GDALDataset *HDF4Dataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    int32	i;

    if( !Identify( poOpenInfo ) )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try opening the dataset.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int32	hHDF4;
    hHDF4 = Hopen(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ, 0);
    if( hHDF4 <= 0 )
        return( NULL );

    Hclose( hHDF4 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    HDF4Dataset *poDS;

    poDS = new HDF4Dataset();

    poDS->fp = poOpenInfo->fp;
    poOpenInfo->fp = NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*          Open HDF SDS Interface.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->hSD = SDstart( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ );

    if ( poDS->hSD == -1 )
	delete poDS;
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*		Now read Global Attributes.				*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( poDS->ReadGlobalAttributes( poDS->hSD ) != CE_None )
	delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    poDS->SetMetadata( poDS->papszGlobalMetadata, "" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*		Determine type of file we read.				*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char	*pszValue;
    if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata,
	 && EQUAL( pszValue, pszGDALSignature ) )
	poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_GDAL;
	poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "GDAL_HDF4";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata, "Title"))
	 && EQUAL( pszValue, "SeaWiFS Level-1A Data" ) )
	poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_SEAWIFS_L1A;
	poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "SEAWIFS_L1A";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata, "Title"))
	&& EQUAL( pszValue, "SeaWiFS Level-2 Data" ) )
	poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_SEAWIFS_L2;
	poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "SEAWIFS_L2";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata, "Title"))
	&& EQUAL( pszValue, "SeaWiFS Level-3 Standard Mapped Image" ) )
	poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_SEAWIFS_L3;
	poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "SEAWIFS_L3";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata,
                                            "L1 File Generated By"))
	&& EQUALN( pszValue, "HYP version ", 12 ) )
	poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_HYPERION_L1;
	poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "HYPERION_L1";

	poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_UNKNOWN;
	poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "UNKNOWN";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  If we have HDF-EOS dataset, process it here.	                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char	szName[VSNAMELENMAX + 1], szTemp[8192];
    char	*pszString;
    const char  *pszName;
    int		nCount;
    int32	aiDimSizes[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
    int32	iRank, iNumType, nAttrs;
    bool        bIsHDF = true;
    // Sometimes "HDFEOSVersion" attribute is not defined and we will
    // determine HDF-EOS datasets using other records
    // (see ReadGlobalAttributes() method).
    if ( poDS->bIsHDFEOS
         || CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata, "HDFEOSVersion") )
        bIsHDF  = false;

        int32   nSubDatasets, nStrBufSize;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Process swath layers.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hHDF4 = SWopen( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ );
        if( hHDF4 < 0)
            delete poDS;
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open HDF4 `%s'.\n", poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
            return NULL;
        nSubDatasets = SWinqswath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, NULL, &nStrBufSize);
        CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of HDF-EOS swaths: %d", (int)nSubDatasets );
        if ( nSubDatasets > 0 && nStrBufSize > 0 )
            char    *pszSwathList;
            char    **papszSwaths;

            pszSwathList = (char *)CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 );
            SWinqswath( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, pszSwathList, &nStrBufSize );
            pszSwathList[nStrBufSize] = '\0';

            CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of HDF-EOS swaths: %s", pszSwathList );

            papszSwaths =
                CSLTokenizeString2( pszSwathList, ",", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );
            CPLFree( pszSwathList );

            if ( nSubDatasets != CSLCount(papszSwaths) )
                CSLDestroy( papszSwaths );
                delete poDS;
                CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Can not parse list of HDF-EOS grids." );
                return NULL;

            for ( i = 0; i < nSubDatasets; i++)
                char    *pszFieldList;
                char    **papszFields;
                int32   *paiRank, *paiNumType;
                int32   hSW, nFields, j;

                hSW = SWattach( hHDF4, papszSwaths[i] );

                nFields = SWnentries( hSW, HDFE_NENTDFLD, &nStrBufSize );
                pszFieldList = (char *)CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 );
                paiRank = (int32 *)CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) );
                paiNumType = (int32 *)CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) );

                SWinqdatafields( hSW, pszFieldList, paiRank, paiNumType );

                    char *pszTmp =
                        SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, paiRank, nFields, "," );

                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of data fields in swath %d: %d",
                              (int) i, (int) nFields );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of data fields in swath %d: %s",
                              (int) i, pszFieldList );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Data fields ranks: %s", pszTmp );

