papszOpenOptions, NULL );
        GDALDriverH hDriver = NULL;
        if( hODS != NULL )
            hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hODS);

        /* Restrict to those 3 drivers. For example it is known to break with */
        /* the PG driver due to the way it manages transactions... */
        if (hDriver && !(EQUAL(GDALGetDescription(hDriver), "FileGDB") ||
                         EQUAL(GDALGetDescription(hDriver), "SQLite") ||
                         EQUAL(GDALGetDescription(hDriver), "GPKG")))
            hDS = GDALOpenEx( psOptionsForBinary->pszDataSource,
                        GDAL_OF_VECTOR, NULL, psOptionsForBinary->papszOpenOptions, NULL );
            hDS = hODS;
            bCloseODS = FALSE;
        hDS = GDALOpenEx( psOptionsForBinary->pszDataSource,
                        GDAL_OF_VECTOR, NULL, psOptionsForBinary->papszOpenOptions, NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report failure                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( hDS == NULL )
        OGRSFDriverRegistrar    *poR = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar();

        fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE:\n"
                "Unable to open datasource `%s' with the following drivers.\n",
                psOptionsForBinary->pszDataSource );

        for( int iDriver = 0; iDriver < poR->GetDriverCount(); iDriver++ )
            fprintf( stderr, "  -> %s\n", poR->GetDriver(iDriver)->GetDescription() );

        goto exit;

    if( !(psOptionsForBinary->bQuiet) )
        GDALVectorTranslateOptionsSetProgress(psOptions, GDALTermProgress, NULL);

    hDstDS = GDALVectorTranslate(psOptionsForBinary->pszDestDataSource, hODS,
                                              1, &hDS, psOptions, &bUsageError);
    if( bUsageError )
        nRetCode = (hDstDS) ? 0 : 1;



    CSLDestroy( papszArgv );

    return nRetCode;
Exemple #8
int main(void)
	/*Open a file*/
	GDALDatasetH hDataset;
	hDataset = GDALOpen( "./dem.tif", GA_ReadOnly );
	if( hDataset == NULL ) printf("The dataset is NULL!\n");
	/*Getting Dasetset Information*/
	GDALDriverH hDriver;
	double adfGeoTransform[6];
	hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset );
	printf( "Driver: %s/%s\n",
			GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ),
			GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ));
	printf("Size is %dx%dx%d\n",
			GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset ),
			GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset ),
			GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset ));
	if( GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) != NULL )
		printf("Projection is '%s'\n", GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) );
	if (GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
		printf("Origin = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
				adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3]);
		printf( "Pixel Size = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
				adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[5]);
	/*Fetching a Raster Band*/
	GDALRasterBandH hBand;
	int nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize;
	int bGotMin, bGotMax;
	double adfMinMax[2];
	hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, 1);
	GDALGetBlockSize( hBand, &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize);
	printf( "Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s\n",
			nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
				GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand)) );
	adfMinMax[0] = GDALGetRasterMinimum( hBand, &bGotMin );
	adfMinMax[1] = GDALGetRasterMaximum( hBand, &bGotMax );
	if( !(bGotMin && bGotMax) )
		GDALComputeRasterMinMax( hBand, TRUE, adfMinMax );
	printf( "Min=%.3fd, Max=%.3f\n", adfMinMax[0], adfMinMax[1]);
	if(GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand) > 0)
		printf( "Band has %d overviews.\n", GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand));
	if( GDALGetRasterColorTable( hBand ) != NULL)
		printf( "Band has a color table with %d entries.\n",
					GDALGetRasterColorTable( hBand)));
	/*Reading Raster Data*/
	float *pafScanline;
	int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBand );
	pafScanline = (float *)CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*nXSize);
	GDALRasterIO(hBand, GF_Read, 0, 0, nXSize, 1,
			pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0);
	return 0;
Exemple #9
bool toprsGadlReader::open()
	std::string driverNameTmp;

	if (theSubDatasets.size() == 0)
		// Note:  Cannot feed GDALOpen a NULL string!
		if (theImageFile.size())
			theDataset = GDALOpen(theImageFile.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly); 
			if( theDataset == 0 )
				return false;
			return false;

		// Check if it is nitf data for deciding whether or not open each sub-dataset
		//This will be removed eventually when toprs can handle 2GB nitf file.
		GDALDriverH driverTmp = GDALGetDatasetDriver(theDataset);
		bool isNtif = false;
		if (driverTmp != 0)
			driverNameTmp = std::string(GDALGetDriverShortName(driverTmp));
			std::transform(driverNameTmp.begin(), driverNameTmp.end(), driverNameTmp.begin(), [&](char ch){return toupper(ch);});
			if (driverNameTmp == "NITF")
				isNtif = true;

		// Check for sub data sets...
		char** papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( theDataset, "SUBDATASETS" );
		if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )

			for( int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != 0; ++i )
				std::string os = papszMetadata[i];
				if (os.find("_NAME=") != std::string::npos)
					//Sub sets have already been set. Open each sub-dataset really slow down the process
					//specially for hdf data which sometimes has over 100 sub-datasets. Since following code
					//only for ntif cloud checking, so only open each sub-dataset here if the dataset is
					//nitf. This will be removed eventually when toprs can handle 2GB nitf file. 
					//Otherwise open a sub-dataset when setCurrentEntry() gets called.
					if (isNtif)
						GDALDatasetH subDataset = GDALOpen(filterSubDatasetsString(os).c_str(),
						if ( subDataset != 0 )
							// "Worldview ingest should ignore subimages when NITF_ICAT=CLOUD"
							// Hack: Ignore NITF subimages marked as cloud layers.
							std::string nitfIcatTag( GDALGetMetadataItem( subDataset, "NITF_ICAT", "" ) );
							if ( nitfIcatTag.find("CLOUD") == std::string::npos )
			// Have multiple entries.  We're going to default to open the first
			// entry like cidcadrg.

			theDataset = GDALOpen(theSubDatasets[theEntryNumberToRender].c_str(),
			if (theDataset == 0)

				return false;
		}  // End of has subsets block.

	}  // End of "if (theSubdatasets.size() == 0)"
		// Sub sets have already been set.
		theDataset = GDALOpen(theSubDatasets[theEntryNumberToRender].c_str(),
		if (theDataset == 0)
			return false;

	// Set the driver.
	theDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( theDataset );

	if(!theDriver) return false;

	theGdtType = GDT_Byte;
	theOutputGdtType = GDT_Byte;

	if(getNumberOfInputBands() < 1 )
		if(CSLCount(GDALGetMetadata(theDataset, "SUBDATASETS")))
				<< "torsGdalReader::open WARNING:"
				<< "\nHas multiple sub datasets and need to set the data before"
				<< " we can get to the bands" << std::endl;

			<< "torsGdalReader::open WARNING:"
			<< "\nNo band data present in torsGdalReader::open" << std::endl;
		return false;

	toprs_int32 i = 0;
	GDALRasterBandH bBand = GDALGetRasterBand( theDataset, 1 );
	theGdtType  = GDALGetRasterDataType(bBand);

	char** papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( bBand, NULL );
	if (CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0)
		for(int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
			std::string metaStr = papszMetadata[i];

			if (metaStr.find("AREA_OR_POINT") != std::string::npos)
				//std::string pixel_is_point_or_area = metaStr.split("=")[1];
				//if (pixel_is_point_or_area.contains("area"))
				//	thePixelType = TOPRS_PIXEL_IS_AREA;

		for(i = 0; i  < GDALGetRasterCount(theDataset); ++i)
			if(theGdtType != GDALGetRasterDataType(GDALGetRasterBand( theDataset,i+1 )))
					<< "torsGdalReader::open WARNING"
					<< "\nWe currently do not support different scalar type bands."
					<< std::endl;
				return false;

	theOutputGdtType = theGdtType;
	case GDT_CInt16:
			//          theOutputGdtType = GDT_Int16;
			theIsComplexFlag = true;
	case GDT_CInt32:
			//          theOutputGdtType = GDT_Int32;
			theIsComplexFlag = true;
	case GDT_CFloat32:
			//          theOutputGdtType = GDT_Float32;
			theIsComplexFlag = true;
	case GDT_CFloat64:
			//          theOutputGdtType = GDT_Float64;
			theIsComplexFlag = true;
			theIsComplexFlag = false;

	if((std::string(GDALGetDriverShortName( theDriver )) == "PNG")&&
		(getNumberOfInputBands() == 4))
		theAlphaChannelFlag = true;

	theTile = toprsImgFactory::instance()->create(this);
	theSingleBandTile = toprsImgFactory::instance()->create(getInputScalarType(), 1);

	if ( m_preservePaletteIndexesFlag )


	theImageBound = toprsIRect(0
	int xSize=0, ySize=0;
	GDALGetBlockSize(GDALGetRasterBand( theDataset, 1 ),
	if (driverNameTmp.find("JPIP")!= std::string::npos || driverNameTmp.find("JP2")!= std::string::npos)
		m_isBlocked = ((xSize > 1)&&(ySize > 1));
		m_isBlocked = false;
	//	setRlevelCache();
	return true;
Exemple #10
static ERL_NIF_TERM gdal_nif_get_meta(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
    gdal_img_handle* handle;
    if (enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], gdal_img_RESOURCE, (void**)&handle)) {
        GDALDatasetH in_ds = handle->in_ds;
        if (in_ds != NULL) {
            ERL_NIF_TERM terms[8];
            int idx = 0;

            terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env,
                                enif_make_atom(env, "description"),
                                enif_make_string(env, GDALGetDescription(in_ds), ERL_NIF_LATIN1));

            GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver(in_ds);
            char buf[256];
            sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", 
                    GDALGetDriverShortName(hDriver), GDALGetDriverLongName(hDriver));
            terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env, 
                                enif_make_atom(env, "driver"),
                                enif_make_string(env, buf, ERL_NIF_LATIN1));

            terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env, 
                                enif_make_atom(env, "rasterSize"), 
                                    enif_make_int(env, GDALGetRasterXSize(in_ds)), 
                                    enif_make_int(env, GDALGetRasterYSize(in_ds))));

            terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env, 
                                    enif_make_atom(env, "rasterCount"),
                                    enif_make_int(env, GDALGetRasterCount(in_ds)));

            double adfGeoTransform[6];
            if( GDALGetGeoTransform( in_ds, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None ) {
                terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env,
                                    enif_make_atom(env, "origin"),
                                        enif_make_double(env, adfGeoTransform[0]), 
                                        enif_make_double(env, adfGeoTransform[3])));

                terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env,
                                    enif_make_atom(env, "pixelSize"), 
                                        enif_make_double(env, adfGeoTransform[1]), 
                                        enif_make_double(env, adfGeoTransform[5])));

            if (GDALGetProjectionRef(in_ds) != NULL) {
                terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env,
                                    enif_make_atom(env, "projection"), 
                                        GDALGetProjectionRef(in_ds), ERL_NIF_LATIN1));

            char** fileList = GDALGetFileList(in_ds);
            if (fileList != NULL) {
                ERL_NIF_TERM fileTerms[16];
                int fileIdx = 0;
                char** files = fileList;

                do {
                    fileTerms[ fileIdx++ ] = enif_make_string(env, *files, ERL_NIF_LATIN1);
                } while(*(++files)) ;

                terms[idx++] = enif_make_tuple2(env,
                                    enif_make_atom(env, "fileList"),
                                    enif_make_list_from_array(env, fileTerms, fileIdx));

            return enif_make_list_from_array(env, terms, idx);
        else {
            return ATOM_NOT_OPEN;
    else {
        return enif_make_badarg(env);
Exemple #11
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	if( argc < 5 ) {
		return 1;
	int 	i, row, col;
	char	*in[MAXFILES];
	char	*out;
	int 	imgs_per_year;
	int		n_imgs;
	int 	n_null_pix;
	GDALRasterBandH hB[MAXFILES+1];
	float *l[MAXFILES+1];
	int nX, nY;

	out	 	= argv[1];

	printf("Loading input files:\n");
	n_imgs = argc - 2;
	for (i=0;i<n_imgs;i++){
		printf("%i / %i %s\r",i,n_imgs,argv[i+2]);
		in[i]	= argv[i+2];
		hD[i]	= GDALOpen(in[i],GA_ReadOnly);
		hDr[i]	= GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD[i]);
		hB[i]	= GDALGetRasterBand(hD[i],1);
		nX		= GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB[0]);
		l[i]	= (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB[0]);

