Exemple #1
  \brief Add new DB connection to dblinks structure
  \param[in,out] p pointer to existing dblinks structure
  \param number layer number (1 for OGR)
  \param name   layer name (layer for OGR) - if not given use table name
  \param table  table name (layer for OGR)
  \param key    key name
  \param db     database name (datasource for OGR)
  \param driver driver name (dbf, postgresql, ogr, ...)
  \return 0 on success
  \return -1 error
int Vect_add_dblink(struct dblinks *p, int number, const char *name,
		    const char *table, const char *key, const char *db,
		    const char *driver)
    int ret;

    G_debug(3, "Field number <%d>, name <%s>", number, name);
    if (!name) {
	/* if name is not given, use table name */
	name = table;
    ret = Vect_check_dblink(p, number, name);
    if (ret == 1) {
	G_warning(_("Layer number %d or name <%s> already exists"), number,
	return -1;

    if (p->n_fields == p->alloc_fields) {
	p->alloc_fields += 10;
	p->field = (struct field_info *)G_realloc((void *)p->field,
						  p->alloc_fields *
						  sizeof(struct field_info));

    p->field[p->n_fields].number = number;

    if (name != NULL) {
	p->field[p->n_fields].name = G_store(name);
	/* replace all spaces with underscore, otherwise dbln can't be read */
	G_strchg(p->field[p->n_fields].name, ' ', '_');
	p->field[p->n_fields].name = NULL;

    if (table != NULL)
	p->field[p->n_fields].table = G_store(table);
	p->field[p->n_fields].table = NULL;

    if (key != NULL)
	p->field[p->n_fields].key = G_store(key);
	p->field[p->n_fields].key = NULL;

    if (db != NULL)
	p->field[p->n_fields].database = G_store(db);
	p->field[p->n_fields].database = NULL;

    if (driver != NULL)
	p->field[p->n_fields].driver = G_store(driver);
	p->field[p->n_fields].driver = NULL;


    return 0;
Exemple #2
    Cleans a field string: removes leading and trailing whitespaces as well as any quotation
    marks that could be enclosing the field contents.
    Returns a newly allocated string. Caller must free it when done.
    Returns NULL on error or if input string was NULL.
char *cleanString ( char *input ) 
    char *str;
    if ( input == NULL )
        return ( NULL );
    str = strdup ( input );
    G_strchg ( str, '\'', ' ' );
    if ( str != NULL )
        G_strchg ( str, '"', ' ' );  
    if ( str != NULL )
        G_squeeze ( str );
    return ( str );
Exemple #3
char *format_list(void)
    char *buf, *p;
    int len = 0;
    char first = TRUE;
    int i;

    OGRSFDriverH driver;
    for (i = 0; i < OGRGetDriverCount(); i++) {
	driver = OGRGetDriver(i);

	if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability(driver, ODrCCreateDataSource))

	len += strlen(OGR_Dr_GetName(driver)) + 1;

    buf = G_malloc(len);
    p = buf;

    for (i = 0; i < OGRGetDriverCount(); i++) {
	const char *name;

	driver = OGRGetDriver(i);
	if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability(driver, ODrCCreateDataSource))

	if (first)
	    first = FALSE;
	    *p++ = ',';

	name = OGR_Dr_GetName(driver);
	G_strchg(buf, ' ', '_');
	strcpy(p, name);
	p += strlen(name);
    *p++ = '\0';

    return buf;
Exemple #4
int print_stats_table(univar_stat * stats)
    unsigned int i;
    int z, n_zones = zone_info.n_zones;

    if (n_zones == 0)
	n_zones = 1;