                    CPLFree( pszTmp );

                papszFields = CSLTokenizeString2( pszFieldList, ",",
                                                  CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );
                for ( j = 0; j < nFields; j++ )
                    SWfieldinfo( hSW, papszFields[j], &iRank, aiDimSizes,
                                 &iNumType, NULL );

                    if ( iRank < 2 )

	            // Add field to the list of GDAL subdatasets
                    nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
                    sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
	            // We will use the field index as an identificator.
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                           papszSwaths[i], papszFields[j]) );

                    sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
                    pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes,
                                             iRank, "x" );
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                         CPLSPrintf( "[%s] %s %s (%s)", pszString,
                                         poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType) ) );
                    CPLFree( pszString );

                CSLDestroy( papszFields );
                CPLFree( paiNumType );
                CPLFree( paiRank );
                CPLFree( pszFieldList );
                SWdetach( hSW );

            CSLDestroy( papszSwaths );
        SWclose( hHDF4 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Process grid layers.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hHDF4 = GDopen( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ );
        nSubDatasets = GDinqgrid( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, NULL, &nStrBufSize );
        CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of HDF-EOS grids: %d", (int)nSubDatasets );
        if ( nSubDatasets > 0 && nStrBufSize > 0 )
            char    *pszGridList;
            char    **papszGrids;

            pszGridList = (char *)CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 );
            GDinqgrid( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, pszGridList, &nStrBufSize );

            CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of HDF-EOS grids: %s", pszGridList );

            papszGrids =
                CSLTokenizeString2( pszGridList, ",", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );
            CPLFree( pszGridList );

            if ( nSubDatasets != CSLCount(papszGrids) )
                CSLDestroy( papszGrids );
                delete poDS;
                CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Can not parse list of HDF-EOS grids." );
                return NULL;

            for ( i = 0; i < nSubDatasets; i++)
                char    *pszFieldList;
                char    **papszFields;
                int32   *paiRank, *paiNumType;
                int32   hGD, nFields, j;

                hGD = GDattach( hHDF4, papszGrids[i] );

                nFields = GDnentries( hGD, HDFE_NENTDFLD, &nStrBufSize );
                pszFieldList = (char *)CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 );
                paiRank = (int32 *)CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) );
                paiNumType = (int32 *)CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) );

                GDinqfields( hGD, pszFieldList, paiRank, paiNumType );

                    char* pszTmp =
                            SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, paiRank, nFields, "," );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of fields in grid %d: %d",
                            (int) i, (int) nFields );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of fields in grid %d: %s",
                            (int) i, pszFieldList );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Fields ranks: %s",
                            pszTmp );
                    CPLFree( pszTmp );

                papszFields = CSLTokenizeString2( pszFieldList, ",",
                                                  CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );
                for ( j = 0; j < nFields; j++ )
                    GDfieldinfo( hGD, papszFields[j], &iRank, aiDimSizes,
                                 &iNumType, NULL );

                    if ( iRank < 2 )

	            // Add field to the list of GDAL subdatasets
                    nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
                    sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
	            // We will use the field index as an identificator.
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                CPLSPrintf( "HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"%s\":%s:%s",
                                            papszGrids[i], papszFields[j]));

                    sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
                    pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes,
                                             iRank, "x" );
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                         CPLSPrintf("[%s] %s %s (%s)", pszString,
                                             poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType)) );
                    CPLFree( pszString );

                CSLDestroy( papszFields );
                CPLFree( paiNumType );
                CPLFree( paiRank );
                CPLFree( pszFieldList );
                GDdetach( hGD );

            CSLDestroy( papszGrids );
            GDclose( hHDF4 );
        GDclose( hHDF4 );

        bIsHDF = ( nSubDatasets == 0 ); // Try to read as HDF

    if( bIsHDF )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Make a list of subdatasets from SDSs contained in input HDF file.	*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int32   nDatasets;

        if ( SDfileinfo( poDS->hSD, &nDatasets, &nAttrs ) != 0 )
	    return NULL;

        for ( i = 0; i < nDatasets; i++ )
            int32	iSDS;

            iSDS = SDselect( poDS->hSD, i );
            if ( SDgetinfo( iSDS, szName, &iRank, aiDimSizes, &iNumType, &nAttrs) != 0 )
                return NULL;
            if ( iRank == 1 )		// Skip 1D datsets

