Exemple #1
* W_Plasma_Backtrace
void W_Plasma_Backtrace( edict_t *ent, const vec3_t start )
	trace_t	tr;
	vec3_t oldorigin;
	vec3_t mins = { -2, -2, -2 }, maxs = { 2, 2, 2 };

	if( GS_RaceGametype() )

	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, oldorigin );
	VectorCopy( start, ent->s.origin );

		G_Trace4D( &tr, ent->s.origin, mins, maxs, oldorigin, ent, ( CONTENTS_BODY|CONTENTS_CORPSE ), ent->timeDelta );

		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, ent->s.origin );

		if( tr.ent == -1 )
		if( tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid )
			W_Touch_Plasma( ent, &game.edicts[tr.ent], NULL, 0 );
		else if( tr.fraction != 1.0 )
			W_Touch_Plasma( ent, &game.edicts[tr.ent], &tr.plane, tr.surfFlags );
	} while( ent->r.inuse && ent->s.type == ET_PLASMA && !VectorCompare( ent->s.origin, oldorigin ) );

	if( ent->r.inuse && ent->s.type == ET_PLASMA )
		VectorCopy( oldorigin, ent->s.origin );
Exemple #2
* G_GS_Trace - Used only for gameshared linking
static void G_GS_Trace( trace_t *tr, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int ignore, int contentmask, int timeDelta )
	edict_t *passent = NULL;
	if( ignore >= 0 && ignore < MAX_EDICTS )
		passent = &game.edicts[ignore];

	G_Trace4D( tr, start, mins, maxs, end, passent, contentmask, timeDelta );
Exemple #3
* G_ProjectileDistancePrestep
static void G_ProjectileDistancePrestep( edict_t *projectile, float distance )
	float speed;
	vec3_t dir, dest;
	int mask, i;
	trace_t	trace;
	vec3_t plasma_hack_start;

	if( projectile->movetype != MOVETYPE_TOSS 
		&& projectile->movetype != MOVETYPE_LINEARPROJECTILE
		&& projectile->movetype != MOVETYPE_BOUNCE 
		&& projectile->movetype != MOVETYPE_BOUNCEGRENADE )

	if( !distance )

	if( ( speed = VectorNormalize2( projectile->velocity, dir ) ) == 0.0f )

	mask = ( projectile->r.clipmask ) ? projectile->r.clipmask : MASK_SHOT; // race trick should come set up inside clipmask

	if( projectile->movetype == MOVETYPE_LINEARPROJECTILE )
		VectorCopy( projectile->s.origin2, projectile->s.origin );

	VectorCopy( projectile->s.origin, plasma_hack_start );

	VectorMA( projectile->s.origin, distance, dir, dest );
	G_Trace4D( &trace, projectile->s.origin, projectile->r.mins, projectile->r.maxs, dest, projectile->r.owner, mask, projectile->timeDelta );

	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		projectile->s.origin[i] = projectile->s.origin2[i] = projectile->olds.origin[i] = projectile->olds.origin2[i] = trace.endpos[i];

	GClip_LinkEntity( projectile );
	SV_Impact( projectile, &trace );

	// set initial water state
	if( !projectile->r.inuse )

	projectile->waterlevel = ( G_PointContents4D( projectile->s.origin, projectile->timeDelta ) & MASK_WATER ) ? qtrue : qfalse;

	// ffs : hack for the plasmagun
	if( projectile->s.type == ET_PLASMA )
		if (trap_Cvar_Get( "rs_plasma_hack", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE )->integer==1)//racesow
			W_Plasma_Backtrace( projectile, plasma_hack_start );
Exemple #4
* SV_TestEntityPosition
static edict_t *SV_TestEntityPosition( edict_t *ent ) {
	trace_t trace;
	int mask;

	if( ent->r.clipmask ) {
		mask = ent->r.clipmask;
	} else {
		mask = MASK_SOLID;

	G_Trace4D( &trace, ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, ent->s.origin, ent, mask, ent->timeDelta );
	if( trace.startsolid ) {
		return game.edicts;

	return NULL;
Exemple #5
* SV_PushEntity
* Does not change the entities velocity at all
static trace_t SV_PushEntity( edict_t *ent, vec3_t push ) {
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t start;
	vec3_t end;
	int mask;

