void GadgetMessageImageExt::dump()
    GDEBUG_STREAM("GadgetMessageImageExt" << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl);
    int GenericReconCartesianNonLinearSpirit2DTGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(BaseClass::process_config(mb) == GADGET_OK, GADGET_FAIL);

        // -------------------------------------------------

        ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;
            deserialize(mb->rd_ptr(), h);
        catch (...)
            GDEBUG("Error parsing ISMRMRD Header");

        // -------------------------------------------------
        // check the parameters
            GDEBUG_STREAM("spirit_iter_max: " << this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value());

        if (this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value()<FLT_EPSILON)
            GDEBUG_STREAM("spirit_nl_iter_thres: " << this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value());

        if (this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value() < FLT_EPSILON)

            GDEBUG_STREAM("spirit_image_reg_lamda: " << this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value());

        if (this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value() < FLT_EPSILON)

            GDEBUG_STREAM("spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio: " << this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value());

        return GADGET_OK;
    int CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(BaseClass::process_config(mb) == GADGET_OK, GADGET_FAIL);

        ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;
            deserialize(mb->rd_ptr(), h);
        catch (...)
            GDEBUG("Error parsing ISMRMRD Header");

        if (!h.acquisitionSystemInformation)
            GDEBUG("acquisitionSystemInformation not found in header. Bailing out");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        GDEBUG_STREAM("Read prep times from from protocol : " << this->prep_times_.size() << " [ ");
        // set num_T2prep_ to be number of SET
        this->prep_times_.resize(this->meas_max_idx_.set + 1);

        if (h.userParameters)
            size_t i = 0;
            if (h.userParameters->userParameterDouble.size() > 0)
                std::vector<ISMRMRD::UserParameterDouble>::const_iterator iter = h.userParameters->userParameterDouble.begin();

                for (; iter != h.userParameters->userParameterDouble.end(); iter++)
                    std::string usrParaName = iter->name;
                    double usrParaValue = iter->value;

                    std::stringstream str;
                    str << "T2PrepDuration_" << i;

                    if (usrParaName == str.str() && i < this->prep_times_.size())
                        this->prep_times_[i] = (float)usrParaValue;
                        GDEBUG_STREAM("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget, find T2 prep time : " << i << " - " << this->prep_times_[i]);


        // -------------------------------------------------

        return GADGET_OK;
    int GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::process(Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage< IsmrmrdImageArray >* m1)
        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::process"); }

        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::process(...) starts ... ");


        IsmrmrdImageArray* recon_res_ = m1->getObjectPtr();

        // print out recon info
        if (verbose.value())
            GDEBUG_STREAM("----> GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::process(...) has been called " << process_called_times_ << " times ...");
            std::stringstream os;

        if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) { gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(recon_res_->data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_before_FOV_adjustment"); }

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // FOV adjustment
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(this->adjust_FOV(*recon_res_) == GADGET_OK, GADGET_FAIL);

        if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) { gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(recon_res_->data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_after_FOV_adjustment"); }

        // make sure the image header is consistent with data
        size_t N = recon_res_->headers_.get_number_of_elements();
        for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++)
            recon_res_->headers_(n).matrix_size[0] = recon_res_->data_.get_size(0);
            recon_res_->headers_(n).matrix_size[1] = recon_res_->data_.get_size(1);
            recon_res_->headers_(n).matrix_size[2] = recon_res_->data_.get_size(2);

        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::process(...) ends ... ");

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // send out results
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        if (this->next()->putq(m1) == -1)
            GERROR("GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::process, passing data on to next gadget");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

        return GADGET_OK;
GadgetMessageImageArray::GadgetMessageImageArray(int aSize[10])
        unsigned int ii;
        for ( ii=0; ii<10; ii++ )
            matrix_size[ii] = aSize[ii];

        unsigned int len = 1;
        for ( ii=3; ii<10; ii++ )
            len *= matrix_size[ii];

        if ( len > 0 )
            imageArray_ = new GadgetMessageImageExt[len];

        kSpace_centre_col_no = matrix_size[0]/2;
        kSpace_centre_line_no = matrix_size[1]/2;
        kSpace_centre_partition_no = matrix_size[4]/2;

        kSpace_max_acquired_col_no = matrix_size[0]-1;
        kSpace_max_acquired_line_no = matrix_size[1]-1;
        kSpace_max_acquired_partition_no = matrix_size[4]-1;
        GDEBUG_STREAM("Failed in allocate imageArray_" << std::endl);
    int GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget::close(unsigned long flags) {
        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(true, "GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget - close(flags) : " << flags);

        if (BaseClass::close(flags) != GADGET_OK) return GADGET_FAIL;

        if (flags != 0) {
            size_t e;
            for (e = 0; e < recon_obj_.size(); e++) {
                GDEBUG_STREAM("Clean recon_obj_ for encoding space " << e);
                if (recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.data_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.data_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.headers_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.headers_.clear();

                if (recon_obj_[e].gfactor_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].gfactor_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_dst_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_dst_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].ref_coil_map_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].ref_coil_map_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].kernel_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].kernel_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].kernelIm_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].kernelIm_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].unmixing_coeff_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].unmixing_coeff_.clear();
                if (recon_obj_[e].coil_map_.delete_data_on_destruct()) recon_obj_[e].coil_map_.clear();

        return GADGET_OK;
Exemple #7
    void correct_time_stamp_with_fitting(hoNDArray<float>& time_stamp, size_t startE1, size_t endE1)
            size_t E1 = time_stamp.get_size(0);
            size_t N = time_stamp.get_size(1);
            size_t rE1 = endE1 - startE1 + 1;

            size_t e1, n;

            size_t num_acq_read_outs = 0;
            for ( n=0; n<N; n++ )
                for ( e1=0; e1<E1; e1++ )
                    if ( time_stamp(e1, n) > 0 )

            GDEBUG_STREAM(" Number of acquired lines : " << num_acq_read_outs);

            float a, b; // y = a + b*x
                std::vector<float> x(num_acq_read_outs), y(num_acq_read_outs);

                size_t ind = 0;
                for ( n=0; n<N; n++ )
                    for ( e1=startE1; e1<=endE1; e1++ )
                        float acq_time = time_stamp(e1, n);
                        if ( acq_time > 0 )
                            x[ind] = (float)(e1-startE1 + n*rE1);
                            y[ind] = acq_time;

                Gadgetron::simple_line_fit(x, y, a, b);

            for ( n=0; n<N; n++ )
                for ( e1=startE1; e1<=endE1; e1++ )
                    float x_v = (float)(e1-startE1 + n*rE1);
                    time_stamp(e1, n) = a + b*x_v;
            GADGET_THROW("Exceptions happened in correct_time_stamp_with_fitting(...) ... ");
void GadgetMessageImageArray::extractMessageImageArrayForREP(int rep, GadgetMessageImageArray& imageArray)
    if ( rep >= matrix_size[7] )
        GDEBUG_STREAM("extractMessageImageArrayForSLC error - rep >= matrix_size[7] " << std::endl);

    int aSize[10];

    unsigned int ii;
    for ( ii=0; ii<10; ii++ )
        aSize[ii] = matrix_size[ii];

    aSize[7] = 1;


    imageArray.kSpace_centre_col_no = kSpace_centre_col_no;
    imageArray.kSpace_centre_line_no = kSpace_centre_line_no;
    imageArray.kSpace_centre_partition_no = kSpace_centre_partition_no;
    imageArray.kSpace_max_acquired_col_no = kSpace_max_acquired_col_no;
    imageArray.kSpace_max_acquired_line_no = kSpace_max_acquired_line_no;
    imageArray.kSpace_max_acquired_partition_no = kSpace_max_acquired_partition_no;

    int par, eco, phs, slc, set, seg;

    int SLC = matrix_size[3];
    int PAR = matrix_size[4];
    int ECO = matrix_size[5];
    int PHS = matrix_size[6];
    int SET = matrix_size[8];
    int SEG = matrix_size[9];

    for ( seg=0; seg<SEG; seg++ )
        for ( set=0; set<SET; set++ )
            for ( slc=0; slc<SLC; slc++ )
                for ( phs=0; phs<PHS; phs++ )
                    for ( eco=0; eco<ECO; eco++ )
                        for ( par=0; par<PAR; par++ )
                            int offset = this->get_offset(slc, par, eco, phs, rep, set, seg);
                            int offsetREP = imageArray.get_offset(slc, par, eco, phs, 0, set, seg);

                            imageArray.imageArray_[offsetREP] = imageArray_[offset];
    fs::path get_gadgetron_home() {

        const char *home = std::getenv("GADGETRON_HOME");

        if (home != nullptr) {
            return fs::path(home);

        fs::path executable_path = get_executable_path();

        GDEBUG_STREAM("Executable path: " << executable_path << std::endl);

        fs::path gadgetron_home = executable_path

        GDEBUG_STREAM("Gadgetron home: " << gadgetron_home << std::endl);

        return gadgetron_home;
    int GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(BaseClass::process_config(mb) == GADGET_OK, GADGET_FAIL);

        ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;
        catch (...)
            GDEBUG("Error parsing ISMRMRD Header");

        if (!h.acquisitionSystemInformation)
            GDEBUG("acquisitionSystemInformation not found in header. Bailing out");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        // -------------------------------------------------

        size_t NE = h.encoding.size();

        num_encoding_spaces_ = NE;

        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Number of encoding spaces: " << NE);

        acceFactorE1_.resize(NE, 1);
        acceFactorE2_.resize(NE, 1);

        size_t e;
        for (e = 0; e < h.encoding.size(); e++)
            if (!h.encoding[e].parallelImaging)
                GDEBUG_STREAM("Parallel Imaging section not found in header for encoding " << e);
                acceFactorE1_[e] = 1;
                acceFactorE2_[e] = 1;
                ISMRMRD::ParallelImaging p_imaging = *h.encoding[0].parallelImaging;

                acceFactorE1_[e] = p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1;
                acceFactorE2_[e] = p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_2;
                GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "acceFactorE1 is " << acceFactorE1_[e]);
                GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "acceFactorE2 is " << acceFactorE2_[e]);

        return GADGET_OK;
int PartialFourierAdjustROGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
  ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;

  if (h.encoding.size() != 1) {
    GDEBUG("Number of encoding spaces: %d\n", h.encoding.size());
    GDEBUG("This partial fourier gadget only supports one encoding space\n");
    return GADGET_FAIL;

  ISMRMRD::EncodingSpaceType e_space = h.encoding[0].encodedSpace;
  maxRO_ = e_space.matrixSize.x;
  GDEBUG_STREAM("max RO : " << maxRO_);
  return GADGET_OK;
    int GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process(Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage< IsmrmrdImageArray >* m1)
        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process(...) starts ... ");


        IsmrmrdImageArray* recon_res_ = m1->getObjectPtr();

        // print out recon info
        if (verbose.value())
            GDEBUG_STREAM("----> GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process(...) has been called " << process_called_times_ << " times ...");
            std::stringstream os;

        // some images do not need partial fourier handling processing
        if (recon_res_->meta_[0].length(skip_processing_meta_field.value().c_str())>0)
            if (this->next()->putq(m1) == -1)
                GERROR("GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process, passing incoming image array on to next gadget");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

            return GADGET_OK;

        // call the partial foureir

        size_t encoding = (size_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("encoding", 0);
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(encoding<num_encoding_spaces_, GADGET_FAIL);