            // Do sort of known datasets. We will display only image bands
            if ( (poDS->iSubdatasetType == H4ST_SEAWIFS_L1A ) &&
                      !EQUALN( szName, "l1a_data", 8 ) )
                pszName = szName;
            // Add datasets with multiple dimensions to the list of GDAL subdatasets
            nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
            sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
            // We will use SDS index as an identificator, because SDS names
            // are not unique. Filename also needed for further file opening
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp, 
                  CPLSPrintf( "HDF4_SDS:%s:\"%s\":%ld", poDS->pszSubdatasetType,
                              poOpenInfo->pszFilename, (long)i) );
            sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
            pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes, iRank, "x" );
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                CPLSPrintf( "[%s] %s (%s)", pszString,
                            pszName, poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType)) );
            CPLFree( pszString );

            SDendaccess( iSDS );

        SDend( poDS->hSD );
        poDS->hSD = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a list of raster images. Note, that HDF-EOS dataset may   */
/*      contain a raster image as well.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hHDF4 = Hopen(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ, 0);
    poDS->hGR = GRstart( hHDF4 );

    if ( poDS->hGR != -1 )
        if ( GRfileinfo( poDS->hGR, &poDS->nImages, &nAttrs ) == -1 )
            return NULL;
        for ( i = 0; i < poDS->nImages; i++ )
            int32   iInterlaceMode; 
            int32   iGR = GRselect( poDS->hGR, i );

            // iRank in GR interface has another meaning. It represents number
            // of samples per pixel. aiDimSizes has only two dimensions.
            if ( GRgetiminfo( iGR, szName, &iRank, &iNumType, &iInterlaceMode,
                              aiDimSizes, &nAttrs ) != 0 )
                return NULL;
            nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
            sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets,
                szTemp,CPLSPrintf( "HDF4_GR:UNKNOWN:\"%s\":%ld",
                                   poOpenInfo->pszFilename, (long)i));
            sprintf( szTemp, "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
            pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes, 2, "x" );
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets,
                szTemp, CPLSPrintf( "[%sx%ld] %s (%s)", pszString, (long)iRank,
                                    szName, poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType)) );
            CPLFree( pszString );

            GRendaccess( iGR );

        GRend( poDS->hGR );
        poDS->hGR = 0;

    Hclose( hHDF4 );

    poDS->nRasterXSize = poDS->nRasterYSize = 512; // XXX: bogus values

    // Make sure we don't try to do any pam stuff with this dataset.
    poDS->nPamFlags |= GPF_NOSAVE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we have single subdataset only, open it immediately          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2 == 1 )
        char *pszSDSName;
        pszSDSName = CPLStrdup( CSLFetchNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets,
                            "SUBDATASET_1_NAME" ));
        delete poDS;
        poDS = NULL;

        GDALDataset* poRetDS = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen( pszSDSName, poOpenInfo->eAccess );
        CPLFree( pszSDSName );

        if (poRetDS)

        return poRetDS;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
            delete poDS;
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                      "The HDF4 driver does not support update access to existing"
                      " datasets.\n" );
            return NULL;

    return( poDS );
Exemple #2
int coda_hdf4_reopen(coda_product **product)
    coda_hdf4_product *product_file;

    product_file = (coda_hdf4_product *)malloc(sizeof(coda_hdf4_product));
    if (product_file == NULL)
        coda_set_error(CODA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory (could not allocate %lu bytes) (%s:%u)",
                       sizeof(coda_hdf4_product), __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return -1;
    product_file->filename = NULL;
    product_file->file_size = (*product)->file_size;
    product_file->format = coda_format_hdf4;
    product_file->root_type = NULL;
    product_file->product_definition = NULL;
    product_file->product_variable_size = NULL;
    product_file->product_variable = NULL;
    product_file->mem_size = 0;
    product_file->mem_ptr = NULL;
    product_file->is_hdf = 0;
    product_file->file_id = -1;
    product_file->gr_id = -1;
    product_file->sd_id = -1;
    product_file->an_id = -1;
    product_file->num_gr_file_attributes = 0;
    product_file->num_sd_file_attributes = 0;
    product_file->num_sds = 0;
    product_file->sds = NULL;
    product_file->num_images = 0;
    product_file->gri = NULL;
    product_file->num_vgroup = 0;
    product_file->vgroup = NULL;
    product_file->num_vdata = 0;
    product_file->vdata = NULL;

