Exemple #1
CPLErr GRASSRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
                                  void * pImage )

    char *pachNullBuf;
    pachNullBuf = (char *) CPLMalloc(nBlockXSize);
    G_get_null_value_row( hCell, pachNullBuf, nBlockYOff );
    if( eDataType == GDT_Float32 || eDataType == GDT_Float64 
        || eDataType == GDT_UInt32 )
        G_get_raster_row( hCell, pImage, nBlockYOff, nGRSType  );

        for( int i = 0; i < nBlockXSize; i++ )
            if( pachNullBuf[i] != 0 )
                if( eDataType == GDT_UInt32 )
                    ((GUInt32 *) pImage)[i] = (GUInt32) dfNoData;
                else if( eDataType == GDT_Float32 )
                    ((float *) pImage)[i] = dfNoData;
                    ((double *) pImage)[i] = dfNoData;
        GUInt32 *panRow = (GUInt32 *) CPLMalloc(4 * nBlockXSize);
        G_get_raster_row( hCell, panRow, nBlockYOff, nGRSType  );

        for( int i = 0; i < nBlockXSize; i++ )
            if( pachNullBuf[i] != 0 )
                panRow[i] = (GUInt32) dfNoData;

        GDALCopyWords( panRow, GDT_UInt32, 4, 
                       pImage, eDataType, GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8,
                       nBlockXSize );

        CPLFree( panRow );

    CPLFree( pachNullBuf );

    return CE_None;
Exemple #2
 * Loads raster data to host memory and returns a pointer to it.
 * The operation is performed within the current context.
 * CONTEXT *ctx ........... an active OpenCL context.
 * int nrows .............. the number of rows in the DEM.
 * int ncols .............. the number of columns in the DEM.
 * int infd ............... file descriptor to read from the DEM.
 * RASTER_MAP_TYPE rtype .. DEM element data type.
FCELL* load_raster (CONTEXT *ctx,
                    const int nrows, const int ncols, 
                    const int infd,
                    RASTER_MAP_TYPE rtype)
    int row, col;

    if (rtype != FCELL_TYPE)
        G_fatal_error ("Wrong element data type in 'load_raster'");
        return NULL;
        FCELL *rastbuf = malloc (ncols * G_raster_size (rtype));

        G_message ("Loading raster data into memory ...");

        /* allocate raster DEM data */
        FCELL *dem_device = (FCELL *) clmalloc (ctx, 
                                      nrows * ncols * G_raster_size (rtype), 0);

        /* Load input map in device memory row by row */
        for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
            /* display completion percentage */
            G_percent (row, nrows, 2);
            /* read input map */
            if (G_get_raster_row (infd, rastbuf, row, rtype) < 0)
                G_fatal_error ("Unable to read from raster map");

            /* copy this row to the device buffer */
            FCELL *offset = dem_device + row * ncols;

            if (offset != memcpy (offset, rastbuf, ncols * G_raster_size (rtype)))
                G_fatal_error ("Error while copying memory!");

        /* free buffers */
        free (rastbuf);

        /* Return a pointer to the allocated resources */
        return dem_device;
Exemple #3
int read_row(void *buf)
    void *p;

    if (last_read)
	return (0);
    if (first_read) {
	first_read = 0;
    else {
	if (row_count >= n_rows) {
	    last_read = 1;
	else {
	    /* The buf variable is a void pointer and thus */
	    /* points to anything. Therefore, it's size is */
	    /* unknown and thus, it cannot be used for pointer */
	    /* arithmetic (some compilers treat this as an error */
	    /* - SGI MIPSPro compiler for one). Make the */
	    /* assumption that data_size is the proper number of */
	    /* bytes and cast the buf variable to char * before */
	    /* incrementing */
	    p = ((char *)buf) + data_size;
	    G_get_raster_row(input_fd, p, row_count++, data_type);
	    p = buf;
	    G_set_null_value(p, 1, data_type);