	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, start );
	VectorAdd( start, push, end );

	if( ent->r.clipmask ) {
		mask = ent->r.clipmask;
	} else {
		mask = MASK_SOLID;

	G_Trace4D( &trace, start, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, end, ent, mask, ent->timeDelta );
	if( ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH || !trace.startsolid ) {
		VectorCopy( trace.endpos, ent->s.origin );

	GClip_LinkEntity( ent );

	if( trace.fraction < 1.0 ) {
		SV_Impact( ent, &trace );

		// if the pushed entity went away and the pusher is still there
		if( !game.edicts[trace.ent].r.inuse && ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH && ent->r.inuse ) {
			// move the pusher back and try again
			VectorCopy( start, ent->s.origin );
			GClip_LinkEntity( ent );
			goto retry;

	if( ent->r.inuse ) {
		GClip_TouchTriggers( ent );

	return trace;
Exemple #6
* W_Fire_Blade
void W_Fire_Blade( edict_t *self, int range, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, float damage, int knockback, int stun, int mod, int timeDelta )
	edict_t *event, *other = NULL;
	vec3_t end;
	trace_t	trace;
	int mask = MASK_SHOT;
	vec3_t dir;
	int dmgflags = 0;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		damage = 9999;

	AngleVectors( angles, dir, NULL, NULL );
	VectorMA( start, range, dir, end );

	if( GS_RaceGametype() )
		mask = MASK_SOLID;

	G_Trace4D( &trace, start, NULL, NULL, end, self, MASK_SHOT, timeDelta );
	if( trace.ent == -1 )  //didn't touch anything

	// find out what touched
	other = &game.edicts[trace.ent];
	if( !other->takedamage ) // it was the world
		// wall impact
		VectorMA( trace.endpos, -0.02, dir, end );
		event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_BLADE_IMPACT, 0, end );
		event->s.ownerNum = ENTNUM( self );
		VectorScale( trace.plane.normal, 1024, event->s.origin2 );
		event->r.svflags = SVF_TRANSMITORIGIN2;

	// it was a player
	G_Damage( other, self, self, dir, dir, other->s.origin, damage, knockback, stun, dmgflags, mod );
Exemple #7
* W_Fire_Lead
* the seed is important to be as pointer for cgame prediction accuracy
static void W_Fire_Lead( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir, vec3_t axis[3], int damage, 
						int knockback, int stun, int hspread, int vspread, int *seed, int dflags,
						int mod, int timeDelta )
	trace_t	tr;
	vec3_t dir;
	vec3_t end;
	float r;
	float u;
	vec3_t water_start;
	int content_mask = MASK_SHOT | MASK_WATER;

	G_Trace4D( &tr, self->s.origin, NULL, NULL, start, self, MASK_SHOT, timeDelta );
	if( !( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) )
#if 1
		// circle
		double alpha = M_PI * Q_crandom( seed ); // [-PI ..+PI]
		double s = fabs( Q_crandom( seed ) ); // [0..1]
		r = s * cos( alpha ) * hspread;
		u = s * sin( alpha ) * vspread;
		// square
		r = Q_crandom( seed ) * hspread;
		u = Q_crandom( seed ) * vspread;
		VectorMA( start, 8192, axis[0], end );
		VectorMA( end, r, axis[1], end );
		VectorMA( end, u, axis[2], end );

		if( G_PointContents4D( start, timeDelta ) & MASK_WATER )
			VectorCopy( start, water_start );
			content_mask &= ~MASK_WATER;

		G_Trace4D( &tr, start, NULL, NULL, end, self, content_mask, timeDelta );

		// see if we hit water
		if( tr.contents & MASK_WATER )
			VectorCopy( tr.endpos, water_start );

			if( !VectorCompare( start, tr.endpos ) )
				vec3_t forward, right, up;

