Exemple #1
// To allow better subclassing it is better to separate out calculations
//  of dilation energy. This version updates pressure (i.e. dilational
//  contribution to normal stress) and adds incremental energy to strain energy
// J = V(T,c)/V0(T,c), Jeff = V(T,c)/V0(Tref,cref), Jres = V0(T,c)/V0(Tref,cref) = J/Jeff
// Jn+1 = (detdF/detdFres) Jn, Jresn+1 = detdFres Jresn, Jtot = detdF Jtotn
// detdFres = (1+dres)^3 (approximately)
// Here Tref and cref are starting conditions and T and c are current temperature and moisture
void HEIsotropic::UpdatePressure(MPMBase *mptr,double J,double detdF,int np,double Jeff,
								 double delTime,HEPlasticProperties *p,ResidualStrains *res,double detdFres,int offset,
								 double &dTq0,double &AVEnergy) const
	double Kterm = J*GetVolumetricTerms(Jeff,p->Kred);       // times J to get Kirchoff stress
    double P0 = mptr->GetPressure();
    // artifical viscosity
	// delV is total incremental volumetric strain = total Delta(V)/V, here it is (Vn+1-Vn)/Vn+1
	double delV = 1. - 1./detdF;
    double QAVred = 0.;
    if(delV<0. && artificialViscosity)
	{	QAVred = GetArtificalViscosity(delV/delTime,sqrt(p->Kred*J),mptr);
        if(ConductionTask::AVHeating) AVEnergy += fabs(QAVred*delV);
    double Pfinal = -Kterm + QAVred;
    // work energy is dU = -P dV + s.de(total)
	// Here do hydrostatic term
    // Internal energy increment per unit mass (dU/(rho0 V0)) (nJ/g)
	// Also get residual energy from -P (Vresn+1-Vresn)/Vresn+1 = -P delVres
    double avgP = 0.5*(P0+Pfinal);
	double delVres = 1. - 1./detdFres;
	// elastic particle isentropic temperature increment
	double Kratio;				// = rho_0 K/(rho K_0)
	{   case J_MINUS_1_SQUARED:
			Kratio = Jeff;
		case LN_J_SQUARED:
			Kratio = (1-log(Jeff))/(Jeff*Jeff);
			Kratio = 0.5*(Jeff + 1./Jeff);
	dTq0 = -J*Kratio*gammaI*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*delV;
Exemple #2
/* Take increments in strain and calculate new Particle: strains, rotation strain,
	stresses, strain energy,
	dvij are (gradient rates X time increment) to give deformation gradient change
	For Axisymmetry: x->R, y->Z, z->theta, np==AXISYMMETRIC_MPM, otherwise dvzz=0
	This material tracks pressure and stores deviatoric stress only in particle stress
void Neohookean::MPMConstitutiveLaw(MPMBase *mptr,Matrix3 du,double delTime,int np,void *properties,
									ResidualStrains *res,int historyOffset) const
	// Update strains and rotations and Left Cauchy strain
	double detDf = IncrementDeformation(mptr,du,NULL,np);
	// get pointer to new left Cauchy strain
    Tensor *B = mptr->GetAltStrainTensor();
    // account for residual stresses
	double dJres = GetIncrementalResJ(mptr,res);
	double Jres = dJres*mptr->GetHistoryDble(J_History+1,historyOffset);
	double resStretch = pow(Jres,1./3.);
	double Jres23 = resStretch*resStretch;
	// Deformation gradients and Cauchy tensor differ in plane stress
	{	// Find B->zz required to have zero stress in z direction
		double arg = B->xx*B->yy - B->xy*B->xy;
		double xn;
		Tensor *ep=mptr->GetStrainTensor();
		{   case J_MINUS_1_SQUARED:
			{	double a = pr.Lamesp*arg + pr.Gsp*pow(Jres,4./3.);
				double b = pr.Lamesp*sqrt(arg);
				xn = Jres*(b + sqrt(b*b + 4.*pr.Gsp*a))/(2.*a);
				xn *= xn;
			case LN_J_SQUARED:
			{	xn = B->zz;