    product_file->filename = strdup((*product)->filename);
    if (product_file->filename == NULL)
        coda_set_error(CODA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory (could not duplicate filename string) (%s:%u)",
                       __FILE__, __LINE__);
        coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
        return -1;


    product_file->is_hdf = Hishdf(product_file->filename);      /* is this a real HDF4 file or a (net)CDF file */
    if (product_file->is_hdf)
        product_file->file_id = Hopen(product_file->filename, DFACC_READ, 0);
        if (product_file->file_id == -1)
            coda_set_error(CODA_ERROR_HDF4, NULL);
            coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
            return -1;
        if (Vstart(product_file->file_id) != 0)
            coda_set_error(CODA_ERROR_HDF4, NULL);
            coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
            return -1;
        product_file->gr_id = GRstart(product_file->file_id);
        if (product_file->gr_id == -1)
            coda_set_error(CODA_ERROR_HDF4, NULL);
            coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
            return -1;
        product_file->an_id = ANstart(product_file->file_id);
        if (product_file->an_id == -1)
            coda_set_error(CODA_ERROR_HDF4, NULL);
            coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
            return -1;
    product_file->sd_id = SDstart(product_file->filename, DFACC_READ);
    if (product_file->sd_id == -1)
        coda_set_error(CODA_ERROR_HDF4, NULL);
        coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
        return -1;
    product_file->root_type = NULL;

    if (init_SDSs(product_file) != 0)
        coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
        return -1;
    if (product_file->is_hdf)
        if (init_GRImages(product_file) != 0)
            coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
            return -1;
        if (init_Vdatas(product_file) != 0)
            coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
            return -1;
        /* initialization of Vgroup entries should happen last, so we can build the structural tree */
        if (init_Vgroups(product_file) != 0)
            coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
            return -1;

    if (coda_hdf4_create_root(product_file) != 0)
        coda_hdf4_close((coda_product *)product_file);
        return -1;

    *product = (coda_product *)product_file;

    return 0;
Exemple #3
int list_main(const char* infname,
         const char* outfname, 
         options_t *options)
    list_table_t *list_tbl=NULL;     /* list of objects */
    dim_table_t  *td1=NULL;       /* dimensions */
    dim_table_t  *td2=NULL;       /* dimensions */
    int32        sd_id=FAIL,      /* SD interface identifier */
                 sd_out=FAIL,     /* SD interface identifier */
                 gr_id=FAIL,      /* GR interface identifier */
                 gr_out=FAIL,     /* GR interface identifier */
    int          i;
    const char*  err;

    * initialize tables
    * open the input file for read and initialize interfaces
    if ((infile_id  = Hopen (infname,DFACC_READ,(int16)0))==FAIL)
        printf("Cannot open file <%s>\n",infname);
        goto out;
    if ((sd_id  = SDstart (infname, DFACC_READ))==FAIL)
        printf( "Could not start SD for <%s>\n",infname);
        goto out;
    if ((gr_id  = GRstart (infile_id))==FAIL)
        printf( "Could not start GR for <%s>\n",infname);
        goto out;
    * create the output file and initialize interfaces

    if ( options->trip==1 ) 
        if ((outfile_id = Hopen (outfname,DFACC_CREATE,(int16)0))==FAIL)
            printf("Cannot create file <%s>\n",outfname);
            goto out;
        if ((sd_out = SDstart (outfname, DFACC_WRITE))==FAIL)
            printf( "Could not start GR for <%s>\n",outfname);
            goto out;
        if ((gr_out = GRstart (outfile_id))==FAIL)
            printf( "Could not start GR for <%s>\n",outfname);
            goto out;
    } /* options->trip==1 */

    if (options->verbose && options->trip==0)
        printf("Building list of objects in %s...\n",infname);