	//Creating output file 
	hD[n_imgs] = GDALCreateCopy( hDr[0], out,hD[0],FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	hB[n_imgs] = GDALGetRasterBand(hD[n_imgs],1);
	l[n_imgs] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	//Accessing the data rowxrow
		for (i=0;i<n_imgs;i++){
		//Processing the data cellxcell
			if(l[i][col] < 0) l[n_imgs][col] = -28768 ;
				l[n_imgs][col] = 0.0;
				n_null_pix = 0;
				for (i=0;i<n_imgs;i++){
					if(l[i][col] > 1) n_null_pix++;
					else l[n_imgs][col] += l[i][col];
				l[n_imgs][col] /= (n_imgs - n_null_pix);
				l[n_imgs][col] *= 32000 ;
				/*to recover any positive pixel*/
				//	l[n_imgs][col]=1;
	for (i=0;i<n_imgs+1;i++){
		if( l[i] != NULL ) free( l[i] );
ossimProjection* ossimGdalProjectionFactory::createProjection(const ossimFilename& filename,
                                                             ossim_uint32 entryIdx)const
   ossimKeywordlist kwl;
   if(ossimString(filename).trim().empty()) return 0;
//    ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> h = new ossimGdalTileSource;
   GDALDatasetH  h = GDALOpen(filename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
   GDALDriverH   driverH = 0;
   ossimProjection* proj = 0;
      driverH = GDALGetDatasetDriver( h );
      ossimString driverName( driverH ? GDALGetDriverShortName( driverH ) : "" );
      // use OSSIM's projection loader for NITF
      if(driverName == "NITF")
         return 0;
      if(entryIdx != 0)
         char** papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( h, "SUBDATASETS" );

         // ??? (drb) Should this be:
         // if ( entryIdx >= CSLCount(papszMetadata) ) close...
         if( papszMetadata&&(CSLCount(papszMetadata) < static_cast<ossim_int32>(entryIdx)) )
            ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimGdalProjectionFactory::createProjection: We don't support multi entry handlers through the factory yet, only through the handler!";
            return 0;
            return 0;

      ossimString wkt(GDALGetProjectionRef( h ));
      double geoTransform[6];
      bool transOk = GDALGetGeoTransform( h, geoTransform ) == CE_None;
      bool wktTranslatorOk = wkt.empty()?false:wktTranslator.toOssimKwl(wkt, kwl);
         ossim_uint32 gcpCount = GDALGetGCPCount(h);
         if(gcpCount > 3)
            ossim_uint32 idx = 0;
            const GDAL_GCP* gcpList = GDALGetGCPs(h);
            ossimTieGptSet tieSet;
               for(idx = 0; idx < gcpCount; ++idx)
                  ossimDpt dpt(gcpList[idx].dfGCPPixel,
                  ossimGpt gpt(gcpList[idx].dfGCPY,
                  tieSet.addTiePoint(new ossimTieGpt(gpt, dpt, .5));

               //ossimPolynomProjection* tempProj = new ossimPolynomProjection;
               ossimBilinearProjection* tempProj = new ossimBilinearProjection;
			   //tempProj->setupOptimizer("1 x y x2 xy y2 x3 y3 xy2 x2y z xz yz");
               proj = tempProj;
      if ( transOk && proj==0 )
         ossimString proj_type(kwl.find(ossimKeywordNames::TYPE_KW));
         ossimString datum_type(kwl.find(ossimKeywordNames::DATUM_KW));
         ossimString units(kwl.find(ossimKeywordNames::UNITS_KW));
         if ( proj_type.trim().empty() &&
              (driverName == "MrSID" || driverName == "JP2MrSID") )
            bool bClose = true;
            // ESH 04/2008, #54: if no rotation factors use geographic system
            if( geoTransform[2] == 0.0 && geoTransform[4] == 0.0 )
               ossimString projTag( GDALGetMetadataItem( h, "IMG__PROJECTION_NAME", "" ) );
               if ( projTag.contains("Geographic") )
                  bClose = false;

                          "ossimEquDistCylProjection", true);
                  proj_type = kwl.find( ossimKeywordNames::TYPE_KW );

                  // Assign units if set in Metadata
                  ossimString unitTag( GDALGetMetadataItem( h, "IMG__HORIZONTAL_UNITS", "" ) );
                  if ( unitTag.contains("dd") ) // decimal degrees
                     units = "degrees";
                  else if ( unitTag.contains("dm") ) // decimal minutes
                     units = "minutes";
                  else if ( unitTag.contains("ds") ) // decimal seconds
                     units = "seconds";

            if ( bClose == true )
               return 0;

         // Pixel-is-point of pixel-is area affects the location of the tiepoint since OSSIM is
         // always pixel-is-point so 1/2 pixel shift may be necessary:
         if((driverName == "MrSID") || (driverName == "JP2MrSID") || (driverName == "AIG"))
            const char* rasterTypeStr = GDALGetMetadataItem( h, "GEOTIFF_CHAR__GTRasterTypeGeoKey", "" );
            ossimString rasterTypeTag( rasterTypeStr );

            // If the raster type is pixel_is_area, shift the tie point by
            // half a pixel to locate it at the pixel center.
            if ((driverName == "AIG") || (rasterTypeTag.contains("RasterPixelIsArea")))
               geoTransform[0] += fabs(geoTransform[1]) / 2.0;
               geoTransform[3] -= fabs(geoTransform[5]) / 2.0;
            // Conventionally, HFA stores the pixel alignment type for each band. Here assume all
            // bands are the same. Consider only the first band:
            GDALRasterBandH bBand = GDALGetRasterBand( h, 1 );
            char** papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( bBand, NULL );
            if (CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0)
               for(int i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                  ossimString metaStr = papszMetadata[i];
                  if (metaStr.contains("AREA_OR_POINT"))
                     ossimString pixel_is_point_or_area = metaStr.split("=")[1];
                     if (pixel_is_point_or_area.contains("AREA"))
                        // Need to shift the tie point so that pixel is point:
                        geoTransform[0] += fabs(geoTransform[1]) / 2.0;
                        geoTransform[3] -= fabs(geoTransform[5]) / 2.0;

         ossimDpt gsd(fabs(geoTransform[1]), fabs(geoTransform[5]));
         ossimDpt tie(geoTransform[0], geoTransform[3]);

         ossimUnitType savedUnitType =
         ossimUnitType unitType = savedUnitType;
         if(unitType == OSSIM_UNIT_UNKNOWN)
            unitType = OSSIM_METERS;

         if((proj_type == "ossimLlxyProjection") || (proj_type == "ossimEquDistCylProjection"))
            // ESH 09/2008 -- Add the orig_lat and central_lon if the image
            // is using geographic coordsys.  This is used to convert the
            // gsd to linear units.

            // Half the number of pixels in lon/lat directions
            int nPixelsLon = GDALGetRasterXSize(h)/2.0;
            int nPixelsLat = GDALGetRasterYSize(h)/2.0;

            // Shift from image corner to center in lon/lat
            double shiftLon =  nPixelsLon * fabs(gsd.x);
            double shiftLat = -nPixelsLat * fabs(gsd.y);

            // lon/lat of center pixel of the image
            double centerLon = tie.x + shiftLon;
            double centerLat = tie.y + shiftLat;




            if(savedUnitType == OSSIM_UNIT_UNKNOWN)
               unitType = OSSIM_DEGREES;


         std::stringstream mString;
         // store as a 4x4 matrix
         mString << ossimString::toString(geoTransform[1], 20)
                 << " " << ossimString::toString(geoTransform[2], 20)
                 << " " << 0 << " "
                 << ossimString::toString(geoTransform[0], 20)
                 << " " << ossimString::toString(geoTransform[4], 20)
                 << " " << ossimString::toString(geoTransform[5], 20)
                 << " " << 0 << " "
                 << ossimString::toString(geoTransform[3], 20)
                 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 1 << " " << 0
                 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 0 << " " << 1;

         kwl.add(ossimKeywordNames::IMAGE_MODEL_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_KW, mString.str().c_str(), true);

         // SPECIAL CASE:  ArcGrid in British National Grid
         if(driverName == "AIG" && datum_type == "OSGB_1936")
            ossimFilename prj_file = filename.path() + "/prj.adf";

               ossimKeywordlist prj_kwl(' ');

               ossimString proj = prj_kwl.find("Projection");

               // Reset projection and Datum correctly for BNG.

                          "ossimBngProjection", true);

                  ossimString datum  = prj_kwl.find("Datum");

                  if(datum != "")
                     if(datum == "OGB_A")
                        datum = "OGB-A";
                     else if(datum == "OGB_B")
                        datum = "OGB-B";
                     else if(datum == "OGB_C")
                        datum = "OGB-C";
                     else if(datum == "OGB_D")
                        datum = "OGB-D";
                     else if(datum == "OGB_M")
                        datum = "OGB-M";
                     else if(datum == "OGB_7")
                        datum = "OGB-7";

                             datum, true);
		 ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "ossimGdalProjectionFactory: createProjection KWL = \n " << kwl << std::endl;
      proj = ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::instance()->createProjection(kwl);

   return proj;
Exemple #13
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    GDALDatasetH	hDataset;
    GDALRasterBandH	hBand;
    int			i, iBand;
    double		adfGeoTransform[6];
    GDALDriverH		hDriver;
    char		**papszMetadata;
    int                 bComputeMinMax = FALSE, bSample = FALSE;
    int                 bShowGCPs = TRUE, bShowMetadata = TRUE, bShowRAT=TRUE;
    int                 bStats = FALSE, bApproxStats = TRUE, iMDD;
    int                 bShowColorTable = TRUE, bComputeChecksum = FALSE;
    int                 bReportHistograms = FALSE;
    const char          *pszFilename = NULL;
    char              **papszExtraMDDomains = NULL, **papszFileList;
    const char  *pszProjection = NULL;
    OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform = NULL;

    /* Check that we are running against at least GDAL 1.5 */
    /* Note to developers : if we use newer API, please change the requirement */
    if (atoi(GDALVersionInfo("VERSION_NUM")) < 1500)
        fprintf(stderr, "At least, GDAL >= 1.5.0 is required for this version of %s, "
                "which was compiled against GDAL %s\n", argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME);

    /* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */
    /* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */
    /* for the --format or --formats options */
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") && i + 2 < argc && EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP") )
            CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );

            i += 2;


    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 );
    if( argc < 1 )
        exit( -argc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version") )
            printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n",
                   argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"));
            return 0;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm") )
            bComputeMinMax = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist") )
            bReportHistograms = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats") )
            bStats = TRUE;
            bApproxStats = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats") )
            bStats = TRUE;
            bApproxStats = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-sample") )
            bSample = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum") )
            bComputeChecksum = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp") )
            bShowGCPs = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd") )
            bShowMetadata = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat") )
            bShowRAT = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct") )
            bShowColorTable = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") && i < argc-1 )
            papszExtraMDDomains = CSLAddString( papszExtraMDDomains,
                                                argv[++i] );
        else if( argv[i][0] == '-' )
        else if( pszFilename == NULL )
            pszFilename = argv[i];

    if( pszFilename == NULL )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open dataset.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = GDALOpen( pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hDataset == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr,
                 "gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'.\n",
                 pszFilename );

        CSLDestroy( argv );
        GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );


        CPLDumpSharedList( NULL );

        exit( 1 );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report general info.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset );
    printf( "Driver: %s/%s\n",
            GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ),
            GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) );

    papszFileList = GDALGetFileList( hDataset );
    if( CSLCount(papszFileList) == 0 )
        printf( "Files: none associated\n" );
        printf( "Files: %s\n", papszFileList[0] );
        for( i = 1; papszFileList[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "       %s\n", papszFileList[i] );
    CSLDestroy( papszFileList );

    printf( "Size is %d, %d\n",
            GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset ), 
            GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report projection.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) != NULL )
        OGRSpatialReferenceH  hSRS;
        char		      *pszProjection;

        pszProjection = (char *) GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset );

        hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
        if( OSRImportFromWkt( hSRS, &pszProjection ) == CE_None )
            char	*pszPrettyWkt = NULL;

            OSRExportToPrettyWkt( hSRS, &pszPrettyWkt, FALSE );
            printf( "Coordinate System is:\n%s\n", pszPrettyWkt );
            CPLFree( pszPrettyWkt );
            printf( "Coordinate System is `%s'\n",
                    GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) );

        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSRS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        if( adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 && adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0 )
            printf( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)\n",
                    adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] );

            printf( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)\n",
                    adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] );
            printf( "GeoTransform =\n"
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n"
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n", 
                    adfGeoTransform[5] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bShowGCPs && GDALGetGCPCount( hDataset ) > 0 )
        if (GDALGetGCPProjection(hDataset) != NULL)
            OGRSpatialReferenceH  hSRS;
            char		      *pszProjection;

            pszProjection = (char *) GDALGetGCPProjection( hDataset );

            hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
            if( OSRImportFromWkt( hSRS, &pszProjection ) == CE_None )
                char	*pszPrettyWkt = NULL;

                OSRExportToPrettyWkt( hSRS, &pszPrettyWkt, FALSE );
                printf( "GCP Projection = \n%s\n", pszPrettyWkt );
                CPLFree( pszPrettyWkt );
                printf( "GCP Projection = %s\n",
                        GDALGetGCPProjection( hDataset ) );