	    /* Again we need to cast p to char * under the */
	    /* assumption that the increment is the proper */
	    /* number of bytes. */
	    p = ((char *)p) + (row_length + 1) * data_size;
	    G_set_null_value(p, 1, data_type);
    return (row_length + 2);
int GRASS_LIB_EXPORT G_get_d_raster_row( int fd, DCELL * buf, int row )
    return G_get_raster_row( fd, ( void* )buf, row, DCELL_TYPE );
int GRASS_LIB_EXPORT G_get_raster_row_nomask( int fd, void * buf, int row, RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type )
    return G_get_raster_row( fd, buf, row, data_type );
Exemple #6
static int cell_draw( char *name,
                      char *mapset,
                      struct Colors *colors,
                      RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type,
                      char *format )
  int cellfile;
  void *xarray;
  int row;
  int ncols, nrows;
  static unsigned char *red, *grn, *blu, *set;
  int i;
  void *ptr;
  int big_endian;
  long one = 1;
  FILE *fo;
  int raster_size;

  big_endian = !( *(( char * )( &one ) ) );

  ncols = G_window_cols();
  nrows = G_window_rows();

  /* Make sure map is available */
  if (( cellfile = G_open_cell_old( name, mapset ) ) == -1 )
    G_fatal_error(( "Unable to open raster map <%s>" ), name );

  /* Allocate space for cell buffer */
  xarray = G_allocate_raster_buf( data_type );
  red = G_malloc( ncols );
  grn = G_malloc( ncols );
  blu = G_malloc( ncols );
  set = G_malloc( ncols );

  /* some buggy C libraries require BOTH setmode() and fdopen(bin) */
#ifdef WIN32
  if ( _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY ) == -1 )
    G_fatal_error( "Cannot set stdout mode" );
  // Unfortunately this is not sufficient on Windows to switch stdout to binary mode
  fo = fdopen( fileno( stdout ), "wb" );

  raster_size = G_raster_size( data_type );
  //fprintf( fo, "%d %d", data_type, raster_size );
  /* loop for array rows */
  for ( row = 0; row < nrows; row++ )
    G_get_raster_row( cellfile, xarray, row, data_type );
    ptr = xarray;

    G_lookup_raster_colors( xarray, red, grn, blu, set, ncols, colors,
                            data_type );

    for ( i = 0; i < ncols; i++ )
      unsigned char alpha = 255;
      //G_debug ( 0, "row = %d col = %d", row, i );
      if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, data_type ) )
        alpha = 0;

      if ( strcmp( format, "color" ) == 0 )
        // We need data suitable for QImage 32-bpp
        // the data are stored in QImage as QRgb which is unsigned int.
        // Because it depends on byte order of the platform we have to
        // consider byte order (well, middle endian ignored)
        if ( big_endian )
          // I have never tested this
          fprintf( fo, "%c%c%c%c", alpha, red[i], grn[i], blu[i] );
          fprintf( fo, "%c%c%c%c", blu[i], grn[i], red[i], alpha );
        if ( data_type == CELL_TYPE )
          //G_debug ( 0, "valx = %d", *((CELL *) ptr));
        if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, data_type ) )
          if ( data_type == CELL_TYPE )
            int nul = -2147483647;
            fwrite( &nul , 4, 1, fo );
          else if ( data_type == DCELL_TYPE )
            double nul = 2.2250738585072014e-308;
            fwrite( &nul , 8, 1, fo );
          else if ( data_type == FCELL_TYPE )
            double nul = 1.17549435e-38F;
            fwrite( &nul , 4, 1, fo );
          fwrite( ptr, raster_size, 1, fo );
      ptr = G_incr_void_ptr( ptr, raster_size );

  G_close_cell( cellfile );
  return ( 0 );
Exemple #7
 * main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/*    struct Cell_head window;	     database window         */
    struct Cell_head cellhd;	/* it stores region information,
				   and header information of rasters */
    char *name, *name2;			/* input raster name */
    char *result;		/* output raster name */
    char *mapset;		/* mapset name */
    void *inrast;		/* input buffer */
    unsigned char *outrast;	/* output buffer */
    int nrows, ncols;
    int row, col;
    int infd, outfd;		/* file descriptor */
    int verbose;
    struct History history;	/* holds meta-data (title, comments,..) */

    struct GModule *module;	/* GRASS module for parsing arguments */

    struct Option *input, *output, *input2;	/* options */
    FILE *in;			/*file for Path loss factors*/
    struct Flag *flag1;		/* flags */
   char buffer_out[1000];
	/*G_message(_("1!! Pot1: %s, Pot2: %s"), buffer_path, buffer_path1);     
	G_message(_("Pot1: %s, Pot2: %s"), buffer_path, buffer_path1);*/

    /* initialize GIS environment */
    G_gisinit(argv[0]);		/* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */

    /* initialize module */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("raster, clutter");
    module->description = _("Clutter convert module");

