void Rgrid_window_neighborhood::find_all_neighbors( const Geovalue& center ) {
  size_ = -1;
  center_ = center;
  center_.set_property_array( property_ );

  if( !property_ ) return;

  SGrid_cursor cursor( *grid_->cursor() );
  GsTLInt i,j,k;
  cursor.coords( center.node_id(), i,j,k ); 
  GsTLGridNode center_location( i,j,k );

  if( geom_.size() == 0 ) return;

  Grid_template::iterator begin = geom_.begin();
  Grid_template::iterator bound = geom_.end()-1;

  for( ; begin != bound+1 ; ++begin ) {
    GsTLGridNode node = center_location + (*begin);
    neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, 
				    cursor_.node_id( node[0], node[1],
						     node[2] ) )
void MgridWindowNeighborhood::find_all_neighbors( const Geovalue& center ) {
  size_ = -1;
  center_ = center;
  center_.set_property_array( property_ );

  _mcursor = dynamic_cast<EGridCursor*>(grid_->cursor());

  if( !property_ ) return;

  //SGrid_cursor cursor( *grid_->cursor() );
  GsTLInt i,j,k;
  _mcursor->coords( center.node_id(), i,j,k ); 
  GsTLGridNode center_location( i,j,k );

  if( geom_.size() == 0 ) return;

  Grid_template::iterator begin = geom_.begin();
  Grid_template::iterator bound = geom_.end()-1;

  for( ; begin != bound+1 ; ++begin ) {
    GsTLGridNode node = center_location + (*begin);
	if (_mcursor->node_id( node[0], node[1], node[2] ) < 0)
    neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, 
				    _mcursor->node_id( node[0], node[1],
						     node[2] ) )
void Rgrid_window_neighborhood::find_neighbors( const Geovalue& center ) {
  size_ = -1;
  center_ = center;
  center_.set_property_array( property_ );

  if( !property_ ) return;

  SGrid_cursor cursor( *grid_->cursor() );
  GsTLInt i,j,k;
  cursor.coords( center.node_id(), i,j,k ); 
  GsTLGridNode center_location( i,j,k );

  if( geom_.size() == 0 ) return;

  Grid_template::iterator begin = geom_.begin();
  Grid_template::iterator bound = geom_.end()-1;
  /* nico: old code, remove if new works properly
  while (bound != begin-1) {
    GsTLGridNode p = center_location + (*bound);
    if( !grid_->contains( p ) ) {
    if( grid_->is_informed( p ) )

  while (bound != begin) {
    GsTLGridNode p = center_location + (*bound);
    GsTLInt node_id = cursor.node_id( p[0], p[1], p[2] );
    if( node_id < 0 ) {
    if( property_->is_informed( node_id ) )

  // Need to place the bound at one pass the actual end point

  for( ; begin != bound; ++begin ) {
    GsTLGridNode node = center_location + (*begin);
    neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, 
				    cursor_.node_id( node[0], node[1],
						     node[2] ) )
    //neighbors_.push_back( grid_->geovalue( center_location + (*begin) ) );
void MgridNeighborhood_hd::find_neighbors( const Geovalue& center ) {
  appli_assert( center.grid() == grid_ );

  _mcursor = dynamic_cast<EGridCursor*>(grid_->cursor());

  // This is exactly the same function as 
  // Rgrid_ellips_neighborhood::find_neighbors, except that the condition
  // for a node to be a neighbor is that it contains a hard-data

  if( !property_ ) return;

  center_ = center;
  center_.set_property_array( property_ );

  Grid_template::const_iterator it = geom_.begin();
  Grid_template::const_iterator end = geom_.end();
  GsTLGridNode loc;
  _mcursor->coords( center.node_id(), loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] );

  // "already_found" is the number of neighbors already found
  int already_found=0;

  if( includes_center_ && center_.is_harddata() ) {
    neighbors_.push_back( center_ );

  while( it != end && already_found < max_neighbors_ ) {
    GsTLGridNode node = loc + (*it);
    GsTLInt node_id = _mcursor->node_id( node[0], node[1], node[2] );

    if( node_id < 0 ) {

    if( property_->is_harddata( node_id ) ) {
      neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, node_id ) );

Exemple #5
//Helper function for rasterize without rotation
void HalfEllipsoid::do_rotation(  
	location_3d<int> loc, location_3d<int> cen, float angle, 
	std::vector<Geovalue> &gbRaster, GsTLGridProperty *propTi
) {
	location_3d<int> loc_new = rotate_loc( loc, cen, angle );
	if ( cursor_->check_triplet( loc_new[0], loc_new[1], loc_new[2] ) ) {
		euclidean_vector_3d<int> res = loc_new-cen;
		//Check if point is outside the ellipse
		if ( !outside( res ) ) {
			if ( cursor_->check_triplet( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] ) ) {
				int cur_node_id = cursor_->node_id( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] );
				gbRaster.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, propTi, cur_node_id ) );
void MgridWindowNeighborhood::find_neighbors( const Geovalue& center ) {
  size_ = -1;
  center_ = center;
  center_.set_property_array( property_ );

  _mcursor = dynamic_cast<MaskedGridCursor*>(grid_->cursor());
  if( !property_ ) return;

  //SGrid_cursor cursor( *grid_->cursor() );
  GsTLInt i,j,k;
  _mcursor->coords( center.node_id(), i,j,k ); 
  GsTLGridNode center_location( i,j,k );

  if( geom_.size() == 0 ) return;