            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSRS );

        for( i = 0; i < GDALGetGCPCount(hDataset); i++ )
            const GDAL_GCP	*psGCP;
            psGCP = GDALGetGCPs( hDataset ) + i;

            printf( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n"
                    "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)\n", 
                    i, psGCP->pszId, psGCP->pszInfo, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPPixel, psGCP->dfGCPLine, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPX, psGCP->dfGCPY, psGCP->dfGCPZ );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report metadata.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, NULL ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

    for( iMDD = 0; bShowMetadata && iMDD < CSLCount(papszExtraMDDomains); iMDD++ )
        papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, papszExtraMDDomains[iMDD] );
        if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
            printf( "Metadata (%s):\n", papszExtraMDDomains[iMDD]);
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Image Structure Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "SUBDATASETS" );
    if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Subdatasets:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report geolocation.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "GEOLOCATION" ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Geolocation:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report RPCs                                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "RPC" ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "RPC Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        pszProjection = GDALGetProjectionRef(hDataset);

    if( pszProjection != NULL && strlen(pszProjection) > 0 )
        OGRSpatialReferenceH hProj, hLatLong = NULL;

        hProj = OSRNewSpatialReference( pszProjection );
        if( hProj != NULL )
            hLatLong = OSRCloneGeogCS( hProj );

        if( hLatLong != NULL )
            CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
            hTransform = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( hProj, hLatLong );
            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hLatLong );

        if( hProj != NULL )
            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hProj );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report corners.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    printf( "Corner Coordinates:\n" );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", 
                          0.0, 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", 
                          0.0, GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset));
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset) );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)/2.0 );

    if( hTransform != NULL )
        OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( hTransform );
        hTransform = NULL;
/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iBand = 0; iBand < GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset ); iBand++ )
        double      dfMin, dfMax, adfCMinMax[2], dfNoData;
        int         bGotMin, bGotMax, bGotNodata, bSuccess;
        int         nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, nMaskFlags;
        double      dfMean, dfStdDev;
        GDALColorTableH	hTable;
        CPLErr      eErr;

        hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, iBand+1 );

        if( bSample )
            float afSample[10000];
            int   nCount;

            nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
            printf( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );
        GDALGetBlockSize( hBand, &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );
        printf( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s\n", iBand+1,
                nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                    GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand)) );

        if( GDALGetDescription( hBand ) != NULL 
            && strlen(GDALGetDescription( hBand )) > 0 )
            printf( "  Description = %s\n", GDALGetDescription(hBand) );

        dfMin = GDALGetRasterMinimum( hBand, &bGotMin );
        dfMax = GDALGetRasterMaximum( hBand, &bGotMax );
        if( bGotMin || bGotMax || bComputeMinMax )
            printf( "  " );
            if( bGotMin )
                printf( "Min=%.3f ", dfMin );
            if( bGotMax )
                printf( "Max=%.3f ", dfMax );
            if( bComputeMinMax )
                GDALComputeRasterMinMax( hBand, FALSE, adfCMinMax );
                if (CPLGetLastErrorType() == CE_None)
                  printf( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f", 
                          adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] );

            printf( "\n" );

        eErr = GDALGetRasterStatistics( hBand, bApproxStats, bStats, 
                                        &dfMin, &dfMax, &dfMean, &dfStdDev );
        if( eErr == CE_None )
            printf( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f\n",
                    dfMin, dfMax, dfMean, dfStdDev );

        if( bReportHistograms )
            int nBucketCount, *panHistogram = NULL;

            eErr = GDALGetDefaultHistogram( hBand, &dfMin, &dfMax, 
                                            &nBucketCount, &panHistogram, 
                                            TRUE, GDALTermProgress, NULL );
            if( eErr == CE_None )
                int iBucket;

                printf( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:\n  ",
                        nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax );
                for( iBucket = 0; iBucket < nBucketCount; iBucket++ )
                    printf( "%d ", panHistogram[iBucket] );
                printf( "\n" );
                CPLFree( panHistogram );

        if ( bComputeChecksum)
            printf( "  Checksum=%d\n",
                    GDALChecksumImage(hBand, 0, 0,

        dfNoData = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( hBand, &bGotNodata );
        if( bGotNodata )
            printf( "  NoData Value=%.18g\n", dfNoData );

        if( GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand) > 0 )
            int		iOverview;

            printf( "  Overviews: " );
            for( iOverview = 0; 
                 iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand);
                 iOverview++ )
                GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;
                const char *pszResampling = NULL;

                if( iOverview != 0 )
                    printf( ", " );

                hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hBand, iOverview );
                printf( "%dx%d", 
                        GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hOverview ),
                        GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hOverview ) );

                pszResampling = 
                    GDALGetMetadataItem( hOverview, "RESAMPLING", "" );

                if( pszResampling != NULL 
                    && EQUALN(pszResampling,"AVERAGE_BIT2",12) )
                    printf( "*" );
            printf( "\n" );

            if ( bComputeChecksum)
                printf( "  Overviews checksum: " );
                for( iOverview = 0; 
                    iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand);
                    iOverview++ )
                    GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;

                    if( iOverview != 0 )
                        printf( ", " );

                    hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hBand, iOverview );
                    printf( "%d",
                            GDALChecksumImage(hOverview, 0, 0,
                printf( "\n" );

        if( GDALHasArbitraryOverviews( hBand ) )
            printf( "  Overviews: arbitrary\n" );
        nMaskFlags = GDALGetMaskFlags( hBand );
        if( (nMaskFlags & (GMF_NODATA|GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0 )
            GDALRasterBandH hMaskBand = GDALGetMaskBand(hBand) ;

            printf( "  Mask Flags: " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_PER_DATASET )
                printf( "PER_DATASET " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_ALPHA )
                printf( "ALPHA " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_NODATA )
                printf( "NODATA " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_ALL_VALID )
                printf( "ALL_VALID " );
            printf( "\n" );

            if( hMaskBand != NULL &&
                GDALGetOverviewCount(hMaskBand) > 0 )
                int		iOverview;

                printf( "  Overviews of mask band: " );
                for( iOverview = 0; 
                     iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hMaskBand);
                     iOverview++ )
                    GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;

                    if( iOverview != 0 )
                        printf( ", " );

                    hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hMaskBand, iOverview );
                    printf( "%dx%d", 
                            GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hOverview ),
                            GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hOverview ) );
                printf( "\n" );

        if( strlen(GDALGetRasterUnitType(hBand)) > 0 )
            printf( "  Unit Type: %s\n", GDALGetRasterUnitType(hBand) );

        if( GDALGetRasterCategoryNames(hBand) != NULL )
            char **papszCategories = GDALGetRasterCategoryNames(hBand);
            int i;

            printf( "  Categories:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszCategories[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "    %3d: %s\n", i, papszCategories[i] );

        if( GDALGetRasterScale( hBand, &bSuccess ) != 1.0 
            || GDALGetRasterOffset( hBand, &bSuccess ) != 0.0 )
            printf( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g\n",
                    GDALGetRasterOffset( hBand, &bSuccess ),
                    GDALGetRasterScale( hBand, &bSuccess ) );

        papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hBand, NULL ) : NULL;
        if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
            printf( "  Metadata:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "    %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

        papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hBand, "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" ) : NULL;
        if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
            printf( "  Image Structure Metadata:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "    %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

        if( GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand) == GCI_PaletteIndex 
            && (hTable = GDALGetRasterColorTable( hBand )) != NULL )
            int			i;

            printf( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)\n", 
                        GDALGetPaletteInterpretation( hTable )), 
                    GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ) );

            if (bShowColorTable)
                for( i = 0; i < GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ); i++ )
                    GDALColorEntry	sEntry;
                    GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( hTable, i, &sEntry );
                    printf( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d\n", 
                            sEntry.c4 );

        if( bShowRAT && GDALGetDefaultRAT( hBand ) != NULL )
            GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT = GDALGetDefaultRAT( hBand );
            GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, NULL );

    GDALClose( hDataset );
    CSLDestroy( papszExtraMDDomains );
    CSLDestroy( argv );
    GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );


    CPLDumpSharedList( NULL );

    exit( 0 );
Exemple #14
 * This routine just queries the GDAL raster file for all the metadata
 * that can be squeezed out of it.
 * The resulting matlab structure is by necessity nested.  Each raster
 * file can have several bands, e.g. PNG files usually have 3, a red, a
 * blue, and a green channel.  Each band can have several overviews (tiffs
 * come to mind here).
 * Fields:
 *    ProjectionRef:  a string describing the projection.  Not parsed.
 *    GeoTransform:
 *        a 6-tuple.  Entries are as follows.
 *            [0] --> top left x
 *            [1] --> w-e pixel resolution
 *            [2] --> rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
 *            [3] --> top left y
 *            [4] --> rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
 *            [5] --> n-s pixel resolution
 *    DriverShortName:  describes the driver used to query *this* raster file
 *    DriverLongName:  describes the driver used to query *this* raster file
 *    RasterXSize, RasterYSize:
 *        These are the primary dimensions of the raster.  See "Overview", though.
 *    RasterCount:
 *        Number of raster bands present in the file.
 *    Driver:
 *        This itself is a structure array.  Each element describes a driver
 *        that the locally compiled GDAL library has available.  So you recompile
 *        GDAL with new format support, this structure will change.
 *        Fields:
 *            DriverShortName, DriverLongName:
 *                Same as fields in top level structure with same name.
 *    Band:
 *        Also a structure array.  One element for each raster band present in
 *        the GDAL file.  See "RasterCount".
 *        Fields:
 *            XSize, YSize:
 *                Dimensions of the current raster band.
 *            Overview:
 *                A structure array, one element for each overview present.  If
 *                empty, then there are no overviews.
 *            NoDataValue:
 *                When passed back to MATLAB, one can set pixels with this value to NaN.
 *            ColorMap:
 *                A Mx3 double array with the colormap, or empty if it does not exists
 * */
mxArray *populate_metadata_struct (GDALDatasetH hDataset, int correct_bounds) {

	/* These are used to define the metadata structure about available GDAL drivers. */
	mxArray *mxtmp;
	mxArray *mxProjectionRef;
	mxArray *mxGeoTransform;
	mxArray *mxGDALDriverShortName;
	mxArray *mxGDALDriverLongName;
	mxArray *mxGDALRasterCount;
	mxArray *mxGDALRasterXSize;
	mxArray *mxGDALRasterYSize;
	mxArray *mxCorners;
	mxArray *mxGMT_header;

	 * These will be matlab structures that hold the metadata.
	 * "metadata_struct" actually encompasses "band_struct",
	 * which encompasses "overview_struct"
	 * */
	mxArray *metadata_struct;
	mxArray *band_struct;
	mxArray *overview_struct;
	mxArray *corner_struct;

	int	overview, band_number;	/* Loop indices */
	double	*dptr;			/* short cut to the mxArray data */
	double	*dptr2;			/*        ""           */

	GDALDriverH hDriver;		/* This is the driver chosen by the GDAL library to query the dataset. */
	GDALRasterBandH hBand, overview_hBand;

	int num_overview_fields;	/* Number of metadata items for each overview structure. */
	int status;			/* success or failure */
	double 	adfGeoTransform[6];	/* bounds on the dataset */
	int num_overviews;		/* Number of overviews in the current band. */
	int num_struct_fields;		/* number of fields in the metadata structures. */
	int num_band_fields;
	int num_corner_fields;
	char *fieldnames[100];		/* this array contains the names of the fields of the metadata structure. */
	char *band_fieldnames[100];
	char *corner_fieldnames[100];
	char *overview_fieldnames[100];
	int xSize, ySize, raster_count; /* Dimensions of the dataset */
	int gdal_type;			/* Datatype of the bands. */
	double tmpdble;			/* temporary value */
	double	xy_c[2];		/* Corner coordinates */
	int	dims[2];
	int	bGotMin, bGotMax;	/* To know if driver transmited Min/Max */
	double	adfMinMax[2];		/* Dataset Min Max */
	double	z_min = 1e50, z_max = -1e50;

	/* Create the metadata structure. Just one element, with XXX fields. */
	num_struct_fields = 10;
	fieldnames[0] = strdup ("ProjectionRef");
	fieldnames[1] = strdup ("GeoTransform");
	fieldnames[2] = strdup ("DriverShortName");
	fieldnames[3] = strdup ("DriverLongName");
	fieldnames[4] = strdup ("RasterXSize");
	fieldnames[5] = strdup ("RasterYSize");
	fieldnames[6] = strdup ("RasterCount");
	fieldnames[7] = strdup ("Band");
	fieldnames[8] = strdup ("Corners");
	fieldnames[9] = strdup("GMT_hdr");
	metadata_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix ( 1, 1, num_struct_fields, (const char **)fieldnames );

	/* Record the ProjectionRef. */
	mxProjectionRef = mxCreateString ( GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, "ProjectionRef", mxProjectionRef );

	/* Record the geotransform. */
	mxGeoTransform = mxCreateNumericMatrix ( 6, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
	dptr = mxGetPr ( mxGeoTransform );

	if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None ) {
		dptr[0] = adfGeoTransform[0];
		dptr[1] = adfGeoTransform[1];
		dptr[2] = adfGeoTransform[2];
		dptr[3] = adfGeoTransform[3];
		dptr[4] = adfGeoTransform[4];
		dptr[5] = adfGeoTransform[5];
		mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, "GeoTransform", mxGeoTransform );

	/* Get driver information */
	hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset );

	mxGDALDriverShortName = mxCreateString ( GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ) );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "DriverShortName", mxGDALDriverShortName );

	mxGDALDriverLongName = mxCreateString ( GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "DriverLongName", mxGDALDriverLongName );

	xSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset );
	ySize = GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset );
	mxGDALRasterXSize = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) xSize );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "RasterXSize", mxGDALRasterXSize );

	mxGDALRasterYSize = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) ySize );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "RasterYSize", mxGDALRasterYSize );

	raster_count = GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset );
	mxGDALRasterCount = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double)raster_count );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "RasterCount", mxGDALRasterCount );

