static PyObject * GeoIP_country_code_by_name_Py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char * name; const char * retval; GeoIP_GeoIPObject* GeoIP = (GeoIP_GeoIPObject*)self; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &name)) { return NULL; } retval = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(GeoIP->gi, name); return Py_BuildValue("s", retval); }
static gboolean geoip_parser_process(LogParser *s, LogMessage **pmsg, const LogPathOptions *path_options, const gchar *input, gsize input_len) { GeoIPParser *self = (GeoIPParser *) s; LogMessage *msg = log_msg_make_writable(pmsg, path_options); GeoIPRecord *record; SBGString *value; if (!self->dest.country_code && !self->dest.latitude && !self->dest.longitude) return TRUE; record = GeoIP_record_by_name(self->gi, input); if (!record) { const char *country; country = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(self->gi, input); if (country) log_msg_set_value_by_name(msg, self->dest.country_code, country, strlen(country)); return TRUE; } if (record->country_code) log_msg_set_value_by_name(msg, self->dest.country_code, record->country_code, strlen(record->country_code)); value = sb_gstring_acquire(); g_string_printf(sb_gstring_string(value), "%f", record->latitude); log_msg_set_value_by_name(msg, self->dest.latitude, sb_gstring_string(value)->str, sb_gstring_string(value)->len); g_string_printf(sb_gstring_string(value), "%f", record->longitude); log_msg_set_value_by_name(msg, self->dest.longitude, sb_gstring_string(value)->str, sb_gstring_string(value)->len); GeoIPRecord_delete(record); sb_gstring_release(value); return TRUE; }
Variant f_geoip_country_code_by_name(CStrRef hostname) { if (!is_db_avail(GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION)) return null_variant; const char * country_code = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(s_geoip->gi[GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION],; if (country_code == NULL) { raise_notice("Host %s not found",; return false; } return String(country_code, CopyString); }
static gboolean tf_geoip(LogMessage *msg, gint argc, GString *argv[], GString *result) { const char *country; if (argc != 1) { msg_debug("tfgeoip takes only one argument", evt_tag_int("count", argc), NULL); return FALSE; } country = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(local_state->gi, argv[0]->str); g_string_append(result, country); return TRUE; }
ServerInfo::ServerInfo(MainWindow* m, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent),mainWindow(m),gi(NULL),latitude(0.0),longitude(0.0), settingsFile(QLatin1String("config.ini")), ui(new Ui::ServerInfo) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ..."; ui->setupUi(this); /*****************************************/ /* GeoIP sanity checking */ /*****************************************/ /* FIXME: Proxy checker module (worker.cpp) already loads GeoIP.dat databse. * * AFAIK, GeoLiteCity.dat also provides country like GeoIP.dat. * So in theory you should only need GeoLiteCity.dat database and not both * (GeoIP.dat and GeoLiteCity.dat). Otherwise this is a waste of disk space and RAM. * * Just have to decide where to load & initialize GeoLiteCity.dat so that *both* * modules (this and worker.cpp)can share it ... */ if(this->gi == NULL) { this->gi = GeoIP_open("./GeoLiteCity.dat",GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE | GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE); if(gi == NULL) { qDebug() << "Error opening database!!!"; } /* make sure GeoIP deals with invalid query gracefully */ if (GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(this->gi, NULL) != NULL) { qDebug() << "Invalid Query test failed, got non NULL, expected NULL"; } if (GeoIP_country_code_by_name(this->gi, NULL) != NULL) { qDebug() << "Invalid Query test failed, got non NULL, expected NULL"; } } }
int main(void) { const char *ipAddress = ""; char expectedCountry[3]; const char *returnedCountry; GeoIP *gi; int i; if (0 == i) { /* Read from filesystem, check for updated file */ gi = GeoIP_open("/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE); } else { /* Read from memory, faster but takes up more memory */ gi = GeoIP_open("/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE); } if (gi == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening database\n"); exit(1); } returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(gi, NULL); if (returnedCountry != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Query test failed, got non NULL, expected NULL\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi, NULL); if (returnedCountry != NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid Query test failed, got non NULL, expected NULL\n"); } returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code3_by_addr(gi, ipAddress); printf("%s => %s\n", ipAddress, returnedCountry); return 0; }
int get_flux(const char * host, struct flux_entry ** results) { struct addrinfo hints, *res, *cur; int errcode; int count; uint32_t isflux=0; char * addr_str=NULL; void * addr_ptr; GeoIP * gi; *results = NULL; memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints)); // memset (&addr_str, 0, sizeof(addr_str)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags |= AI_CANONNAME; errcode = getaddrinfo (host, NULL, &hints, &res); if (errcode < 0) { return -1; } /* count hints and allocate return buffer */ for (count = 1, cur = res; cur; cur = cur->ai_next, ++count) ; if (count == 1) { /* no entries found, so just fail here */ return -1; } *results = calloc(count, sizeof(struct flux_entry)); if (!*results) { return -1; } // memset(*results, 0, sizeof(struct flux_entry) * count); // init GeoIP // gi = GeoIP_new(GEOIP_STANDARD); for (isflux = 0, cur = res; cur; cur = cur ->ai_next, ++isflux) { int size; switch (cur->ai_family) { case AF_INET: addr_ptr = &((struct sockaddr_in *) cur->ai_addr)->sin_addr; size = sizeof (""); break; case AF_INET6: addr_ptr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *) cur->ai_addr)->sin6_addr; size = sizeof ("xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"); break; default: continue; } addr_str = malloc(size); if (!addr_str) continue; inet_ntop (cur->ai_family, addr_ptr, addr_str, size); (*results)[isflux].addr_str = addr_str; if((GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi, addr_str)) == NULL) { break; } else { memcpy( &(*results)[isflux].cc, GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi, addr_str), sizeof (**results).cc); } } (*results)[isflux].addr_str = NULL; (*results)[isflux].cc[0] = 0; (*results)[isflux].cc[1] = 0; GeoIP_delete(gi); return isflux; }