    /* print column headers */

    if (zone_info.n_zones) {
	fprintf(stdout, "zone%s", zone_info.sep);
	fprintf(stdout, "label%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "non_null_cells%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "null_cells%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "min%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "max%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "range%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "mean%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "mean_of_abs%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "stddev%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "variance%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "coeff_var%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "sum%s", zone_info.sep);
    fprintf(stdout, "sum_abs");

    if (param.extended->answer) {
	fprintf(stdout, "%sfirst_quart", zone_info.sep);
	fprintf(stdout, "%smedian", zone_info.sep);
	fprintf(stdout, "%sthird_quart", zone_info.sep);
	for (i = 0; i < stats[0].n_perc; i++) {

	    if (stats[0].perc[i] == (int)stats[0].perc[i]) {
		/* percentile is an exact integer */
		fprintf(stdout, "%sperc_%d", zone_info.sep, (int)stats[0].perc[i]);
	    else {
		/* percentile is not an exact integer */

		char buf[24];
		sprintf(buf, "%.15g", stats[0].perc[i]);
		G_strchg(buf, '.', '_');
		fprintf(stdout, "%sperc_%s", zone_info.sep, buf);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");

    /* print stats */

    for (z = 0; z < n_zones; z++) {
	char sum_str[100];
	double mean, variance, stdev, var_coef;

	/* for extendet stats */
	double quartile_25 = 0.0, quartile_75 = 0.0, *quartile_perc;
	double median = 0.0;
	int qpos_25, qpos_75, *qpos_perc;

	/* stats collected for this zone? */
	if (stats[z].n == 0)

	i = 0;

	/* all these calculations get promoted to doubles, so any DIV0 becomes nan */
	mean = stats[z].sum / stats[z].n;
	variance = (stats[z].sumsq - stats[z].sum * stats[z].sum / stats[z].n) / stats[z].n;
	if (variance < GRASS_EPSILON)
	    variance = 0.0;
	stdev = sqrt(variance);
	var_coef = (stdev / mean) * 100.;	/* perhaps stdev/fabs(mean) ? */

	if (zone_info.n_zones) {
	    /* zone number */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%d%s", z + zone_info.min, zone_info.sep);
	    /* zone label */
	    fprintf(stdout,"%s%s", G_get_cat(z + zone_info.min, &(zone_info.cats)), zone_info.sep);

	/* non-null cells cells */
	fprintf(stdout, "%d%s", stats[z].n, zone_info.sep);
	/* null cells */
	fprintf(stdout, "%d%s", stats[z].size - stats[z].n, zone_info.sep);
	/* min */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].min, zone_info.sep);
	/* max */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].max, zone_info.sep);
	/* range */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].max - stats[z].min, zone_info.sep);
	/* mean */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", mean, zone_info.sep);
	/* mean of abs */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stats[z].sum_abs / stats[z].n, zone_info.sep);
	/* stddev */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", stdev, zone_info.sep);
	/* variance */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", variance, zone_info.sep);
	/* coefficient of variance */
	fprintf(stdout, "%.15g%s", var_coef, zone_info.sep);
	/* sum */
	sprintf(sum_str, "%.15g", stats[z].sum);
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", sum_str, zone_info.sep);
	/* absolute sum */
	sprintf(sum_str, "%.15g", stats[z].sum_abs);
	fprintf(stdout, "%s", sum_str);

	/* TODO: mode, skewness, kurtosis */
	if (param.extended->answer) {
	    qpos_perc = (int *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(int));
	    quartile_perc = (double *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(double));
	    for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		qpos_perc[i] = (int)(stats[z].n * 1e-2 * stats[z].perc[i] - 0.5);
	    qpos_25 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.25 - 0.5);
	    qpos_75 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.75 - 0.5);

	    switch (stats[z].map_type) {
	    case CELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_int(stats[z].cell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].cell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case FCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_float(stats[z].fcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case DCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_double(stats[z].dcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = stats[z].dcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
			 stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];


	    /* first quartile */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep, quartile_25);
	    /* median */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep, median);
	    /* third quartile */
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep, quartile_75);
	    /* percentiles */
	    for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%g", zone_info.sep , 

	    G_free((void *)quartile_perc);
	    G_free((void *)qpos_perc);

	fprintf(stdout, "\n");