				// change bullet's course when it enters water
				VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
				VecToAngles( dir, dir );
				AngleVectors( dir, forward, right, up );
#if 1
				// circle
				alpha = M_PI *Q_crandom( seed ); // [-PI ..+PI]
				s = fabs( Q_crandom( seed ) ); // [0..1]
				r = s *cos( alpha )*hspread*1.5;
				u = s *sin( alpha )*vspread*1.5;
				r = Q_crandom( seed ) * hspread * 2;
				u = Q_crandom( seed ) * vspread * 2;
				VectorMA( water_start, 8192, forward, end );
				VectorMA( end, r, right, end );
				VectorMA( end, u, up, end );

			// re-trace ignoring water this time
			G_Trace4D( &tr, water_start, NULL, NULL, end, self, MASK_SHOT, timeDelta );

	// send gun puff / flash
	if( tr.fraction < 1.0 && tr.ent != -1 )
		if( game.edicts[tr.ent].takedamage )
			G_Damage( &game.edicts[tr.ent], self, self, aimdir, aimdir, tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, damage, knockback, stun, dflags, mod );
			if( !( tr.surfFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) )
Exemple #8
* - We will consider direct impacts as splash when the player is on the ground and the hit very close to the ground
int G_Projectile_HitStyle( edict_t *projectile, edict_t *target )
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t end;
	qboolean atGround = qfalse;
	edict_t *attacker;

	// don't hurt owner for the first second
	if( target == projectile->r.owner && target != world )
		if( !g_projectile_touch_owner->integer ||
			( g_projectile_touch_owner->integer && projectile->timeStamp + 1000 > level.time ) )

	if( !target->takedamage || ISBRUSHMODEL( target->s.modelindex ) )

	if( target->waterlevel > 1 )
		return PROJECTILE_TOUCH_DIRECTHIT; // water hits are direct but don't count for awards

	attacker = ( projectile->r.owner && projectile->r.owner->r.client ) ? projectile->r.owner : NULL;

	// see if the target is at ground or a less than a step of height
	if( target->groundentity )
		atGround = qtrue;
		VectorCopy( target->s.origin, end );
		end[2] -= STEPSIZE;

		G_Trace4D( &trace, target->s.origin, target->r.mins, target->r.maxs, end, target, MASK_DEADSOLID, 0 );
		if( ( trace.ent != -1 || trace.startsolid ) && ISWALKABLEPLANE( &trace.plane ) )
			atGround = qtrue;

	if( atGround )
		// when the player is at ground we will consider a direct hit only when
		// the hit is 16 units above the feet
		if( projectile->s.origin[2] <= 16 + target->s.origin[2] + target->r.mins[2] )
		// it's direct hit, but let's see if it's airhit
		VectorCopy( target->s.origin, end );

		G_Trace4D( &trace, target->s.origin, target->r.mins, target->r.maxs, end, target, MASK_DEADSOLID, 0 );
		if( ( trace.ent != -1 || trace.startsolid ) && ISWALKABLEPLANE( &trace.plane ) )
			// add directhit and airhit to awards counter
			if( attacker && !GS_IsTeamDamage( &attacker->s, &target->s ) && G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style ) != AMMO_NONE )
				projectile->r.owner->r.client->level.stats.accuracy_hits_direct[G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;
				teamlist[projectile->r.owner->s.team].stats.accuracy_hits_direct[G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;

				projectile->r.owner->r.client->level.stats.accuracy_hits_air[G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;
				teamlist[projectile->r.owner->s.team].stats.accuracy_hits_air[G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;


	// add directhit to awards counter
	if( attacker && !GS_IsTeamDamage( &attacker->s, &target->s ) && G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style ) != AMMO_NONE )
		projectile->r.owner->r.client->level.stats.accuracy_hits_direct[G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;
		teamlist[projectile->r.owner->s.team].stats.accuracy_hits_direct[G_ModToAmmo( projectile->style )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;


Exemple #9
* W_Fire_Instagun_Strong
void W_Fire_Instagun( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, float damage, int knockback,
					 int stun, int radius, int range, int mod, int timeDelta )
	vec3_t from, end, dir;
	trace_t	tr;
	edict_t	*ignore, *event;
	int mask;
	qboolean missed = qtrue;
	int dmgflags = 0;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		damage = 9999;