        // perform SNR unit scaling
        SamplingLimit sampling_limits[3];

        sampling_limits[0].min_    = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_RO", 0);
        sampling_limits[0].center_ = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_RO", 1);
        sampling_limits[0].max_    = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_RO", 2);

        sampling_limits[1].min_    = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_E1", 0);
        sampling_limits[1].center_ = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_E1", 1);
        sampling_limits[1].max_    = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_E1", 2);

        sampling_limits[2].min_    = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_E2", 0);
        sampling_limits[2].center_ = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_E2", 1);
        sampling_limits[2].max_    = (uint16_t)recon_res_->meta_[0].as_long("sampling_limits_E2", 2);

        size_t RO  = recon_res_->data_.get_size(0);
        size_t E1  = recon_res_->data_.get_size(1);
        size_t E2  = recon_res_->data_.get_size(2);
        size_t CHA = recon_res_->data_.get_size(3);
        size_t N   = recon_res_->data_.get_size(4);
        size_t S   = recon_res_->data_.get_size(5);
        size_t SLC = recon_res_->data_.get_size(6);

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // pf kspace sampling range
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // if image padding is performed, those dimension may not need partial fourier handling

        startRO_ = sampling_limits[0].min_;
        endRO_ = sampling_limits[0].max_;

        startE1_ = 0;
        endE1_ = E1 - 1;

        startE2_ = 0;
        endE2_ = E2 - 1;

        if (std::abs((double)(sampling_limits[1].max_ - E1 / 2) - (double)(E1 / 2 - sampling_limits[1].min_)) > acceFactorE1_[encoding])
            startE1_ = sampling_limits[1].min_;
            endE1_ = sampling_limits[1].max_;

        if ((E2>1) && (std::abs((double)(sampling_limits[2].max_ - E2 / 2) - (double)(E2 / 2 - sampling_limits[2].min_)) > acceFactorE2_[encoding]))
            startE2_ = sampling_limits[2].min_;
            endE2_ = sampling_limits[2].max_;

        long lenRO = endRO_ - startRO_ + 1;
        long lenE1 = endE1_ - startE1_ + 1;
        long lenE2 = endE2_ - startE2_ + 1;

        if (lenRO == RO && lenE1 == E1 && lenE2 == E2)
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "lenRO == RO && lenE1 == E1 && lenE2 == E2");

            if (this->next()->putq(m1) == -1)
                GERROR("GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process, passing data on to next gadget");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

            return GADGET_OK;

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // go to kspace
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        if (E2 > 1)
            Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>::instance()->fft3c(recon_res_->data_, kspace_buf_);
            Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>::instance()->fft2c(recon_res_->data_, kspace_buf_);

        /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
            gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(kspace_buf_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "kspace_before_pf");

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // pf handling
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(this->perform_partial_fourier_handling() == GADGET_OK, GADGET_FAIL);

        /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
            gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(pf_res_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "kspace_after_pf");

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // go back to image domain
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        if (E2 > 1)
            Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>::instance()->ifft3c(pf_res_, recon_res_->data_);
            Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<typename realType<T>::Type>::instance()->ifft2c(pf_res_, recon_res_->data_);

        /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
            gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(recon_res_->data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_after_pf");

        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process(...) ends ... ");

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // send out results
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        if (this->next()->putq(m1) == -1)
            GERROR("GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingGadget::process, passing data on to next gadget");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
  void BucketToBufferGadget::fillSamplingDescription(SamplingDescription & sampling, ISMRMRD::Encoding & encoding, IsmrmrdAcquisitionBucketStats & stats, ISMRMRD::AcquisitionHeader& acqhdr, bool forref)
    // For cartesian trajectories, assume that any oversampling has been removed.
    if (encoding.trajectory == ISMRMRD::TrajectoryType::CARTESIAN) {
        sampling.encoded_FOV_[0] = encoding.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x;
        sampling.encoded_matrix_[0] = encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize.x;
    } else {
        sampling.encoded_FOV_[0] = encoding.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x;
        sampling.encoded_matrix_[0] = encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x;

    sampling.encoded_FOV_[1] = encoding.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y;
    sampling.encoded_FOV_[2] = encoding.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z;

    sampling.encoded_matrix_[1] = encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y;
    sampling.encoded_matrix_[2] = encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z;

    sampling.recon_FOV_[0] = encoding.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x;
    sampling.recon_FOV_[1] = encoding.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y;
    sampling.recon_FOV_[2] = encoding.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z;

    sampling.recon_matrix_[0] = encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize.x;
    sampling.recon_matrix_[1] = encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize.y;
    sampling.recon_matrix_[2] = encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize.z;

    // For cartesian trajectories, assume that any oversampling has been removed.
    if ( ((encoding.trajectory == ISMRMRD::TrajectoryType::CARTESIAN)) || (encoding.trajectory == ISMRMRD::TrajectoryType::EPI) )
        sampling.sampling_limits_[0].min_ = acqhdr.discard_pre;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[0].max_ = acqhdr.number_of_samples - acqhdr.discard_post - 1;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[0].center_ = acqhdr.number_of_samples / 2;
    } else {
        sampling.sampling_limits_[0].min_ = 0;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[0].max_ = encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x - 1;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[0].center_ = encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x / 2;

    // if the scan is cartesian  
        if ( ( (encoding.trajectory == ISMRMRD::TrajectoryType::CARTESIAN) && (!forref || (forref && (encoding.parallelImaging.get().calibrationMode.get() == "embedded"))) )
        || ( (encoding.trajectory == ISMRMRD::TrajectoryType::EPI) && !forref) )
        int16_t space_matrix_offset_E1 = 0;
        if (encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1.is_present())
            space_matrix_offset_E1 = (int16_t)encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y / 2 - (int16_t)encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1->center;

        int16_t space_matrix_offset_E2 = 0;
        if (encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2.is_present() && encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z > 1)
            space_matrix_offset_E2 = (int16_t)encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z / 2 - (int16_t)encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2->center;

        // E1
        sampling.sampling_limits_[1].min_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1->minimum + space_matrix_offset_E1;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[1].max_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1->maximum + space_matrix_offset_E1;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[1].center_ = sampling.encoded_matrix_[1] / 2;

        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[1].min_ < encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y);
        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[1].max_ >= sampling.sampling_limits_[1].min_);
        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[1].center_ >= sampling.sampling_limits_[1].min_);
        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[1].center_ <= sampling.sampling_limits_[1].max_);

        // E2
        sampling.sampling_limits_[2].min_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2->minimum + space_matrix_offset_E2;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[2].max_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2->maximum + space_matrix_offset_E2;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[2].center_ = sampling.encoded_matrix_[2] / 2;

        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[2].min_ < encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y);
        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[2].max_ >= sampling.sampling_limits_[2].min_);
        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[2].center_ >= sampling.sampling_limits_[2].min_);
        GADGET_CHECK_THROW(sampling.sampling_limits_[2].center_ <= sampling.sampling_limits_[2].max_);
        sampling.sampling_limits_[1].min_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1->minimum;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[1].max_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1->maximum;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[1].center_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1->center;

        sampling.sampling_limits_[2].min_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2->minimum;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[2].max_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2->maximum;
        sampling.sampling_limits_[2].center_ = encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2->center;

    if (verbose.value())
        GDEBUG_STREAM("Encoding space : " << int(encoding.trajectory)
            << " - FOV : [ " << encoding.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x << " " << encoding.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y << " " << encoding.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z << " ] "
            << " - Matris size : [ " << encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x << " " << encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y << " " << encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z << " ] ");

        GDEBUG_STREAM("Sampling limits : "
                << "- RO : [ " << sampling.sampling_limits_[0].min_ << " " << sampling.sampling_limits_[0].center_ << " " << sampling.sampling_limits_[0].max_
                << " ] - E1 : [ " << sampling.sampling_limits_[1].min_ << " " << sampling.sampling_limits_[1].center_ << " " << sampling.sampling_limits_[1].max_
                << " ] - E2 : [ " << sampling.sampling_limits_[2].min_ << " " << sampling.sampling_limits_[2].center_ << " " << sampling.sampling_limits_[2].max_ << " ]");
int WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget::process(GadgetContainerMessage<ISMRMRD::AcquisitionHeader>* m1, GadgetContainerMessage< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >* m2)
    bool is_noise = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);
    bool is_scc_correction = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_SURFACECOILCORRECTIONSCAN_DATA).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);

    bool is_ref = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);
    bool is_ref_kspace = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION_AND_IMAGING).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);

    size_t channels = m1->getObjectPtr()->active_channels;
    size_t samples = m1->getObjectPtr()->number_of_samples;

    if (!is_noise && !is_scc_correction )
        bool add_noise = true;
        if ( is_ref && !is_ref_kspace && (is_seperate_||is_external_) )
            add_noise = add_noise_ref_;

            if ( !add_noise )
                GDEBUG_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, noise is not added to the ref acquisitions ... ");

        if ( add_noise )
            if ( !noise_.dimensions_equal(m2->getObjectPtr()) )

            if ( !randn_->gen(noise_) )
                GERROR_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, randn_->gen(noise_) failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

            if ( !noise_fl_.copyFrom(noise_) )
                GERROR_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, noise_fl_.copyFrom(noise_) failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

                Gadgetron::add(*m2->getObjectPtr(), noise_fl_, *m2->getObjectPtr());
                GERROR_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, Gadgetron::add(*m2->getObjectPtr(), noise_, *m2->getObjectPtr()) failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

    if (this->next()->putq(m1) == -1) 
      GERROR("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget::process, passing data on to next gadget");
      return -1;

    return GADGET_OK;
bool prepOpenMP()
        GDEBUG_STREAM("--> OpenMP info <--");

        int numOpenMPProcs = omp_get_num_procs();
        GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, numOpenMPProcs : " << numOpenMPProcs);

        #ifndef WIN32
            int maxOpenMPLevels = omp_get_max_active_levels();
            GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, maxOpenMPLevels : " << maxOpenMPLevels);
        #endif // WIN32

        int maxOpenMPThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
        GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, maxOpenMPThreads : " << maxOpenMPThreads);

        if ( numOpenMPProcs != maxOpenMPThreads )
            GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, numOpenMPProcs != maxOpenMPThreads , hyperthreading must be disabled ... ");

        // omp_set_nested(1);
        int allowOpenMPNested = omp_get_nested();
        GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, allowOpenMPNested : " << allowOpenMPNested);

        #ifdef WIN32
            GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlus, set thread affinity ... ");

            /// lock the threads
            #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
                int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
                DWORD_PTR mask = (1 << tid);
                GDEBUG_STREAM("thread id : " << tid << " - mask : " << mask);
                SetThreadAffinityMask( GetCurrentThread(), mask );
        #endif // WIN32

        GERROR_STREAM("Errors in GtPlus prepOpenMP() ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
  int DistributeGadget::process(ACE_Message_Block* m)
    int node_index = this->node_index(m);

    if (single_package_mode.value()) {
      node_index = ++started_nodes_;

    if (node_index < 0) {
      GERROR("Negative node index received");
      return GADGET_FAIL;

    //If we are not supposed to use this node for compute, add one to make sure we are not on node 0
    //if (!use_this_node_for_compute.value()) {
    //  node_index = node_index+1;

    // instead of sending down the stream, processing is done by making connections
    //if (node_index == 0) { //process locally
    //  if (this->next()->putq(m) == -1) {
    //    m->release();
    //    GERROR("DistributeGadget::process, passing data on to next gadget\n");
    //    return GADGET_FAIL;
    //  }
    //  return GADGET_OK;