	/* zone z finished */


    return 1;
Exemple #5
/* *************************************************************** */
int print_stats(univar_stat * stats)
    int z, n_zones = zone_info.n_zones;

    if (n_zones == 0)
	n_zones = 1;

    for (z = 0; z < n_zones; z++) {
	char sum_str[100];
	double mean, variance, stdev, var_coef;

	/* for extendet stats */
	double quartile_25 = 0.0, quartile_75 = 0.0, *quartile_perc;
	double median = 0.0;
	unsigned int i;
	int qpos_25, qpos_75, *qpos_perc;

	/* stats collected for this zone? */
	if (stats[z].n == 0)

	/* all these calculations get promoted to doubles, so any DIV0 becomes nan */
	mean = stats[z].sum / stats[z].n;
	variance = (stats[z].sumsq - stats[z].sum * stats[z].sum / stats[z].n) / stats[z].n;
	if (variance < GRASS_EPSILON)
	    variance = 0.0;
	stdev = sqrt(variance);
	var_coef = (stdev / mean) * 100.;	/* perhaps stdev/fabs(mean) ? */

	sprintf(sum_str, "%.15g", stats[z].sum);

	if (zone_info.n_zones)
	    fprintf(stdout, "\nzone %d %s\n\n", z + zone_info.min, G_get_cat(z + zone_info.min, &(zone_info.cats)));

	if (!param.shell_style->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "total null and non-null cells: %d\n", stats[z].size);
	    fprintf(stdout, "total null cells: %d\n\n", stats[z].size - stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Of the non-null cells:\n----------------------\n");

	if (param.shell_style->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "n=%d\n", stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "null_cells=%d\n", stats[z].size - stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "cells=%d\n", stats->size);
	    fprintf(stdout, "min=%.15g\n", stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "max=%.15g\n", stats[z].max);
	    fprintf(stdout, "range=%.15g\n", stats[z].max - stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean=%.15g\n", mean);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean_of_abs=%.15g\n", stats[z].sum_abs / stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "stddev=%.15g\n", stdev);
	    fprintf(stdout, "variance=%.15g\n", variance);
	    fprintf(stdout, "coeff_var=%.15g\n", var_coef);
	    fprintf(stdout, "sum=%s\n", sum_str);
	else {
	    fprintf(stdout, "n: %d\n", stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "minimum: %g\n", stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "maximum: %g\n", stats[z].max);
	    fprintf(stdout, "range: %g\n", stats[z].max - stats[z].min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean: %g\n", mean);
	    fprintf(stdout, "mean of absolute values: %g\n",
		    stats[z].sum_abs / stats[z].n);
	    fprintf(stdout, "standard deviation: %g\n", stdev);
	    fprintf(stdout, "variance: %g\n", variance);
	    fprintf(stdout, "variation coefficient: %g %%\n", var_coef);
	    fprintf(stdout, "sum: %s\n", sum_str);

	/* TODO: mode, skewness, kurtosis */
	if (param.extended->answer) {
	    qpos_perc = (int *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(int));
	    quartile_perc = (double *)G_calloc(stats[z].n_perc, sizeof(double));
	    for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		qpos_perc[i] = (int)(stats[z].n * 1e-2 * stats[z].perc[i] - 0.5);
	    qpos_25 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.25 - 0.5);
	    qpos_75 = (int)(stats[z].n * 0.75 - 0.5);

	    switch (stats[z].map_type) {
	    case CELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_int(stats[z].cell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].cell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].cell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].cell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case FCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_float(stats[z].fcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(double)(stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
				 stats[z].fcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = (double)stats[z].fcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];

	    case DCELL_TYPE:
		heapsort_double(stats[z].dcell_array, stats[z].n);

		quartile_25 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_25];
		if (stats[z].n % 2)	/* odd */
		    median = stats[z].dcell_array[(int)(stats[z].n / 2)];
		else		/* even */
		    median =
			(stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2 - 1] +
			 stats[z].dcell_array[stats[z].n / 2]) / 2.0;
		quartile_75 = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_75];
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    quartile_perc[i] = stats[z].dcell_array[qpos_perc[i]];