    * iterate tru HDF interfaces 

    if (options->verbose) 
        printf(" Chunk   Filter(compression) Name\n");
    if (list_vg (infile_id,outfile_id,sd_id,sd_out,gr_id,gr_out,list_tbl,td1,td2,options)<0) 
        goto out;
    if (list_gr (infile_id,outfile_id,gr_id,gr_out,list_tbl,options)<0) 
        goto out;
    if (list_sds(infile_id,outfile_id,sd_id,sd_out,list_tbl,td1,td2,options)<0) 
        goto out;
    if (list_vs (infile_id,outfile_id,list_tbl,options)<0) 
        goto out;
    if (list_glb(infile_id,outfile_id,sd_id,sd_out,gr_id,gr_out,list_tbl,options)<0) 
        goto out;
    if (list_pal(infname,outfname,list_tbl,options)<0) 
        goto out;
    if (list_an (infile_id,outfile_id,options)<0) 
        goto out;
    if ( options->trip==1 ) 

    * check for objects in the file table:
    *   1) the input object names are present in the file
    *   2) they are valid objects (SDS or GR)
    * check only if selected objects are given (all==0)
    if ( options->trip==0 ) 
        if (options->verbose)
            printf("Searching for objects to modify...\n");
        for ( i = 0; i < options->op_tbl->nelems; i++) 
            char* obj_name=options->op_tbl->objs[i].objpath;
            if (options->verbose)
            /* the input object names are present in the file and are valid */
            if (err!=NULL)
                printf("\nError: <%s> %s in file <%s>. Exiting...\n",obj_name,err,infname);
                goto out;
            if (options->verbose)
    * close interfaces
    if (GRend (gr_id)==FAIL)
        printf( "Failed to close GR interface <%s>\n", infname);
    if (SDend (sd_id)==FAIL)
        printf( "Failed to close file <%s>\n", infname);
    if (Hclose (infile_id)==FAIL)
        printf( "Failed to close file <%s>\n", infname);

    if ( options->trip==1 ) 
        if (GRend (gr_out)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close GR interface <%s>\n", outfname);
        if (SDend (sd_out)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close file <%s>\n", outfname);
        if (Hclose (outfile_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close file <%s>\n", outfname);

    * free tables
    return SUCCEED;
    if (list_tbl!=NULL)
    if (td1!=NULL)
    if (td2!=NULL)
    if (gr_id!=FAIL)
        if (GRend (gr_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close GR interface <%s>\n", infname);
    if (gr_out!=FAIL)
        if (GRend (gr_out)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close GR interface <%s>\n", outfname);
    if (sd_id!=FAIL)
        if (SDend (sd_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close SD interface for <%s>\n", infname);
    if (sd_out!=FAIL)
        if (SDend (sd_out)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close SD interface for <%s>\n", outfname);
    if (infile_id!=FAIL)
        if (Hclose (infile_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close file <%s>\n", infname);
    if (outfile_id!=FAIL)
        if (Hclose (outfile_id)==FAIL)
            printf( "Failed to close file <%s>\n", outfname);
    return FAIL;
Exemple #4
GDALDataset *HDF4Dataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    if( !Identify( poOpenInfo ) )
        return NULL;


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try opening the dataset.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // Attempt to increase maximum number of opened HDF files.
    intn nCurrMax = 0;
    intn nSysLimit = 0;

    if ( SDget_maxopenfiles(&nCurrMax, &nSysLimit) >= 0
         && nCurrMax < nSysLimit )
        /*intn res = */SDreset_maxopenfiles( nSysLimit );

    int32 hHDF4 = Hopen(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ, 0);

    if( hHDF4 <= 0 )
        return NULL;

    Hclose( hHDF4 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own mutex.
    HDF4Dataset *poDS = new HDF4Dataset();
    CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);

    if( poOpenInfo->fpL != NULL )
        poOpenInfo->fpL = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*          Open HDF SDS Interface.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->hSD = SDstart( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ );

    if ( poDS->hSD == -1 )
      // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own mutex.
        delete poDS;
        CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Failed to open HDF4 file \"%s\" for SDS reading.",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*              Now read Global Attributes.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( poDS->ReadGlobalAttributes( poDS->hSD ) != CE_None )
        // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own mutex.
        delete poDS;
        CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Failed to read global attributes from HDF4 file \"%s\".",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        return NULL;

    poDS->SetMetadata( poDS->papszGlobalMetadata, "" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*              Determine type of file we read.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata,