    //At this point, the node index is positive, so we need to find a suitable connector.
    auto n = node_map_.find(node_index);
    GadgetronConnector* con = 0;
    if (n != node_map_.end()) { //We have a suitable connection already.
      con = n->second;
    } else {
      std::vector<GadgetronNodeInfo> nl;

      GDEBUG("Number of network nodes found: %d\n", nl.size());

      GadgetronNodeInfo me;
      me.address = "";//We may have to update this
      me.port = CloudBus::instance()->port();
      me.uuid = CloudBus::instance()->uuid();
      me.active_reconstructions = CloudBus::instance()->active_reconstructions();

      //This would give the current node the lowest possible priority
      if (!use_this_node_for_compute.value()) {
        me.active_reconstructions = UINT32_MAX;

      for (auto it = nl.begin(); it != nl.end(); it++) {
        if (it->active_reconstructions < me.active_reconstructions) {
          me = *it;

        //Is this a free node
        if (me.active_reconstructions == 0) break;

      // first job, send to current node if required
      if (use_this_node_for_compute.value() && node_index==0)
        size_t num_of_ip = local_address_.size();

          for (auto it = nl.begin(); it != nl.end(); it++)
              for (size_t ii=0; ii<num_of_ip; ii++)
                  if (it->address == local_address_[ii])
                      me = *it;

          GDEBUG_STREAM("Send first job to current node : " << me.address);

      con = new DistributionConnector(this);

      GadgetronXML::GadgetStreamConfiguration cfg;
      try {
        deserialize(node_xml_config_.c_str(), cfg);
      }  catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
        GERROR("Failed to parse Node Gadget Stream Configuration: %s\n", e.what());
        return GADGET_FAIL;

      //Configuration of readers
      for (auto i = cfg.reader.begin(); i != cfg.reader.end(); ++i) {
        GadgetMessageReader* r =
        if (!r) {
          GERROR("Failed to load GadgetMessageReader from DLL\n");
          return GADGET_FAIL;
        con->register_reader(i->slot, r);

      for (auto i = cfg.writer.begin(); i != cfg.writer.end(); ++i) {
        GadgetMessageWriter* w =
        if (!w) {
          GERROR("Failed to load GadgetMessageWriter from DLL\n");
          return GADGET_FAIL;
        con->register_writer(i->slot, w);

      char buffer[10];
      if (con->open(me.address,std::string(buffer)) != 0) {
        GERROR("Failed to open connection to node %s : %d\n", me.address.c_str(), me.port);
        return GADGET_FAIL;

      if (con->send_gadgetron_configuration_script(node_xml_config_) != 0) {
        GERROR("Failed to send XML configuration to compute node\n");
        return GADGET_FAIL;

      if (con->send_gadgetron_parameters(node_parameters_) != 0) {
        GERROR("Failed to send XML parameters to compute node\n");
        return GADGET_FAIL;
      node_map_[node_index] = con;

    if (!con) {
      //Zero pointer for the connection means that either a) connection creation failed or b) using local chain.
      //Either way, we will send it down the chain.

      if (!use_this_node_for_compute.value()) {
        GERROR("This node cannot be used for computing and no other node is available\n");
        return GADGET_FAIL;

      if (this->next()->putq(m) == -1) {
        GERROR("DistributeGadget::process, passing data on to next gadget\n");
        return GADGET_FAIL;
      } else {
        return GADGET_OK;

    } else {
      //Let's make sure that we did not send a close message to this connector already
      auto c = std::find(closed_connectors_.begin(),closed_connectors_.end(),con);
      if (c != closed_connectors_.end()) {
	//This is a bad situation, we need to bail out. 
	GERROR("The valid connection for incoming data has already been closed. Distribute Gadget is not configured properly for this type of data\n");
	return GADGET_FAIL;

      //If nodes receive their data sequentially (default), we should see if we should be closing the previos connection
      if (nodes_used_sequentially.value() && !single_package_mode.value()) {
	//Is this a new connection, if so, send previous one a close
	if (prev_connector_ && prev_connector_ != con) {
	  GDEBUG("Sending close to previous connector, not expecting any more data for this one\n");
	  auto mc = new GadgetContainerMessage<GadgetMessageIdentifier>();
	  mc->getObjectPtr()->id = GADGET_MESSAGE_CLOSE;
	  if (prev_connector_->putq(mc) == -1) {
	    GERROR("Unable to put CLOSE package on queue of previous connection\n");
	    return -1;
      //Update previous connection
      prev_connector_ = con;

      //We have a valid connector
      auto m1 = new GadgetContainerMessage<GadgetMessageIdentifier>();
      m1->getObjectPtr()->id = message_id(m);


      if (con->putq(m1) == -1) {
        GERROR("Unable to put package on connector queue\n");
        return GADGET_FAIL;

      if (single_package_mode.value()) {
        auto m2 = new GadgetContainerMessage<GadgetMessageIdentifier>();
        m2->getObjectPtr()->id = GADGET_MESSAGE_CLOSE;

        if (con->putq(m2) == -1) {
          GERROR("Unable to put CLOSE package on queue\n");
          return -1;

    return 0;
    int GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::adjust_FOV(IsmrmrdImageArray& recon_res)
            size_t RO = recon_res.data_.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = recon_res.data_.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = recon_res.data_.get_size(2);

            double encodingFOV_RO = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("encoding_FOV", 0);
            double encodingFOV_E1 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("encoding_FOV", 1);
            double encodingFOV_E2 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("encoding_FOV", 2);

            double reconFOV_RO = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("recon_FOV", 0);
            double reconFOV_E1 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("recon_FOV", 1);
            double reconFOV_E2 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("recon_FOV", 2);

            long encoding = recon_res.meta_[0].as_long("encoding", 0);

            size_t reconSizeRO = recon_size_[encoding][0];
            size_t reconSizeE1 = recon_size_[encoding][1];
            size_t reconSizeE2 = recon_size_[encoding][2];

            // if 2D reconstruction, no need to process along E2
            if (E2 <= 1)
                reconSizeE2 = E2;
                reconFOV_E2 = encodingFOV_E2;

            // if encoded FOV are the same as recon FOV
            if ((std::abs(encodingFOV_RO / 2 - reconFOV_RO)<0.1) && (std::abs(encodingFOV_E1 - reconFOV_E1)<0.1) && (std::abs(encodingFOV_E2 - reconFOV_E2)<0.1))
                if (RO <= reconSizeRO && E1 <= reconSizeE1 && E2 <= reconSizeE2)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(recon_res.data_, reconSizeRO, reconSizeE1, reconSizeE2, res_);
                else if (RO >= reconSizeRO && E1 >= reconSizeE1 && E2 >= reconSizeE2)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, recon_res.data_, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(reconSizeRO, reconSizeE1, reconSizeE2, &kspace_buf_, &res_);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, res_, recon_res.data_);
                    GDEBUG_STREAM("Inconsistent image size [" << RO << " " << E1 << " " << E2 << "]; recon image size [" << reconSizeRO << " " << reconSizeE1 << " " << reconSizeE2 << "] ... ");
                    return GADGET_FAIL;
            else if ((encodingFOV_E1 >= reconFOV_E1) && (encodingFOV_E2 >= reconFOV_E2))
                size_t encodingE1 = reconSizeE1;
                if (encodingFOV_E1 > reconFOV_E1)
                    double spacingE1 = reconFOV_E1 / reconSizeE1;
                    encodingE1 = (size_t)std::floor(encodingFOV_E1 / spacingE1 + 0.5);

                size_t encodingE2 = reconSizeE2;
                if (encodingFOV_E2 > reconFOV_E2)
                    double spacingE2 = reconFOV_E2 / reconSizeE2;
                    encodingE2 = (size_t)std::floor(encodingFOV_E2 / spacingE2 + 0.5);

                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >* pSrc = &recon_res.data_;
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >* pDst = &res_;
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >* pTmp;

                // adjust E1
                if (encodingE1 >= E1 + 1)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(*pSrc, RO, encodingE1, E2, *pDst);
                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;
                else if (encodingE1 <= E1 - 1)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, *pSrc, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(RO, encodingE1, E2, &kspace_buf_, pDst);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, *pDst, *pDst);

                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;

                // adjust E2
                if (encodingE2 >= E2 + 1)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(*pSrc, RO, pSrc->get_size(1), encodingE2, *pDst);
                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;
                else if (encodingE2 <= E2 - 1)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, *pSrc, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(RO, pSrc->get_size(1), encodingE2, &kspace_buf_, pDst);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, *pDst, *pDst);

                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;

                //adjust RO
                if (RO < reconSizeRO)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(*pSrc, reconSizeRO, pSrc->get_size(1), pSrc->get_size(2), *pDst);
                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;
                else if (RO > reconSizeRO)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, *pSrc, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(reconSizeRO, pSrc->get_size(1), pSrc->get_size(2), &kspace_buf_, pDst);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, *pDst, *pDst);

                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;

                // final cut on image
                GADGET_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN_FALSE(Gadgetron::crop(reconSizeRO, reconSizeE1, reconSizeE2, pSrc, pDst));

                if (pDst != &recon_res.data_)
                    recon_res.data_ = *pDst;
        catch (...)
            GERROR_STREAM("Errors in GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::adjust_FOV(IsmrmrdImageArray& data) ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
    int GenericReconEigenChannelGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
        ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;
            deserialize(mb->rd_ptr(), h);
        catch (...)
            GDEBUG("Error parsing ISMRMRD Header");

        if (!h.acquisitionSystemInformation)
            GDEBUG("acquisitionSystemInformation not found in header. Bailing out");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        // -------------------------------------------------

        size_t NE = h.encoding.size();
        num_encoding_spaces_ = NE;
        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Number of encoding spaces: " << NE);

        calib_mode_.resize(NE, ISMRMRD_noacceleration);


        for (size_t e = 0; e < h.encoding.size(); e++)
            ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace e_space = h.encoding[e].encodedSpace;
            ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace r_space = h.encoding[e].reconSpace;
            ISMRMRD::EncodingLimits e_limits = h.encoding[e].encodingLimits;

            if (!h.encoding[e].parallelImaging)
                GDEBUG_STREAM("Parallel Imaging section not found in header");
                calib_mode_[e] = ISMRMRD_noacceleration;

                ISMRMRD::ParallelImaging p_imaging = *h.encoding[0].parallelImaging;
                std::string calib = *p_imaging.calibrationMode;

                bool separate = (calib.compare("separate") == 0);
                bool embedded = (calib.compare("embedded") == 0);
                bool external = (calib.compare("external") == 0);
                bool interleaved = (calib.compare("interleaved") == 0);
                bool other = (calib.compare("other") == 0);

                calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_noacceleration;
                if (p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1 > 1 || p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_2 > 1)
                    if (interleaved)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved;
                    else if (embedded)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_embedded;
                    else if (separate)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_separate;
                    else if (external)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_external;
                    else if (other)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_other;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /*if (!debug_folder.value().empty())
            Gadgetron::get_debug_folder_path(debug_folder.value(), debug_folder_full_path_);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Debug folder is " << debug_folder_full_path_);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Debug folder is not set ... ");

        return GADGET_OK;
int WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
    noise_mean_ = noise_mean.value();
    noise_std_ = noise_std.value();
    add_noise_ref_ = add_noise_ref.value();

