/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Main routine which takes a string as input and returns a parse string * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Gal_Frame send_to_parse(Gal_Frame f, void *server_data) { int i, path_score; char *in_string, *out_string, *sysid; Gal_Frame f_new = Gal_MakeFrame("main", GAL_CLAUSE); /* get the input string to parse from the key's value */ in_string = Gal_GetString(f, ":input_string"); sysid = Gal_GetString(f, ":sysid"); path_score = Gal_GetInt(f, ":path_score"); if (in_string == NULL) in_string = Gal_GetString(f, ":parse_input"); /* strip out punctuation, comments, etc, to uppercase */ strip_line(in_string); /* Call Phoenix Parse function */ parse(in_string, gram); /* print parses to buffer */ if( num_parses > MaxParses ) num_parses= MaxParses; if( num_parses < 1 ) { strcpy(outbuf, "No Parse"); } else { out_string= outbuf; for(i= 0; i < num_parses; i++ ) { sprintf(out_string, "PARSE_%d:\n", i); out_string += strlen(out_string); print_parse(i, out_string, extract, gram); out_string += strlen(out_string); sprintf(out_string, "END_PARSE\n"); out_string += strlen(out_string); } sprintf(out_string, "\n"); out_string= outbuf; } /* clear parser temps */ reset(num_nets); /* create a new frame containing the parse */ Gal_SetProp(f_new, ":parse_input", Gal_StringObject(in_string)); Gal_SetProp(f_new, ":parse_output", Gal_StringObject(outbuf)); if (sysid != NULL) Gal_SetProp(f_new, ":sysid", Gal_StringObject(sysid)); if (path_score != 0) Gal_SetProp(f_new, ":path_score", Gal_IntObject(path_score)); /* write parse output frame to HUB */ GalSS_EnvWriteFrame((GalSS_Environment *) server_data, f_new, 0); return(f); }
static void __AudioPoll(AudioDevice *a, void *data, int num_samples) { AudioPkg *p = (AudioPkg *) a->client_data; Gal_Frame output_f; printf("[Previous device state is %s.]\n[Current device state is %s.]\n", AudioDeviceStateName(a->previous_device_state), AudioDeviceStateName(a->current_device_state)); fflush(stdout); switch (a->current_device_state) { case AUDIO_IDLE: switch (a->previous_device_state) { case AUDIO_RECORDING: /* We have data and this is the last chunk. */ if (!p->out_proxy) { GalUtil_Warn("No out proxy to send audio"); } else { GalSS_ProxyArrayAdd(p->out_proxy, data, num_samples); printf("[Audio data from user (%d samples).]\n", num_samples); fflush(stdout); GalSS_ProxyDone(p->out_proxy); GalSS_FreeBrokerProxy(p->out_proxy); p->out_proxy = (GalSS_BrokerProxy *) NULL; printf("[Audio data from user done.]\n"); fflush(stdout); } break; } break; case AUDIO_RECORDING: switch (a->previous_device_state) { case AUDIO_IDLE: /* We have data and this is the first chunk. */ if (p->out_proxy) { GalUtil_Warn("Out proxy already exists"); } else { output_f = Gal_MakeFrame("FromAudio", GAL_CLAUSE); /* Set up the outgoing broker connection. */ p->out_proxy = GalSS_ProxifyObjectType(p->env, GAL_INT_16, 0, 10); if (p->out_proxy) { /* Send the first chunk. */ GalSS_ProxyArrayAdd(p->out_proxy, data, num_samples); printf("[Audio data from user (%d samples).]\n", num_samples); fflush(stdout); /* Notify the Hub that data is coming. */ Gal_SetProp(output_f, ":sample_rate", Gal_IntObject(a->sample_rate)); Gal_SetProp(output_f, ":encoding_format", Gal_StringObject(a->encoding_format)); Gal_SetProp(output_f, ":proxy", Gal_CreateProxyObject(p->out_proxy, 0)); GalSS_EnvWriteFrame(p->env, output_f, 0); } Gal_FreeFrame(output_f); } break; case AUDIO_RECORDING: /* We have data and this is an intermediate chunk. */ if (!p->out_proxy) { GalUtil_Warn("No out proxy to send audio"); } else { GalSS_ProxyArrayAdd(p->out_proxy, data, num_samples); printf("[Audio data from user (%d samples).]\n", num_samples); fflush(stdout); } break; } break; case AUDIO_PLAYING: break; case AUDIO_UNAVAILABLE: /* The device shut down. End the session and exit. */ /* We ran out of inputs. Disconnect. */ printf("Audio no longer available. Disconnecting.\n"); fflush(stdout); /* First, end the session. */ output_f = Gal_MakeFrame("Builtin.end_session", GAL_CLAUSE); GalSS_EnvWriteFrame(p->env, output_f, 0); Gal_FreeFrame(output_f); /* Next, shut down the connection. This ought to reset the poll. */ GalIO_SetCommDone(GalSS_EnvComm(p->env)); /* DON'T DESTROY THE CONNECTION. In batch mode, we'll be inside a poll for that connection, and all sorts of bad things will happen. It's enough to set it to be done; that will force it to be destroyed when the current poll is finished. */ break; } if (data) free(data); }
static void __ACLBrokerReaderCallback(GalIO_BrokerStruct *broker_struct, void *data, Gal_ObjectType data_type, int n_samples) { ACLCallbackStruct *cb = (ACLCallbackStruct *) GalIO_GetBrokerData(broker_struct); /* This is for the argument pointers. */ int arg_pointers[2]; Gal_Object o = (Gal_Object) NULL; /* I want to get the pointers from f and env and pass them in. I "just happen to know" the names of the types; SWIG doesn't seem yet to "publish" them at all. */ switch (data_type) { case GAL_INT_16: o = Gal_CreateInt16Object(data, n_samples, 1); break; case GAL_INT_32: o = Gal_CreateInt32Object(data, n_samples, 1); break; case GAL_FLOAT_32: o = Gal_CreateFloat32Object(data, n_samples, 1); break; case GAL_FLOAT_64: o = Gal_CreateFloat64Object(data, n_samples, 1); break; case GAL_BINARY: o = Gal_CreateBinaryObject(data, n_samples, 1); break; case GAL_STRING: o = Gal_CreateStringObject((char *) data, 1); break; case GAL_SYMBOL: o = Gal_SymbolObject(sym_name((Gal_Symbol) data)); break; case GAL_INT: o = Gal_IntObject((int) data); break; case GAL_FLOAT: o = Gal_FloatObject(*((float *) data)); free(data); break; case GAL_LIST: /* In this special case, I need to build a list object, because that's pretty much the only way Python can deal with this (uncode it, for instance). */ o = Gal_ListObject((Gal_Object *) data, n_samples); break; case GAL_FRAME: o = Gal_FrameObject((Gal_Frame) data); break; case GAL_PROXY: o = Gal_ProxyObject((GalSS_BrokerProxy *) data); break; default: break; } arg_pointers[0] = (int) data_type; arg_pointers[1] = (int) o; ACLGal_FuncallLisp(cb, arg_pointers, 2); if (o) Gal_FreeObject(o); }