Exemple #1
* Function Name  : card_detect_isr
* Returned Value : void
* Comments       :
void card_detect_isr(void *lwsem_ptr)

  /* Post card_detect semaphore */
// handler associated to SW1 (labeled SW2 on board)
void SW1_Intr_Handler(void)
  static uint32_t c_ifsr;          // port c interrupt flag status register
  uint32_t c_portBaseAddr = g_portBaseAddr[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(kGpioSW1)];
  uint32_t portPinMask = (1 << GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(kGpioSW1));

  CPU_CRITICAL_ENTER();         // enter critical section (disable interrupts)

  OSIntEnter();         // notify to scheduler the beginning of an ISR ("This allows ?C/OS-III to keep track of interrupt nesting")

  c_ifsr = PORT_HAL_GetPortIntFlag(c_portBaseAddr);         // get intr flag reg related to port C

  if( (c_ifsr & portPinMask) ) // check if kGpioSW1 generated the interrupt [pin 6 -> 7th flag (flags start with index 0)]
                         OS_OPT_POST_1 + OS_OPT_POST_NO_SCHED,

  GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag( kGpioSW1 );
  CPU_CRITICAL_EXIT();  // renable interrupts

  OSIntExit();          /* notify to scheduler the end of an ISR ("determines if a higher priority task is ready-to-run.
                          If so, the interrupt returns to the higher priority task instead of the interrupted task.") */