    GDEBUG_STREAM("noise mean is " << noise_mean_);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("noise std is " << noise_std_);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("add_noise_ref is " << add_noise_ref_);

    randn_->setPara(noise_mean_, noise_std_);

    // get the current time and generate a seed
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm * timeinfo;
    time ( &rawtime );
    timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );

    long long seed = (long long)(1e10*(timeinfo->tm_year+1900) + 1e8*(timeinfo->tm_mon+1) + 1e6*timeinfo->tm_mday + 1e4*timeinfo->tm_hour + 1e2*timeinfo->tm_min + timeinfo->tm_sec + std::rand());

    std::array<unsigned int, 10> sequence;
    sequence[0] = (unsigned int)(1e10*(timeinfo->tm_year+1900));
    sequence[1] = (unsigned int)(1e8*(timeinfo->tm_mon+1));
    sequence[2] = (unsigned int)(1e6*timeinfo->tm_mday);
    sequence[3] = (unsigned int)(1e4*timeinfo->tm_hour);
    sequence[4] = (unsigned int)(1e2*timeinfo->tm_min);
    sequence[5] = (unsigned int)(timeinfo->tm_sec);

    std::srand( (unsigned int)seed );
    sequence[6] = (unsigned int)(std::rand());
    sequence[7] = (unsigned int)(std::rand());
    sequence[8] = (unsigned int)(std::rand());
    sequence[9] = (unsigned int)(std::rand());

    std::seed_seq seedSeq(sequence.begin(), sequence.end());

    randn_->seed( (unsigned long)seed );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;
    try {
    } catch (...) {
      GDEBUG("Error parsing ISMRMRD Header");
      return GADGET_FAIL;

    if( h.encoding.size() != 1)
      GDEBUG("Number of encoding spaces: %d\n", h.encoding.size());
      GDEBUG("This simple WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget only supports one encoding space\n");
      return GADGET_FAIL;
    if (!h.encoding[0].parallelImaging) {
      GDEBUG("Parallel Imaging section not found in header");
      return GADGET_FAIL;

    ISMRMRD::ParallelImaging p_imaging = *h.encoding[0].parallelImaging;

    acceFactorE1_ = (double)(p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1);
    acceFactorE2_ = (double)(p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_2);

    GDEBUG_STREAM("acceFactorE1_ is " << acceFactorE1_);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("acceFactorE2_ is " << acceFactorE2_);

    if ( !p_imaging.calibrationMode.is_present() )
        GDEBUG("Parallel Imaging calibrationMode not found in header");
        return GADGET_FAIL;

    std::string calib = *p_imaging.calibrationMode;
    if ( calib.compare("interleaved") == 0 )
      is_interleaved_ = true;
      GDEBUG_STREAM("Calibration mode is interleaved");
    } else if ( calib.compare("embedded") == 0 ) {
      is_embeded_ = true;
      GDEBUG_STREAM("Calibration mode is embedded");
    } else if ( calib.compare("separate") == 0 ) {
      is_seperate_ = true;
      GDEBUG_STREAM("Calibration mode is separate");
    } else if ( calib.compare("external") == 0 ) {
      is_external_ = true;
      GDEBUG_STREAM("Calibration mode is external");
    } else if ( (calib.compare("other") == 0)) {
      is_other_ = true;
      GDEBUG_STREAM("Calibration mode is other");
    } else {
      GDEBUG("Failed to process parallel imaging calibration mode");
      return GADGET_FAIL;
    return GADGET_OK;
    int GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget::process(Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage<IsmrmrdReconData> *m1) {
        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_local_.start("GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget::process"); }


        IsmrmrdReconData *recon_bit_ = m1->getObjectPtr();
        if (recon_bit_->rbit_.size() > num_encoding_spaces_) {
            GWARN_STREAM("Incoming recon_bit has more encoding spaces than the protocol : " << recon_bit_->rbit_.size()
                                                                                            << " instead of "
                                                                                            << num_encoding_spaces_);

        GadgetContainerMessage< std::vector<ISMRMRD::Waveform> > * wav = AsContainerMessage< std::vector<ISMRMRD::Waveform>  >(m1->cont());
        if (wav)
            if (verbose.value())
                GDEBUG_STREAM("Incoming recon_bit with " << wav->getObjectPtr()->size() << " wave form samples ");

        // for every encoding space
        for (size_t e = 0; e < recon_bit_->rbit_.size(); e++) {
            std::stringstream os;
            os << "_encoding_" << e << "_" << process_called_times_;

                                    "Calling " << process_called_times_ << " , encoding space : " << e);

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // export incoming data

            if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                                                  debug_folder_full_path_ + "data" + os.str());

            if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty() && recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.trajectory_) {
                if (recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_->trajectory_->get_number_of_elements() > 0) {
                                              debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_traj" + os.str());

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------

            if (recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_) {
                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                                                      debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref" + os.str());

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty() && recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_->trajectory_) {
                    if (recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_->trajectory_->get_number_of_elements() > 0) {
                                                  debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_traj" + os.str());

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                // after this step, the recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_ and recon_obj_[e].ref_coil_map_ are set

                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget::make_ref_coil_map"); }
                this->make_ref_coil_map(*recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_, *recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.data_.get_dimensions(),
                                        recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_, recon_obj_[e].ref_coil_map_, e);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                // ----------------------------------------------------------
                // export prepared ref for calibration and coil map
                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                                                            debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_calib" + os.str());

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                                                            debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_coil_map" + os.str());

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                // after this step, the recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_dst_ and recon_obj_[e].ref_coil_map_ are modified
                if (perform_timing.value()) {
                                                                    recon_obj_[e].ref_calib_dst_, e);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                        debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_calib_dst" + os.str());

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                        debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_coil_map_dst" + os.str());

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                // after this step, coil map is computed and stored in recon_obj_[e].coil_map_
                if (perform_timing.value()) {
                this->perform_coil_map_estimation(recon_obj_[e].ref_coil_map_, recon_obj_[e].coil_map_, e);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                // after this step, recon_obj_[e].kernel_, recon_obj_[e].kernelIm_, recon_obj_[e].unmixing_coeff_ are filled
                // gfactor is computed too
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget::perform_calib"); }
                this->perform_calib(recon_bit_->rbit_[e], recon_obj_[e], e);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_ = boost::none;

            if (recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.data_.get_number_of_elements() > 0) {
                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                                                      debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_before_unwrapping" + os.str());

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty() && recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.trajectory_) {
                    if (recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.trajectory_->get_number_of_elements() > 0) {
                                                  debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_before_unwrapping_traj" + os.str());

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                if (perform_timing.value()) {
                this->perform_unwrapping(recon_bit_->rbit_[e], recon_obj_[e], e);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                if (perform_timing.value()) {
                this->compute_image_header(recon_bit_->rbit_[e], recon_obj_[e].recon_res_, e);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                // pass down waveform
                if(wav) recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.waveform_ = *wav->getObjectPtr();
                recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.acq_headers_ = recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.headers_;

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                                                            debug_folder_full_path_ + "recon_res" + os.str());

                if (perform_timing.value()) {
                this->send_out_image_array(recon_obj_[e].recon_res_, e,
                                           image_series.value() + ((int) e + 1), GADGETRON_IMAGE_REGULAR);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                if (send_out_gfactor.value() && recon_obj_[e].gfactor_.get_number_of_elements() > 0 &&
                    (acceFactorE1_[e] * acceFactorE2_[e] > 1)) {
                    IsmrmrdImageArray res;
                    Gadgetron::real_to_complex(recon_obj_[e].gfactor_, res.data_);
                    res.headers_ = recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.headers_;
                    res.meta_ = recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.meta_;

                    if (perform_timing.value()) {
                        gt_timer_.start("GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget::send_out_image_array, gfactor");
                    this->send_out_image_array(res, e, image_series.value() + 10 * ((int) e + 2),
                    if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                if (send_out_snr_map.value()) {
                    hoNDArray<std::complex<float> > snr_map;

                    if (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_noacceleration) {
                        snr_map = recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.data_;
                    } else {
                        if (recon_obj_[e].gfactor_.get_number_of_elements() > 0) {
                            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("compute SNR map array"); }
                            this->compute_snr_map(recon_obj_[e], snr_map);
                            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

                    if (snr_map.get_number_of_elements() > 0) {
                        if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
                                                                    debug_folder_full_path_ + "snr_map" + os.str());

                        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("send out gfactor array, snr map"); }

                        IsmrmrdImageArray res;
                        res.data_ = snr_map;
                        res.headers_ = recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.headers_;
                        res.meta_ = recon_obj_[e].recon_res_.meta_;
                        res.acq_headers_ = recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.headers_;

                        this->send_out_image_array(res, e,
                                                   image_series.value() + 100 * ((int) e + 3), GADGETRON_IMAGE_SNR_MAP);

                        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }



        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_local_.stop(); }

        return GADGET_OK;
void GadgetMessageImageArray::dump()
    unsigned int ii;
    GDEBUG_STREAM("GadgetMessageImageArray" << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("==========================================================" << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("matrix_size           : ");
    for ( ii=0; ii<10; ii++ )
        GDEBUG_STREAM(matrix_size[ii] << " ");
    GDEBUG_STREAM("----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("kSpace_centre_col_no             : " << kSpace_centre_col_no << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("kSpace_max_acquired_col_no       : " << kSpace_max_acquired_col_no << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("kSpace_centre_line_no            : " << kSpace_centre_line_no << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("kSpace_max_acquired_line_no      : " << kSpace_max_acquired_line_no << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("kSpace_centre_partition_no       : " << kSpace_centre_partition_no << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("kSpace_max_acquired_partition_no : " << kSpace_max_acquired_partition_no << std::endl);
    GDEBUG_STREAM("----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl);
    if ( imageArray_ )
        int slc, par, eco, phs, rep, set, seg;
        for ( seg=0; seg<matrix_size[9]; seg++ )
            for ( set=0; set<matrix_size[8]; set++ )
                for ( rep=0; rep<matrix_size[7]; rep++ )
                    for ( phs=0; phs<matrix_size[6]; phs++ )
                        for ( eco=0; eco<matrix_size[5]; eco++ )
                            for ( par=0; par<matrix_size[4]; par++ )
                                for ( slc=0; slc<matrix_size[3]; slc++ )
                                    int offset = get_offset(slc, par, eco, phs, rep, set, seg);
                                    std::cout << "[Slice Partition Echo Phase Rep Set Seg] = [" 
                                                << " " << slc 
                                                << " " << par 
                                                << " " << eco 
                                                << " " << phs 
                                                << " " << rep 
                                                << " " << set 
                                                << " " << seg << "]" << std::endl;


    GDEBUG_STREAM("==========================================================" << std::endl);
    int GenericReconCartesianReferencePrepGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
        ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;
            deserialize(mb->rd_ptr(), h);
        catch (...)
            GDEBUG("Error parsing ISMRMRD Header");

        if (!h.acquisitionSystemInformation)
            GDEBUG("acquisitionSystemInformation not found in header. Bailing out");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        // -------------------------------------------------

        size_t NE = h.encoding.size();
        num_encoding_spaces_ = NE;
        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Number of encoding spaces: " << NE);

        calib_mode_.resize(NE, ISMRMRD_noacceleration);
        ref_prepared_.resize(NE, false);

        for (size_t e = 0; e < h.encoding.size(); e++)
            ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace e_space = h.encoding[e].encodedSpace;
            ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace r_space = h.encoding[e].reconSpace;
            ISMRMRD::EncodingLimits e_limits = h.encoding[e].encodingLimits;