int main () { FILE *f; char ipAddress[30]; char expectedCountry[3]; char expectedCountry3[4]; const char * returnedCountry; GeoIP * gi; int failed = 0; int test_num = 1; int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (0 == i) { /* Read from filesystem, check for updated file */ gi = GeoIP_open(SRCDIR"/data/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE); } else { /* Read from memory, faster but takes up more memory */ gi = GeoIP_open(SRCDIR"/data/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE); } if (gi == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening database\n"); exit(1); } /* make sure GeoIP deals with invalid query gracefully */ returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(gi,NULL); if (returnedCountry != NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid Query test failed, got non NULL, expected NULL\n"); failed = 1; } returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi,NULL); if (returnedCountry != NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid Query test failed, got non NULL, expected NULL\n"); failed = 1; } f = fopen(SRCDIR"/test/country_test.txt","r"); while (fscanf(f, "%s%s%s", ipAddress, expectedCountry, expectedCountry3) != EOF) { returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(gi,ipAddress); if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry); failed = 1; } returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi,ipAddress); if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Test name %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry); failed = 1; } returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code3_by_addr(gi,ipAddress); if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry3) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry); failed = 1; } returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code3_by_name(gi,ipAddress); if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry3) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Test name %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry); failed = 1; } test_num++; } fclose(f); f = fopen(SRCDIR"/test/country_test2.txt","r"); while (fscanf(f, "%s%s", ipAddress, expectedCountry ) != EOF) { returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(gi,ipAddress); if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry); failed = 1; } test_num++; } fclose(f); f = fopen(SRCDIR"/test/country_test_name.txt","r"); while (fscanf(f, "%s%s", ipAddress, expectedCountry) != EOF) { returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi,ipAddress); if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry); failed = 1; } test_num++; } fclose(f); GeoIP_delete(gi); } return failed; }
gint main (gint argc, gchar **argv) { GeoIP *geoip; const gchar *remote_addr; const gchar *path_info; gchar **path_parts; const gchar *country; gchar *action; gchar *input; gchar *domain; gchar *affiliate_code; gchar *p; gchar *dest_url = NULL; gboolean direct_url = FALSE; country = NULL; input = NULL; action = NULL; remote_addr = g_getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR"); path_parts = g_strsplit (path_info = g_getenv ("PATH_INFO"), "/", 4); if (path_parts != NULL && path_parts[0] != NULL && (country = path_parts[1]) != NULL && (action = path_parts[2]) != NULL) { input = path_parts[3]; } if ((p = strrchr (remote_addr, ':')) != NULL) { remote_addr = p + 1; } if (country == NULL || strcmp (country, "geo") == 0) { geoip = GeoIP_new (GEOIP_STANDARD); country = GeoIP_country_code_by_name (geoip, remote_addr); } // We ask that no one change these affiliate codes. ALL (100%) revenue // generated by these affiliate IDs is sent directly to the GNOME // Foundation. The GNOME Foundation controls/owns these affiliate IDs. // Please help support Free Software through the GNOME Foundation! if (country == NULL || strcmp (country, "US") == 0) { domain = "com"; affiliate_code = "banshee-20"; } else if (strcmp (country, "FR") == 0) { domain = "fr"; affiliate_code = "banshee-fr-21"; } else if (strcmp (country, "UK") == 0) { domain = ""; affiliate_code = "banshee-uk-21"; } else if (strcmp (country, "DE") == 0 || strcmp (country, "CH") == 0 || strcmp (country, "AT") == 0) { domain = "de"; affiliate_code = "banshee-de-21"; } else if (strcmp (country, "JP") == 0) { domain = ""; affiliate_code = "banshee-jp-22"; } else { domain = "com"; affiliate_code = "banshee-20"; } if (strcmp (action, "search") == 0) { dest_url = g_strdup_printf ("", domain, input); } else if (strcmp (action, "sign_out") == 0) { dest_url = g_strdup_printf ("", domain); } else if (strcmp (action, "about") == 0) { dest_url = g_strdup (""); direct_url = TRUE; } if (dest_url == NULL) { dest_url = g_strdup_printf ("", domain); } if (direct_url) { printf ("Location: %s" "\n\n", dest_url); } else { printf ("Location:" "\n\n", domain, g_uri_escape_string (dest_url, NULL, TRUE), affiliate_code ); } return 0; }
GeoIP * gi = GeoIP_open(PARAM(0), PARAM_INT(1)); RETURN_NUMBER((SYS_INT)gi) END_IMPL //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCEPT_FUNCTION_IMPL(GeoIP_new, 1) T_NUMBER(GeoIP_new, 0) GeoIP * gi = GeoIP_new(PARAM_INT(0)); RETURN_NUMBER((SYS_INT)gi) END_IMPL //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCEPT_FUNCTION_IMPL(GeoIP_country_code_by_name, 2) T_HANDLE(GeoIP_country_code_by_name, 0) T_STRING(GeoIP_country_code_by_name, 1) const char *s = GeoIP_country_code_by_name((GeoIP *)PARAM_INT(0), PARAM(1)); if (s) { RETURN_STRING(s) } else { RETURN_STRING("") } END_IMPL //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCEPT_FUNCTION_IMPL(GeoIP_setup_custom_directory, 1) T_STRING(GeoIP_setup_custom_directory, 0) // char* GeoIP_setup_custom_directory((char *)PARAM(0)); RETURN_NUMBER(0) END_IMPL //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCEPT_FUNCTION_IMPL(GeoIP_db_avail, 1)