				double fx,fxp,xnp1,Jres23 = pow(Jres,2./3.);
				int iter=1;
				{	// get f and df/dxn
					fx = pr.Gsp*(xn-Jres23) + 0.5*pr.Lamesp*Jres23*log(xn*arg/(Jres*Jres));
					fxp = pr.Gsp + pr.Lamesp*Jres23/(2*xn);
					// new prediction for solution
					xnp1 = xn - fx/fxp;
					if(fabs(xn-xnp1)<1e-10) break;
					xn = xnp1;
				xn = Jres*Jres*(pr.Lamesp+2.*pr.Gsp)/(pr.Lamesp*arg+2.*pr.Gsp*pow(Jres,4./3.));
        // Done and xn = new B->zz = Fzz^2 = dFzz*(old Bzz)*dFzz = dFzz^2*(old Bzz),
		//    and Fzz = dFzz*(old Fzz) = 1 + ep->zz
        //cout << xn << "," << pow(Jres,2./3.)*pr.Lamesp*(xn*arg/(Jres*Jres)-1.) + 2.*pr.Gsp*(xn-pow(Jres,2./3.)) << endl;;
        double dFzz = sqrt(xn/B->zz);
        B->zz = xn;
		// particle strain ezz now known
		ep->zz = dFzz*(1.+ep->zz) - 1.;
        // incremental J changes
        detDf *= dFzz;
    // Increment J and save it in history data
    double J = detDf*mptr->GetHistoryDble(J_History,historyOffset);
	// for incremental energy, store initial stress
	Tensor *sporig=mptr->GetStressTensor();
	Tensor st0 = *sporig;
	// account for residual stresses
	double Jeff = J/Jres;
    // update pressure
	double p0=mptr->GetPressure();
	double Pterm = J*GetVolumetricTerms(Jeff,pr.Lamesp) + Jres*pr.Gsp*((B->xx+B->yy+B->zz)/(3.*Jres23) - 1.);
    // artifical viscosity
    double delV = 1. - 1./detDf;                        // total volume change
    double QAVred = 0.,AVEnergy=0.;
    if(delV<0. && artificialViscosity)
	{	QAVred = GetArtificalViscosity(delV/delTime,sqrt(pr.Ksp)*J);
        if(ConductionTask::AVHeating) AVEnergy = fabs(QAVred*delV);
    double Pfinal = -Pterm + QAVred;
    // set the pressure
	// incremental energy - dilational part
    double avgP = 0.5*(p0+Pfinal);
    double dilEnergy = -avgP*delV;
	// incremental residual energy
	double delVres = 1. - 1./dJres;
	double resEnergy = -avgP*delVres;
    // Account for density change in specific stress
    // i.e.. Get (Kirchoff Stress)/rho0
	double GJeff = resStretch*pr.Gsp;		// = J*(Jres^(1/3) G/J) to get Kirchoff
	// find deviatoric (Cauchy stress)J/rho0 = deviatoric (Kirchoff stress)/rho0
	Tensor *sp=mptr->GetStressTensor();
    double I1third = (B->xx+B->yy+B->zz)/3.;
	sp->xx = GJeff*(B->xx-I1third);
	sp->yy = GJeff*(B->yy-I1third);
	sp->zz = GJeff*(B->zz-I1third);
	sp->xy = GJeff*B->xy;
	{	sp->xz = GJeff*B->xz;
        sp->yz = GJeff*B->yz;
	// incremental work energy = shear energy
    double shearEnergy = 0.5*((sp->xx+st0.xx)*du(0,0) + (sp->yy+st0.yy)*du(1,1) + (sp->zz+st0.zz)*du(2,2)+
    {   shearEnergy += 0.5*((sp->xz+st0.xz)*(du(0,2)+du(2,0)) + (sp->yz+st0.yz)*(du(1,2)+du(2,1)));
    // strain energy
    double dU = dilEnergy + shearEnergy;
	// particle isentropic temperature increment
	double Kratio;				// = rho_0 K/(rho K_0)
    double Jeff1third = pow(Jeff,1./3.);
    double Gterm = pr.Gsp*(1. - Jeff1third*Jeff1third + 2./(3.*Jeff1third));
	{   case J_MINUS_1_SQUARED:
			Kratio = pr.Lamesp+Jeff + Gterm;
		case LN_J_SQUARED:
			Kratio = pr.Lamesp*(1-log(Jeff))/(Jeff*Jeff) + Gterm;
			Kratio = 0.5*(Jeff + 1./Jeff);
    Kratio /= pr.Ksp;
    double dTq0 = -J*Kratio*gamma0*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*delV;
    // thermodynamics heat and temperature
Exemple #3
// This method handles the pressure equation of state. Its tasks are
// 1. Calculate the new pressure