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "---> Encoding space : " << e << " <---");
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Encoding matrix size: " << e_space.matrixSize.x << " " << e_space.matrixSize.y << " " << e_space.matrixSize.z);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Encoding field_of_view : " << e_space.fieldOfView_mm.x << " " << e_space.fieldOfView_mm.y << " " << e_space.fieldOfView_mm.z);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Recon matrix size : " << r_space.matrixSize.x << " " << r_space.matrixSize.y << " " << r_space.matrixSize.z);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Recon field_of_view :  " << r_space.fieldOfView_mm.x << " " << r_space.fieldOfView_mm.y << " " << r_space.fieldOfView_mm.z);

            if (!h.encoding[e].parallelImaging)
                GDEBUG_STREAM("Parallel Imaging section not found in header");
                calib_mode_[e] = ISMRMRD_noacceleration;

                ISMRMRD::ParallelImaging p_imaging = *h.encoding[0].parallelImaging;
                GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "acceFactorE1 is " << p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1);
                GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "acceFactorE2 is " << p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_2);

                std::string calib = *p_imaging.calibrationMode;

                bool separate = (calib.compare("separate") == 0);
                bool embedded = (calib.compare("embedded") == 0);
                bool external = (calib.compare("external") == 0);
                bool interleaved = (calib.compare("interleaved") == 0);
                bool other = (calib.compare("other") == 0);

                calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_noacceleration;
                if (p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1 > 1 || p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_2 > 1)
                    if (interleaved)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved;
                    else if (embedded)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_embedded;
                    else if (separate)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_separate;
                    else if (external)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_external;
                    else if (other)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_other;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        return GADGET_OK;
    int CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping(IsmrmrdImageArray& data, IsmrmrdImageArray& map, IsmrmrdImageArray& para, IsmrmrdImageArray& map_sd, IsmrmrdImageArray& para_sd)
            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping"); }

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping(...) starts ... ");

            size_t RO = data.data_.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = data.data_.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = data.data_.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = data.data_.get_size(3);
            size_t N = data.data_.get_size(4);
            size_t S = data.data_.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = data.data_.get_size(6);

            size_t ro, e1, s, slc, p;

            GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(this->prep_times_.size() >= N, GADGET_FAIL);

            hoNDArray<float> mag;
            Gadgetron::abs(data.data_, mag);

            if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                gt_exporter_.export_array(mag, debug_folder_full_path_ + "CmrParametricT2Mapping_data_mag");

            bool need_sd_map = send_sd_map.value();

            Gadgetron::GadgetronTimer gt_timer(false);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // set mapping parameters

            Gadgetron::CmrT2Mapping<float> t2_mapper;

            t2_mapper.fill_holes_in_maps_ = perform_hole_filling.value();
            t2_mapper.max_size_of_holes_ = max_size_hole.value();
            t2_mapper.compute_SD_maps_ = need_sd_map;

            t2_mapper.ti_.resize(N, 0);
            memcpy(&(t2_mapper.ti_)[0], &this->prep_times_[0], sizeof(float)*N);

            t2_mapper.data_.create(RO, E1, N, S, SLC, mag.begin());

            t2_mapper.max_iter_ = max_iter.value();
            t2_mapper.thres_fun_ = thres_func.value();
            t2_mapper.max_map_value_ = max_T2.value();

            t2_mapper.verbose_ = verbose.value();
            t2_mapper.debug_folder_ = debug_folder_full_path_;
            t2_mapper.perform_timing_ = perform_timing.value();

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // compute mask if needed
            if (mapping_with_masking.value())
                t2_mapper.mask_for_mapping_.create(RO, E1, SLC);

                // get the image with shortest prep time
                hoNDArray<float> mag_shortest_TE;
                mag_shortest_TE.create(RO, E1, SLC);

                for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                    size_t ind = 0;
                    float min_te = this->prep_times_[0];

                    for (size_t n = 1; n < this->prep_times_.size(); n++)
                            min_te = this->prep_times_[n];
                            ind = n;

                    memcpy(&mag_shortest_TE(0, 0, slc), &mag(0, 0, ind, 0, slc), sizeof(float)*RO*E1);

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.export_array(mag_shortest_TE, debug_folder_full_path_ + "CmrParametricT2Mapping_mag_shortest_TE");

                double scale_factor = 1.0;
                if (data.meta_[0].length(GADGETRON_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO) > 0)
                    scale_factor = data.meta_[0].as_double(GADGETRON_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO);

                GDEBUG_STREAM("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget, find incoming image has scale factor of " << scale_factor);

                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.start("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::compute_mask_for_mapping"); }
                this->compute_mask_for_mapping(mag, t2_mapper.mask_for_mapping_, (float)scale_factor);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.stop(); }

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.export_array(t2_mapper.mask_for_mapping_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "CmrParametricT2Mapping_mask_for_mapping");

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // perform mapping

            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.start("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget, t2_mapper.perform_parametric_mapping"); }
            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.stop(); }

            size_t num_para = t2_mapper.get_num_of_paras();

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // get the results

            map.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, 1, S, SLC);
            map.headers_.create(1, S, SLC);

            para.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, num_para, S, SLC);
            para.headers_.create(num_para, S, SLC);

            if (need_sd_map)
                map_sd.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, 1, S, SLC);
                map_sd.headers_.create(1, S, SLC);

                para_sd.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, num_para, S, SLC);
                para_sd.headers_.create(num_para, S, SLC);

            for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                    for (e1 = 0; e1 < E1; e1++)
                        for (ro = 0; ro < RO; ro++)
                            map.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, 0, s, slc) = t2_mapper.map_(ro, e1, s, slc);

                            if (need_sd_map)
                                map_sd.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, 0, s, slc) = t2_mapper.sd_map_(ro, e1, s, slc);

                            for (p = 0; p < num_para; p++)
                                para.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, p, s, slc) = t2_mapper.para_(ro, e1, p, s, slc);

                                if (need_sd_map)
                                    para_sd.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, p, s, slc) = t2_mapper.sd_para_(ro, e1, p, s, slc);

                    size_t slc_ind = data.headers_(0, s, slc).slice;

                    map.headers_(0, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                    map.headers_(0, s, slc).image_index = 1 + slc_ind;
                    map.headers_(0, s, slc).image_series_index = 11;
                    map.meta_[s+slc*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];
                    map.meta_[s + slc*S].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2MAP);
                    map.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2MAP);
                    map.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_IMAGEPROCESSINGHISTORY, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2MAP);

                    map_sd.headers_(0, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                    map_sd.headers_(0, s, slc).image_index = 1 + slc_ind;
                    map_sd.headers_(0, s, slc).image_series_index = 12;
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2SDMAP);
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2SDMAP);
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_IMAGEPROCESSINGHISTORY, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2SDMAP);

                    if (need_sd_map)
                        for (p = 0; p < num_para; p++)
                            para.headers_(p, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                            para.headers_(p, s, slc).image_index = 1 + p + slc_ind*num_para;
                            para.meta_[p + s*num_para + slc*num_para*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];

                            para_sd.headers_(p, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                            para_sd.headers_(p, s, slc).image_index = 1 + p + slc_ind*num_para;
                            para_sd.meta_[p + s*num_para + slc*num_para*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];

            // -------------------------------------------------------------

            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }
        catch (...)
            GERROR_STREAM("Exceptions happened in CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping(...) ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
    int MultiChannelCartesianGrappaReconGadget::send_out_image_array(IsmrmrdReconBit& recon_bit, IsmrmrdImageArray& res, size_t encoding, int series_num, const std::string& data_role)
            size_t RO = res.data_.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = res.data_.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = res.data_.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = res.data_.get_size(3);
            size_t N = res.data_.get_size(4);
            size_t S = res.data_.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = res.data_.get_size(6);

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(true, "sending out image array, acquisition boundary [RO E1 E2 CHA N S SLC] = [" << RO << " " << E1 << " " << E2 << " " << CHA << " " << N << " " << S << " " << SLC << "] ");

            // compute image numbers and fill the image meta
            size_t n, s, slc;
            for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                    for (n = 0; n < N; n++)
                        ISMRMRD::ImageHeader header = res.headers_(n, s, slc);

                        if (header.measurement_uid == 0) continue;

                        res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_index = (uint16_t)this->compute_image_number(res.headers_(n, s, slc), encoding, CHA, 0, E2);
                        res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_series_index = series_num;

                        size_t offset = n + s*N + slc*N*S;
                        res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_IMAGENUMBER, (long)res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_index);
                        res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_IMAGEPROCESSINGHISTORY, "GT");

                        if (data_role == GADGETRON_IMAGE_REGULAR)
                            res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_type = ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_IMTYPE_MAGNITUDE;

                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_IMAGECOMMENT, "GT");

                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, "_GT");
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_REGULAR);
                        else if (data_role == GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR)
                            res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_type = ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_IMTYPE_MAGNITUDE;

                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_IMAGECOMMENT, GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR);
                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR);
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR);

                            // set the skip processing flag, so gfactor map will not be processed during e.g. partial fourier handling or kspace filter gadgets
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_SKIP_PROCESSING_AFTER_RECON, (long)1);
                            // set the flag to use dedicated scaling factor
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_USE_DEDICATED_SCALING_FACTOR, (long)1);

                        if (verbose.value())
                            for (size_t cha = 0; cha < CHA; cha++)
                                GDEBUG_STREAM("sending out " << data_role << " image [CHA SLC CON PHS REP SET AVE] = [" << cha << " "<< res.headers_(n, s, slc).slice << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).contrast << " "<< res.headers_(n, s, slc).phase << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).repetition << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).set << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).average << " " << "] "<< " -- Image number -- " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_index); 

            // send out the images
            Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage<IsmrmrdImageArray>* cm1 = new Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage<IsmrmrdImageArray>();
            *(cm1->getObjectPtr()) = res;

            if (this->next()->putq(cm1) < 0)
                GERROR_STREAM("Put image array to Q failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;
        catch (...)
            GERROR_STREAM("Errors in MultiChannelCartesianGrappaReconGadget::send_out_image_array(...) ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
    void GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget::perform_unwrapping(IsmrmrdReconBit &recon_bit, ReconObjType &recon_obj,
                                                               size_t e) {

        typedef std::complex<float> T;

        typedef std::complex<float> T;

        size_t RO = recon_bit.data_.data_.get_size(0);
        size_t E1 = recon_bit.data_.data_.get_size(1);
        size_t E2 = recon_bit.data_.data_.get_size(2);
        size_t dstCHA = recon_bit.data_.data_.get_size(3);
        size_t N = recon_bit.data_.data_.get_size(4);
        size_t S = recon_bit.data_.data_.get_size(5);
        size_t SLC = recon_bit.data_.data_.get_size(6);

        hoNDArray<std::complex<float> > &src = recon_obj.ref_calib_;

        size_t ref_RO = src.get_size(0);
        size_t ref_E1 = src.get_size(1);
        size_t ref_E2 = src.get_size(2);
        size_t srcCHA = src.get_size(3);
        size_t ref_N = src.get_size(4);
        size_t ref_S = src.get_size(5);
        size_t ref_SLC = src.get_size(6);

        size_t unmixingCoeff_CHA = recon_obj.unmixing_coeff_.get_size(3);

        size_t convkRO = recon_obj.kernel_.get_size(0);
        size_t convkE1 = recon_obj.kernel_.get_size(1);
        size_t convkE2 = recon_obj.kernel_.get_size(2);

        recon_obj.recon_res_.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, 1, N, S, SLC);

        if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
            std::stringstream os;
            os << "encoding_" << e;
            std::string suffix = os.str();
            gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(recon_bit.data_.data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_src_" + suffix);