	AngleVectors( angles, dir, NULL, NULL );
	VectorMA( start, range, dir, end );
	VectorCopy( start, from );
	ignore = self;
	mask = MASK_SHOT;
	if( GS_RaceGametype() )
		mask = MASK_SOLID;
	tr.ent = -1;
	while( ignore )
		G_Trace4D( &tr, from, NULL, NULL, end, ignore, mask, timeDelta );
		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, from );
		ignore = NULL;
		if( tr.ent == -1 )

		// some entity was touched
		if( tr.ent == world->s.number 
			|| game.edicts[tr.ent].movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE 
			|| game.edicts[tr.ent].movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH )
			if( g_instajump->integer && self && self->r.client )
				// create a temporary inflictor entity
				edict_t *inflictor;

				inflictor = G_Spawn();
				inflictor->s.solid = SOLID_NOT;
				inflictor->timeDelta = 0;
				VectorCopy( tr.endpos, inflictor->s.origin );
				inflictor->s.ownerNum = ENTNUM( self );
				inflictor->projectileInfo.maxDamage = 0;
				inflictor->projectileInfo.minDamage = 0;
				inflictor->projectileInfo.maxKnockback = knockback;
				inflictor->projectileInfo.minKnockback = 1;
				inflictor->projectileInfo.stun = 0;
				inflictor->projectileInfo.radius = radius;

				G_RadiusDamage( inflictor, self, &tr.plane, NULL, mod );

				G_FreeEdict( inflictor );

		// allow trail to go through SOLID_BBOX entities (players, gibs, etc)
		if( !ISBRUSHMODEL( game.edicts[tr.ent].s.modelindex ) )
			ignore = &game.edicts[tr.ent];

		if( ( &game.edicts[tr.ent] != self ) && ( game.edicts[tr.ent].takedamage ) )
			G_Damage( &game.edicts[tr.ent], self, self, dir, dir, tr.endpos, damage, knockback, stun, dmgflags, mod );
			// spawn a impact event on each damaged ent
			event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_INSTA_EXPLOSION, DirToByte( tr.plane.normal ), tr.endpos );
			event->s.firemode = FIRE_MODE_STRONG;
			if( game.edicts[tr.ent].r.client )
				missed = qfalse;

	if( missed && self->r.client )
		G_AwardPlayerMissedElectrobolt( self, mod );

	// send the weapon fire effect
	event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_INSTATRAIL, ENTNUM( self ), start );
	event->r.svflags = SVF_TRANSMITORIGIN2;
	VectorScale( dir, 1024, event->s.origin2 );
Exemple #10
void W_Fire_Electrobolt_FullInstant( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, float maxdamage, float mindamage, int maxknockback, int minknockback, int stun, int range, int minDamageRange, int mod, int timeDelta )
	vec3_t from, end, dir;
	trace_t	tr;
	edict_t	*ignore, *event, *hit, *damaged;
	int mask;
	qboolean missed = qtrue;
	int dmgflags = 0;

#define FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE g_projectile_prestep->value

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		maxdamage = mindamage = 9999;

	AngleVectors( angles, dir, NULL, NULL );
	VectorMA( start, range, dir, end );
	VectorCopy( start, from );

	ignore = self;
	hit = damaged = NULL;

	mask = MASK_SHOT;
	if( GS_RaceGametype() )
		mask = MASK_SOLID;

	clamp_high( mindamage, maxdamage );
	clamp_high( minknockback, maxknockback );
	clamp_high( minDamageRange, range );

	if( minDamageRange <= FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE )
		minDamageRange = FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE + 1;

	if( range <= FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE + 1 )
		range = FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE + 1;

	tr.ent = -1;
	while( ignore )
		G_Trace4D( &tr, from, NULL, NULL, end, ignore, mask, timeDelta );

		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, from );
		ignore = NULL;

		if( tr.ent == -1 )

		// some entity was touched
		hit = &game.edicts[tr.ent];
		if( hit == world )  // stop dead if hit the world
		if( hit->movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || hit->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH )

		// allow trail to go through BBOX entities (players, gibs, etc)
		if( !ISBRUSHMODEL( hit->s.modelindex ) )
			ignore = hit;

		if( ( hit != self ) && ( hit->takedamage ) )
			float frac, damage, knockback, dist;

			dist = DistanceFast( tr.endpos, start );
			if( dist <= FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE )
				frac = 0.0f;
				frac = ( dist - FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE ) / (float)( minDamageRange - FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE );
				clamp( frac, 0.0f, 1.0f );

			damage = maxdamage - ( ( maxdamage - mindamage ) * frac );
			knockback = maxknockback - ( ( maxknockback - minknockback ) * frac );

			//G_Printf( "mindamagerange %i frac %.1f damage %i\n", minDamageRange, 1.0f - frac, (int)damage );

			G_Damage( hit, self, self, dir, dir, tr.endpos, damage, knockback, stun, dmgflags, mod );
			// spawn a impact event on each damaged ent
			event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_BOLT_EXPLOSION, DirToByte( tr.plane.normal ), tr.endpos );
			event->s.firemode = FIRE_MODE_STRONG;
			if( hit->r.client )
				missed = qfalse;

			damaged = hit;

	if( missed && self->r.client )
		G_AwardPlayerMissedElectrobolt( self, mod );

	// send the weapon fire effect
	event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_ELECTROTRAIL, ENTNUM( self ), start );
	event->r.svflags = SVF_TRANSMITORIGIN2;
	VectorScale( dir, 1024, event->s.origin2 );
	event->s.firemode = FIRE_MODE_STRONG;

Exemple #11
* W_Fire_Electrobolt_Combined
void W_Fire_Electrobolt_Combined( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, float maxdamage, float mindamage, float maxknockback, float minknockback, int stun, int range, int mod, int timeDelta )
	vec3_t from, end, dir;
	trace_t	tr;
	edict_t	*ignore, *event, *hit, *damaged;
	int mask;
	qboolean missed = qtrue;
	int dmgflags = 0;
	int fireMode;

	fireMode = FIRE_MODE_WEAK;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		maxdamage = mindamage = 9999;

	AngleVectors( angles, dir, NULL, NULL );
	VectorMA( start, range, dir, end );
	VectorCopy( start, from );

	ignore = self;
	hit = damaged = NULL;

	mask = MASK_SHOT;
	if( GS_RaceGametype() )
		mask = MASK_SOLID;

	clamp_high( mindamage, maxdamage );
	clamp_high( minknockback, maxknockback );

	tr.ent = -1;
	while( ignore )
		G_Trace4D( &tr, from, NULL, NULL, end, ignore, mask, timeDelta );

		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, from );
		ignore = NULL;

		if( tr.ent == -1 )

		// some entity was touched
		hit = &game.edicts[tr.ent];
		if( hit == world )  // stop dead if hit the world
		if( hit->movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || hit->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH )

		// allow trail to go through BBOX entities (players, gibs, etc)
		if( !ISBRUSHMODEL( hit->s.modelindex ) )
			ignore = hit;

		if( ( hit != self ) && ( hit->takedamage ) )
			float frac, damage, knockback;

			frac = DistanceFast( tr.endpos, start ) / (float)range;
			clamp( frac, 0.0f, 1.0f );

			damage = maxdamage - ( ( maxdamage - mindamage ) * frac );
			knockback = maxknockback - ( ( maxknockback - minknockback ) * frac );

			G_Damage( hit, self, self, dir, dir, tr.endpos, damage, knockback, stun, dmgflags, mod );
			// spawn a impact event on each damaged ent
			event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_BOLT_EXPLOSION, DirToByte( tr.plane.normal ), tr.endpos );
			event->s.firemode = fireMode;
			if( hit->r.client )
				missed = qfalse;

			damaged = hit;

	if( missed && self->r.client )
		G_AwardPlayerMissedElectrobolt( self, mod );

	// send the weapon fire effect
	event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_ELECTROTRAIL, ENTNUM( self ), start );
	event->r.svflags = SVF_TRANSMITORIGIN2;
	VectorScale( dir, 1024, event->s.origin2 );
	event->s.firemode = fireMode;

	if( !GS_Instagib() && tr.ent == -1 )	// didn't touch anything, not even a wall
		edict_t *bolt;
		gs_weapon_definition_t *weapondef = GS_GetWeaponDef( self->s.weapon );