    if ( pszValue != NULL && EQUAL( pszValue, pszGDALSignature ) )
        poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_GDAL;
        poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "GDAL_HDF4";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata,
                                            "Title")) != NULL
         && EQUAL( pszValue, "SeaWiFS Level-1A Data" ) )
        poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_SEAWIFS_L1A;
        poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "SEAWIFS_L1A";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata,
                                            "Title")) != NULL
        && EQUAL( pszValue, "SeaWiFS Level-2 Data" ) )
        poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_SEAWIFS_L2;
        poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "SEAWIFS_L2";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata,
                                            "Title")) != NULL
        && EQUAL( pszValue, "SeaWiFS Level-3 Standard Mapped Image" ) )
        poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_SEAWIFS_L3;
        poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "SEAWIFS_L3";

    else if ( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata,
                                            "L1 File Generated By")) != NULL
        && STARTS_WITH_CI(pszValue, "HYP version ") )
        poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_HYPERION_L1;
        poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "HYPERION_L1";

        poDS->iSubdatasetType = H4ST_UNKNOWN;
        poDS->pszSubdatasetType = "UNKNOWN";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  If we have HDF-EOS dataset, process it here.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int32 aiDimSizes[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS] = {};  // TODO: Get this off of the stack.
    int32 iRank = 0;
    int32 iNumType = 0;
    int32 nAttrs = 0;
    bool bIsHDF = true;

    // Sometimes "HDFEOSVersion" attribute is not defined and we will
    // determine HDF-EOS datasets using other records
    // (see ReadGlobalAttributes() method).
    if ( poDS->bIsHDFEOS
         || CSLFetchNameValue(poDS->papszGlobalMetadata, "HDFEOSVersion") )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Process swath layers.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hHDF4 = SWopen( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ );
        if( hHDF4 < 0)
            // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own
            // mutex.
            delete poDS;
            CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "Failed to open HDF-EOS file \"%s\" for swath reading.",
                      poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
            return NULL;
        int32 nStrBufSize = 0;
        int32 nSubDatasets =
            SWinqswath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, NULL, &nStrBufSize);

#ifdef DEBUG
        CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of HDF-EOS swaths: %d",
                  static_cast<int>( nSubDatasets ) );

        if ( nSubDatasets > 0 && nStrBufSize > 0 )
            char *pszSwathList =
                static_cast<char *>( CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 ) );
            SWinqswath( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, pszSwathList, &nStrBufSize );
            pszSwathList[nStrBufSize] = '\0';

#ifdef DEBUG
            CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of HDF-EOS swaths: %s", pszSwathList );

            char **papszSwaths =
                CSLTokenizeString2( pszSwathList, ",", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );
            CPLFree( pszSwathList );

            if ( nSubDatasets != CSLCount(papszSwaths) )
                CSLDestroy( papszSwaths );
                // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own
                // mutex.
                delete poDS;
                CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);
                CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Cannot parse list of HDF-EOS grids." );
                return NULL;

            for( int32 i = 0; i < nSubDatasets; i++)
                const int32 hSW = SWattach( hHDF4, papszSwaths[i] );

                const int32 nFields
                    = SWnentries( hSW, HDFE_NENTDFLD, &nStrBufSize );
                char *pszFieldList = static_cast<char *>(
                    CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 ) );
                int32 *paiRank = static_cast<int32 *>(
                    CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) ) );
                int32 *paiNumType = static_cast<int32 *>(
                    CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) ) );

                SWinqdatafields( hSW, pszFieldList, paiRank, paiNumType );

#ifdef DEBUG
                    char * const pszTmp =
                        SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, paiRank, nFields, "," );

                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of data fields in swath %d: %d",
                              static_cast<int>( i ),
                              static_cast<int>( nFields ) );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of data fields in swath %d: %s",
                              static_cast<int>( i ), pszFieldList );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Data fields ranks: %s", pszTmp );

                    CPLFree( pszTmp );

                char **papszFields = CSLTokenizeString2( pszFieldList, ",",
                                                         CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );

                char szTemp[256] = {'\0'};  // TODO: Get this off the stack.
                for( int32 j = 0; j < nFields; j++ )
                    SWfieldinfo( hSW, papszFields[j], &iRank, aiDimSizes,
                                 &iNumType, NULL );

                    if ( iRank < 2 )

                    // Add field to the list of GDAL subdatasets.
                    const int nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
                    snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                              "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
                    // We will use the field index as an identificator.
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                           papszSwaths[i], papszFields[j]) );

                    snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                              "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
                    char *pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes,
                                                   iRank, "x" );
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                         CPLSPrintf( "[%s] %s %s (%s)",
                                         poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType) ) );
                    CPLFree( pszString );
                    szTemp[0] = '\0';

