Exemple #1
  // The ctor redirects the stream to a temporary file.
  explicit CapturedStream(int fd) : fd_(fd), uncaptured_fd_(dup(fd)) {
    char temp_dir_path[MAX_PATH + 1] = { '\0' };  // NOLINT
    char temp_file_path[MAX_PATH + 1] = { '\0' };  // NOLINT

    ::GetTempPathA(sizeof(temp_dir_path), temp_dir_path);
    const UINT success = ::GetTempFileNameA(temp_dir_path,
                                            0,  // Generate unique file name.
    GTEST_CHECK_(success != 0)
        << "Unable to create a temporary file in " << temp_dir_path;
    const int captured_fd = creat(temp_file_path, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
    GTEST_CHECK_(captured_fd != -1) << "Unable to open temporary file "
                                    << temp_file_path;
    filename_ = temp_file_path;
# else
    // There's no guarantee that a test has write access to the current
    // directory, so we create the temporary file in the /tmp directory
    // instead. We use /tmp on most systems, and /sdcard on Android.
    // That's because Android doesn't have /tmp.
    // Note: Android applications are expected to call the framework's
    // Context.getExternalStorageDirectory() method through JNI to get
    // the location of the world-writable SD Card directory. However,
    // this requires a Context handle, which cannot be retrieved
    // globally from native code. Doing so also precludes running the
    // code as part of a regular standalone executable, which doesn't
    // run in a Dalvik process (e.g. when running it through 'adb shell').
    // The location /sdcard is directly accessible from native code
    // and is the only location (unofficially) supported by the Android
    // team. It's generally a symlink to the real SD Card mount point
    // which can be /mnt/sdcard, /mnt/sdcard0, /system/media/sdcard, or
    // other OEM-customized locations. Never rely on these, and always
    // use /sdcard.
    char name_template[] = "/sdcard/gtest_captured_stream.XXXXXX";
#  else
    char name_template[] = "/tmp/captured_stream.XXXXXX";
    const int captured_fd = mkstemp(name_template);
    filename_ = name_template;
# endif  // GTEST_OS_WINDOWS
    dup2(captured_fd, fd_);
    void registerTestWithParameter(const ParameterType& parameter) {
        GTEST_CHECK_(parameterNames.hasMore()) << "Parameter list parse error";

        const auto parameterName = *parameterNames;

        registerTestWithParameterNamed(parameterName, parameter);

Exemple #3
template <class T> void ASSERT_ARRAY_EQ(T* actual, T* expected, size_t n)
	int fails = 0;
	#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 1024)
	for(intptr_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if(actual[i] != expected[i])
			#pragma omp atomic

	if(fails > 0)
		GTEST_CHECK_(false) << fails << " out of " << n << " elements were not equal to expected";
Exemple #4
void ASSERT_ARRAY_ABSOLUTE_RANGE(tfloat* expected, tfloat* actual, size_t n, tfloat range)
	int fails = 0;
	#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 1024)
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if(abs(expected[i] - actual[i]) > range)
			#pragma omp atomic

	if(fails > 0)
		GTEST_CHECK_(false) << fails << " out of " << n << " elements had an absolute error of over " << range;
Exemple #5
void ASSERT_ARRAY_RELATIVE_RANGE(tfloat* expected, tfloat* actual, size_t n, tfloat range)
	int fails = 0;
	#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 1024)
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if(expected[i] == 0.0f && actual[i] == 0.0f)
			#pragma omp atomic
		else if(expected[i] != 0.0f && actual[i] != 0.0f && abs((actual[i] - expected[i]) / expected[i]) > range)
			#pragma omp atomic

	if(fails > 0)
		GTEST_CHECK_(false) << fails << " out of " << n << " elements had a relative error of over " << range;