	    if (param.shell_style->answer) {
		fprintf(stdout, "first_quartile=%g\n", quartile_25);
		fprintf(stdout, "median=%g\n", median);
		fprintf(stdout, "third_quartile=%g\n", quartile_75);
		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    char buf[24];
		    sprintf(buf, "%.15g", stats[z].perc[i]);
		    G_strchg(buf, '.', '_');
		    fprintf(stdout, "percentile_%s=%g\n", buf, quartile_perc[i]);
	    else {
		fprintf(stdout, "1st quartile: %g\n", quartile_25);
		if (stats[z].n % 2)
		    fprintf(stdout, "median (odd number of cells): %g\n", median);
		    fprintf(stdout, "median (even number of cells): %g\n",
		fprintf(stdout, "3rd quartile: %g\n", quartile_75);

		for (i = 0; i < stats[z].n_perc; i++) {
		    if (stats[z].perc[i] == (int)stats[z].perc[i]) {
			/* percentile is an exact integer */
			if ((int)stats[z].perc[i] % 10 == 1 && (int)stats[z].perc[i] != 11)
			    fprintf(stdout, "%dst percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
			else if ((int)stats[z].perc[i] % 10 == 2 && (int)stats[z].perc[i] != 12)
			    fprintf(stdout, "%dnd percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
			else if ((int)stats[z].perc[i] % 10 == 3 && (int)stats[z].perc[i] != 13)
			    fprintf(stdout, "%drd percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
			    fprintf(stdout, "%dth percentile: %g\n", (int)stats[z].perc[i],
		    else {
			/* percentile is not an exact integer */
			fprintf(stdout, "%.15g percentile: %g\n", stats[z].perc[i],
	    G_free((void *)quartile_perc);
	    G_free((void *)qpos_perc);

	/* G_message() prints to stderr not stdout: disabled. this \n is printed above with zone */
	/* if (!(param.shell_style->answer))
	    G_message("\n"); */

    return 1;
Exemple #6
int db__driver_open_database(dbHandle * handle)
    const char *name;
    int len;
    dbConnection connection;
    char buf[1024];
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *ent;
    char **tokens;
    int no_tokens, n;

    G_debug(2, "DBF: db__driver_open_database() name = '%s'",

    db.name[0] = '\0';
    db.tables = NULL;
    db.atables = 0;
    db.ntables = 0;

    name = db_get_handle_dbname(handle);

    /* if name is empty use connection.databaseName */
    if (strlen(name) == 0) {
	name = connection.databaseName;

    strcpy(db.name, name);

    /* open database dir and read table ( *.dbf files ) names 
     * to structure */

    /* parse variables in db.name if present */
    if (db.name[0] == '$') {
	tokens = G_tokenize(db.name, "/");
	no_tokens = G_number_of_tokens(tokens);
	db.name[0] = '\0';	/* re-init */

	for (n = 0; n < no_tokens; n++) {
	    G_debug(3, "tokens[%d] = %s", n, tokens[n]);
	    if (tokens[n][0] == '$') {
		G_strchg(tokens[n], '$', ' ');
		strcat(db.name, G__getenv(tokens[n]));
		G_debug(3, "   -> %s", G__getenv(tokens[n]));
		strcat(db.name, tokens[n]);

	    strcat(db.name, "/");

    G_debug(2, "db.name = %s", db.name);

    errno = 0;
    dir = opendir(db.name);
    if (dir == NULL) {
	if (errno == ENOENT) {
	    int status;

	    status = G_mkdir(db.name);
	    if (status != 0) {	/* mkdir failed */
		append_error("Cannot create dbf database: %s\n", name);
		return DB_FAILED;
	else {			/* some other problem */
	    append_error("Cannot open dbf database: %s\n", name);
	    return DB_FAILED;

    while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
	len = strlen(ent->d_name) - 4;
	if ((len > 0) && (G_strcasecmp(ent->d_name + len, ".dbf") == 0)) {
	    strcpy(buf, ent->d_name);
	    buf[len] = '\0';
	    add_table(buf, ent->d_name);