        // compute aliased images
        data_recon_buf_.create(RO, E1, E2, dstCHA, N, S, SLC);

        if (E2 > 1) {
            Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<float>::instance()->ifft3c(recon_bit.data_.data_, complex_im_recon_buf_,
        } else {
            Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<float>::instance()->ifft2c(recon_bit.data_.data_, complex_im_recon_buf_,

        // SNR unit scaling
        float effective_acce_factor(1), snr_scaling_ratio(1);
        this->compute_snr_scaling_factor(recon_bit, effective_acce_factor, snr_scaling_ratio);
        if (effective_acce_factor > 1) {
            // since the grappa in gadgetron is doing signal preserving scaling, to perserve noise level, we need this compensation factor
            double grappaKernelCompensationFactor = 1.0 / (acceFactorE1_[e] * acceFactorE2_[e]);
            Gadgetron::scal((float) (grappaKernelCompensationFactor * snr_scaling_ratio), complex_im_recon_buf_);

            if (this->verbose.value()) GDEBUG_STREAM(
                    "GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget, grappaKernelCompensationFactor*snr_scaling_ratio : "
                            << grappaKernelCompensationFactor * snr_scaling_ratio);

        if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
            std::stringstream os;
            os << "encoding_" << e;
            std::string suffix = os.str();
            gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(complex_im_recon_buf_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "aliasedIm_" + suffix);

        // unwrapping

        long long num = N * S * SLC;

        long long ii;

#pragma omp parallel default(none) private(ii) shared(num, N, S, RO, E1, E2, srcCHA, convkRO, convkE1, convkE2, ref_N, ref_S, recon_obj, dstCHA, unmixingCoeff_CHA, e) if(num>1)
#pragma omp for
            for (ii = 0; ii < num; ii++) {
                size_t slc = ii / (N * S);
                size_t s = (ii - slc * N * S) / N;
                size_t n = ii - slc * N * S - s * N;

                // combined channels
                T *pIm = &(complex_im_recon_buf_(0, 0, 0, 0, n, s, slc));

                size_t usedN = n;
                if (n >= ref_N) usedN = ref_N - 1;

                size_t usedS = s;
                if (s >= ref_S) usedS = ref_S - 1;

                T *pUnmix = &(recon_obj.unmixing_coeff_(0, 0, 0, 0, usedN, usedS, slc));

                T *pRes = &(recon_obj.recon_res_.data_(0, 0, 0, 0, n, s, slc));
                hoNDArray<std::complex<float> > res(RO, E1, E2, 1, pRes);

                hoNDArray<std::complex<float> > unmixing(RO, E1, E2, unmixingCoeff_CHA, pUnmix);
                hoNDArray<std::complex<float> > aliasedIm(RO, E1, E2,
                                                          ((unmixingCoeff_CHA <= srcCHA) ? unmixingCoeff_CHA : srcCHA),
                                                          1, pIm);
                Gadgetron::apply_unmix_coeff_aliased_image_3D(aliasedIm, unmixing, res);

        if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) {
            std::stringstream os;
            os << "encoding_" << e;
            std::string suffix = os.str();
                                              debug_folder_full_path_ + "unwrappedIm_" + suffix);

    int MultiChannelCartesianGrappaReconGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* mb)
        ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader h;
            deserialize(mb->rd_ptr(), h);
        catch (...)
            GDEBUG("Error parsing ISMRMRD Header");

        if (!h.acquisitionSystemInformation)
            GDEBUG("acquisitionSystemInformation not found in header. Bailing out");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        // -------------------------------------------------

        size_t NE = h.encoding.size();
        num_encoding_spaces_ = NE;
        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Number of encoding spaces: " << NE);

        acceFactorE1_.resize(NE, 1);
        acceFactorE2_.resize(NE, 1);
        calib_mode_.resize(NE, ISMRMRD_noacceleration);


        size_t e;
        for (e = 0; e < h.encoding.size(); e++)
            ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace e_space = h.encoding[e].encodedSpace;
            ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace r_space = h.encoding[e].reconSpace;
            ISMRMRD::EncodingLimits e_limits = h.encoding[e].encodingLimits;

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "---> Encoding space : " << e << " <---");
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Encoding matrix size: " << e_space.matrixSize.x << " " << e_space.matrixSize.y << " " << e_space.matrixSize.z);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Encoding field_of_view : " << e_space.fieldOfView_mm.x << " " << e_space.fieldOfView_mm.y << " " << e_space.fieldOfView_mm.z);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Recon matrix size : " << r_space.matrixSize.x << " " << r_space.matrixSize.y << " " << r_space.matrixSize.z);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Recon field_of_view :  " << r_space.fieldOfView_mm.x << " " << r_space.fieldOfView_mm.y << " " << r_space.fieldOfView_mm.z);

            meas_max_idx_[e].kspace_encode_step_1 = (uint16_t)e_space.matrixSize.y - 1;
            meas_max_idx_[e].set = (e_limits.set && (e_limits.set->maximum > 0)) ? e_limits.set->maximum : 0;
            meas_max_idx_[e].phase = (e_limits.phase && (e_limits.phase->maximum > 0)) ? e_limits.phase->maximum : 0;

            meas_max_idx_[e].kspace_encode_step_2 = (uint16_t)e_space.matrixSize.z - 1;

            meas_max_idx_[e].contrast = (e_limits.contrast && (e_limits.contrast->maximum > 0)) ? e_limits.contrast->maximum : 0;
            meas_max_idx_[e].slice = (e_limits.slice && (e_limits.slice->maximum > 0)) ? e_limits.slice->maximum : 0;
            meas_max_idx_[e].repetition = e_limits.repetition ? e_limits.repetition->maximum : 0;
            meas_max_idx_[e].slice = (e_limits.slice && (e_limits.slice->maximum > 0)) ? e_limits.slice->maximum : 0;
            meas_max_idx_[e].average = e_limits.average ? e_limits.average->maximum : 0;
            meas_max_idx_[e].segment = 0;

            if (!h.encoding[e].parallelImaging)
                GDEBUG_STREAM("Parallel Imaging section not found in header");
                calib_mode_[e] = ISMRMRD_noacceleration;
                acceFactorE1_[e] = 1;
                acceFactorE2_[e] = 1;
                ISMRMRD::ParallelImaging p_imaging = *h.encoding[0].parallelImaging;

                acceFactorE1_[e] = p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1;
                acceFactorE2_[e] = p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_2;
                GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "acceFactorE1 is " << acceFactorE1_[e]);
                GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "acceFactorE2 is " << acceFactorE2_[e]);

                std::string calib = *p_imaging.calibrationMode;

                bool separate = (calib.compare("separate") == 0);
                bool embedded = (calib.compare("embedded") == 0);
                bool external = (calib.compare("external") == 0);
                bool interleaved = (calib.compare("interleaved") == 0);
                bool other = (calib.compare("other") == 0);

                calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_noacceleration;
                if (acceFactorE1_[e] > 1 || acceFactorE2_[e] > 1)
                    if (interleaved)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved;
                    else if (embedded)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_embedded;
                    else if (separate)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_separate;
                    else if (external)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_external;
                    else if (other)
                        calib_mode_[e] = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_other;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /*if (!debug_folder.value().empty())
            Gadgetron::get_debug_folder_path(debug_folder.value(), debug_folder_full_path_);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Debug folder is " << debug_folder_full_path_);
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "Debug folder is not set ... ");

        return GADGET_OK;
    int GenericReconEigenChannelGadget::process(Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage< IsmrmrdReconData >* m1)
        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("GenericReconEigenChannelGadget::process"); }


        IsmrmrdReconData* recon_bit_ = m1->getObjectPtr();
        if (recon_bit_->rbit_.size() > num_encoding_spaces_)
            GWARN_STREAM("Incoming recon_bit has more encoding spaces than the protocol : " << recon_bit_->rbit_.size() << " instead of " << num_encoding_spaces_);

        // for every encoding space, prepare the recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_
        size_t e, n, s, slc;
        for (e = 0; e < recon_bit_->rbit_.size(); e++)
            auto & rbit = recon_bit_->rbit_[e];
            std::stringstream os;
            os << "_encoding_" << e;

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& data = recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.data_;

            size_t RO = data.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = data.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = data.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = data.get_size(3);
            size_t N = data.get_size(4);
            size_t S = data.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = data.get_size(6);

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "GenericReconEigenChannelGadget - incoming data array : [RO E1 E2 CHA N S SLC] - [" << RO << " " << E1 << " " << E2 << " " << CHA << " " << N << " " << S << " " << SLC << "]");

            // whether it is needed to update coefficients
            bool recompute_coeff = false;
            if ( (KLT_[e].size()!=SLC) || update_eigen_channel_coefficients.value() )
                recompute_coeff = true;
                if(KLT_[e].size() == SLC)
                    for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                        if (KLT_[e][slc].size() != S) 
                            recompute_coeff = true;
                            for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                                if (KLT_[e][slc][s].size() != N)
                                    recompute_coeff = true;

                bool average_N = average_all_ref_N.value();
                bool average_S = average_all_ref_S.value();

                    // use ref to compute coefficients
                    Gadgetron::compute_eigen_channel_coefficients(rbit.ref_->data_, average_N, average_S,
                        (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved), N, S, upstream_coil_compression_thres.value(), upstream_coil_compression_num_modesKept.value(), KLT_[e]);
                    // use data to compute coefficients
                    Gadgetron::compute_eigen_channel_coefficients(rbit.data_.data_, average_N, average_S,
                        (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved), N, S, upstream_coil_compression_thres.value(), upstream_coil_compression_num_modesKept.value(), KLT_[e]);

                if (verbose.value())
                    hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > E;

                    for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                        for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                            for (n = 0; n < N; n++)

                                GDEBUG_STREAM("Number of modes kept: " << KLT_[e][slc][s][n].output_length() << "; Eigen value, slc - " << slc << ", S - " << s << ", N - " << n << " : [");

                                for (size_t c = 0; c < E.get_size(0); c++)
                                    GDEBUG_STREAM("        " << E(c));

            /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.data_.data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_before_KLT" + os.str());

            // apply KL coefficients
            Gadgetron::apply_eigen_channel_coefficients(KLT_[e], rbit.data_.data_);

            /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.data_.data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_after_KLT" + os.str());

            if (rbit.ref_)
                /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.ref_->data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_before_KLT" + os.str());

                Gadgetron::apply_eigen_channel_coefficients(KLT_[e], rbit.ref_->data_);

                /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.ref_->data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_after_KLT" + os.str());

        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

        if (this->next()->putq(m1) < 0)
            GERROR_STREAM("Put IsmrmrdReconData to Q failed ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
    void GenericReconCartesianNonLinearSpirit2DTGadget::perform_nonlinear_spirit_unwrapping(hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& kspace, 
        hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& kerIm, hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& ref2DT, hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& coilMap2DT, hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& res, size_t e)
            bool print_iter = this->spirit_print_iter.value();

            size_t RO = kspace.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = kspace.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = kspace.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = kspace.get_size(3);
            size_t N = kspace.get_size(4);
            size_t S = kspace.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = kspace.get_size(6);

            size_t ref_N = kerIm.get_size(4);
            size_t ref_S = kerIm.get_size(5);