		// fire a weak EB from the end position
		bolt = W_Fire_Electrobolt_Weak( self, end, angles, weapondef->firedef_weak.speed, mindamage, minknockback, minknockback, stun, weapondef->firedef_weak.timeout, mod, timeDelta );
		bolt->enemy = damaged;
Exemple #12
* SV_Physics_Toss
* Toss, bounce, and fly movement.  When onground, do nothing.
* FIXME: This function needs a serious rewrite
static void SV_Physics_Toss( edict_t *ent ) {
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t move;
	float backoff;
	edict_t *slave;
	bool wasinwater;
	bool isinwater;
	vec3_t old_origin;
	float oldSpeed;

	// if not a team captain, so movement will be handled elsewhere
	if( ent->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE ) {

	// refresh the ground entity
	if( ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE || ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCEGRENADE ) {
		if( ent->velocity[2] > 0.1f ) {
			ent->groundentity = NULL;

	if( ent->groundentity && ent->groundentity != world && !ent->groundentity->r.inuse ) {
		ent->groundentity = NULL;

	oldSpeed = VectorLength( ent->velocity );

	if( ent->groundentity ) {
		if( !oldSpeed ) {

		if( ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_TOSS ) {
			if( ent->velocity[2] >= 8 ) {
				ent->groundentity = NULL;
			} else {
				VectorClear( ent->velocity );
				VectorClear( ent->avelocity );
				G_CallStop( ent );

	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, old_origin );

	if( ent->accel != 0 ) {
		if( ent->accel < 0 && VectorLength( ent->velocity ) < 50 ) {
			VectorClear( ent->velocity );
		} else {
			vec3_t acceldir;
			VectorNormalize2( ent->velocity, acceldir );
			VectorScale( acceldir, ent->accel * FRAMETIME, acceldir );
			VectorAdd( ent->velocity, acceldir, ent->velocity );

	SV_CheckVelocity( ent );

	// add gravity
	if( ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY && !ent->groundentity ) {
		SV_AddGravity( ent );

	// move angles
	VectorMA( ent->s.angles, FRAMETIME, ent->avelocity, ent->s.angles );

	// move origin
	VectorScale( ent->velocity, FRAMETIME, move );

	trace = SV_PushEntity( ent, move );
	if( !ent->r.inuse ) {

	if( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) {
		if( ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE ) {
			backoff = 1.5;
		} else if( ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCEGRENADE ) {
			backoff = 1.5;
		} else {
			backoff = 1;

		GS_ClipVelocity( ent->velocity, trace.plane.normal, ent->velocity, backoff );

		// stop if on ground

		if( ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE || ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCEGRENADE ) {
			// stop dead on allsolid

			// LA: hopefully will fix grenades bouncing down slopes
			// method taken from Darkplaces sourcecode
			if( trace.allsolid ||
				( ISWALKABLEPLANE( &trace.plane ) &&
				  fabs( DotProduct( trace.plane.normal, ent->velocity ) ) < 40
				) {
				ent->groundentity = &game.edicts[trace.ent];
				ent->groundentity_linkcount = ent->groundentity->linkcount;
				VectorClear( ent->velocity );
				VectorClear( ent->avelocity );
				G_CallStop( ent );
		} else {
			// in movetype_toss things stop dead when touching ground
#if 0
			G_CheckGround( ent );

			if( ent->groundentity ) {

			// walkable or trapped inside solid brush
			if( trace.allsolid || ISWALKABLEPLANE( &trace.plane ) ) {
				ent->groundentity = trace.ent < 0 ? world : &game.edicts[trace.ent];
				ent->groundentity_linkcount = ent->groundentity->linkcount;
				VectorClear( ent->velocity );
				VectorClear( ent->avelocity );
				G_CallStop( ent );

	// check for water transition
	wasinwater = ( ent->watertype & MASK_WATER ) ? true : false;
	ent->watertype = G_PointContents( ent->s.origin );
	isinwater = ent->watertype & MASK_WATER ? true : false;