                CSLDestroy( papszFields );
                CPLFree( paiNumType );
                CPLFree( paiRank );
                CPLFree( pszFieldList );
                SWdetach( hSW );

            CSLDestroy( papszSwaths );
        SWclose( hHDF4 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Process grid layers.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hHDF4 = GDopen( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ );
        nSubDatasets = GDinqgrid( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, NULL, &nStrBufSize );

#ifdef DEBUG
        CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of HDF-EOS grids: %d",
                  static_cast<int>( nSubDatasets ) );

        if ( nSubDatasets > 0 && nStrBufSize > 0 )
            char *pszGridList
                = static_cast<char *>( CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 ) );
            GDinqgrid( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, pszGridList, &nStrBufSize );

#ifdef DEBUG
            CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of HDF-EOS grids: %s", pszGridList );

            char **papszGrids =
                CSLTokenizeString2( pszGridList, ",", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );
            CPLFree( pszGridList );

            if ( nSubDatasets != CSLCount(papszGrids) )
                CSLDestroy( papszGrids );
                GDclose( hHDF4 );
                // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own
                // mutex.
                delete poDS;
                CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);
                CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Cannot parse list of HDF-EOS grids." );
                return NULL;

            for( int32 i = 0; i < nSubDatasets; i++)
                const int32 hGD = GDattach( hHDF4, papszGrids[i] );

                const int32 nFields
                    = GDnentries( hGD, HDFE_NENTDFLD, &nStrBufSize );
                char *pszFieldList = static_cast<char *>(
                    CPLMalloc( nStrBufSize + 1 ) );
                int32 *paiRank = static_cast<int32 *>(
                    CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) ) );
                int32 *paiNumType = static_cast<int32 *>(
                    CPLMalloc( nFields * sizeof(int32) ) );

                GDinqfields( hGD, pszFieldList, paiRank, paiNumType );

#ifdef DEBUG
                    char* pszTmp =
                            SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, paiRank, nFields, "," );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Number of fields in grid %d: %d",
                              static_cast<int>( i ),
                              static_cast<int>( nFields ) );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "List of fields in grid %d: %s",
                              static_cast<int>( i ), pszFieldList );
                    CPLDebug( "HDF4", "Fields ranks: %s", pszTmp );
                    CPLFree( pszTmp );

                char **papszFields = CSLTokenizeString2( pszFieldList, ",",
                                                  CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );

                char szTemp[256];
                for( int32 j = 0; j < nFields; j++ )
                    GDfieldinfo( hGD, papszFields[j], &iRank, aiDimSizes,
                                 &iNumType, NULL );

                    if ( iRank < 2 )

                    // Add field to the list of GDAL subdatasets
                    const int nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
                    snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                              "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
                    // We will use the field index as an identificator.
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                CPLSPrintf( "HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"%s\":%s:%s",
                                            papszGrids[i], papszFields[j]));

                    snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                              "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
                    char *pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes,
                                                   iRank, "x" );
                    poDS->papszSubDatasets =
                        CSLSetNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets, szTemp,
                                         CPLSPrintf("[%s] %s %s (%s)",
                                             poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType)) );
                    CPLFree( pszString );

                CSLDestroy( papszFields );
                CPLFree( paiNumType );
                CPLFree( paiRank );
                CPLFree( pszFieldList );
                GDdetach( hGD );

            CSLDestroy( papszGrids );
        GDclose( hHDF4 );

        bIsHDF = ( nSubDatasets == 0 ); // Try to read as HDF

    char szName[VSNAMELENMAX + 1];

    if( bIsHDF )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Make a list of subdatasets from SDSs contained in input HDF file.   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int32 nDatasets = 0;

        if ( SDfileinfo( poDS->hSD, &nDatasets, &nAttrs ) != 0 )
            return NULL;

        char szTemp[256] = {'\0'};  // TODO: Get this off the stack.
        const char *pszName = NULL;

        for( int32 i = 0; i < nDatasets; i++ )
            const int32 iSDS = SDselect( poDS->hSD, i );
            if ( SDgetinfo( iSDS, szName, &iRank, aiDimSizes, &iNumType,
                            &nAttrs) != 0 )
                return NULL;

            if ( iRank == 1 )  // Skip 1D datsets

            // Do sort of known datasets. We will display only image bands
            if ( (poDS->iSubdatasetType == H4ST_SEAWIFS_L1A ) &&
                      !STARTS_WITH_CI(szName, "l1a_data") )
                pszName = szName;