	/* Get the metadata for each band. */
	num_band_fields = 5;
	band_fieldnames[0] = strdup ( "XSize" );
	band_fieldnames[1] = strdup ( "YSize" );
	band_fieldnames[2] = strdup ( "Overview" );
	band_fieldnames[3] = strdup ( "NoDataValue" );
	band_fieldnames[4] = strdup ( "DataType" );
	band_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix ( raster_count, 1, num_band_fields, (const char **)band_fieldnames );

	num_overview_fields = 2;
	overview_fieldnames[0] = strdup ( "XSize" );
	overview_fieldnames[1] = strdup ( "YSize" );
	for ( band_number = 1; band_number <= raster_count; ++band_number ) {	/* Loop over bands */

		hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, band_number );

		mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBand ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "XSize", mxtmp );

		mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBand ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "YSize", mxtmp );
		gdal_type = GDALGetRasterDataType ( hBand );
		mxtmp = mxCreateString ( GDALGetDataTypeName ( (GDALDataType)gdal_type ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, (const char *) "DataType", mxtmp );

		tmpdble = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue ( hBand, &status );
		mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) (GDALGetRasterNoDataValue ( hBand, &status ) ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "NoDataValue", mxtmp );
		num_overviews = GDALGetOverviewCount( hBand );	/* Can have multiple overviews per band. */
		if ( num_overviews > 0 ) {

			overview_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix ( num_overviews, 1, num_overview_fields,
						(const char **)overview_fieldnames );
			for ( overview = 0; overview < num_overviews; ++overview ) {
				overview_hBand = GDALGetOverview ( hBand, overview );
				xSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize ( overview_hBand );
				mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( xSize );
				mxSetField ( overview_struct, overview, "XSize", mxtmp );
				ySize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize ( overview_hBand );
				mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( ySize );
				mxSetField ( overview_struct, overview, "YSize", mxtmp );
			mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "Overview", overview_struct );

	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, "Band", band_struct );

	/* Record the GMT header. This will be interleaved with "corners" because they share somes values */
	mxGMT_header = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 9, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr2 = mxGetPr(mxGMT_header);

	/* Record corners. */
	num_corner_fields = 4;
	corner_fieldnames[0] = strdup ("LL");
	corner_fieldnames[1] = strdup ("UL");
	corner_fieldnames[2] = strdup ("UR");
	corner_fieldnames[3] = strdup ("LR");

	corner_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, num_corner_fields, (const char **)corner_fieldnames);
	dims[0] = 1;	 dims[1] = 2;

	ReportCorner(hDataset, 0.0, GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset), xy_c);	/* Lower Left */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	dptr2[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr2[2] = xy_c[1];	/* xmin, ymin */
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "LL", mxCorners );

	ReportCorner(hDataset, 0.0, 0.0, xy_c);					/* Upper Left */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "UL", mxCorners );

	ReportCorner(hDataset, GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), 0.0, xy_c);	/* Upper Rigt */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	dptr2[1] = xy_c[0];		dptr2[3] = xy_c[1];	/* xmax, ymax */
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "UR", mxCorners );

	ReportCorner(hDataset, GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset), xy_c);	/* Lower Rigt */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "LR", mxCorners );

	mxSetField (metadata_struct, 0, "Corners", corner_struct);

	/* Fill in the rest of the GMT header values */
	if (z_min == 1e50) {		/* We don't know yet the dataset Min/Max */
		adfMinMax[0] = GDALGetRasterMinimum( hBand, &bGotMin );
		adfMinMax[1] = GDALGetRasterMaximum( hBand, &bGotMax );
		if(!(bGotMin && bGotMax))
			GDALComputeRasterMinMax( hBand, TRUE, adfMinMax );
		dptr2[4] = adfMinMax[0];
		dptr2[5] = adfMinMax[1];
	else {
		dptr2[4] = z_min;
		dptr2[5] = z_max;

	dptr2[6] = 0;
	dptr2[7] = adfGeoTransform[1];
	dptr2[8] = fabs(adfGeoTransform[5]);

	if (correct_bounds) {
		dptr2[0] += dptr2[7] / 2;	dptr2[1] -= dptr2[7] / 2;
		dptr2[2] += dptr2[8] / 2;	dptr2[3] -= dptr2[8] / 2;

	mxSetField (metadata_struct, 0, "GMT_hdr", mxGMT_header);

	return ( metadata_struct );
Exemple #15
double *DEM_LOADER(char *DEMfilename, DataCell ***grid, char *modeltype) {
	Accepts a file name and a null data grid
	Checks for validity of raster file
	loads raster file metadata into array (DEMGeoTransform)
	Loads Raster Data into Global Data Grid depending on Raster Type given:
		TOPOG: Digital Elevation Model, put into DEMgrid.dem_elev
		T_UNC: DEM Uncertainty        , put into DEMgrid.elev_uncert
		RESID: Flow Residual Thickness, put into DEMgrid.residual
	passes data grid back through a pointer
	returns metadata array, or a NULL Double for errors
	GDALDatasetH    DEMDataset;/*The raster file*/
	GDALDriverH     DEMDriver; /*essentially the raster File Type*/
	GDALRasterBandH DEMBand;
	double          *DEMGeoTransform;
	float           *pafScanline;
	//DataCell        **DEMgrid;
	//DataCell	fu[5][5];

	unsigned        YOff;
	unsigned        i,j;
	float           k;
	if((DEMGeoTransform = malloc (sizeof (double) * 6))==NULL) {
		        "ERROR [DEM_LOADER]: Out of Memory creating Metadata Array!\n");
		return (double*) NULL;
	/*DEMGeoTransform[0] lower left x
	  DEMGeoTransform[1] w-e pixel resolution
	  DEMGeoTransform[2] number of cols, assigned manually in this module 
	  DEMGeoTransform[3] lower left y
	  DEMGeoTransform[4] number of lines, assigned manually in this module
	  DEMGeoTransform[5] n-s pixel resolution (negative value) */
	/*Open DEM raster file*/
	DEMDataset = GDALOpen( DEMfilename, GA_ReadOnly );
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR [DEM_LOADER]: DEM file could not be loaded!\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"  File:  %s\n", DEMfilename);
		return((double*) NULL);
	/*Make sure Projection metadata is valid (that the raster is a valid raster)*/
	if( GDALGetProjectionRef( DEMDataset ) == NULL )
		        "ERROR [DEM_LOADER]: DEM Projection metadata could not be read!\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"  File:  %s\n", DEMfilename);
		return((double*) NULL);
	/*Read DEM raster metadata into DEMGeoTransform*/
	if( GDALGetGeoTransform( DEMDataset, DEMGeoTransform ) != CE_None )
		      "ERROR [DEM_LOADER]: DEM GeoTransform metadata could not be read!\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"  File:  %s\n", DEMfilename);
		return((double*) NULL);
	/*Find out the raster type (e.g. tiff, netcdf)*/
	DEMDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( DEMDataset );
	/*Modify Metadata for use in this program*/
	DEMGeoTransform[5] = -1 * DEMGeoTransform[5]; /*row height*/
	/*DEMGeoTransform[1]; col width*/
	DEMGeoTransform[4] = GDALGetRasterYSize( DEMDataset ); /*number of rows*/
	DEMGeoTransform[2] = GDALGetRasterXSize( DEMDataset ); /*number of cols*/
	DEMGeoTransform[3] -= (DEMGeoTransform[5] * DEMGeoTransform[4]);/*Lower left Y value*/
	/*DEMGeoTransform[0]; Lower left X value*/
	/*Output DEM metadata to the screen*/
	        "\nRaster read from %s file successfully.\n\nraster information:\n",
	       GDALGetDriverLongName( DEMDriver ) );
	fprintf(stdout,"  File:              %s\n", DEMfilename);
	fprintf(stdout,"  Lower Left Origin: (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
	       DEMGeoTransform[0], DEMGeoTransform[3]);
	fprintf(stdout,"  GMT Range Code:    -R%.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f\n",
	fprintf(stdout,"  Pixel Size:        (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
	       DEMGeoTransform[5], DEMGeoTransform[1]);
	fprintf(stdout,"  Grid Size:         (%u,%u)\n",
	       (unsigned) DEMGeoTransform[4], (unsigned) DEMGeoTransform[2]);
	/*Create 2D global data grid from DEM information*/
	        "\nAllocating Memory for Global Data Grid of dimensions [%u]x[%u].\n",
	       (unsigned) DEMGeoTransform[4], (unsigned) DEMGeoTransform[2]);
	/*allocate memory for data grid*/
	if((!strcmp(modeltype,"TOPOG")) || (!strcmp(modeltype,"DENSITY"))) {
		*grid = (DataCell**) GC_MALLOC((size_t)(DEMGeoTransform[4])*sizeof(DataCell*));
		if (*grid==NULL){
			    "   NO MORE MEMORY: Tried to allocate memory for %u Rows!! Exiting\n",
		for(i=0;i < DEMGeoTransform[2]; i++){
			*(*grid+i) = (DataCell*) GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC((size_t)(DEMGeoTransform[2]) * sizeof(DataCell) );
			if (*(*grid+i)==NULL) {
			    "   NO MORE MEMORY: Tried to allocate memory for %u Cols!! Exiting\n",
				     (int) DEMGeoTransform[2]);
	//DEMgrid = *grid; Assign pointer position to DEMgrid variable
	/*Load elevation information into DEMBand. DEM should be only band in raster*/
	DEMBand = GDALGetRasterBand(DEMDataset, 1);
	/*Allocate memory the length of a single row in the DEM*/
	pafScanline = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*DEMGeoTransform[2]);
	if(!strcmp(modeltype,"TOPOG")) {
		fprintf(stdout,"              Loading DEM into Global Data Grid...\n");
		for(i=0;i<DEMGeoTransform[4];i++) { /*For each row*/
			/*calculate row so bottom row is read into data array first*/
			YOff = (DEMGeoTransform[4]-1) - i;
			/*Read elevation data from row in input raster*/
			if((GDALRasterIO(DEMBand, GF_Read, 0, YOff, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, 
					             pafScanline, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0))
				 != CE_None) {
				       "\nERROR [DEM_LOADER]: DEM Elevation Data could not be read!\n");
				fprintf(stdout,"  File:  %s\n", DEMfilename);
				return((double*) NULL);
			/*Status Bar*/
			if((i%50)==0) {
					if (k<i) fprintf(stdout,"=");
					else if((k-((DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)/60))<i) fprintf(stdout,">");
					else fprintf(stdout," ");
				} fprintf(stdout,"| %3d%%",(int) (100*i/(DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)));
			/*Write elevation data column by column into 2D array using DEMgrid variable*/
			for(j=0;j<DEMGeoTransform[2];j++) {
				(*(*grid+i)+j)->dem_elev = pafScanline[j];
				//Initialize a few more variables here
				(*(*grid+i)+j)->active = 0;
				(*(*grid+i)+j)->hit_count = 0;
	else if(strcmp(modeltype,"RESID")==0) {
		  "              Loading RESIDUAL THICKNESS MODEL into Global Data Grid...\n");
		//DEMgrid = *grid; /*Assign pointer position to DEMgrid variable*/
		for(i=0;i<(DEMGeoTransform[4]);i++) { /*For each row*/
			/*calculate row so bottom row is read into data array first*/
			YOff = (DEMGeoTransform[4]-1) - i;
			/*Read elevation data from row in input raster*/
			if((GDALRasterIO(DEMBand, GF_Read, 0, YOff, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, 
					             pafScanline, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0))
				 != CE_None) {
				  "\nERROR [DEM_LOADER]: Residual Thickness Data (raster) could not be read!\n");
				fprintf(stderr,"  File:  %s\n", DEMfilename);
				return((double*) NULL);
			/*Status Bar*/
			if((i%50)==0) {
					if (k<i) fprintf(stdout,"=");
					else if((k-((DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)/60))<i) fprintf(stdout,">");
					else fprintf(stdout," ");
				} fprintf(stdout,"| %3d%%",(int) (100*i/(DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)));
			/*Write elevation data column by column into 2D array using DEMgrid variable*/
			for(j=0;j<DEMGeoTransform[2];j++) {
				(*(*grid+i)+j)->residual = pafScanline[j];
	else if(strcmp(modeltype,"T_UNC")==0) {
		  "              Loading ELEVATION UNCERTAINTY into Global Data Grid...\n");
		//DEMgrid = *grid; /*Assign pointer position to DEMgrid variable*/
		for(i=0;i<DEMGeoTransform[4];i++) { /*For each row*/
			/*calculate row so bottom row is read into data array first*/
			YOff = (DEMGeoTransform[4]-1) - i;
			/*Read elevation data from row in input raster*/
			if((GDALRasterIO(DEMBand, GF_Read, 0, YOff, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, 
					             pafScanline, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0))
				 != CE_None) {
				fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR [DEM_LOADER]: Elevation Uncertainty Data (raster) could not be read!\n");
				fprintf(stderr,"  File:  %s\n", DEMfilename);
				return((double*) NULL);
			/*Status Bar*/
			if((i%50)==0) {
					if (k<i) fprintf(stdout,"=");
					else if((k-((DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)/60))<i) fprintf(stdout,">");
					else fprintf(stdout," ");
				} fprintf(stdout,"| %3d%%",(int) (100*i/(DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)));
			/*Write elevation data column by column into 2D array using DEMgrid variable*/
			for(j=0;j<DEMGeoTransform[2];j++) {
				(*(*grid+i)+j)->elev_uncert = pafScanline[j];
	else if(!strcmp(modeltype,"DENSITY")) {
		fprintf(stdout,"              Loading Spatial Density Map into Data Grid...\n");
		for(i=0;i<DEMGeoTransform[4];i++) { /*For each row*/
			/*calculate row so bottom row is read into data array first*/
			YOff = (DEMGeoTransform[4]-1) - i;
			/*Read elevation data from row in input raster*/
			if((GDALRasterIO(DEMBand, GF_Read, 0, YOff, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, 
					             pafScanline, DEMGeoTransform[2], 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0))
				 != CE_None) {
				fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR [DEM_LOADER]: DEM Elevation Data could not be read!\n");
				fprintf(stderr,"  File:  %s\n", DEMfilename);
				return((double*) NULL);
			/*Status Bar*/
			if((i%50)==0) {
					if (k<i) fprintf(stdout,"=");
					else if((k-((DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)/60))<i) fprintf(stdout,">");
					else fprintf(stdout," ");
				} fprintf(stdout,"| %3d%%",(int) (100*i/(DEMGeoTransform[4]-1)));
			/*Write elevation data column by column into 2D array using DEMgrid variable*/
			for(j=0;j<DEMGeoTransform[2];j++) {
				(*(*grid+i)+j)->prob = pafScanline[j];
	else {
		fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR [DEM_LOADER]: Modeltype '%s' not known!\n", modeltype);
		return((double*) NULL);
	fprintf(stdout,"\r==========================================================:)| 100%%");
	fprintf(stdout,"\n                        Raster Loaded.\n\n");