	// never allow items in CONTENTS_NODROP
	if( ent->item && ( ent->watertype & CONTENTS_NODROP ) ) {
		G_FreeEdict( ent );

	if( isinwater ) {
		ent->waterlevel = 1;
	} else {
		ent->waterlevel = 0;

	if( !wasinwater && isinwater ) {
		G_PositionedSound( old_origin, CHAN_AUTO, trap_SoundIndex( S_HIT_WATER ), ATTN_IDLE );
	} else if( wasinwater && !isinwater ) {
		G_PositionedSound( ent->s.origin, CHAN_AUTO, trap_SoundIndex( S_HIT_WATER ), ATTN_IDLE );

	// move teamslaves
	for( slave = ent->teamchain; slave; slave = slave->teamchain ) {
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, slave->s.origin );
		GClip_LinkEntity( slave );


void SV_Physics_LinearProjectile( edict_t *ent ) {
	vec3_t start, end;
	int mask;
	float startFlyTime, endFlyTime;
	trace_t trace;
	int old_waterLevel;

	// if not a team captain movement will be handled elsewhere
	if( ent->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE ) {

	old_waterLevel = ent->waterlevel;

	mask = ( ent->r.clipmask ) ? ent->r.clipmask : MASK_SOLID;

	// find it's current position given the starting timeStamp
	startFlyTime = (float)( max( game.prevServerTime - ent->s.linearMovementTimeStamp, 0 ) ) * 0.001f;
	endFlyTime = (float)( game.serverTime - ent->s.linearMovementTimeStamp ) * 0.001f;

	VectorMA( ent->s.linearMovementBegin, startFlyTime, ent->s.linearMovementVelocity, start );
	VectorMA( ent->s.linearMovementBegin, endFlyTime, ent->s.linearMovementVelocity, end );

	G_Trace4D( &trace, start, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, end, ent, mask, ent->timeDelta );
	VectorCopy( trace.endpos, ent->s.origin );
	GClip_LinkEntity( ent );
	SV_Impact( ent, &trace );

	if( !ent->r.inuse ) { // the projectile may be freed if touched something

	// update some data required for the transmission
	//VectorCopy( ent->velocity, ent->s.linearMovementVelocity );

	GClip_TouchTriggers( ent );
	ent->groundentity = NULL; // projectiles never have ground entity
	ent->waterlevel = ( G_PointContents4D( ent->s.origin, ent->timeDelta ) & MASK_WATER ) ? true : false;

	if( !old_waterLevel && ent->waterlevel ) {
		G_PositionedSound( start, CHAN_AUTO, trap_SoundIndex( S_HIT_WATER ), ATTN_IDLE );
	} else if( old_waterLevel && !ent->waterlevel ) {
		G_PositionedSound( ent->s.origin, CHAN_AUTO, trap_SoundIndex( S_HIT_WATER ), ATTN_IDLE );
Exemple #13
int SV_FlyMove( edict_t *ent, float time, int mask ) {
	edict_t *hit;
	int bumpcount, numbumps;
	vec3_t dir;
	float d;
	int numplanes;
	vec3_t planes[MAX_CLIP_PLANES];
	vec3_t primal_velocity, original_velocity, new_velocity;
	int i, j;
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t end;
	float time_left;
	int blocked;

	numbumps = 4;

	blocked = 0;
	VectorCopy( ent->velocity, original_velocity );
	VectorCopy( ent->velocity, primal_velocity );
	numplanes = 0;

	time_left = time;

	ent->groundentity = NULL;
	for( bumpcount = 0; bumpcount < numbumps; bumpcount++ ) {
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			end[i] = ent->s.origin[i] + time_left * ent->velocity[i];

		G_Trace4D( &trace, ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, end, ent, mask, ent->timeDelta );
		if( trace.allsolid ) { // entity is trapped in another solid
			VectorClear( ent->velocity );
			return 3;

		if( trace.fraction > 0 ) { // actually covered some distance
			VectorCopy( trace.endpos, ent->s.origin );
			VectorCopy( ent->velocity, original_velocity );
			numplanes = 0;

		if( trace.fraction == 1 ) {
			break; // moved the entire distance

		hit = &game.edicts[trace.ent];

		if( ISWALKABLEPLANE( &trace.plane ) ) {
			blocked |= 1; // floor
			if( hit->s.solid == SOLID_BMODEL ) {
				ent->groundentity = hit;
				ent->groundentity_linkcount = hit->linkcount;
		if( !trace.plane.normal[2] ) {
			blocked |= 2; // step

