Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Point2DVector points = GeneratePoints();
  Eigen::VectorXf x(2);

  MyFunctor functor;
  functor.Points = points;
  Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt<MyFunctor, float> lm(functor);

  lm.parameters.ftol = 1e-6;
  lm.parameters.xtol = 1e-6;
  lm.parameters.maxfev = 1000; // Max iterations


  std::cout << "x that minimizes the function: " << x << std::endl;

  return 0;
void FibersFromPlanarFiguresFilter::GenerateData()
    // check if enough fiducials are available
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Parameters.m_Fiducials.size(); i++)
        if (m_Parameters.m_Fiducials.at(i).size()<2)
            itkExceptionMacro("At least 2 fiducials needed per fiber bundle!");

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Parameters.m_Fiducials.size(); i++)
        vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> m_VtkCellArray = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
        vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> m_VtkPoints = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();

        vector< mitk::PlanarEllipse::Pointer > bundle = m_Parameters.m_Fiducials.at(i);

        vector< unsigned int > fliplist;
        if (i<m_Parameters.m_FlipList.size())
            fliplist = m_Parameters.m_FlipList.at(i);
            fliplist.resize(bundle.size(), 0);
        if (fliplist.size()<bundle.size())
            fliplist.resize(bundle.size(), 0);

        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_Parameters.m_Density; ++j)
            vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyLine> container = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyLine>::New();

            mitk::PlanarEllipse::Pointer figure = bundle.at(0);
            mitk::Point2D p0 = figure->GetControlPoint(0);
            mitk::Point2D p1 = figure->GetControlPoint(1);
            mitk::Point2D p2 = figure->GetControlPoint(2);
            mitk::Point2D p3 = figure->GetControlPoint(3);
            double r1 = p0.EuclideanDistanceTo(p1);
            double r2 = p0.EuclideanDistanceTo(p2);
            mitk::Vector2D eDir = p1-p0; eDir.Normalize();
            mitk::Vector2D tDir = p3-p0; tDir.Normalize();

            // apply twist
            vnl_matrix_fixed<double, 2, 2> tRot;
            tRot[0][0] = tDir[0];
            tRot[1][1] = tRot[0][0];
            tRot[1][0] = sin(acos(tRot[0][0]));
            tRot[0][1] = -tRot[1][0];
            if (tDir[1]<0)

            // apply new ellipse shape
            vnl_vector_fixed< double, 2 > newP;
            newP[0] = m_2DPoints.at(j)[0];
            newP[1] = m_2DPoints.at(j)[1];
            double alpha = acos(eDir[0]);
            if (eDir[1]>0)
                alpha = 2*M_PI-alpha;
            vnl_matrix_fixed<double, 2, 2> eRot;
            eRot[0][0] = cos(alpha);
            eRot[1][1] = eRot[0][0];
            eRot[1][0] = sin(alpha);
            eRot[0][1] = -eRot[1][0];
            newP = eRot*newP;
            newP[0] *= r1;
            newP[1] *= r2;
            newP = eRot.transpose()*newP;

            p0[0] += newP[0];
            p0[1] += newP[1];

            const mitk::PlaneGeometry* planeGeo = figure->GetPlaneGeometry();

            mitk::Point3D w, wc;
            planeGeo->Map(p0, w);

            wc = figure->GetWorldControlPoint(0);

            vtkIdType id = m_VtkPoints->InsertNextPoint(w.GetDataPointer());

            vnl_vector_fixed< double, 3 > n = planeGeo->GetNormalVnl();

            for (unsigned int k=1; k<bundle.size(); k++)
                figure = bundle.at(k);
                p0 = figure->GetControlPoint(0);
                p1 = figure->GetControlPoint(1);
                p2 = figure->GetControlPoint(2);
                p3 = figure->GetControlPoint(3);
                r1 = p0.EuclideanDistanceTo(p1);
                r2 = p0.EuclideanDistanceTo(p2);

                eDir = p1-p0; eDir.Normalize();
                mitk::Vector2D tDir2 = p3-p0; tDir2.Normalize();
                mitk::Vector2D temp; temp.SetVnlVector(tRot.transpose() * tDir2.GetVnlVector());

                // apply twist
                tRot[0][0] = tDir[0]*tDir2[0] + tDir[1]*tDir2[1];
                tRot[1][1] = tRot[0][0];
                tRot[1][0] = sin(acos(tRot[0][0]));
                tRot[0][1] = -tRot[1][0];
                if (temp[1]<0)
                tDir = tDir2;

                // apply new ellipse shape
                newP[0] = m_2DPoints.at(j)[0];
                newP[1] = m_2DPoints.at(j)[1];

                // calculate normal
                mitk::PlaneGeometry* planeGeo = const_cast<mitk::PlaneGeometry*>(figure->GetPlaneGeometry());
                mitk::Vector3D perp = wc-planeGeo->ProjectPointOntoPlane(wc); perp.Normalize();
                vnl_vector_fixed< double, 3 > n2 = planeGeo->GetNormalVnl();
                wc = figure->GetWorldControlPoint(0);

                // is flip needed?
                if (dot_product(perp.GetVnlVector(),n2)>0 && dot_product(n,n2)<=0.00001)
                    newP[0] *= -1;
                if (fliplist.at(k)>0)
                    newP[0] *= -1;
                n = n2;

                alpha = acos(eDir[0]);
                if (eDir[1]>0)
                    alpha = 2*M_PI-alpha;
                eRot[0][0] = cos(alpha);
                eRot[1][1] = eRot[0][0];
                eRot[1][0] = sin(alpha);
                eRot[0][1] = -eRot[1][0];
                newP = eRot*newP;
                newP[0] *= r1;
                newP[1] *= r2;
                newP = eRot.transpose()*newP;

                p0[0] += newP[0];
                p0[1] += newP[1];

                mitk::Point3D w;
                planeGeo->Map(p0, w);

                vtkIdType id = m_VtkPoints->InsertNextPoint(w.GetDataPointer());


        vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> fiberPolyData = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
        mitk::FiberBundle::Pointer mitkFiberBundle = mitk::FiberBundle::New(fiberPolyData);
        mitkFiberBundle->ResampleSpline(m_Parameters.m_Sampling, m_Parameters.m_Tension, m_Parameters.m_Continuity, m_Parameters.m_Bias);