Exemple #1
void evaluate_buyback_account_options( const database& db, const buyback_account_options& bbo )
   FC_ASSERT( db.head_block_time() >= HARDFORK_538_TIME );
   const asset_object& a = bbo.asset_to_buy(db);
   GRAPHENE_ASSERT( a.issuer == bbo.asset_to_buy_issuer,
      account_create_buyback_incorrect_issuer, "Incorrect asset issuer specified in buyback_account_options", ("asset", a)("bbo", bbo) );
   GRAPHENE_ASSERT( !a.buyback_account.valid(),
      account_create_buyback_already_exists, "Cannot create buyback for asset which already has buyback", ("asset", a)("bbo", bbo) );
   // TODO:  Replace with chain parameter #554
      account_create_buyback_too_many_markets, "Too many buyback markets", ("asset", a)("bbo", bbo) );
Exemple #2
void verify_authority( const vector<operation>& ops, const flat_set<public_key_type>& sigs, 
                       const std::function<const authority*(account_id_type)>& get_active,
                       const std::function<const authority*(account_id_type)>& get_owner,
                       uint32_t max_recursion_depth,
                       bool  allow_committe,
                       const flat_set<account_id_type>& active_aprovals,
                       const flat_set<account_id_type>& owner_approvals )
{ try {
   flat_set<account_id_type> required_active;
   flat_set<account_id_type> required_owner;
   vector<authority> other;

   for( const auto& op : ops )
      operation_get_required_authorities( op, required_active, required_owner, other );

   if( !allow_committe )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( required_active.find(GRAPHENE_COMMITTEE_ACCOUNT) == required_active.end(),
                       invalid_committee_approval, "Committee account may only propose transactions" );

   sign_state s(sigs,get_active);
   s.max_recursion = max_recursion_depth;
   for( auto& id : active_aprovals )
      s.approved_by.insert( id );
   for( auto& id : owner_approvals )
      s.approved_by.insert( id );

   for( const auto& auth : other )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( s.check_authority(&auth), tx_missing_other_auth, "Missing Authority", ("auth",auth)("sigs",sigs) );

   // fetch all of the top level authorities
   for( auto id : required_active )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( s.check_authority(id) || 
                       tx_missing_active_auth, "Missing Active Authority ${id}", ("id",id)("auth",*get_active(id))("owner",*get_owner(id)) );

   for( auto id : required_owner )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( owner_approvals.find(id) != owner_approvals.end() ||
                       tx_missing_owner_auth, "Missing Owner Authority ${id}", ("id",id)("auth",*get_owner(id)) );

      "Unnecessary signature(s) detected"
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (ops)(sigs) ) }
void  fork_database::_push_block(const item_ptr& item)
   if( _head ) // make sure the block is within the range that we are caching
      FC_ASSERT( item->num > std::max<int64_t>( 0, int64_t(_head->num) - (_max_size) ),
                 "attempting to push a block that is too old", 

   if( _head && item->previous_id() != block_id_type() )
      auto& index = _index.get<block_id>();
      auto itr = index.find(item->previous_id());
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT(itr != index.end(), unlinkable_block_exception, "block does not link to known chain");
      item->prev = *itr;

   if( !_head ) _head = item;
   else if( item->num > _head->num )
      _head = item;
      uint32_t min_num = _head->num - std::min( _max_size, _head->num );
//      ilog( "min block in fork DB ${n}, max_size: ${m}", ("n",min_num)("m",_max_size) );
      auto& num_idx = _index.get<block_num>();
      while( num_idx.size() && (*num_idx.begin())->num < min_num )
         num_idx.erase( num_idx.begin() );
      _unlinked_index.get<block_num>().erase(_head->num - _max_size);
   //_push_next( item );
asset database::match( const call_order_object& call, 
                       const force_settlement_object& settle, 
                       const price& match_price,
                       asset max_settlement )
{ try {
   FC_ASSERT(call.get_debt().asset_id == settle.balance.asset_id );
   FC_ASSERT(call.debt > 0 && call.collateral > 0 && settle.balance.amount > 0);

   auto settle_for_sale = std::min(settle.balance, max_settlement);
   auto call_debt = call.get_debt();

   asset call_receives   = std::min(settle_for_sale, call_debt);
   asset call_pays       = call_receives * match_price;
   asset settle_pays     = call_receives;
   asset settle_receives = call_pays;

    *  If the least collateralized call position lacks sufficient
    *  collateral to cover at the match price then this indicates a black 
    *  swan event according to the price feed, but only the market 
    *  can trigger a black swan.  So now we must cancel the forced settlement
    *  object.
   GRAPHENE_ASSERT( call_pays < call.get_collateral(), black_swan_exception, "" );

   assert( settle_pays == settle_for_sale || call_receives == call.get_debt() );

   fill_order(call, call_pays, call_receives);
   fill_order(settle, settle_pays, settle_receives);

   return call_receives;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (call)(settle)(match_price)(max_settlement) ) }
Exemple #5
void  fork_database::_push_block(const item_ptr& item)
    if( _head ) // make sure the block is within the range that we are caching
        FC_ASSERT( item->num > std::max<int64_t>( 0, int64_t(_head->num) - (_max_size) ),
                   "attempting to push a block that is too old",
        FC_ASSERT( item->num < _head->num + MAX_BLOCK_REORDERING );

    if( _head && item->previous_id() != block_id_type() )
        auto& index = _index.get<block_id>();
        auto itr = index.find(item->previous_id());
        GRAPHENE_ASSERT(itr != index.end(), unlinkable_block_exception, "block does not link to known chain");
        item->prev = *itr;

    if( !_head ) _head = item;
    else if( item->num > _head->num )
        _head = item;
        _index.get<block_num>().erase(_head->num - _max_size);
        _unlinked_index.get<block_num>().erase(_head->num - _max_size);