Exemple #16
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	if( argc < 3 ) {
		return 1;
	//Loading the input files names
	char	*inB1	 	= argv[1]; //ETpotd
	char	*inB2	 	= argv[2]; //ETa
	char	*inB3	 	= argv[3]; //FC
	char	*taF	 	= argv[4]; //Ta Gap Outfile
	//Loading the input files
	GDALDatasetH hD1 = GDALOpen(inB1,GA_ReadOnly);//ETpotd
	GDALDatasetH hD2 = GDALOpen(inB2,GA_ReadOnly);//ETa
	GDALDatasetH hD3 = GDALOpen(inB3,GA_ReadOnly);//FC
		printf("One or more input files ");
		printf("could not be loaded\n");
	//Loading the file infos
	GDALDriverH hDr1 = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD1);
	GDALDatasetH hDOut = GDALCreateCopy(hDr1,taF,hD1,FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	GDALRasterBandH hBOut = GDALGetRasterBand(hDOut,1);
	GDALRasterBandH hB1 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD1,1);//ETpotd
	GDALRasterBandH hB2 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD2,1);//ETa
	GDALRasterBandH hB3 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD3,1);//FC
	int nX = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB1);
	int nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB1);
	int N = nX*nY;
	float *l1 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *l2 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	short int *l3 = (short int *) malloc(sizeof(short int)*N);
	float *lOut = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	int rowcol;
	#pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
	private (rowcol) shared (N, l1, l2, l3, lOut)
		if(l1[rowcol] < 0 || l2[rowcol] < 0
		|| l3[rowcol] < 0) lOut[rowcol] = -28768;
		//FC is in percentage
		lOut[rowcol] = (l1[rowcol] - l2[rowcol]) * l3[rowcol] / 100.0;
	#pragma omp barrier
	if( l1 != NULL ) free( l1 );
	if( l2 != NULL ) free( l2 );
	if( l3 != NULL ) free( l3 );
Exemple #17
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
      	if( argc < 9 ) {
		return 1;
	char	*inB1 		= argv[1]; //Albedo
	char	*inB2	 	= argv[2]; //Sunza
	char	*inB3		= argv[3]; //e0-1-b31
	char	*inB4		= argv[4]; //e0-2-b32
	char	*inB5		= argv[5]; //LST
	char	*inB6		= argv[6]; //DEM
	char	*rnetF	 	= argv[7];
	float	doy		= atof( argv[8] );
	float	tmax	 	= atof( argv[9] );

	//MDB Farm A
// 	double phase_max=sin(2*3.1415927*(doy+365/3.3)/365);
// 	tmax=31.17+(36.9-24.1)/2*((1+1/3+1/5+1/7)*phase_max);
// // 	double phase_min=sin(2*PI*(doy+365/3.5)/365);
// // 	double tmin=31.17+(36.9-24.1)/2*((1+1/3+1/5+1/7)*phase_min);

	//Convert Tmax from C to K
// 	if(tmax<100.0) tmax+=273.15;

// 	printf("\ndoy\t= %7.2f\ntmax\t= %7.2f\n\n",doy, tmax);

	GDALDatasetH hD1 = GDALOpen(inB1,GA_ReadOnly);//Albedo
	GDALDatasetH hD2 = GDALOpen(inB2,GA_ReadOnly);//Sunza
	GDALDatasetH hD3 = GDALOpen(inB3,GA_ReadOnly);//e31
	GDALDatasetH hD4 = GDALOpen(inB4,GA_ReadOnly);//e32
	GDALDatasetH hD5 = GDALOpen(inB5,GA_ReadOnly);//LST
	GDALDatasetH hD6 = GDALOpen(inB6,GA_ReadOnly);//DEM

		printf("One or more input files ");
		printf("could not be loaded\n");

	GDALDriverH hDr6 = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD6);
	GDALDatasetH hDOut = GDALCreateCopy(hDr6,rnetF,hD6,FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	GDALRasterBandH hBOut = GDALGetRasterBand(hDOut,1);

	GDALRasterBandH hB1 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD1,1);//Albedo
	GDALRasterBandH hB2 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD2,1);//Sunza
	GDALRasterBandH hB3 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD3,1);//e31
	GDALRasterBandH hB4 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD4,1);//e32
	GDALRasterBandH hB5 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD5,1);//LST
	GDALRasterBandH hB6 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD6,1);//DEM

	int nX = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB1);
	int nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB1);
	int N=nX*nY;

	float *mat1 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat2 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat3 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat4 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat5 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat6 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *matOut = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);

	float e0, rnet;
	int rowcol;
	#pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
		private(rowcol, e0, rnet)\
		shared(N, tmax, doy,\
			mat1,mat2,mat3,mat4,mat5,mat6, \
			matOut )
		if(mat1[rowcol]==-28768||mat5[rowcol]==-28768||mat5[rowcol]==0) matOut[rowcol] = -28768;
		else {
			e0 = 0.5*((mat3[rowcol]*0.002+0.49)+(mat4[rowcol]*0.002+0.49));
			rnet = r_net(mat1[rowcol]*0.001,mat2[rowcol]*0.01,e0,mat5[rowcol]*0.02,mat6[rowcol],doy,tmax);
	#pragma omp barrier
	//free memory close unused files
	if(mat1 != NULL) free(mat1);
	if(mat2 != NULL) free(mat2);
	if(mat3 != NULL) free(mat3);
	if(mat4 != NULL) free(mat4);
	if(mat5 != NULL) free(mat5);
	if(mat6 != NULL) free(mat6);
	if(matOut != NULL) free(matOut);

Exemple #18
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
      	if( argc < 7 ) {
		return 1;
	int 	row, col;
	double 	geomx[6]={0.0};

	char *inB1 	= argv[1]; //Albedo
	char *inB2 	= argv[2]; //DEM
	char *inB3	= argv[3]; //e0 31
	char *inB4	= argv[4]; //e0 32
	char *inB5	= argv[5]; //LST
	char *rnetdF 	= argv[6];
	float doy	= atof( argv[7] );

// 	printf("\ndoy\t= %7.2f\n\n",doy);
// 	printf("%s %s %s %s %s\n",inB1, inB2, inB3, inB4, inB5);
	GDALDatasetH hD1 = GDALOpen(inB1,GA_ReadOnly);//Albedo
	GDALDatasetH hD2 = GDALOpen(inB2,GA_ReadOnly);//DEM
	GDALDatasetH hD3 = GDALOpen(inB3,GA_ReadOnly);//E 31
	GDALDatasetH hD4 = GDALOpen(inB4,GA_ReadOnly);//E 32
	GDALDatasetH hD5 = GDALOpen(inB5,GA_ReadOnly);//LST

		printf("One or more input files ");
		printf("could not be loaded\n");

	/* Do Nothing */
// 		printf( "Origin (ULx,ULy) = (%.6f,%.6f)\n", geomx[0], geomx[3] );
// 		printf( "Pixel Size = (%.6f,%.6f)\n", geomx[1], geomx[5] );
// 		printf( "Rot0 = (%.6f,%.6f)\n", geomx[2], geomx[4] );
	} else {
		printf("ERROR: Projection acquisition problem from Band1\n");

	GDALDriverH hDr2 = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD2);
	//RNETD out
	GDALDatasetH hDOut = GDALCreateCopy( hDr2, rnetdF,hD2,FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	GDALRasterBandH hBOut = GDALGetRasterBand(hDOut,1);
	GDALRasterBandH hB1 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD1,1);//Albedo
	GDALRasterBandH hB2 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD2,1);//DEM
	GDALRasterBandH hB3 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD3,1);//E 31
	GDALRasterBandH hB4 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD4,1);//E 32
	GDALRasterBandH hB5 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD5,1);//LST

	int nX = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB1);
	int nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB1);

	float *mat1 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat2 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat3 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat4 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat5 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *matOut = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
/*	int i,temp,histogramT[512];
	for (i=0;i<512;i++){
	float solar, rnetd, e0;
		#pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
			private(col, solar, rnetd, e0)\
			shared( row, doy, geomx,nX, \
				mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4, mat5, matOut )
				matOut[col] = -28768;
			}else {
				/*temp = (int) (mat1[col]);
				if(temp>0) histogramT[temp]=histogramT[temp]+1.0;*/
// 				printf("lat=%f\n", geomx[3]+geomx[4]*col+geomx[5]*row);
// 				printf("%f \n",e0);
				e0 = 0.5*((mat3[col]*0.002+0.49)+(mat4[col]*0.002+0.49));
				solar = solar_day(geomx[3]+geomx[4]*col+geomx[5]*row, doy, mat2[col] );
				//rnetd = r_net_d( mat1[col]*0.001, solar, e0, mat5[col]*0.02, mat2[col]);
				rnetd = r_net_day( mat1[col]*0.001, solar, mat2[col]);
		#pragma omp barrier
/*	for (i=0;i<512;i++){
	//free memory close unused files
	if(mat1 != NULL) free(mat1);
	if(mat2 != NULL) free(mat2);
	if(mat3 != NULL) free(mat3);
	if(mat4 != NULL) free(mat4);
	if(mat5 != NULL) free(mat5);
	if(matOut != NULL) free(matOut);

Exemple #19
SVImage init(int xLow, int xHigh, int yLow, int yHigh, const char *filepath){

    GDALDatasetH  hDataset;
    // Register drivers
    // open the given file as Read Only
    hDataset = GDALOpen(filepath, GA_ReadOnly );
    // if opening failed
    if( hDataset == NULL )
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file.");

    /*      Declare some variables to be used later     */
    int *xBlockSize = malloc(sizeof(int));
    int *yBlockSize = malloc(sizeof(int));
    int xOutputSize;
    int yOutputSize;
    int numXBlocks;
    int numYBlocks;
    int origWidth;
    int origHeight;
    int origBandCount;
    /*Get some information on the image*/
    origWidth = GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset );                 // Get raster pixel width
    origHeight = GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset );                // Get raster pixel height
    origBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset );             // Get number of raster bands in the image
    GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, 1 );   // Get raster band with id 1
    GDALGetBlockSize( hBand, xBlockSize, yBlockSize);           // Fetch the block size for this band

    /*TODO make sure scale is set somewhere*/
    /*Store some information on what the output should have*/
    xOutputSize = ((*xBlockSize) / scale); // get the new x block size
    yOutputSize = ((*yBlockSize) / scale); // get the new y block size
    numXBlocks = origWidth/(*xBlockSize);  // Get x block count
    numYBlocks = origHeight/(*yBlockSize); // Get y block count

    int bandCount;
    if (origBandCount >= 3) // Just a guess, limit bands to RGB?
        bandCount = 3;
    else                    // Otherwise image is probably grayscale, one band?
        bandCount = 1;