    /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */
    input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);

    input2 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    input2->key = "Path_loss_values";
    input2->type = TYPE_STRING;
    input2->required = YES;
    input2->answer = buffer_out;//getenv("GISBASE"); //strcat(buffer_path1,(char *)getenv("GISBASE"));//,"/etc/radio_coverage");
    input2->gisprompt = "old_file,file,input";
    input2->description = _("Path loss factors for land usage");
    /* Define the different flags */
     flag1 = G_define_flag();
     flag1->key = 'o';
     flag1->description = _("Old_Cipher");     

    output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    /* options and flags parser */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

        /*G_message(_("1!! Pot1: %s, Pot2: %s"), buffer_path, buffer_path1);     
	G_message(_("Pot1: %s, Pot2: %s"), buffer_path, buffer_path1);
        input2->answer = buffer_path;//getenv("GISBASE"); //strcat(buffer_path1,(char *)getenv("GISBASE"));//,"/etc/radio_coverage");*/

/* stores options and flags to variables */
    name = input->answer;
    name2 = input2->answer;
    result = output->answer;
    verbose = (flag1->answer);
G_message(_("Verbose: %d"),verbose);  

    /* returns NULL if the map was not found in any mapset, 
     * mapset name otherwise */

    mapset = G_find_cell2(name, "");
    if (mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), name);
    if (G_legal_filename(result) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is an illegal file name"), result);

    /* G_open_cell_old - returns file destriptor (>0) */
    if ((infd = G_open_cell_old(name, mapset)) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open raster map <%s>"), name);

       /* controlling, if we can open input raster */   
    if (G_get_cellhd(name, mapset, &cellhd) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read file header of <%s>"), name);

    G_debug(3, "number of rows %d", cellhd.rows);


    /* Allocate input buffer */
    inrast = G_allocate_raster_buf(FCELL_TYPE);

    /* Allocate output buffer, use input map data_type */
    nrows = G_window_rows();
    ncols = G_window_cols();
    outrast = G_allocate_raster_buf(FCELL_TYPE);

G_message(_("nrows %d and ncols %d"),nrows,ncols);

    /* controlling, if we can write the raster */
    if ((outfd = G_open_raster_new(result, FCELL_TYPE)) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create raster map <%s>"), result);
/* do Clutter Convert */

    /* open file for model tuning parameters*/
    char fileName[150];
    strcpy (fileName, name2);

//G_message(_("Path: %s"),name2); 

    if( (in = fopen(fileName,"r")) == NULL )
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open file <%s>"), fileName);  
    char buffer[256];
    double terr_path_loss[100];
    int counter=0;  
    fgets (buffer, 250, in);	

   	sscanf(buffer,"%lf %lf", &terr_path_loss[counter]);	
    int cipher_cont=0;	
   /* old or new clutter */
    if (verbose == 1)
	G_message(_("Parameter UR: %f, GP: %f, RP: %f, GI: %f, GL: %f, GM: %f, GR: %f, VO: %f, KM: %f, OD: %f"), terr_path_loss[0], terr_path_loss[1], terr_path_loss[2], terr_path_loss[3], terr_path_loss[4], terr_path_loss[5], terr_path_loss[6], terr_path_loss[7], terr_path_loss[8], terr_path_loss[9]);
   else if (verbose == 0)
	G_message(_("Parameter UR1: %f, UR2: %f, UR3: %f, UR4: %f, UR5: %f, GI: %f, GL: %f, GM: %f, GR: %f, VO: %f, KM: %f, OD: %f"), terr_path_loss[0], terr_path_loss[1], terr_path_loss[2], terr_path_loss[3], terr_path_loss[4], terr_path_loss[5], terr_path_loss[6], terr_path_loss[7], terr_path_loss[8], terr_path_loss[9], terr_path_loss[10], terr_path_loss[11]);

    G_message(_("Counter: %d"),counter); 
    G_message(_("cipher_cont: %d"),cipher_cont);      

    /* for each row */
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) 

	  FCELL f_in, f_out;	  
	/* read input map */
	if (G_get_raster_row(infd, inrast, row, FCELL_TYPE) < 0)
	  G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d"), name, row);
	/* process the data */
	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) 
	    f_in = ((FCELL *) inrast)[col];

	    //G_message(_("Input data: %d"),(int)f_in);
	    f_out = terr_path_loss[(int)f_in-cipher_cont];
           //G_message(_("Output data: %f"),(double)f_out);

