Exemple #1
void CNPC_Stalker::AddZigZagToPath(void) 
	// If already on a detour don't add a zigzag
	if (GetNavigator()->GetCurWaypointFlags() & bits_WP_TO_DETOUR)

	// If enemy isn't facing me or occluded, don't add a zigzag
	if (HasCondition(COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED) || !HasCondition ( COND_ENEMY_FACING_ME ))

	Vector waypointPos = GetNavigator()->GetCurWaypointPos();
	Vector waypointDir = (waypointPos - GetAbsOrigin());

	// If the distance to the next node is greater than ZIG_ZAG_SIZE
	// then add a random zig/zag to the path
	if (waypointDir.LengthSqr() > ZIG_ZAG_SIZE)
		// Pick a random distance for the zigzag (less that sqrt(ZIG_ZAG_SIZE)
		float distance = random->RandomFloat( 30, 60 );

		// Get me a vector orthogonal to the direction of motion
		VectorNormalize( waypointDir );
		Vector vDirUp(0,0,1);
		Vector vDir;
		CrossProduct( waypointDir, vDirUp, vDir);

		// Pick a random direction (left/right) for the zigzag
		if (random->RandomInt(0,1))
			vDir = -1 * vDir;

		// Get zigzag position in direction of target waypoint
		Vector zigZagPos = GetAbsOrigin() + waypointDir * 60;

		// Now offset 
		zigZagPos = zigZagPos + (vDir * distance);

		// Now make sure that we can still get to the zigzag position and the waypoint
		AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace1, moveTrace2;
		GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( NAV_GROUND, GetAbsOrigin(), zigZagPos, GetAITraceMask(), NULL, &moveTrace1);
		GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( NAV_GROUND, zigZagPos, waypointPos, GetAITraceMask(), NULL, &moveTrace2);
		if ( !IsMoveBlocked( moveTrace1 ) && !IsMoveBlocked( moveTrace2 ) )
			GetNavigator()->PrependWaypoint( zigZagPos, NAV_GROUND, bits_WP_TO_DETOUR );
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
Vector CAI_BaseFlyingBot::VelocityToAvoidObstacles(float flInterval)
	// --------------------------------
	//  Avoid banging into stuff
	// --------------------------------
	trace_t tr;
	Vector vTravelDir = m_vCurrentVelocity*flInterval;
	Vector endPos = GetAbsOrigin() + vTravelDir;
	AI_TraceEntity( this, GetAbsOrigin(), endPos, GetAITraceMask()|CONTENTS_WATER, &tr );
	if (tr.fraction != 1.0)
		// Bounce off in normal 
		Vector vBounce = tr.plane.normal * 0.5 * m_vCurrentVelocity.Length();
		return (vBounce);
	// --------------------------------
	// Try to remain above the ground.
	// --------------------------------
	float flMinGroundDist = MinGroundDist();
	AI_TraceLine(GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, -flMinGroundDist), 
		GetAITraceMask_BrushOnly()|CONTENTS_WATER, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr);
	if (tr.fraction < 1)
		// Clamp veloctiy
		if (tr.fraction < 0.1)
			tr.fraction = 0.1;

		return Vector(0, 0, 50/tr.fraction);
	return vec3_origin;