    /*TODO edit this or remove it since we aren't using focusing on openGL*/
     *int format;
     *if (bandCount == 3)
     *    format = GL_RGBA;
     *    format = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
    int usedBlocks;
    int usedXBlocks;
    int usedYBlocks;
     *This is odd, xHigh and yHigh are
     *passed as parameters but changed here
     *TODO see if we can remove parameters or just use this

    if ((xHigh < 0) || (xHigh < xLow))
        xHigh = numXBlocks;
    if ((yHigh < 0)|| (yHigh < yLow))
        yHigh = numYBlocks;
    usedXBlocks = (xHigh - xLow); // This is probably the part of the image that should be displayed on screen
    usedYBlocks = (yHigh - yLow); // Y part on screen?
    usedBlocks = (usedXBlocks * usedYBlocks); // Total blocks on screen?
    SVImage svip = 
            .Width = xOutputSize*usedXBlocks,
            .Height = yOutputSize*usedYBlocks,
            .BytesPerPixel = 1, 
            .Data = (CPLMalloc((sizeof(char) * xOutputSize * yOutputSize * usedBlocks * (bandCount+1))))
            // Data = xOutputSize * yOutputSize = pixels/block * usedBlocks = totalpixels 

    return svip;

Uses stochastic sampling to fill the data section of an SVImage struct.
void sample(params *in)		//TODO handle 32 bit representations
    /*Set variables from the params struct*/
    SVImage* out = in->target;
    int xLow = in->xLow;
    int xHigh = in->xHigh;
    int yLow = in->yLow;
    int yHigh = in->yHigh;
    const char *file = in->file;

    GDALDatasetH  hDataset;
    GDALRasterBandH hBand;
    /*Register drivers*/
    //TODO Dynamically calculate sample count?
    int avgSampleCount = 25;
    //Open GDAL File
    hDataset = GDALOpen(file, GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hDataset == NULL )
    	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file.\n"); 
    GDALDriverH   hDriver;
    hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset ); // Get driver for this file

    double adfGeoTransform[6];

    //Print GDAL Driver 
    printf( "Driver: %s/%s\n",
            GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ),
            GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) );

    //Get original raster size
    int origWidth = GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset ); 
    int origHeight = GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset ); 
    printf("width = %i\n", origWidth);
    printf("height = %i\n", origHeight);  

    //Get Raster band count	
    int origBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset );
    printf("origBandCount = %i\n", origBandCount);
    int bandCount;
    if (origBandCount >= 3)
        bandCount = 3;
        bandCount = 1;

    //Target output Width and Height
    float stride = (scale * scale);				
    stride /= (avgSampleCount);

    //the greatest number of pixels that can be skipped in a single iteration
    int maxStride = ((int)stride) + 1;				

    //Load band 1
    hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, 1 );

    if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        printf( "Pixel Size = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
                    adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] );
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get pixel size\n");

    int* xBlockSize = malloc(sizeof(int));
    int* yBlockSize = malloc(sizeof(int));
    //get block size
    GDALGetBlockSize( hBand, xBlockSize, yBlockSize);
    printf("xBlockSize = %i\n", *xBlockSize);
    printf("yBlockSize = %i\n", *yBlockSize);  
    int xOutputSize = ((*xBlockSize) / scale);
    int yOutputSize = ((*yBlockSize) / scale);
    printf("X Output Size%i\n", xOutputSize);
    int numXBlocks = origWidth/(*xBlockSize);
    int numYBlocks = origHeight/(*yBlockSize);
    printf("numXBlocks = %i\n", numXBlocks);
    printf("numYBlocks = %i\n", numYBlocks);
    if ((xHigh < 0) || (xHigh < xLow))
        xHigh = numXBlocks;
    if ((yHigh < 0)|| (yHigh < yLow))
        yHigh = numYBlocks;
    int usedXBlocks = (xHigh - xLow);
    int usedYBlocks = (yHigh - yLow);
    int usedBlocks = (usedXBlocks * usedYBlocks);
    unsigned char* output = CPLMalloc((sizeof(char) * xOutputSize* yOutputSize *usedBlocks  * (bandCount+1)));  // Allocate space for the output
    float* vals = calloc( xOutputSize* yOutputSize *usedBlocks * (bandCount+1), sizeof(float));			//stores pixel values
    unsigned long* valsPerIndex = calloc( xOutputSize* yOutputSize * usedBlocks * (bandCount+1), sizeof(unsigned long));		//stores number of pixel values per output index
    unsigned long rseed = 0;
    unsigned long rowIndex = 0;		//the index of the row to which we will output our value
    unsigned long colIndex = 0;		//the index of the column to which we will output our value
    unsigned long outIndex = 0;
    unsigned long sampledIndex = 0;	//One dimensional representation of column/row index
    //iterate through each pixel, jump to the last pixel we sampled.
    long long i = 0;
    int outputXOffset = 0;
    int outputYOffset = 0;
    int outputIndexOffset = 0;
    if (GDALGetRasterDataType(hBand) == GDT_Int16)
        short* data = (short *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * (*xBlockSize)*(*yBlockSize)); //TODO: GDAL Raster can be 16 bit pixel representation
        int band;
        for (band = 1; band <= bandCount; band++){
            hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, band );
            int yBlock, xBlock;
            for(yBlock = yLow; yBlock < yHigh; yBlock++){
                for(xBlock = xLow; xBlock < xHigh; xBlock++){
                    if(GDALReadBlock(hBand,xBlock,yBlock, data) != CE_None)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Read block failed\n");
                    for(i = 0 ; i < ((*xBlockSize)*(*yBlockSize)-1) ; i += rseed){
                        rseed = (214013 * rseed + 2531011); // Magic numbers.
                        rseed %= maxStride;	
                        sampledIndex = i;
                        i = (maxStride ==1) ? (i+1) : i;
                        rowIndex = (sampledIndex/(xOutputSize*scale* scale)) + ((yBlock - yLow)* yOutputSize);
                        colIndex = ((sampledIndex % (xOutputSize * scale))/scale) + ((xBlock - xLow) * xOutputSize);
                        outIndex = ((rowIndex * (xOutputSize * usedXBlocks ) + colIndex) * (bandCount+1) ) + (band -1);
                        vals[outIndex] += (*(data + sampledIndex));
                        vals[outIndex] += 118.450588 + ((*(data + sampledIndex))/128);
                        if (vals[outIndex]/valsPerIndex[outIndex] < 0) {
                            vals[outIndex] =0;
                        }else if (vals[outIndex]/valsPerIndex[outIndex] > 255){
                            vals[outIndex] = 255;
        unsigned char* data = (unsigned char *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(char) * (*xBlockSize)*(*yBlockSize));
        int band;
        for (band = 1; band <= bandCount; band++)
            hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, band );
            int yBlock, xBlock;
            outputYOffset = 0;
            for(yBlock = yLow; yBlock < yHigh; yBlock++){
                outputYOffset = ((yBlock - yLow) * yOutputSize * xOutputSize * usedXBlocks * (bandCount + 1));
                outputXOffset = 0;
                for(xBlock = xLow; xBlock < xHigh; xBlock++){
                    outputXOffset = ((xBlock - xLow) * xOutputSize * (bandCount + 1));
                    if(GDALReadBlock(hBand,xBlock,yBlock, data) != CE_None)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Read block failed\n");
                    for(i = 0 ; i < ((*xBlockSize)*(*yBlockSize)) ; i += rseed){
                        rseed = (214013 * rseed + 2531011);
                        rseed %= maxStride;	
                        sampledIndex = i;
                        i = (maxStride ==1) ? (i+1) : i;
                        rowIndex = (sampledIndex/(xOutputSize*scale* scale)) + ((yBlock - yLow)* yOutputSize);
                        colIndex = ((sampledIndex % (xOutputSize * scale))/scale) + ((xBlock - xLow) * xOutputSize);
                        outIndex = ((rowIndex * (xOutputSize * usedXBlocks ) + colIndex) * (bandCount+1) ) + (band -1);
                        vals[outIndex] += (*(data + sampledIndex));
                        valsPerIndex[outIndex] +=1;
                    outputIndexOffset = (outputYOffset + outputXOffset);
                    int j;
                    for (j = 0; j<yOutputSize; j++){
                        i = outputIndexOffset;
                        int k = (i + (xOutputSize * (bandCount+1)));
                        for (i = 0; i<k;i++){
                            int x = (i+(j*(xOutputSize * (bandCount + 1) * (usedXBlocks))));
                                output[x] = (unsigned char) 1; //Sets the alpha to opaque
                                output[x] = (unsigned char) (vals[x]/valsPerIndex[x]);	//calculate final output by averaging each color value
                    out->Data = output;

    printf("sampling complete\n");
Exemple #20
MAIN_START(argc, argv)
    // Check that we are running against at least GDAL 1.4.
    // Note to developers: if we use newer API, please change the requirement.
    if( atoi(GDALVersionInfo("VERSION_NUM")) < 1400 )
                "At least, GDAL >= 1.4.0 is required for this version of %s, "
                "which was compiled against GDAL %s\n",
                argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME);


    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 );
    if( argc < 1 )
        exit( -argc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get commandline arguments other than the GDAL raster filenames. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char* pszIndexLayerName = nullptr;
    const char *index_filename = nullptr;
    const char *tile_index = "location";
    const char* pszDriverName = nullptr;
    size_t nMaxFieldSize = 254;
    bool write_absolute_path = false;
    char* current_path = nullptr;
    bool skip_different_projection = false;
    const char *pszTargetSRS = "";
    bool bSetTargetSRS = false;
    const char* pszSrcSRSName = nullptr;
    int i_SrcSRSName = -1;
    bool bSrcSRSFormatSpecified = false;
    SrcSRSFormat eSrcSRSFormat = FORMAT_AUTO;

    int iArg = 1;  // Used after for.
    for( ; iArg < argc; iArg++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[iArg], "--utility_version") )
            printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against "
                   "GDAL %s\n",
                   argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"));
            CSLDestroy( argv );
            return 0;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"--help") )
        else if( (strcmp(argv[iArg],"-f") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iArg],"-of") == 0) )
            pszDriverName = argv[++iArg];
        else if( strcmp(argv[iArg],"-lyr_name") == 0 )
            pszIndexLayerName = argv[++iArg];
        else if( strcmp(argv[iArg],"-tileindex") == 0 )
            tile_index = argv[++iArg];
        else if( strcmp(argv[iArg],"-t_srs") == 0 )
            pszTargetSRS = argv[++iArg];
            bSetTargetSRS = true;
        else if ( strcmp(argv[iArg],"-write_absolute_path") == 0 )
            write_absolute_path = true;
        else if ( strcmp(argv[iArg],"-skip_different_projection") == 0 )
            skip_different_projection = true;
        else if( strcmp(argv[iArg], "-src_srs_name") == 0 )
            pszSrcSRSName = argv[++iArg];
        else if( strcmp(argv[iArg], "-src_srs_format") == 0 )
            const char* pszFormat;
            bSrcSRSFormatSpecified = true;
            pszFormat = argv[++iArg];
            if( EQUAL(pszFormat, "AUTO") )
                eSrcSRSFormat = FORMAT_AUTO;
            else if( EQUAL(pszFormat, "WKT") )
                eSrcSRSFormat = FORMAT_WKT;
            else if( EQUAL(pszFormat, "EPSG") )
                eSrcSRSFormat = FORMAT_EPSG;
            else if( EQUAL(pszFormat, "PROJ") )
                eSrcSRSFormat = FORMAT_PROJ;
        else if( argv[iArg][0] == '-' )
            Usage(CPLSPrintf("Unknown option name '%s'", argv[iArg]));
        else if( index_filename == nullptr )
            index_filename = argv[iArg];

    if( index_filename == nullptr )
        Usage("No index filename specified.");
    if( iArg == argc )
        Usage("No file to index specified.");
    if( bSrcSRSFormatSpecified && pszSrcSRSName == nullptr )
        Usage("-src_srs_name must be specified when -src_srs_format is "

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create and validate target SRS if given.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRSpatialReferenceH hTargetSRS = nullptr;
    if( bSetTargetSRS )
        if( skip_different_projection )
            fprintf( stderr,
                     "Warning : -skip_different_projection does not apply "
                     "when -t_srs is requested.\n" );
        hTargetSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference("");
        OSRSetAxisMappingStrategy(hTargetSRS, OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
        // coverity[tainted_data]
        if( OSRSetFromUserInput( hTargetSRS, pszTargetSRS ) != CE_None )
            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hTargetSRS );
            fprintf( stderr, "Invalid target SRS `%s'.\n",
                     pszTargetSRS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open or create the target datasource                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hTileIndexDS = GDALOpenEx(
        index_filename, GDAL_OF_VECTOR | GDAL_OF_UPDATE, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr );
    OGRLayerH hLayer = nullptr;
    CPLString osFormat;
    if( hTileIndexDS != nullptr )
        GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hTileIndexDS);
        if( hDriver )
            osFormat = GDALGetDriverShortName(hDriver);

        if( GDALDatasetGetLayerCount(hTileIndexDS) == 1 )
            hLayer = GDALDatasetGetLayer(hTileIndexDS, 0);
            if( pszIndexLayerName == nullptr )
                printf( "-lyr_name must be specified.\n" );
                exit( 1 );
            hLayer = GDALDatasetGetLayerByName(hTileIndexDS, pszIndexLayerName);
        printf( "Creating new index file...\n" );
        if( pszDriverName == nullptr )
            std::vector<CPLString> aoDrivers =
                GetOutputDriversFor(index_filename, GDAL_OF_VECTOR);
            if( aoDrivers.empty() )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "Cannot guess driver for %s", index_filename);
                exit( 10 );
                if( aoDrivers.size() > 1 )
                    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                            "Several drivers matching %s extension. Using %s",
                            CPLGetExtension(index_filename), aoDrivers[0].c_str() );
                osFormat = aoDrivers[0];
            osFormat = pszDriverName;
        if( !EQUAL(osFormat, "ESRI Shapefile") )
            nMaxFieldSize = 0;

        GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( osFormat.c_str() );
        if( hDriver == nullptr )
            printf( "%s driver not available.\n", osFormat.c_str() );
            exit( 1 );

        hTileIndexDS = 
            GDALCreate( hDriver, index_filename, 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown, nullptr );

    if( hTileIndexDS != nullptr && hLayer == nullptr )
        OGRSpatialReferenceH hSpatialRef = nullptr;
        char* pszLayerName = nullptr;
        if( pszIndexLayerName == nullptr )
            VSIStatBuf sStat;
            if( EQUAL(osFormat, "ESRI Shapefile") ||
                VSIStat(index_filename, &sStat) == 0 )
                pszLayerName = CPLStrdup(CPLGetBasename(index_filename));
                printf( "-lyr_name must be specified.\n" );
                exit( 1 );
            pszLayerName = CPLStrdup(pszIndexLayerName);

        /* get spatial reference for output file from target SRS (if set) */
        /* or from first input file */
        if( bSetTargetSRS )
            hSpatialRef = OSRClone( hTargetSRS );
            GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpen( argv[iArg], GA_ReadOnly );
            if( hDS )
                const char* pszWKT = GDALGetProjectionRef(hDS);
                if (pszWKT != nullptr && pszWKT[0] != '\0')
                    hSpatialRef = OSRNewSpatialReference(pszWKT);
                    OSRSetAxisMappingStrategy(hSpatialRef, OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);

        hLayer =
            GDALDatasetCreateLayer( hTileIndexDS, pszLayerName, hSpatialRef,
                                wkbPolygon, nullptr );
        if( hSpatialRef )

        if( hLayer )
            OGRFieldDefnH hFieldDefn = OGR_Fld_Create( tile_index, OFTString );
            if( nMaxFieldSize )
                OGR_Fld_SetWidth( hFieldDefn, static_cast<int>(nMaxFieldSize));
            OGR_L_CreateField( hLayer, hFieldDefn, TRUE );
            if( pszSrcSRSName != nullptr )
                hFieldDefn = OGR_Fld_Create( pszSrcSRSName, OFTString );
                if( nMaxFieldSize )
                OGR_L_CreateField( hLayer, hFieldDefn, TRUE );

    if( hTileIndexDS == nullptr || hLayer == nullptr )
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open/create shapefile `%s'.\n",
                 index_filename );

    OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer);

    const int ti_field = OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hFDefn, tile_index );
    if( ti_field < 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to find field `%s' in file `%s'.\n",
                 tile_index, index_filename );

    if( pszSrcSRSName != nullptr )
        i_SrcSRSName = OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hFDefn, pszSrcSRSName );

    // Load in memory existing file names in SHP.
    int nExistingFiles = static_cast<int>(OGR_L_GetFeatureCount(hLayer, FALSE));
    if( nExistingFiles < 0)
        nExistingFiles = 0;

    char** existingFilesTab = nullptr;
    bool alreadyExistingProjectionRefValid = false;
    char* alreadyExistingProjectionRef = nullptr;
    if( nExistingFiles > 0 )
        OGRFeatureH hFeature = nullptr;
        existingFilesTab = static_cast<char **>(
            CPLMalloc(nExistingFiles * sizeof(char*)));
        for( int i = 0; i < nExistingFiles; i++ )
            hFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLayer);
            existingFilesTab[i] =
                CPLStrdup(OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( hFeature, ti_field ));
            if( i == 0 )
                GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpen(existingFilesTab[i], GA_ReadOnly );
                if( hDS )
                    alreadyExistingProjectionRefValid = true;
                    alreadyExistingProjectionRef =
            OGR_F_Destroy( hFeature );

    if( write_absolute_path )
        current_path = CPLGetCurrentDir();
        if (current_path == nullptr)
            fprintf( stderr,
                     "This system does not support the CPLGetCurrentDir call. "
                     "The option -write_absolute_path will have no effect\n" );
            write_absolute_path = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      loop over GDAL files, processing.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( ; iArg < argc; iArg++ )
        char *fileNameToWrite = nullptr;
        VSIStatBuf sStatBuf;

        // Make sure it is a file before building absolute path name.
        if( write_absolute_path && CPLIsFilenameRelative( argv[iArg] ) &&
            VSIStat( argv[iArg], &sStatBuf ) == 0 )
            fileNameToWrite =
                CPLStrdup(CPLProjectRelativeFilename(current_path, argv[iArg]));
            fileNameToWrite = CPLStrdup(argv[iArg]);

        // Checks that file is not already in tileindex.
            int i = 0;  // Used after for.
            for( ; i < nExistingFiles; i++ )
                if (EQUAL(fileNameToWrite, existingFilesTab[i]))
                            "File %s is already in tileindex. Skipping it.\n",
            if (i != nExistingFiles)

        GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALOpen( argv[iArg], GA_ReadOnly );
        if( hDS == nullptr )
            fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open %s, skipping.\n",
                     argv[iArg] );

        double adfGeoTransform[6] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        GDALGetGeoTransform( hDS, adfGeoTransform );
        if( adfGeoTransform[0] == 0.0
            && adfGeoTransform[1] == 1.0
            && adfGeoTransform[3] == 0.0
            && std::abs(adfGeoTransform[5]) == 1.0 )
            fprintf( stderr,
                     "It appears no georeferencing is available for\n"
                     "`%s', skipping.\n",
                     argv[iArg] );
            GDALClose( hDS );

        const char *projectionRef = GDALGetProjectionRef(hDS);

        // If not set target srs, test that the current file uses same
        // projection as others.
        if( !bSetTargetSRS )
            if( alreadyExistingProjectionRefValid )
                int projectionRefNotNull, alreadyExistingProjectionRefNotNull;
                projectionRefNotNull = projectionRef && projectionRef[0];
                alreadyExistingProjectionRefNotNull =
                    alreadyExistingProjectionRef &&
                if ((projectionRefNotNull &&
                     alreadyExistingProjectionRefNotNull &&
                     EQUAL(projectionRef, alreadyExistingProjectionRef) == 0) ||
                    (projectionRefNotNull != alreadyExistingProjectionRefNotNull))
                        "Warning : %s is not using the same projection system "
                        "as other files in the tileindex.\n"
                        "This may cause problems when using it in MapServer "
                        "for example.\n"
                        "Use -t_srs option to set target projection system "
                        "(not supported by MapServer).\n"
                        "%s\n", argv[iArg],
                        skip_different_projection ? "Skipping this file." : "");
                    if( skip_different_projection )
                        GDALClose( hDS );
                alreadyExistingProjectionRefValid = true;
                alreadyExistingProjectionRef = CPLStrdup(projectionRef);

        const int nXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( hDS );
        const int nYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize( hDS );

        double adfX[5] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        double adfY[5] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        adfX[0] = adfGeoTransform[0]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[1]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[2];
        adfY[0] = adfGeoTransform[3]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[4]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[5];

        adfX[1] = adfGeoTransform[0]
            + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[2];
        adfY[1] = adfGeoTransform[3]
            + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[4]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[5];

        adfX[2] = adfGeoTransform[0]
            + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1]
            + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[2];
        adfY[2] = adfGeoTransform[3]
            + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[4]
            + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[5];

        adfX[3] = adfGeoTransform[0]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[1]
            + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[2];
        adfY[3] = adfGeoTransform[3]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[4]
            + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[5];

        adfX[4] = adfGeoTransform[0]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[1]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[2];
        adfY[4] = adfGeoTransform[3]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[4]
            + 0 * adfGeoTransform[5];

        OGRSpatialReferenceH hSourceSRS = nullptr;
        if( (bSetTargetSRS || i_SrcSRSName >= 0) &&
            projectionRef != nullptr &&
            projectionRef[0] != '\0' )
            hSourceSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference( projectionRef );
            OSRSetAxisMappingStrategy(hSourceSRS, OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);

        // If set target srs, do the forward transformation of all points.
        if( bSetTargetSRS && projectionRef != nullptr && projectionRef[0] != '\0' )
            OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT = nullptr;
            if( hSourceSRS && !OSRIsSame( hSourceSRS, hTargetSRS ) )
                hCT = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( hSourceSRS, hTargetSRS );
                if( hCT == nullptr || !OCTTransform( hCT, 5, adfX, adfY, nullptr ) )
                        "Warning : unable to transform points from source "
                        "SRS `%s' to target SRS `%s'\n"
                        "for file `%s' - file skipped\n",
                        projectionRef, pszTargetSRS, fileNameToWrite );
                    if( hCT )
                        OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( hCT );
                    if( hSourceSRS )
                        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSourceSRS );
                if( hCT )
                    OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( hCT );

        OGRFeatureH hFeature = OGR_F_Create( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( hLayer ) );
        OGR_F_SetFieldString( hFeature, ti_field, fileNameToWrite );

        if( i_SrcSRSName >= 0 && hSourceSRS != nullptr )
            const char* pszAuthorityCode =
                OSRGetAuthorityCode(hSourceSRS, nullptr);
            const char* pszAuthorityName =
                OSRGetAuthorityName(hSourceSRS, nullptr);
            if( eSrcSRSFormat == FORMAT_AUTO )
                if( pszAuthorityName != nullptr && pszAuthorityCode != nullptr )
                        hFeature, i_SrcSRSName,
                                   pszAuthorityName, pszAuthorityCode) );
                else if( nMaxFieldSize == 0 ||
                         strlen(projectionRef) <= nMaxFieldSize )
                    OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeature, i_SrcSRSName, projectionRef);
                    char* pszProj4 = nullptr;
                    if( OSRExportToProj4(hSourceSRS, &pszProj4) == OGRERR_NONE )
                        OGR_F_SetFieldString( hFeature, i_SrcSRSName,
                                              pszProj4 );
                        OGR_F_SetFieldString( hFeature, i_SrcSRSName,
                                              projectionRef );
            else if( eSrcSRSFormat == FORMAT_WKT )
                if( nMaxFieldSize == 0 ||
                    strlen(projectionRef) <= nMaxFieldSize )
                    OGR_F_SetFieldString( hFeature, i_SrcSRSName,
                                          projectionRef );
                            "Cannot write WKT for file %s as it is too long!\n",
            else if( eSrcSRSFormat == FORMAT_PROJ )
                char* pszProj4 = nullptr;
                if( OSRExportToProj4(hSourceSRS, &pszProj4) == OGRERR_NONE )
                    OGR_F_SetFieldString( hFeature, i_SrcSRSName, pszProj4 );
            else if( eSrcSRSFormat == FORMAT_EPSG )
                if( pszAuthorityName != nullptr && pszAuthorityCode != nullptr )
                        hFeature, i_SrcSRSName,
                                   pszAuthorityName, pszAuthorityCode) );
        if( hSourceSRS )
            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSourceSRS );

        OGRGeometryH hPoly = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbPolygon);
        OGRGeometryH hRing = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLinearRing);
        for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
            OGR_G_SetPoint_2D(hRing, k, adfX[k], adfY[k]);
        OGR_G_AddGeometryDirectly( hPoly, hRing );
        OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly( hFeature, hPoly );

        if( OGR_L_CreateFeature( hLayer, hFeature ) != OGRERR_NONE )
           printf( "Failed to create feature in shapefile.\n" );

        OGR_F_Destroy( hFeature );


        GDALClose( hDS );


    if (nExistingFiles)
        for( int i = 0; i < nExistingFiles; i++ )

    if ( hTargetSRS )
        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hTargetSRS );

    GDALClose( hTileIndexDS );


    exit( 0 );
QgsDataItem *QgsOgrDataItemProvider::createDataItem( const QString &pathIn, QgsDataItem *parentItem )
  QString path( pathIn );
  if ( path.isEmpty() )
    return nullptr;

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath: " + path, 2 );

  // zip settings + info
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString scanZipSetting = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanZipInBrowser2" ), "basic" ).toString();
  QString vsiPrefix = QgsZipItem::vsiPrefix( path );
  bool is_vsizip = ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsizip/" ) );
  bool is_vsigzip = ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsigzip/" ) );
  bool is_vsitar = ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsitar/" ) );

  // should we check ext. only?
  // check if scanItemsInBrowser2 == extension or parent dir in scanItemsFastScanUris
  // TODO - do this in dir item, but this requires a way to inform which extensions are supported by provider
  // maybe a callback function or in the provider registry?
  bool scanExtSetting = false;
  if ( ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanItemsInBrowser2" ),
                         "extension" ).toString() == QLatin1String( "extension" ) ) ||
       ( parentItem && settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris" ),
                                       QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->path() ) ) ||
       ( ( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && parentItem && parentItem->parent() &&
         settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris" ),
                         QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->parent()->path() ) ) )
    scanExtSetting = true;