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > kspaceLinear(kspace);
            res = kspace;

            // detect whether random sampling is used
            bool use_random_sampling = false;
            std::vector<long long> sampled_step_size;
            long long n, e1;
            for (n=0; n<(long long)N; n++)
                long long prev_sampled_line = -1;
                for (e1=0; e1<(long long)E1; e1++)
                    if(std::abs(kspace(RO/2, e1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))>0 && std::abs(kspace(RO/2, e1, 0, CHA-1, 0, 0, 0))>0)
                            sampled_step_size.push_back(e1 - prev_sampled_line);

                        prev_sampled_line = e1;

                size_t s;
                for (s=2; s<sampled_step_size.size()-1; s++)
                        use_random_sampling = true;

                GDEBUG_STREAM("SPIRIT Non linear, random sampling is detected ... ");

            Gadgetron::GadgetronTimer timer(false);

            // compute linear solution as the initialization
                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("SPIRIT Non linear, perform linear spirit recon ... ");
                this->perform_spirit_unwrapping(kspace, kerIm, kspaceLinear);
                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();
                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("SPIRIT Non linear, perform linear recon ... ");

                size_t ref2DT_RO = ref2DT.get_size(0);
                size_t ref2DT_E1 = ref2DT.get_size(1);

                // mean over N
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > meanKSpace;
                Gadgetron::sum_over_dimension(ref2DT, meanKSpace, 4);

                // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) { gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(meanKSpace, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_meanKSpace"); }

                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > acsSrc(ref2DT_RO, ref2DT_E1, CHA, meanKSpace.begin());
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > acsDst(ref2DT_RO, ref2DT_E1, CHA, meanKSpace.begin());

                double grappa_reg_lamda = 0.0005;
                size_t kRO = 5;
                size_t kE1 = 4;

                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > convKer;
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > kIm(RO, E1, CHA, CHA);

                Gadgetron::grappa2d_calib_convolution_kernel(acsSrc, acsDst, (size_t)this->acceFactorE1_[e], grappa_reg_lamda, kRO, kE1, convKer);
                Gadgetron::grappa2d_image_domain_kernel(convKer, RO, E1, kIm);

                // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(kIm, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_kIm");

                Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<float>::instance()->ifft2c(kspace, complex_im_recon_buf_);
                // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(complex_im_recon_buf_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_aliasedImage");

                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > resKSpace(RO, E1, CHA, N);
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > aliasedImage(RO, E1, CHA, N, complex_im_recon_buf_.begin());
                Gadgetron::grappa2d_image_domain_unwrapping_aliased_image(aliasedImage, kIm, resKSpace);

                // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(resKSpace, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_linearImage");


                memcpy(kspaceLinear.begin(), resKSpace.begin(), resKSpace.get_number_of_bytes());

                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();

            // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(kspaceLinear, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_kspaceLinear");

            // perform nonlinear reconstruction
                boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > coilMap;

                bool hasCoilMap = false;
                if (coilMap2DT.get_size(0) == RO && coilMap2DT.get_size(1) == E1 && coilMap2DT.get_size(3)==CHA)
                    if (ref_N < N)
                        coilMap = boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, coilMap2DT.begin()));
                        coilMap = boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, ref_N, coilMap2DT.begin()));

                    hasCoilMap = true;

                boost::shared_ptr<hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > ker(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, CHA, ref_N, kerIm.begin()));
                boost::shared_ptr<hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > acq(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, N, kspace.begin()));
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > kspaceInitial(RO, E1, CHA, N, kspaceLinear.begin());
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > res2DT(RO, E1, CHA, N, res.begin());

                if (this->spirit_data_fidelity_lamda.value() > 0)
                    GDEBUG_STREAM("Start the NL SPIRIT data fidelity iteration - regularization strength : "
                                    << this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value()
                                    << " - number of iteration : "                      << this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value()
                                    << " - proximity across cha : "                     << this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value()
                                    << " - redundant dimension weighting ratio : "      << this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value()
                                    << " - using coil sen map : "                       << this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value()
                                    << " - iter thres : "                               << this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value());

                    typedef hoGdSolver< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >, hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > > SolverType;
                    SolverType solver;
                    solver.iterations_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value();
                    solver.set_output_mode(this->spirit_print_iter.value() ? SolverType::OUTPUT_VERBOSE : SolverType::OUTPUT_SILENT);
                    solver.grad_thres_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value();
                    solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ = this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value();

                    boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > x0 = boost::make_shared< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(kspaceInitial);

                    // parallel imaging term
                    std::vector<size_t> dims;
                    hoSPIRIT2DTDataFidelityOperator< std::complex<float> > spirit(&dims);
                    spirit.set_forward_kernel(*ker, false);

                    // image reg term
                    hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > wav3DOperator(&dims);
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_first_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_RO_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_second_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_E1_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_third_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.with_approx_coeff_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_approx_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.change_coeffcients_third_dimension_boundary_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_redundant_dimension_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.proximity_across_cha_ = this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value();
                    wav3DOperator.no_null_space_ = true;
                    wav3DOperator.input_in_kspace_ = true;

                    if (this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value() && hasCoilMap)
                        wav3DOperator.coil_map_ = *coilMap;

                    // set operators

                    solver.oper_system_ = &spirit;
                    solver.oper_reg_ = &wav3DOperator;

                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("NonLinear SPIRIT solver for 2DT with data fidelity ... ");
                    solver.solve(*acq, res2DT);
                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();

                    // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(res2DT, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_data_fidelity_res");
                    GDEBUG_STREAM("Start the NL SPIRIT iteration with regularization strength : "
                                    << this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value()
                                    << " - number of iteration : " << this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value()
                                    << " - proximity across cha : " << this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value()
                                    << " - redundant dimension weighting ratio : " << this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value()
                                    << " - using coil sen map : " << this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value()
                                    << " - iter thres : " << this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value());

                    typedef hoGdSolver< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >, hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > > SolverType;
                    SolverType solver;
                    solver.iterations_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value();
                    solver.set_output_mode(this->spirit_print_iter.value() ? SolverType::OUTPUT_VERBOSE : SolverType::OUTPUT_SILENT);
                    solver.grad_thres_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value();
                    solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ = this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value();

                    boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > x0 = boost::make_shared< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(kspaceInitial);

                    // parallel imaging term
                    std::vector<size_t> dims;

                    hoSPIRIT2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > spirit(&dims);
                    spirit.set_forward_kernel(*ker, false);
                    spirit.no_null_space_ = true;
                    spirit.use_non_centered_fft_ = false;

                    // image reg term
                    std::vector<size_t> dim;

                    hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > wav3DOperator(&dim);
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_first_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_RO_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_second_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_E1_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_third_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.with_approx_coeff_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_approx_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.change_coeffcients_third_dimension_boundary_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_redundant_dimension_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.proximity_across_cha_ = this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value();
                    wav3DOperator.no_null_space_ = true;
                    wav3DOperator.input_in_kspace_ = true;

                    if (this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value() && hasCoilMap)
                        wav3DOperator.coil_map_ = *coilMap;

                    // set operators
                    solver.oper_system_ = &spirit;
                    solver.oper_reg_ = &wav3DOperator;

                    // set call back
                    solverCallBack cb;
                    cb.solver_ = &solver;
                    solver.call_back_ = &cb;

                    hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > b(kspaceInitial);

                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("NonLinear SPIRIT solver for 2DT ... ");
                    solver.solve(b, res2DT);
                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();

                    // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(res2DT, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_res");

                    spirit.restore_acquired_kspace(kspace, res2DT);

                    // if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(res2DT, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_res_restored");
        catch (...)
            GADGET_THROW("Errors happened in GenericReconCartesianNonLinearSpirit2DTGadget::perform_nonlinear_spirit_unwrapping(...) ... ");
    void GenericReconCartesianNonLinearSpirit2DTGadget::perform_nonlinear_spirit_unwrapping(hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& kspace, 
        hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& kerIm, hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& ref2DT, hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& coilMap2DT, hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& res, size_t e)
            bool print_iter = this->spirit_print_iter.value();

            size_t RO = kspace.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = kspace.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = kspace.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = kspace.get_size(3);
            size_t N = kspace.get_size(4);
            size_t S = kspace.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = kspace.get_size(6);

            size_t ref_N = kerIm.get_size(4);
            size_t ref_S = kerIm.get_size(5);

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > kspaceLinear(kspace);
            res = kspace;

            // detect whether random sampling is used
            bool use_random_sampling = false;
            std::vector<long long> sampled_step_size;
            long long n, e1;
            for (n=0; n<(long long)N; n++)
                long long prev_sampled_line = -1;
                for (e1=0; e1<(long long)E1; e1++)
                    if(std::abs(kspace(RO/2, e1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))>0 && std::abs(kspace(RO/2, e1, 0, CHA-1, 0, 0, 0))>0)
                            sampled_step_size.push_back(e1 - prev_sampled_line);

                        prev_sampled_line = e1;

                size_t s;
                for (s=2; s<sampled_step_size.size()-1; s++)
                        use_random_sampling = true;

                GDEBUG_STREAM("SPIRIT Non linear, random sampling is detected ... ");

            Gadgetron::GadgetronTimer timer(false);

            boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > coilMap;

            bool hasCoilMap = false;
            if (coilMap2DT.get_size(0) == RO && coilMap2DT.get_size(1) == E1 && coilMap2DT.get_size(3)==CHA)
                if (ref_N < N)
                    coilMap = boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, coilMap2DT.begin()));
                    coilMap = boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, ref_N, coilMap2DT.begin()));

                hasCoilMap = true;

            hoNDArray<float> gFactor;
            float gfactorMedian = 0;

            float smallest_eigen_value(0);

            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // estimate gfactor
            // -----------------------------------------------------

            // mean over N
            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > meanKSpace;

                Gadgetron::compute_averaged_data_N_S(kspace, true, true, true, meanKSpace);
                Gadgetron::compute_averaged_data_N_S(ref2DT, true, true, true, meanKSpace);

            if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) { gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(meanKSpace, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_meanKSpace"); }

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > acsSrc(meanKSpace.get_size(0), meanKSpace.get_size(1), CHA, meanKSpace.begin());
            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > acsDst(meanKSpace.get_size(0), meanKSpace.get_size(1), CHA, meanKSpace.begin());

            double grappa_reg_lamda = 0.0005;
            size_t kRO = 5;
            size_t kE1 = 4;

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > convKer;
            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > kIm(RO, E1, CHA, CHA);

            Gadgetron::grappa2d_calib_convolution_kernel(acsSrc, acsDst, (size_t)this->acceFactorE1_[e], grappa_reg_lamda, kRO, kE1, convKer);
            Gadgetron::grappa2d_image_domain_kernel(convKer, RO, E1, kIm);

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > unmixC;

                Gadgetron::grappa2d_unmixing_coeff(kIm, *coilMap, (size_t)acceFactorE1_[e], unmixC, gFactor);

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array(gFactor, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_gFactor");

                hoNDArray<float> gfactorSorted(gFactor);
                std::sort(gfactorSorted.begin(), gfactorSorted.begin()+RO*E1);
                gfactorMedian = gFactor((RO*E1 / 2));