    return DB_OK;
Exemple #7
 void make_result_row ( int val, char *basename, char **hyps, int no_hyps, Sresult_struct *result_row, xmlDocPtr doc ) {
	int i;
	char* val_names[NUMVALS]={"bel","pl","doubt","common","bint","woc","maxbpa","minbpa",
	DCELL *v1;
	DCELL *v2;
	result_row->use = YES;
	/* need an array of DCELL rows to store bel, pl and other DST values */
	if ( val == WOC ) {
		/* WOC (Weight of Conflict is always treated a bit differently,
		   because we need this only once for all hypotheses in the FOD */
		result_row->row[0] = (DCELL*) G_allocate_d_raster_buf ();
	} else {
		if (( val == MAXSRC) || ( val == MINSRC)) {
			for (i = 0; i < no_hyps; i++ ) {
				result_row->crow[i] = (CELL*) G_allocate_c_raster_buf ();
		} else {						
			for (i = 0; i < no_hyps; i++ ) {
				result_row->row[i] = (DCELL*) G_allocate_d_raster_buf ();
	if ( val == WOC ) {
		result_row->filename = (char**) G_calloc ( sizeof (char*), 1);    
		/* there is only one file for storing the WOC */
		result_row->filename[0] = G_malloc ((unsigned) ((sizeof (char) * strlen (basename)) +
											(sizeof (char) * strlen (val_names[val])) +		
		strcpy (result_row->filename[0],basename);		
		strcat (result_row->filename[0],".");
		strcat (result_row->filename[0],val_names[val]);	
	} else {
		result_row->filename = (char**) G_calloc ( sizeof (char*), (unsigned) no_hyps);    
		/* for all other metrics, we need one output file per hypothesis */		
		for (i=0; i<no_hyps;i++) {		
			result_row->filename[i] = G_malloc ((unsigned)((sizeof (char) * strlen (basename)) +
										 		(sizeof (char) * strlen (hyps[i])) +	
												(sizeof (char) * strlen (val_names[val])) +		
			strcpy (result_row->filename[i],basename);
			strcat (result_row->filename[i],".");
			strcat (result_row->filename[i],hyps[i]);
			strcat (result_row->filename[i],".");
			strcat (result_row->filename[i],val_names[val]);
			G_strchg (result_row->filename[i], ',', '.');
	/* allocate file descriptors */
	if ( val == WOC ) {
		result_row->fd = (int*) G_calloc ( sizeof (int), 1);
		result_row->fd[0] = -1;
	} else {
		result_row->fd = (int*) G_calloc ( sizeof (int), (unsigned) no_hyps);
		for (i=0; i<no_hyps;i++) {		
			result_row->fd[i] = -1;
	/* init color tables for output maps */	
	v1 = (DCELL*) G_malloc (sizeof (DCELL));
	v2 = (DCELL*) G_malloc (sizeof (DCELL));
	if ( val == WOC ) {
			result_row->colors = (struct Colors **) G_calloc ( sizeof (struct Colors*), 1);
			result_row->colors[0] = G_malloc ( sizeof (struct Colors));		
			G_init_colors (result_row->colors[0]);
			/* *v1 = (DCELL) WOC_MIN; *v2 = (DCELL) WOC_MAX; */
			*v1 = 0; *v2 = 1.001;
			G_add_d_raster_color_rule (v1,0,0,0,v2,255,0,0, result_row->colors[0]);			
	if (( val == BINT ) || (val==MAXBPA) || (val==MINBPA) ){
		result_row->colors = (struct Colors **) G_calloc ( sizeof (struct Colors*), (unsigned) no_hyps);
		for (i=0; i<no_hyps;i++) {
			result_row->colors[i] = G_malloc ( sizeof (struct Colors));		
			G_init_colors (result_row->colors[i]);
			*v1 = 0; *v2 = 1.001;
			G_add_d_raster_color_rule (v1,0,0,0,v2,255,0,0, result_row->colors[i]);			
	if ((val == BEL) || (val==PL) || (val==DOUBT) || (val==COMMON )) {
		result_row->colors = (struct Colors **) G_calloc ( sizeof (struct Colors*), (unsigned) no_hyps);
		for (i=0; i<no_hyps;i++) {
			result_row->colors[i] = G_malloc ( sizeof (struct Colors));		
			G_init_colors (result_row->colors[i]);
			*v1 = 0; *v2 = 0.5;
			G_add_d_raster_color_rule (v1,36,216,72,v2,216,201,36, result_row->colors[i]);						
			*v1 = 0.500001; *v2 = 1.001;
			G_add_d_raster_color_rule (v1,216,201,36,v2,216,36,39, result_row->colors[i]);								
			*v1 = 0; *v2 = 0.333333;
			G_add_d_raster_color_rule (v1,36,216,072,v2,36,216,072, result_row->colors[i]);			
			*v1 = 0.333334; *v2 = 0.666666;
			G_add_d_raster_color_rule (v1,216,201,36,v2,216,201,36, result_row->colors[i]);			
			*v1 = 0.666667; *v2 = 1;
			G_add_d_raster_color_rule (v1,216,36,39,v2,216,36,39, result_row->colors[i]);			
	/* allocate pointers into array of ordered hypotheses */
	/* this is a look-up table for faster access to the 'real' */
	/* index of a hypothesis in Theta */
		result_row->hyp_idx = (long*) G_calloc ( sizeof (int), (unsigned) no_hyps);
		for (i=0; i<no_hyps;i++) {		
			result_row->hyp_idx[i] = find_hyp_idx( hyps[i], doc );
Exemple #8
int db__driver_execute_immediate(dbString * sql)
    char *where, *table;
    int res, ncols, i;
    column_info *cols;