	    ((FCELL *) outrast)[col] = f_out;

	/* write raster row to output raster map */
	if (G_put_raster_row(outfd, outrast, FCELL_TYPE) < 0)
	  G_fatal_error(_("Failed writing raster map <%s>"), result);

    /* memory cleanup */

    /* closing raster maps */

    /* add command line incantation to history file */
    G_short_history(result, "raster", &history);
    G_write_history(result, &history);

Exemple #8
static int cell_draw( char *name,
                      char *mapset,
                      struct Colors *colors,
                      RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type,
                      char *format )
  int cellfile;
  void *xarray = 0;
  int row;
  int ncols, nrows;
  static unsigned char *red, *grn, *blu, *set;
  int i;
  void *ptr = 0;
  int big_endian;
  long one = 1;
  FILE *fo = 0;
  size_t raster_size;
#ifdef NAN
  double dnul = NAN;
  float fnul = ( float )( NAN );
  double dnul = strtod( "NAN", 0 );
  float fnul = strtof( "NAN", 0 );
  // another possibility would be nan()/nanf() - C99
  // and 0./0. if all fails

  assert( dnul != dnul );
  assert( fnul != fnul );

  big_endian = !( *( ( char * )( &one ) ) );

  ncols = G_window_cols();
  nrows = G_window_rows();

  /* Make sure map is available */
  if ( ( cellfile = G_open_cell_old( name, mapset ) ) == -1 )
    G_fatal_error( ( "Unable to open raster map <%s>" ), name );

  /* Allocate space for cell buffer */
  xarray = G_allocate_raster_buf( data_type );
  red = G_malloc( ncols );
  grn = G_malloc( ncols );
  blu = G_malloc( ncols );
  set = G_malloc( ncols );

  /* some buggy C libraries require BOTH setmode() and fdopen(bin) */
  // Do not use Q_OS_WIN, we are in C file, no Qt headers
#ifdef WIN32
  if ( _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY ) == -1 )
    G_fatal_error( "Cannot set stdout mode" );
  // Unfortunately this is not sufficient on Windows to switch stdout to binary mode
  fo = fdopen( fileno( stdout ), "wb" );

  raster_size = G_raster_size( data_type );
  //fprintf( fo, "%d %d", data_type, raster_size );
  /* loop for array rows */
  for ( row = 0; row < nrows; row++ )
    G_get_raster_row( cellfile, xarray, row, data_type );
    ptr = xarray;

    G_lookup_raster_colors( xarray, red, grn, blu, set, ncols, colors,
                            data_type );

    for ( i = 0; i < ncols; i++ )
      unsigned char alpha = 255;
      //G_debug ( 0, "row = %d col = %d", row, i );
      if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, data_type ) )
        alpha = 0;

      if ( strcmp( format, "color" ) == 0 )
        // We need data suitable for QImage 32-bpp
        // the data are stored in QImage as QRgb which is unsigned int.
        // Because it depends on byte order of the platform we have to
        // consider byte order (well, middle endian ignored)
        if ( big_endian )
          // I have never tested this
          fprintf( fo, "%c%c%c%c", alpha, red[i], grn[i], blu[i] );
          fprintf( fo, "%c%c%c%c", blu[i], grn[i], red[i], alpha );
        if ( data_type == CELL_TYPE )
          //G_debug ( 0, "valx = %d", *((CELL *) ptr));
        if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, data_type ) )
          // see comments in QgsGrassRasterProvider::noDataValue()
          if ( data_type == CELL_TYPE )
            //int nul = -2000000000;
            int nul = INT_MIN;
            fwrite( &nul, 4, 1, fo );
          else if ( data_type == DCELL_TYPE )
            //double nul = -1e+300;
            fwrite( &dnul, 8, 1, fo );
          else if ( data_type == FCELL_TYPE )
            //double nul = -1e+30;
            fwrite( &fnul, 4, 1, fo );
          fwrite( ptr, raster_size, 1, fo );
      ptr = G_incr_void_ptr( ptr, raster_size );