    _push_next( item );
void_result balance_claim_evaluator::do_evaluate(const balance_claim_operation& op)
   database& d = db();
   balance = &op.balance_to_claim(d);

             op.balance_owner_key == balance->owner ||
             pts_address(op.balance_owner_key, false, 56) == balance->owner ||
             pts_address(op.balance_owner_key, true, 56) == balance->owner ||
             pts_address(op.balance_owner_key, false, 0) == balance->owner ||
             pts_address(op.balance_owner_key, true, 0) == balance->owner,
             "Balance owner key was specified as '${op}' but balance's actual owner is '${bal}'",
             ("op", op.balance_owner_key)
             ("bal", balance->owner)
   if( !(d.get_node_properties().skip_flags & (database::skip_authority_check |
                                               database::skip_transaction_signatures)) )

   FC_ASSERT(op.total_claimed.asset_id == balance->asset_type());

   if( balance->is_vesting_balance() )
            { balance->balance,
              op.total_claimed } ),
         "Attempted to claim ${c} from a vesting balance with ${a} available",
         ("c", op.total_claimed)("a", balance->available(d.head_block_time()))
         d.head_block_time() - balance->last_claim_date >= fc::days(1),
         "Genesis vesting balances may not be claimed more than once per day."
      return {};

   FC_ASSERT(op.total_claimed == balance->balance);
   return {};
Exemple #7
      virtual operation_result evaluate(const operation& o) final override
         auto* eval = static_cast<DerivedEvaluator*>(this);
         const auto& op = o.get<typename DerivedEvaluator::operation_type>();

         prepare_fee(op.fee_payer(), op.fee);
         GRAPHENE_ASSERT( core_fee_paid >= db().current_fee_schedule().calculate_fee( op ).amount,
                    "Insufficient Fee Paid",
                    ("core_fee_paid",core_fee_paid)("required",db().current_fee_schedule().calculate_fee( op ).amount) );

         return eval->do_evaluate(op);
 * Removes the most recent block from the database and
 * undoes any changes it made.
void database::pop_block()
{ try {
   auto head_id = head_block_id();
   optional<signed_block> head_block = fetch_block_by_id( head_id );
   GRAPHENE_ASSERT( head_block.valid(), pop_empty_chain, "there are no blocks to pop" );


   _popped_tx.insert( _popped_tx.begin(), head_block->transactions.begin(), head_block->transactions.end() );

Exemple #9
flat_set<public_key_type> signed_transaction::get_signature_keys( const chain_id_type& chain_id )const
{ try {
   auto d = sig_digest( chain_id );
   flat_set<public_key_type> result;
   for( const auto&  sig : signatures )
         result.insert( fc::ecc::public_key(sig,d) ).second,
         "Duplicate Signature detected" );
   return result;
Exemple #10
void database::update_global_dynamic_data( const signed_block& b )
   const dynamic_global_property_object& _dgp =

   uint32_t missed_blocks = get_slot_at_time( b.timestamp );
   assert( missed_blocks != 0 );

   // dynamic global properties updating
   modify( _dgp, [&]( dynamic_global_property_object& dgp ){
      if( BOOST_UNLIKELY( b.block_num() == 1 ) )
         dgp.recently_missed_count = 0;
         else if( _checkpoints.size() && _checkpoints.rbegin()->first >= b.block_num() )
         dgp.recently_missed_count = 0;
      else if( missed_blocks )
         dgp.recently_missed_count += GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_INCREMENT*missed_blocks;
      else if( dgp.recently_missed_count > GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_INCREMENT )
         dgp.recently_missed_count -= GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_DECREMENT;
      else if( dgp.recently_missed_count > 0 )

      dgp.head_block_number = b.block_num();
      dgp.head_block_id = b.id();
      dgp.time = b.timestamp;
      dgp.current_witness = b.witness;
      dgp.recent_slots_filled = (
           (dgp.recent_slots_filled << 1)
           + 1) << missed_blocks;
      dgp.current_aslot += missed_blocks+1;

   if( !(get_node_properties().skip_flags & skip_undo_history_check) )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( _dgp.recently_missed_count < GRAPHENE_MAX_UNDO_HISTORY, undo_database_exception,
                 "The database does not have enough undo history to support a blockchain with so many missed blocks. "
                 "Please add a checkpoint if you would like to continue applying blocks beyond this point.",
                 ("recently_missed",_dgp.recently_missed_count)("max_undo",GRAPHENE_MAX_UNDO_HISTORY) );

   _undo_db.set_max_size( _dgp.recently_missed_count + GRAPHENE_MIN_UNDO_HISTORY );
   _fork_db.set_max_size( _dgp.recently_missed_count + GRAPHENE_MIN_UNDO_HISTORY );