    OGRLayerH hLayer;
    OGRFeatureH hFeature;
    OGRFeatureDefnH hFeatureDefn;
    OGRFieldDefnH hFieldDefn;
    G_debug(1, "db__driver_execute_immediate():");
    G_debug(3, "\tSQL: '%s'", db_get_string(sql));
    /* try RDBMS SQL */
    OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDs, db_get_string(sql), NULL, NULL);
    if (CPLGetLastErrorType() == CE_None)
	return DB_OK;
    /* parse UPDATE statement */
    res = parse_sql_update(db_get_string(sql), &table, &cols, &ncols, &where);
    G_debug(3, "\tUPDATE: table=%s, where=%s, ncols=%d", table, where ? where : "", ncols);
    if (res != 0)
	return DB_FAILED;
    /* get OGR layer */
    hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDs, table);
    if (!hLayer) {
	db_d_append_error(_("OGR layer <%s> not found"), table);
	return DB_FAILED;
    if (where)
	OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter(hLayer, where);
    /* get columns info */
    hFeatureDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer);
    for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
	cols[i].index = OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFeatureDefn, cols[i].name);
	if (cols[i].index < 0) {
	    db_d_append_error(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>"),
			      cols[i].name, table);
	    return DB_FAILED;
	cols[i].qindex = OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFeatureDefn, cols[i].value);
	hFieldDefn = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn(hFeatureDefn, cols[i].index);
	cols[i].type = OGR_Fld_GetType(hFieldDefn);

	G_debug(3, "\t\tcol=%s, val=%s, idx=%d, type=%d, qidx=%d",
		cols[i].name, cols[i].value, cols[i].index, cols[i].type,
    /* update features */
    while(TRUE) {
	char *value;
	hFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLayer);
	if (!hFeature)
	G_debug(5, "\tfid=%ld", OGR_F_GetFID(hFeature));
	for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
	    if (cols[i].qindex > -1) {
		value = (char *)OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(hFeature, cols[i].qindex);
	    else {
		if ((cols[i].type != OFTInteger ||
		     cols[i].type != OFTReal) && *(cols[i].value) == '\'') {
		    value = G_strchg(cols[i].value, '\'', ' ');
		else {
		    value = cols[i].value;
	    OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeature, cols[i].index, value);
	OGR_L_SetFeature(hLayer, hFeature);
    for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
    return DB_OK;