  Grid_template::iterator begin = geom_.begin();
  Grid_template::iterator bound = geom_.end()-1;

  while (bound != begin) {
    GsTLGridNode p = center_location + (*bound);
    GsTLInt node_id = _mcursor->node_id( p[0], p[1], p[2] );
    if( node_id < 0 ) {
    if( property_->is_informed( node_id ) )

  for( ; begin != bound ; ++begin ) {
    GsTLGridNode node = center_location + (*begin);
	  if (_mcursor->node_id( node[0], node[1], node[2] ) < 0)
    neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, 
				    _mcursor->node_id( node[0], node[1],
						     node[2] ) )
Exemple #7
//Helper function for rasterize with built-in rotation
void HalfEllipsoid::do_rotation( location_3d<int> loc, location_3d<int> cen,
	float angle, std::vector<Geovalue> &gbRaster, GsTLGridProperty *propTi,
	std::vector<float> &facies_props, int &total_nodes )
	location_3d<int> loc_new = rotate_loc( loc, cen, angle );
	if ( cursor_->check_triplet( loc_new[0], loc_new[1], loc_new[2] ) ) {
		euclidean_vector_3d<int> res = loc_new-cen;
		//Check if point is outside the ellipse
		if ( !outside( res ) ) {
			if ( cursor_->check_triplet( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] ) ) {
				int cur_node_id = cursor_->node_id( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] );
				gbRaster.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, propTi, cur_node_id ) );
				//Update proportion of the different facies in the rotated raster
				int cur_index = propTi->get_value( cur_node_id );
				gstl_assert( ( cur_index >= 0 ) && ( cur_index < facies_props.size() ) );
				facies_props[ cur_index ]++;
void Rgrid_ellips_neighborhood_hd::find_neighbors( const Geovalue& center ) {

  // This is exactly the same function as 
  // Rgrid_ellips_neighborhood::find_neighbors, except that the condition
  // for a node to be a neighbor is that it contains a hard-data
  if( !property_ ) return;

  center_ = center;
//  center_.set_property_array( property_ );

  // "already_found" is the number of neighbors already found
  int already_found=0;

  // loc will store the i,j,k coordinates of the center, node_id is the 
  // center's node-id. They will be computed differently, whether "center"
  // and *this both refer to the same grid or not.
  GsTLGridNode loc;
  GsTLInt node_id = -1;

  if( center.grid() != grid_ ) {
    // "center" and "*this" do not refer to the same grid
    bool ok = grid_->geometry()->grid_coordinates( loc, center.location() );
    if( !ok ) return;

    if( includes_center_ ) 
      //GsTLInt id = cursor_.node_id( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] );
      node_id = cursor_.node_id( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] );
  else {
    // "center" and "*this" both refer to the same grid
    cursor_.coords( center.node_id(), loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] ); 
    node_id = center.node_id();      

  if( includes_center_ && property_->is_informed( node_id ) ) {
    neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, node_id ) );
  // Visit each node defined by the window ("geom_")
  // For each node, check if the node is inside the grid.
  // If it is and it contains a data value, add it to the list of
  // neighbors
  Grid_template::const_iterator it = geom_.begin();
  Grid_template::const_iterator end = geom_.end();

  while( it != end && already_found < max_neighbors_ ) {
    GsTLGridNode node = loc + (*it);
    GsTLInt node_id = cursor_.node_id( node[0], node[1], node[2] );
    if( node_id < 0 ) {
      // The node does not belong to the grid: skip it

    if( property_->is_harddata( node_id ) ) {
      // The node is informed: get the corresponding geovalue and add it
      // to the list of neighbors
      neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, node_id ) );

void MgridNeighborhood::find_neighbors( const Geovalue& center ) 
  _mcursor = dynamic_cast<EGridCursor*>(grid_->cursor());

  if( !property_ ) return;

  center_ = center;
//  center_.set_property_array( property_ );

  // "already_found" is the number of neighbors already found
  int already_found=0;

  // loc will store the i,j,k coordinates of the center, node_id is the 
  // center's node-id. They will be computed differently, whether "center"
  // and *this both refer to the same grid or not.
  GsTLGridNode loc;
  GsTLInt node_id = -1;

  if( center.grid() != grid_ ) {
    // "center" and "*this" do not refer to the same grid
    bool ok = grid_->geometry()->grid_coordinates( loc, center.location() );
    if( !ok ) return;

	if( includes_center_ ) {
      GsTLInt id = _mcursor->node_id( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] );
	  if (id == -1) return;
  else {
    // "center" and "*this" both refer to the same grid
    _mcursor->coords( center.node_id(), loc[0], loc[1], loc[2] ); 
    node_id = center.node_id();  

	appli_message("center node id : " << center.node_id() << ", loc: " << loc[0] <<
		"," << loc[1] << "," << loc[2] << ". Id: " << _mcursor->node_id(loc[0],loc[1],loc[2]) 
		<<  "\n");

  if( includes_center_ && property_->is_informed( node_id ) ) {
    neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, node_id ) );
  // Visit each node defined by the window ("geom_")
  // For each node, check if the node is inside the grid.
  // If it is and it contains a data value, add it to the list of
  // neighbors
  Grid_template::const_iterator it = geom_.begin();
  Grid_template::const_iterator end = geom_.end();

  while( it != end && already_found < max_neighbors_ ) {
    GsTLGridNode node = loc + (*it);
    GsTLInt node_id = _mcursor->node_id( node[0], node[1], node[2] );
    if( node_id < 0 ) {
      // The node does not belong to the grid: skip it
    if( property_->is_informed( node_id ) ) {
      // The node is informed: get the corresponding geovalue and add it
      // to the list of neighbors
      neighbors_.push_back( Geovalue( grid_, property_, node_id ) );
