void AISTargetAlertDialog::UpdateText()
    if( GetAlertText() ) {
        wxFont *dFont = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _("AISTargetAlert"), 12 );
        wxString face = dFont->GetFaceName();
        int sizes[7];
        for( int i = -2; i < 5; i++ ) {
            sizes[i + 2] = dFont->GetPointSize() + i + ( i > 0 ? i : 0 );

        wxString html;
        wxColor bg = GetBackgroundColour();
        html.Printf( _T("<html><body bgcolor=#%02x%02x%02x><center>"), bg.Red(), bg.Green(), bg.Blue() );
        html << m_alert_text;
        html << _T("</center></font></body></html>");

        m_pAlertTextCtl->SetFonts( face, face, sizes );
        m_pAlertTextCtl->SetPage( html );

    if( !g_bopengl && CanSetTransparent() )
        SetTransparent( 192 );
void AISTargetAlertDialog::UpdateText()
    if( GetAlertText() ) {
        wxColor bg = GetBackgroundColour();
        m_pAlertTextCtl->SetBackgroundColour( bg );

        wxFont *dFont = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _("AISTargetQuery"), 12 );
        wxString face = dFont->GetFaceName();
        int sizes[7];
        for( int i = -2; i < 5; i++ ) {
            sizes[i + 2] = dFont->GetPointSize() + i + ( i > 0 ? i : 0 );

        wxString html;
        html.Printf( _T("<html><body bgcolor=#%02x%02x%02x><center>"), bg.Red(), bg.Blue(),
                bg.Green() );

        html << m_alert_text;
        html << _T("</center></font></body></html>");

        m_pAlertTextCtl->SetFonts( face, face, sizes );
        m_pAlertTextCtl->SetPage( html );

        // Try to create a min size that works across font sizes.
        wxSize sz;
        if( !IsShown() ) {
            sz = m_pAlertTextCtl->GetVirtualSize();
            sz.x = 300;
            m_pAlertTextCtl->SetSize( sz );
        wxSize ir( m_pAlertTextCtl->GetInternalRepresentation()->GetWidth(),
                m_pAlertTextCtl->GetInternalRepresentation()->GetHeight() );
        sz.x = wxMax( m_pAlertTextCtl->GetSize().x, ir.x );
        sz.y = wxMax( m_pAlertTextCtl->GetSize().y, ir.y );
        m_pAlertTextCtl->SetMinSize( sz );
        sz -= wxSize( 200, 200 );
        m_pAlertTextCtl->SetMinSize( sz );

    DimeControl( this );
    if( !g_bopengl && CanSetTransparent() ) SetTransparent( 192 );