            // Add datasets with multiple dimensions to the list of GDAL
            // subdatasets.
            const int nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
            snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                      "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
            // We will use SDS index as an identificator, because SDS names
            // are not unique. Filename also needed for further file opening
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
                  CPLSPrintf( "HDF4_SDS:%s:\"%s\":%ld", poDS->pszSubdatasetType,
                              static_cast<long>( i ) ) );
            snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                      "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
            char *pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes, iRank, "x" );
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
                CPLSPrintf( "[%s] %s (%s)", pszString,
                            pszName, poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType)) );
            CPLFree( pszString );

            SDendaccess( iSDS );
            szTemp[0] = '\0';

        SDend( poDS->hSD );
        poDS->hSD = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a list of raster images. Note, that HDF-EOS dataset may   */
/*      contain a raster image as well.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    hHDF4 = Hopen(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, DFACC_READ, 0);
    poDS->hGR = GRstart( hHDF4 );

    if ( poDS->hGR != -1 )
        if ( GRfileinfo( poDS->hGR, &poDS->nImages, &nAttrs ) == -1 )
            // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own
            // mutex.
            GRend( poDS->hGR );
            poDS->hGR = 0;
            Hclose( hHDF4 );
            delete poDS;
            CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);
            return NULL;

        char szTemp[256] = {'\0'};  // TODO: Get this off the stack.
        for( int32 i = 0; i < poDS->nImages; i++ )
            const int32 iGR = GRselect( poDS->hGR, i );

            // iRank in GR interface has another meaning. It represents number
            // of samples per pixel. aiDimSizes has only two dimensions.
            int32 iInterlaceMode = 0;
            if ( GRgetiminfo( iGR, szName, &iRank, &iNumType, &iInterlaceMode,
                              aiDimSizes, &nAttrs ) != 0 )
                // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset
                // own mutex.
                GRend( poDS->hGR );
                poDS->hGR = 0;
                Hclose( hHDF4 );
                delete poDS;
                CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);
                return NULL;
            const int nCount = CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2;
            snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                      "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", nCount + 1 );
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets,
                szTemp,CPLSPrintf( "HDF4_GR:UNKNOWN:\"%s\":%ld",
                                   static_cast<long>( i ) ) );
            snprintf( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp),
                      "SUBDATASET_%d_DESC", nCount + 1 );
            char *pszString = SPrintArray( GDT_UInt32, aiDimSizes, 2, "x" );
            poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets,
                szTemp, CPLSPrintf( "[%sx%ld] %s (%s)", pszString,
                                    static_cast<long>( iRank ),
                                    szName, poDS->GetDataTypeName(iNumType)) );
            CPLFree( pszString );

            GRendaccess( iGR );
            szTemp[0] = '\0';

        GRend( poDS->hGR );
        poDS->hGR = 0;

    Hclose( hHDF4 );

    poDS->nRasterXSize = poDS->nRasterYSize = 512; // XXX: bogus values

    // Make sure we don't try to do any pam stuff with this dataset.
    poDS->nPamFlags |= GPF_NOSAVE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we have single subdataset only, open it immediately          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( CSLCount( poDS->papszSubDatasets ) / 2 == 1 )
        char *pszSDSName = CPLStrdup( CSLFetchNameValue( poDS->papszSubDatasets,
                                                         "SUBDATASET_1_NAME" ));
        // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own mutex.
        delete poDS;
        poDS = NULL;

        GDALDataset* poRetDS = reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset*>(
            GDALOpen( pszSDSName, poOpenInfo->eAccess ) );
        CPLFree( pszSDSName );

        CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);

        if (poRetDS)

        return poRetDS;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
            // Release mutex otherwise we will deadlock with GDALDataset own
            // mutex.
            delete poDS;
            CPLAcquireMutex(hHDF4Mutex, 1000.0);

            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                      "The HDF4 driver does not support update access to "
                      "existing datasets." );
            return NULL;


    return poDS;