  // get suffix, removing .gz if present
  QString tmpPath = path; //path used for testing, not for layer creation
  if ( is_vsigzip )
    tmpPath.chop( 3 );
  QFileInfo info( tmpPath );
  QString suffix = info.suffix().toLower();
  // extract basename with extension
  info.setFile( path );
  QString name = info.fileName();

  // If a .tab exists, then the corresponding .map/.dat is very likely a
  // side-car file of the .tab
  if ( suffix == QLatin1String( "map" ) || suffix == QLatin1String( "dat" ) )
    if ( QFileInfo( QDir( info.path() ), info.baseName() + ".tab" ).exists() )
      return nullptr;

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath= " + path + " tmpPath= " + tmpPath + " name= " + name
                    + " suffix= " + suffix + " vsiPrefix= " + vsiPrefix, 3 );

  QStringList myExtensions = fileExtensions();
  QStringList dirExtensions = directoryExtensions();

  // allow only normal files, supported directories, or VSIFILE items to continue
  bool isOgrSupportedDirectory = info.isDir() && dirExtensions.contains( suffix );
  if ( !isOgrSupportedDirectory && !info.isFile() && vsiPrefix.isEmpty() )
    return nullptr;

  // skip *.aux.xml files (GDAL auxiliary metadata files),
  // *.shp.xml files (ESRI metadata) and *.tif.xml files (TIFF metadata)
  // unless that extension is in the list (*.xml might be though)
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".aux.xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( QStringLiteral( "aux.xml" ) ) )
    return nullptr;
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".shp.xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( QStringLiteral( "shp.xml" ) ) )
    return nullptr;
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".tif.xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( QStringLiteral( "tif.xml" ) ) )
    return nullptr;

  // skip QGIS style xml files
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       QgsStyle::isXmlStyleFile( path ) )
    return nullptr;

  // We have to filter by extensions, otherwise e.g. all Shapefile files are displayed
  // because OGR drive can open also .dbf, .shx.
  if ( myExtensions.indexOf( suffix ) < 0 && !dirExtensions.contains( suffix ) )
    bool matches = false;
    const auto constWildcards = wildcards();
    for ( const QString &wildcard : constWildcards )
      QRegExp rx( wildcard, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard );
      if ( rx.exactMatch( info.fileName() ) )
        matches = true;
    if ( !matches )
      return nullptr;

  // .dbf should probably appear if .shp is not present
  if ( suffix == QLatin1String( "dbf" ) )
    QString pathShp = path.left( path.count() - 4 ) + ".shp";
    if ( QFileInfo::exists( pathShp ) )
      return nullptr;

  // fix vsifile path and name
  if ( !vsiPrefix.isEmpty() )
    // add vsiPrefix to path if needed
    if ( !path.startsWith( vsiPrefix ) )
      path = vsiPrefix + path;
    // if this is a /vsigzip/path_to_zip.zip/file_inside_zip remove the full path from the name
    // no need to change the name I believe
#if 0
    if ( ( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && ( path != vsiPrefix + parentItem->path() ) )
      name = path;
      name = name.replace( vsiPrefix + parentItem->path() + '/', "" );

  // Filters out the OGR/GDAL supported formats that can contain multiple layers
  // and should be treated like a DB: GeoPackage and SQLite
  // NOTE: this formats are scanned for rasters too and they must
  //       be skipped by "gdal" provider or the rasters will be listed
  //       twice. ogrSupportedDbLayersExtensions must be kept in sync
  //       with the companion variable (same name) in the gdal provider
  //       class
  // TODO: add more OGR supported multiple layers formats here!
  static QStringList sOgrSupportedDbLayersExtensions { QStringLiteral( "gpkg" ),
      QStringLiteral( "sqlite" ),
      QStringLiteral( "db" ),
      QStringLiteral( "gdb" ),
      QStringLiteral( "kml" ) };
  static QStringList sOgrSupportedDbDriverNames { QStringLiteral( "GPKG" ),
      QStringLiteral( "db" ),
      QStringLiteral( "gdb" ) };

  // these extensions are trivial to read, so there's no need to rely on
  // the extension only scan here -- avoiding it always gives us the correct data type
  // and sublayer visiblity
  static QStringList sSkipFastTrackExtensions { QStringLiteral( "xlsx" ),
      QStringLiteral( "ods" ),
      QStringLiteral( "csv" ),
      QStringLiteral( "nc" ) };

  // Fast track: return item without testing if:
  // scanExtSetting or zipfile and scan zip == "Basic scan"
  // netCDF files can be both raster or vector, so fallback to opening
  if ( ( scanExtSetting ||
         ( ( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && scanZipSetting == QLatin1String( "basic" ) ) ) &&
       !sSkipFastTrackExtensions.contains( suffix ) )
    // if this is a VRT file make sure it is vector VRT to avoid duplicates
    if ( suffix == QLatin1String( "vrt" ) )
      CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
      GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALIdentifyDriver( path.toUtf8().constData(), nullptr );
      if ( !hDriver || GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ) == QLatin1String( "VRT" ) )
        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Skipping VRT file because root is not a OGR VRT" ), 2 );
        return nullptr;
    // Handle collections
    // Check if the layer has sublayers by comparing the extension
    QgsDataItem *item = nullptr;
    if ( ! sOgrSupportedDbLayersExtensions.contains( suffix ) )
      item = new QgsOgrLayerItem( parentItem, name, path, path, QgsLayerItem::Vector );
    else if ( suffix.compare( QLatin1String( "gpkg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      item = new QgsGeoPackageCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );
      item = new QgsOgrDataCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );

    if ( item )
      return item;

  // Slow track: scan file contents
  QgsDataItem *item = nullptr;

  // test that file is valid with OGR
  if ( OGRGetDriverCount() == 0 )
  // do not print errors, but write to debug
  CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
  gdal::dataset_unique_ptr hDS( GDALOpenEx( path.toUtf8().constData(), GDAL_OF_VECTOR, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr ) );

  if ( ! hDS )
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "GDALOpen error # %1 : %2 on %3" ).arg( CPLGetLastErrorNo() ).arg( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ).arg( path ) );
    return nullptr;

  GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDS.get() );
  QString driverName = GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "GDAL Driver : %1" ).arg( driverName ), 2 );
  int numLayers = GDALDatasetGetLayerCount( hDS.get() );

  // GeoPackage needs a specialized data item, mainly because of raster deletion not
  // yet implemented in GDAL (2.2.1)
  if ( driverName == QLatin1String( "GPKG" ) )
    item = new QgsGeoPackageCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );
  else if ( numLayers > 1 || sOgrSupportedDbDriverNames.contains( driverName ) )
    item = new QgsOgrDataCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );
    item = dataItemForLayer( parentItem, name, path, hDS.get(), 0, false, true );
  return item;
Exemple #22
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    GDALDatasetH	hDataset;
    GDALRasterBandH	hBand;
    int			i, iBand;
    double		adfGeoTransform[6];
    GDALDriverH		hDriver;
    char		**papszMetadata;
    int                 bComputeMinMax = FALSE;

    if( !GDALBridgeInitialize( "..", stderr ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to intiailize GDAL bridge.\n" );
        exit( 10 );

    if( argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1],"-mm") == 0 )
        bComputeMinMax = TRUE;


    hDataset = GDALOpen( argv[1], GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hDataset == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr,
                 "GDALOpen failed - %d\n%s\n",
                 CPLGetLastErrorNo(), CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
        exit( 1 );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report general info.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset );
    printf( "Driver: %s/%s\n",
            GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ),
            GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) );

    printf( "Size is %d, %d\n",
            GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset ), 
            GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report projection.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) != NULL )
        OGRSpatialReferenceH  hSRS;
        char		      *pszProjection;

        pszProjection = (char *) GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset );

        hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
        if( OSRImportFromWkt( hSRS, &pszProjection ) == CE_None )
            char	*pszPrettyWkt = NULL;

            OSRExportToPrettyWkt( hSRS, &pszPrettyWkt, FALSE );
            printf( "Coordinate System is:\n%s\n", pszPrettyWkt );
            printf( "Coordinate System is `%s'\n",
                    GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) );

        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSRS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        printf( "Origin = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
                adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] );

        printf( "Pixel Size = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
                adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGCPCount( hDataset ) > 0 )
        printf( "GCP Projection = %s\n", GDALGetGCPProjection(hDataset) );
        for( i = 0; i < GDALGetGCPCount(hDataset); i++ )
            const GDAL_GCP	*psGCP;
            psGCP = GDALGetGCPs( hDataset ) + i;

            printf( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n"
                    "          (%g,%g) -> (%g,%g,%g)\n", 
                    i, psGCP->pszId, psGCP->pszInfo, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPPixel, psGCP->dfGCPLine, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPX, psGCP->dfGCPY, psGCP->dfGCPZ );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report metadata.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, NULL );
    if( papszMetadata != NULL )
        printf( "Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "SUBDATASETS" );
    if( papszMetadata != NULL )
        printf( "Subdatasets:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report corners.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    printf( "Corner Coordinates:\n" );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Upper Left", 
                          0.0, 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Lower Left", 
                          0.0, GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset));
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Upper Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Lower Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset) );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Center", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)/2.0 );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iBand = 0; iBand < GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset ); iBand++ )
        double      dfMin, dfMax, adfCMinMax[2], dfNoData;
        int         bGotMin, bGotMax, bGotNodata;
        int         nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize;

        hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, iBand+1 );
        GDALGetBlockSize( hBand, &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );
        printf( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%d, ColorInterp=%d\n", iBand+1,
                nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand) );

        dfMin = GDALGetRasterMinimum( hBand, &bGotMin );
        dfMax = GDALGetRasterMaximum( hBand, &bGotMax );
        printf( "  Min=%.3f/%d, Max=%.3f/%d",  dfMin, bGotMin, dfMax, bGotMax);
        if( bComputeMinMax )
            GDALComputeRasterMinMax( hBand, TRUE, adfCMinMax );
            printf( ", Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f", 
                    adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] );
        printf( "\n" );

        dfNoData = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( hBand, &bGotNodata );
        if( bGotNodata )
            printf( "  NoData Value=%g\n", dfNoData );

        if( GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand) > 0 )
            int		iOverview;

            printf( "  Overviews: " );
            for( iOverview = 0; 
                 iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand);
                 iOverview++ )
                GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;

                if( iOverview != 0 )
                    printf( ", " );

                hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hBand, iOverview );
                printf( "%dx%d", 
                        GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hOverview ),
                        GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hOverview ) );
            printf( "\n" );

        papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hBand, NULL );
        if( papszMetadata != NULL )
            printf( "Metadata:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

        if( GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand) == GCI_PaletteIndex )
            GDALColorTableH	hTable;
            int			i;

            hTable = GDALGetRasterColorTable( hBand );
            printf( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)\n", 
                        GDALGetPaletteInterpretation( hTable )), 
                    GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ) );

            for( i = 0; i < GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ); i++ )
                GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

                GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( hTable, i, &sEntry );
                printf( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d\n", 
                        sEntry.c4 );

    GDALClose( hDataset );
    exit( 0 );
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFileFromMemBuffer( "/vsimem/test.tar",
            reinterpret_cast<GByte*>(const_cast<uint8_t*>(buf)), len, FALSE );


    char** papszArgv = nullptr;

    CPLString osOutFilename("out");
    fp = VSIFOpenL("/vsitar//vsimem/test.tar/cmd.txt", "rb");
    if( fp != nullptr )
        const char* pszLine = nullptr;
        if( (pszLine = CPLReadLineL(fp)) != nullptr )
            osOutFilename = pszLine;
            osOutFilename = osOutFilename.replaceAll('/', '_');
        int nCandidateLayerNames = 0;
        while( (pszLine = CPLReadLineL(fp)) != nullptr )
            if( pszLine[0] != '-' )
                nCandidateLayerNames ++;
                if( nCandidateLayerNames == 10 )
            papszArgv = CSLAddString(papszArgv, pszLine);

    char** papszDrivers = CSLAddString(nullptr, "CSV");
    GDALDatasetH hSrcDS = GDALOpenEx( "/vsitar//vsimem/test.tar/in",
                        GDAL_OF_VECTOR, papszDrivers, nullptr, nullptr );

    if( papszArgv != nullptr && hSrcDS != nullptr )
        OGRLayerH hLayer = GDALDatasetGetLayer(hSrcDS, 0);
        if( hLayer )
            int nFieldCount = OGR_FD_GetFieldCount(
            if( nFieldCount > 100 )
                papszArgv = CSLAddString(papszArgv, "-limit");
                papszArgv = CSLAddString(papszArgv, "100");

        GDALVectorTranslateOptions* psOptions =
            GDALVectorTranslateOptionsNew(papszArgv, nullptr);
        if( psOptions )
            CPLString osFullOutFilename("/vsimem/" + osOutFilename);
            GDALDatasetH hOutDS = GDALVectorTranslate(
                nullptr, 1, &hSrcDS, psOptions, nullptr);
            if( hOutDS )
                GDALDriverH hOutDrv = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hOutDS);

                // Try re-opening generated file
                    GDALOpenEx(osFullOutFilename, GDAL_OF_VECTOR,
                            nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));

                if( hOutDrv )
                    GDALDeleteDataset(hOutDrv, osFullOutFilename);



    return 0;