  G_close_cell( cellfile );
  fclose( fo );

  return ( 0 );
Exemple #9
void cell_clip(DCELL ** buf, DCELL ** null_buf, int row0, int col0, int nrows,
	       int ncols, int index, float radius)
    CELL *tmp, *tmp1;
    FCELL *ftmp;
    DCELL *dtmp;
    char *tmpname, *nulltmp;
    int fr;
    register int i, j;
    double center_row = 0.0, center_col = 0.0;
    double dist;
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type;

       buf        = pointer to array containing only the pixels inside the area 
       that was specified to be clipped, so a smaller array than the
       original raster map
       null_buf   = pointer to array containing the corresponding null values
       row0       = starting row for the area to be clipped out of the raster map
       col0       = starting col for the area to be clipped out of the raster map
       nrows      = total number of rows in the area to be clipped
       ncols      = total number of cols in the area to be clipped
       index      = number of the region to be clipped, if there's a region map
       tmp        = pointer to a temporary array to store a row of the raster map
       tmp1       = pointer to a temporary array to store a row of the region map
       fr         = return value from attempting to open the region map
       i, j       = indices to rows and cols of the arrays

    data_type = G_raster_map_type(choice->fn, G_mapset());

    /* if sampling by region was chosen, check
       for the region map and make sure it is
       an integer (CELL_TYPE) map */

    if (choice->wrum == 'r') {
	if (0 > (fr = G_open_cell_old(choice->reg, G_mapset()))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
		    "   *******************************************************\n");
		    "    You specified sam=r to request sampling by region,    \n");
		    "    but the region map specified with the 'reg=' parameter\n");
		    "    cannot be found in the current mapset.                \n");
		    "   *******************************************************\n");
	if (G_raster_map_type(choice->reg, G_mapset()) > 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
		    "   *******************************************************\n");
		    "    You specified sam=r to request sampling by region,    \n");
		    "    but the region map specified with the 'reg=' parameter\n");
		    "    must be an integer map, and it is floating point or   \n");
		    "    double instead.                                       \n");
		    "   *******************************************************\n");
	tmp1 = G_allocate_raster_buf(CELL_TYPE);
	G_zero_raster_buf(tmp1, CELL_TYPE);
	fprintf(stderr, "Analyzing region number %d...\n", index);

    /* allocate memory to store a row of the
       raster map, depending on the type of
       input raster map; keep track of the
       name of the buffer for each raster type */

    switch (data_type) {
    case CELL_TYPE:
	tmp = G_allocate_raster_buf(CELL_TYPE);
	tmpname = "tmp";
    case FCELL_TYPE:
	ftmp = G_allocate_raster_buf(FCELL_TYPE);
	tmpname = "ftmp";
    case DCELL_TYPE:
	dtmp = G_allocate_raster_buf(DCELL_TYPE);
	tmpname = "dtmp";

    /* allocate memory to store a row of the
       null values corresponding to the raster
       map */

    nulltmp = G_allocate_null_buf();

    /* if circles are used for sampling, then
       calculate the center of the area to be
       clipped, in pixels */

    if ((int)radius) {
	center_row = ((double)row0 + ((double)nrows - 1) / 2);
	center_col = ((double)col0 + ((double)ncols - 1) / 2);

    /* for each row of the area to be clipped */

    for (i = row0; i < row0 + nrows; i++) {

	/* if region, read in the corresponding
	   map row in the region file */

	if (choice->wrum == 'r')
	    G_get_raster_row_nomask(fr, tmp1, i, CELL_TYPE);

	/* initialize each element of the
	   row buffer to 0; this row buffer
	   will hold one row of the clipped
	   raster map.  Then read row i of the
	   map and the corresponding null values
	   into tmp and nulltmp buffers */

	switch (data_type) {
	case CELL_TYPE:
	    G_zero_raster_buf(tmp, data_type);
	    G_get_raster_row(finput, tmp, i, CELL_TYPE);
	    G_zero_raster_buf(ftmp, data_type);
	    G_get_raster_row(finput, ftmp, i, FCELL_TYPE);
	    G_zero_raster_buf(dtmp, data_type);
	    G_get_raster_row(finput, dtmp, i, DCELL_TYPE);

	G_get_null_value_row(finput, nulltmp, i);

	/* for all the columns one by one */

	for (j = col0; j < col0 + ncols; j++) {

	    /* if circles are used for sampling */

	    if ((int)radius) {
		dist = sqrt(((double)i - center_row) *
			    ((double)i - center_row) +
			    ((double)j - center_col) *
			    ((double)j - center_col));

		/* copy the contents of tmp into the
		   appropriate cell in buf */

		if (dist < radius) {
		    switch (data_type) {
		    case CELL_TYPE:
			*(*(buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) = *(tmp + j);
		    case FCELL_TYPE:
			*(*(buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) = *(ftmp + j);
		    case DCELL_TYPE:
			*(*(buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) = *(dtmp + j);
		    *(*(null_buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) =
			*(nulltmp + j);