		// run the impact function
		SV_Impact( ent, &trace );
		if( !ent->r.inuse ) {
			break; // removed by the impact function

		time_left -= time_left * trace.fraction;

		// cliped to another plane
		if( numplanes >= MAX_CLIP_PLANES ) { // this shouldn't really happen
			VectorClear( ent->velocity );
			return 3;

		VectorCopy( trace.plane.normal, planes[numplanes] );

		// modify original_velocity so it parallels all of the clip planes
		for( i = 0; i < numplanes; i++ ) {
			GS_ClipVelocity( original_velocity, planes[i], new_velocity, 1 );
			for( j = 0; j < numplanes; j++ )
				if( j != i ) {
					if( DotProduct( new_velocity, planes[j] ) < 0 ) {
						break; // not ok
			if( j == numplanes ) {

		if( i != numplanes ) { // go along this plane
			VectorCopy( new_velocity, ent->velocity );
		} else {   // go along the crease
			if( numplanes != 2 ) {
				VectorClear( ent->velocity );
				return 7;
			CrossProduct( planes[0], planes[1], dir );
			VectorNormalize( dir );
			d = DotProduct( dir, ent->velocity );
			VectorScale( dir, d, ent->velocity );

		// if original velocity is against the original velocity, stop dead
		// to avoid tiny occilations in sloping corners
		if( DotProduct( ent->velocity, primal_velocity ) <= 0 ) {
			VectorClear( ent->velocity );
			return blocked;

	return blocked;
Exemple #14
* G_CanSplashDamage
static qboolean G_CanSplashDamage( edict_t *targ, edict_t *inflictor, cplane_t *plane )
	vec3_t dest, origin;
	trace_t	trace;
	int solidmask = MASK_SOLID;

	if( !targ ) return qfalse;

	if( !plane )
		VectorCopy( inflictor->s.origin, origin );
		// up by 9 units to account for stairs
		VectorMA( inflictor->s.origin, 9, plane->normal, origin );

	// bmodels need special checking because their origin is 0,0,0
	if( targ->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH )
		// NOT FOR PLAYERS only for entities that can push the players
		VectorAdd( targ->r.absmin, targ->r.absmax, dest );
		VectorScale( dest, 0.5, dest );
		G_Trace4D( &trace, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, solidmask, inflictor->timeDelta );
		if( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == ENTNUM( targ ) )
			return qtrue;

		return qfalse;

	// This is for players
	G_Trace4D( &trace, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, targ->s.origin, inflictor, solidmask, inflictor->timeDelta );
	if( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == ENTNUM( targ ) )
		return qtrue;

	VectorCopy( targ->s.origin, dest );
	dest[0] += 15.0;
	dest[1] += 15.0;
	G_Trace4D( &trace, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, solidmask, inflictor->timeDelta );
	if( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == ENTNUM( targ ) )
		return qtrue;

	VectorCopy( targ->s.origin, dest );
	dest[0] += 15.0;
	dest[1] -= 15.0;
	G_Trace4D( &trace, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, solidmask, inflictor->timeDelta );
	if( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == ENTNUM( targ ) )
		return qtrue;

	VectorCopy( targ->s.origin, dest );
	dest[0] -= 15.0;
	dest[1] += 15.0;
	G_Trace4D( &trace, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, solidmask, inflictor->timeDelta );
	if( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == ENTNUM( targ ) )
		return qtrue;

	VectorCopy( targ->s.origin, dest );
	dest[0] -= 15.0;
	dest[1] -= 15.0;
	G_Trace4D( &trace, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, inflictor, solidmask, inflictor->timeDelta );
	if( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == ENTNUM( targ ) )
		return qtrue;
	VectorCopy( targ->s.origin, dest );
	origin[2] += 9;
	G_Trace4D( &trace, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, targ->s.origin, inflictor, solidmask, inflictor->timeDelta );
	if( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.ent == ENTNUM( targ ) )
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;