                GDEBUG_STREAM("SPIRIT Non linear, the median gfactor is found to be : " << gfactorMedian);

            if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(kIm, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_kIm");

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > complexIm;

            // compute linear solution as the initialization
                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("SPIRIT Non linear, perform linear spirit recon ... ");
                this->perform_spirit_unwrapping(kspace, kerIm, kspaceLinear);
                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();
                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("SPIRIT Non linear, perform linear recon ... ");

                //size_t ref2DT_RO = ref2DT.get_size(0);
                //size_t ref2DT_E1 = ref2DT.get_size(1);

                //// mean over N
                //hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > meanKSpace;
                //Gadgetron::sum_over_dimension(ref2DT, meanKSpace, 4);

                //if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) { gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(meanKSpace, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_meanKSpace"); }

                //hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > acsSrc(ref2DT_RO, ref2DT_E1, CHA, meanKSpace.begin());
                //hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > acsDst(ref2DT_RO, ref2DT_E1, CHA, meanKSpace.begin());

                //double grappa_reg_lamda = 0.0005;
                //size_t kRO = 5;
                //size_t kE1 = 4;

                //hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > convKer;
                //hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > kIm(RO, E1, CHA, CHA);

                //Gadgetron::grappa2d_calib_convolution_kernel(acsSrc, acsDst, (size_t)this->acceFactorE1_[e], grappa_reg_lamda, kRO, kE1, convKer);
                //Gadgetron::grappa2d_image_domain_kernel(convKer, RO, E1, kIm);

                //if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(kIm, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_kIm");

                Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<float>::instance()->ifft2c(kspace, complex_im_recon_buf_);
                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(complex_im_recon_buf_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_aliasedImage");

                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > resKSpace(RO, E1, CHA, N);
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > aliasedImage(RO, E1, CHA, N, complex_im_recon_buf_.begin());
                Gadgetron::grappa2d_image_domain_unwrapping_aliased_image(aliasedImage, kIm, resKSpace);

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(resKSpace, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_linearImage");


                memcpy(kspaceLinear.begin(), resKSpace.begin(), resKSpace.get_number_of_bytes());

                Gadgetron::apply_unmix_coeff_aliased_image(aliasedImage, unmixC, complexIm);

                if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();

            if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(kspaceLinear, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_kspaceLinear");

                    // estimate the noise level

                        Gadgetron::hoNDFFT<float>::instance()->ifft2c(kspaceLinear, complex_im_recon_buf_);

                        hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > complexLinearImage(RO, E1, CHA, N, complex_im_recon_buf_.begin());

                        Gadgetron::coil_combine(complexLinearImage, *coilMap, 2, complexIm);

                    if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(complexIm, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_linearImage_complexIm");

                    // if N is sufficiently large, we can estimate the noise floor by the smallest eigen value
                    hoMatrix< std::complex<float> > data;
                    data.createMatrix(RO*E1, N, complexIm.begin(), false);

                    hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > eigenVectors, eigenValues, eigenVectorsPruned;

                    // compute eigen
                    hoNDKLT< std::complex<float> > klt;
                    klt.prepare(data, (size_t)1, (size_t)0);

                    if (this->verbose.value())
                        GDEBUG_STREAM("SPIRIT Non linear, computes eigen values for all 2D kspaces ... ");

                        for (size_t i = 0; i<eigenValues.get_size(0); i++)
                            GDEBUG_STREAM(i << " = " << eigenValues(i));

                    smallest_eigen_value = std::sqrt( std::abs(eigenValues(N - 1).real()) / (RO*E1) );
                    GDEBUG_STREAM("SPIRIT Non linear, the smallest eigen value is : " << smallest_eigen_value);

            // perform nonlinear reconstruction
                boost::shared_ptr<hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > ker(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, CHA, ref_N, kerIm.begin()));
                boost::shared_ptr<hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > acq(new hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >(RO, E1, CHA, N, kspace.begin()));
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > kspaceInitial(RO, E1, CHA, N, kspaceLinear.begin());
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > res2DT(RO, E1, CHA, N, res.begin());

                if (this->spirit_data_fidelity_lamda.value() > 0)
                    GDEBUG_STREAM("Start the NL SPIRIT data fidelity iteration - regularization strength : " << this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value()
                                    << " - number of iteration : "                      << this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value()
                                    << " - proximity across cha : "                     << this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value()
                                    << " - redundant dimension weighting ratio : "      << this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value()
                                    << " - using coil sen map : "                       << this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value()
                                    << " - iter thres : "                               << this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value()
                                    << " - wavelet name : "                             << this->spirit_reg_name.value()

                    typedef hoGdSolver< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >, hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > > SolverType;
                    SolverType solver;
                    solver.iterations_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value();
                    solver.set_output_mode(this->spirit_print_iter.value() ? SolverType::OUTPUT_VERBOSE : SolverType::OUTPUT_SILENT);
                    solver.grad_thres_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value();

                    if(spirit_reg_estimate_noise_floor.value() && std::abs(smallest_eigen_value)>0)
                        solver.scale_factor_ = smallest_eigen_value;
                        solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ = this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value() * gfactorMedian;

                        GDEBUG_STREAM("SPIRIT Non linear, eigen value is used to derive the regularization strength : " << solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ << " - smallest eigen value : " << solver.scale_factor_);
                        solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ = this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value();

                    boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > x0 = boost::make_shared< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(kspaceInitial);

                    // parallel imaging term
                    std::vector<size_t> dims;
                    hoSPIRIT2DTDataFidelityOperator< std::complex<float> > spirit(&dims);
                    spirit.set_forward_kernel(*ker, false);

                    // image reg term
                    hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > wav3DOperator(&dims);
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_first_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_RO_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_second_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_E1_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_third_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.with_approx_coeff_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_approx_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.change_coeffcients_third_dimension_boundary_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_redundant_dimension_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.proximity_across_cha_ = this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value();
                    wav3DOperator.no_null_space_ = true;
                    wav3DOperator.input_in_kspace_ = true;

                    if (this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value() && hasCoilMap)
                        wav3DOperator.coil_map_ = *coilMap;

                    // set operators

                    solver.oper_system_ = &spirit;
                    solver.oper_reg_ = &wav3DOperator;

                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("NonLinear SPIRIT solver for 2DT with data fidelity ... ");
                    solver.solve(*acq, res2DT);
                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();

                    if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(res2DT, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_data_fidelity_res");
                    GDEBUG_STREAM("Start the NL SPIRIT iteration with regularization strength : "<< this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value()
                                    << " - number of iteration : " << this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value()
                                    << " - proximity across cha : " << this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value()
                                    << " - redundant dimension weighting ratio : " << this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value()
                                    << " - using coil sen map : " << this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value()
                                    << " - iter thres : " << this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value()
                                    << " - wavelet name : " << this->spirit_reg_name.value()

                    typedef hoGdSolver< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >, hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > > SolverType;
                    SolverType solver;
                    solver.iterations_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_max.value();
                    solver.set_output_mode(this->spirit_print_iter.value() ? SolverType::OUTPUT_VERBOSE : SolverType::OUTPUT_SILENT);
                    solver.grad_thres_ = this->spirit_nl_iter_thres.value();

                    if(spirit_reg_estimate_noise_floor.value() && std::abs(smallest_eigen_value)>0)
                        solver.scale_factor_ = smallest_eigen_value;
                        solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ = this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value() * gfactorMedian;

                        GDEBUG_STREAM("SPIRIT Non linear, eigen value is used to derive the regularization strength : " << solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ << " - smallest eigen value : " << solver.scale_factor_);
                        solver.proximal_strength_ratio_ = this->spirit_image_reg_lamda.value();

                    boost::shared_ptr< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > > x0 = boost::make_shared< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >(kspaceInitial);

                    // parallel imaging term
                    std::vector<size_t> dims;

                    hoSPIRIT2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > spirit(&dims);
                    spirit.set_forward_kernel(*ker, false);
                    spirit.no_null_space_ = true;
                    spirit.use_non_centered_fft_ = false;

                    // image reg term
                    std::vector<size_t> dim;

                    hoWavelet2DTOperator< std::complex<float> > wav3DOperator(&dim);
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_first_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_RO_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_second_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_E1_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.scale_factor_third_dimension_ = this->spirit_reg_N_weighting_ratio.value();
                    wav3DOperator.with_approx_coeff_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_approx_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.change_coeffcients_third_dimension_boundary_ = !this->spirit_reg_keep_redundant_dimension_coeff.value();
                    wav3DOperator.proximity_across_cha_ = this->spirit_reg_proximity_across_cha.value();
                    wav3DOperator.no_null_space_ = true;
                    wav3DOperator.input_in_kspace_ = true;

                    if (this->spirit_reg_use_coil_sen_map.value() && hasCoilMap)
                        wav3DOperator.coil_map_ = *coilMap;

                    // set operators
                    solver.oper_system_ = &spirit;
                    solver.oper_reg_ = &wav3DOperator;

                    // set call back
                    solverCallBack cb;
                    cb.solver_ = &solver;
                    solver.call_back_ = &cb;

                    hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > b(kspaceInitial);

                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.start("NonLinear SPIRIT solver for 2DT ... ");
                    solver.solve(b, res2DT);
                    if (this->perform_timing.value()) timer.stop();

                    if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(res2DT, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_res");

                    spirit.restore_acquired_kspace(kspace, res2DT);

                    if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty()) gt_exporter_.export_array_complex(res2DT, debug_folder_full_path_ + "spirit_nl_2DT_res_restored");
        catch (...)
            GADGET_THROW("Errors happened in GenericReconCartesianNonLinearSpirit2DTGadget::perform_nonlinear_spirit_unwrapping(...) ... ");
  int DistributeGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* m)

    started_nodes_ = 0;
    node_parameters_ = std::string(m->rd_ptr());

    //Grab the original XML conifguration
    std::string xml = controller_->get_xml_configuration();

    GadgetronXML::GadgetStreamConfiguration cfg;

    //Delete Gadgets up to this Gadget
    std::vector<GadgetronXML::Gadget>::iterator it = cfg.gadget.begin();
    while ((it->name != std::string(this->module()->name())) && (it != cfg.gadget.end())) it++; it++;

    //Delete Gadgets after collector
    it = cfg.gadget.begin();
    while ((it->name != collector.value()) && (it != cfg.gadget.end())) it++; it++;

    std::stringstream o;

    node_xml_config_ = o.str();

    Gadget* tmp = this;
    while (tmp->next()) {
      if (std::string(tmp->module()->name()) == collector.value()) break;
      tmp = dynamic_cast<Gadget*>(tmp->next());

    collect_gadget_ = tmp;

    if (!collect_gadget_) {
      GERROR("Failed to locate collector Gadget with name %s\n", collector.value().c_str());
      return GADGET_FAIL;
    } else {

    // get current node ip addresses
    ACE_INET_Addr* the_addr_array = NULL;
    size_t num_of_ip = 0;

    int rc = ACE::get_ip_interfaces (num_of_ip, the_addr_array);
    if (rc != 0)
        GERROR_STREAM("Retreive local ip addresses failed ... ");
        num_of_ip = 0;

    if (the_addr_array!=NULL ) delete [] the_addr_array;

    for (size_t ii=0; ii<num_of_ip; ii++)
        std::string ip = std::string(the_addr_array[ii].get_host_addr());
        GDEBUG_STREAM("--> Local address  : " << ip);

    return GADGET_OK;