Exemple #1
    TEXT	*message,	/* in: FORTRAN-77 message string to log	*/
    TEXT	*key,		/* in: for-77 message key		*/
    TAEINT	*status,	/* out: status code			*/
    STRLEN	messagel,
    STRLEN	keyl

	FORSTR	messaged;
	FORSTR	keyd;

	messaged.length = GETLEN (messagel);
	messaged.pointer = message;

	keyd.length = GETLEN (keyl);
	keyd.pointer = key;

	BRIDGE2_NAME(xmput) (&messaged, &keyd, status);

Exemple #2
struct line {
	char *name; /* property name with trailing space */
	int namelen; /* length of the name string */
	enum {
		ALLOW_REPEAT = 0x01, /* this property may be repeated in multiple lines */
		IS_SEEN = 0x02, /* this property has been seen already */
		MUST_SEE = 0x04, /* this property must be seen */
		IS_LAST = 0x08 /* this is the last property to be read */
	} flags;
	char *fmt; /* format string for the arguments, NULL means a string arg */
	int nvals; /* number of values to be read by sscanf */
	void *vp[4]; /* pointers to values to be read */
static struct line header[] = {
	{ GETLEN("FONT "), 0, " %200s", 1, {&xlfdname} },
	{ GETLEN("SIZE "), MUST_SEE, " %d", 1, {&pixel_size} },
	{ GETLEN("FONTBOUNDINGBOX "), MUST_SEE, " %hd %hd %hd %hd", 4, 
		{&fmet.bbox[2], &fmet.bbox[3], &fmet.bbox[0], &fmet.bbox[1]} },
	{ GETLEN("FAMILY_NAME "), MUST_SEE, NULL, 1, {&fmet.name_family} },
	{ GETLEN("WEIGHT_NAME "), MUST_SEE, NULL, 1, {&fmet.name_style} },
	{ GETLEN("COPYRIGHT "), 0, NULL, 1, {&fmet.name_copyright} },
	{ GETLEN("SLANT "), MUST_SEE, NULL, 1, {&slant} },
	{ GETLEN("SPACING "), 0, NULL, 1, {&spacing} },
	{ GETLEN("SETWIDTH_NAME "), 0, NULL, 1, {&fnwidth} },
	{ GETLEN("CHARSET_REGISTRY "), 0, NULL, 1, {&charset_reg} },
	{ GETLEN("CHARSET_ENCODING "), 0, NULL, 1, {&charset_enc} },
	{ GETLEN("FONT_ASCENT "), 0, " %hd", 1, {&fmet.ascender} },
	{ GETLEN("FONT_DESCENT "), 0, " %hd", 1, {&fmet.descender} },

	/* these 2 must go in this order for post-processing */