	    /* if circles are not used and
	       if the choice is not "by region" or
	       if this column is in region "index" */

	    else if (choice->wrum != 'r' || *(tmp1 + j) == index) {

		/* copy the contents of the correct tmp
		   into the appropriate cell in the buf
		   and the corresponding null values into
		   the appropriate cell in null_buf */

		switch (data_type) {
		case CELL_TYPE:
		    *(*(buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) = *(tmp + j);
		case FCELL_TYPE:
		    *(*(buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) = *(ftmp + j);
		case DCELL_TYPE:
		    *(*(buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) = *(dtmp + j);
		*(*(null_buf + i + 1 - row0) + j + 1 - col0) = *(nulltmp + j);

    switch (data_type) {
    case CELL_TYPE:
    case FCELL_TYPE:
    case DCELL_TYPE:
    if (choice->wrum == 'r') {
Exemple #10
void* raster2array(const char* name, struct Cell_head* header, int* rows,
		int* cols, RASTER_MAP_TYPE out_type) {
	// Open the raster map and load the dem
	// for simplicity sake, the dem will be an array of
	// doubles, converted from any possible GRASS CELL type.
	char* mapset = G_find_cell2(name, "");
	if (mapset == NULL)
		G_fatal_error("Raster map <%s> not found", name);

	// Find out the cell type of the DEM
	RASTER_MAP_TYPE type = G_raster_map_type(name, mapset);

	// Get a file descriptor for the DEM raster map
	int infd;
	if ((infd = G_open_cell_old(name, mapset)) < 0)
		G_fatal_error("Unable to open raster map <%s>", name);

	// Get header info for the DEM raster map
	struct Cell_head cellhd;
	if (G_get_cellhd(name, mapset, &cellhd) < 0)
		G_fatal_error("Unable to open raster map <%s>", name);

	// Create a GRASS buffer for the DEM raster
	void* inrast = G_allocate_raster_buf(type);

	// Get the max rows and max cols from the window information, since the 
	// header gives the values for the full raster
	const int maxr = G_window_rows();
	const int maxc = G_window_cols();

	// Read in the raster line by line, copying it into the double array
	// rast for return.
	void* rast;
	switch (out_type) {
	case CELL_TYPE:
		rast = (int*) calloc(maxr * maxc, sizeof(int));
		rast = (float*) calloc(maxr * maxc, sizeof(float));
		rast = (double*) calloc(maxr * maxc, sizeof(double));


	if (rast == NULL) {
		G_fatal_error("Unable to allocate memory for raster map <%s>", name);

	int row, col;
	for (row = 0; row < maxr; ++row) {
		if (G_get_raster_row(infd, inrast, row, type) < 0)
			G_fatal_error("Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d", name, row);

		for (col = 0; col < maxc; ++col) {
			int index = col + row * maxc;

			if (out_type == CELL_TYPE) {
				switch (type) {
				case CELL_TYPE:
					((int*) rast)[index] = ((int *) inrast)[col];
				case FCELL_TYPE:
					((int*) rast)[index] = (int) ((float *) inrast)[col];
				case DCELL_TYPE:
					((int*) rast)[index] = (int) ((double *) inrast)[col];
					G_fatal_error("Unknown cell type");

			if (out_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
				switch (type) {
				case CELL_TYPE:
					((float*) rast)[index] = (float) ((int *) inrast)[col];
				case FCELL_TYPE:
					((float*) rast)[index] = ((float *) inrast)[col];
				case DCELL_TYPE:
					((float*) rast)[index] = (float) ((double *) inrast)[col];
					G_fatal_error("Unknown cell type");

			if (out_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
				switch (type) {
				case CELL_TYPE:
					((double*) rast)[index] = (double) ((int *) inrast)[col];
				case FCELL_TYPE:
					((double*) rast)[index] = (double) ((float *) inrast)[col];
				case DCELL_TYPE:
					((double*) rast)[index] = ((double *) inrast)[col];
					G_fatal_error("Unknown cell type");

	// Return cellhd, maxr, and maxc by pointer
	if (header != NULL)
		*header = cellhd;
	if (rows != NULL)
		*rows = maxr;
	if (cols != NULL)
		*cols = maxc;

	return rast;