void UserIoSourceState::CalculateStringWidths(bool forceVisible)
      int component_width = GetWidth() - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin;
      int component_height = GetHeight();
      int string_width_pixels = 0;
      int string_height_pixels = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < mStringIdCount; i++)
        string_width_pixels = 0;
        string_height_pixels = 0;

        bool fits = false;

        const char* p_text = Languages::GetInstance()->GetString(mSourceIndexStringIds[i].stringId);

        if (strlen(p_text)>0 && p_text[0] != '{')
          GUI_RECT rect;

          if (mWordWrap)
            int line_count = WrapText(component_width);
            fits = (line_count <= (component_height/GetFont()->YSize));

            string_width_pixels = abs(rect.x1 - rect.x0) + 1;
            string_height_pixels = (abs(rect.y1 - rect.y0) + 1) * line_count;
            string_width_pixels = abs(rect.x1 - rect.x0) + 1;
            string_height_pixels = abs(rect.y1 - rect.y0) + 1;

            fits = (string_width_pixels <= component_width);

        bool visible = (mSourceIndexStringIds[i].source == mpChannelConfig->GetSource() 
          && mSourceIndexStringIds[i].sourceIndex == mpChannelConfig->GetSourceIndex());      
        CSV_ENTRY entry;
        entry.componentId = mComponentId;
        entry.stringId = mSourceIndexStringIds[i].stringId;
        entry.componentWidth = component_width;
        entry.stringWidth = string_width_pixels;
        entry.componentHeight = component_height;
        entry.stringHeight = string_height_pixels;
        entry.wordwrap = mWordWrap;
        entry.fits = fits;
        entry.visible = visible;
        entry.forcedVisible = forceVisible;

Exemple #2
*       MESSAGEBOX_Create
WM_HWIN MESSAGEBOX_Create(const char * sMessage, const char * sCaption, int Flags) {
  GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO _aDialogCreate[3];                                     /* 0: FrameWin, 1: Text, 2: Button */
  int BorderSize = FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultBorderSize();                             /* Default border size of frame window */
  int xSizeFrame = MESSAGEBOX_XSIZEOK + 2 * BorderSize + MESSAGEBOX_BORDER * 2; /* XSize of frame window */
  int ySizeFrame;                                                               /* YSize of frame window */
  int x0, y0;                                                                   /* Position of frame window */
  int xSizeMessage;                                                             /* Length in pixels of message */
  int xSizeCaption;                                                             /* Length in pixels of caption */
  int ySizeCaption;                                                             /* YSize of caption */
  int ySizeMessage;                                                             /* YSize of message */
  WM_HWIN hBox;
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  const GUI_FONT GUI_UNI_PTR * pOldFont;
  /* Zeroinit variables */
  memset(_aDialogCreate, 0, sizeof(_aDialogCreate));
  /* Get dimension of message */
  pOldFont = GUI_SetFont(TEXT_GetDefaultFont());
  GUI_GetTextExtend(&Rect, sMessage, 255);
  xSizeMessage = Rect.x1 - Rect.x0 + MESSAGEBOX_BORDER * 2;
  ySizeMessage = Rect.y1 - Rect.y0 + 1;
  if (xSizeFrame < (xSizeMessage + 4 + MESSAGEBOX_BORDER * 2)) {
    xSizeFrame = xSizeMessage + 4 + MESSAGEBOX_BORDER * 2;
  ySizeCaption = GUI_GetYSizeOfFont(FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultFont());
  ySizeFrame = ySizeMessage +            /* size of message */
               MESSAGEBOX_YSIZEOK +      /* size of button */
               ySizeCaption +            /* caption size */
               MESSAGEBOX_BORDER * 3 +   /* inner border - text, text - button, button - bottom */
               BorderSize * 2 +          /* top & bottom border */
               1;                        /* inner border */
  /* Get xsize of caption */
  xSizeCaption = GUI_GetStringDistX(sCaption);
  if (xSizeFrame < xSizeCaption + BorderSize * 2) {
    xSizeFrame = xSizeCaption + BorderSize * 2;
  /* Check maximum */
  if (xSizeFrame > LCD_GET_XSIZE()) {
    xSizeFrame = LCD_GET_XSIZE();
  if (ySizeFrame > LCD_GET_YSIZE()) {
    ySizeFrame = LCD_GET_YSIZE();
  /* Calculate position of framewin */
  x0 = GUI_OrgX + (LCD_GET_XSIZE() - xSizeFrame) / 2;
  y0 = GUI_OrgY + (LCD_GET_YSIZE() - ySizeFrame) / 2;
  /* restore modified Context */
  /* Fill frame win resource */
  _aDialogCreate[0].pfCreateIndirect = FRAMEWIN_CreateIndirect;
  _aDialogCreate[0].pName            = sCaption;
  _aDialogCreate[0].x0               = x0;
  _aDialogCreate[0].y0               = y0;
  _aDialogCreate[0].xSize            = xSizeFrame;
  _aDialogCreate[0].ySize            = ySizeFrame;
    _aDialogCreate[0].Flags          = FRAMEWIN_CF_MOVEABLE;
  /* Fill text resource */
  _aDialogCreate[1].pfCreateIndirect = TEXT_CreateIndirect;
  _aDialogCreate[1].pName            = sMessage;
  _aDialogCreate[1].x0               = (xSizeFrame - xSizeMessage - BorderSize * 2) / 2;
  _aDialogCreate[1].y0               = MESSAGEBOX_BORDER;
  _aDialogCreate[1].xSize            = xSizeMessage;
  _aDialogCreate[1].ySize            = ySizeMessage;
  _aDialogCreate[1].Para             = GUI_TA_TOP | GUI_TA_HCENTER;
  /* Fill button resource */
  _aDialogCreate[2].pfCreateIndirect = BUTTON_CreateIndirect;
  _aDialogCreate[2].pName            = "OK";
  _aDialogCreate[2].Id               = GUI_ID_OK;
  _aDialogCreate[2].x0               = (xSizeFrame - MESSAGEBOX_XSIZEOK - BorderSize * 2) / 2;
  _aDialogCreate[2].y0               = MESSAGEBOX_BORDER * 2 + ySizeMessage;
  _aDialogCreate[2].xSize            = MESSAGEBOX_XSIZEOK;
  _aDialogCreate[2].ySize            = MESSAGEBOX_YSIZEOK;
  /* Create dialog */
  hBox = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDialogCreate, GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate), MESSAGEBOX_Callback, 0, 0, 0);
  return hBox;