// 2. Update particle pressure
// 3. Increment the particle energy due to dilation
// 4. Call plasticLaw to see if it wants to change the shear modulus
// J = V(T,c)/V0(T,c), Jeff = V(T,c)/V0(Tref,cref), Jres = V0(T,c)/V0(Tref,cref) = J/Jeff
// Jtot = V(T,c)/V0(Trec,cref), Jres = V0(T,c)/V0(Tref,cref) for free expansion, J = V(T,c)/V0(T,c)
// Jn+1 = (detdF/detdFres) Jn, Jresn+1 = detdFres Jresn, Jtot = detdF Jtotn
// detdFres = (1+dres)^3 (approximately)
// Here Tref and cref are starting conditions and T and c are current temperature and moisture
void HEMGEOSMaterial::UpdatePressure(MPMBase *mptr,double J,double detdF,int np,double Jeff,
									 double delTime,HEPlasticProperties *p,ResidualStrains *res,double detdFres) const
    // J is total volume change - may need to reference to free-swelling volume if that works
	// Note that swelling looks like a problem because the sums of strains needs to be adjusted
	//		to stress-free state
	// previous pressure
	double P,P0 = mptr->GetPressure();
	double delV = 1. - 1./detdF;
	double dTq0;
    // M-G EOS
    // Want specific pressure or pressure over current density (using J = rho0/rho)
	{	// new compression J(k+1) = 1-x(k+1)
		double x = 1.-J;
		// compression law
        // denominator = 1 - S1*x - S2*x^2 - S3*x^3
        double denom = 1./(1. - x*(S1 + x*(S2 + x*S3)));
        // law not valid if denominator passes zero
        {   cout << "# Excessive x = " << x << endl;
        // current effective and reduced (by rho0) bulk modulus
        p->Kred = C0squared*(1.-0.5*gamma0*x)*denom*denom;
		// Pressure from bulk modulus and an energy term
		double e = mptr->GetInternalEnergy();
		P = J*(p->Kred*x + gamma0*e);
		// particle isentropic temperature increment
		dTq0 = -J*gamma0*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*delV;
    {   // In tension hyperelastic law P = - K0(J-1)
        p->Kred = C0squared*Jeff;
		P = -J*C0squared*(Jeff-1.);
		//P = P0 - J*p->Kred*delV;
		// particle isentropic temperature increment
		double Kratio = Jeff;
		dTq0 = -J*Kratio*gamma0*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*delV;
    // artifical viscosity
	// delV is total incremental volumetric strain = total Delta(V)/V
    double QAVred = 0.,AVEnergy=0.;
    if(delV<0. && artificialViscosity)
    {   double c = sqrt(p->Kred*J/1000.);        // m/sec
        QAVred = GetArtificalViscosity(delV/delTime,c);
        if(ConductionTask::AVHeating) AVEnergy = fabs(QAVred*delV);
    // set final pressure
    // work energy is dU = -P dV + s.de(total)
	// Here do hydrostatic terms, deviatoric later
    double avgP = 0.5*(P0+P);
	double delVres = 1. - 1./detdFres;
    // heat energy is Cv (dT - dTq0) - dPhi - |QAVred*delV|
	// Here do Cv (dT - dTq0) - |QAVred*delV| term and dPhi is done later
	// SCGL and SL shear modulus and save Gratio = Jeff G/G0 for later calculations
    // Note: Jeff in Gred and Gratio is so that where they are used, they give
    //          specific Cauchy stress
    p->Gred = G1sp * plasticLaw->GetShearRatio(mptr,avgP,Jeff,p->hardProps);
Exemple #4
/* Take increments in strain and calculate new Particle: strains, rotation strain,
        stresses, strain energy,
    dvij are (gradient rates X time increment) to give deformation gradient change
    For Axisymmetry: x->R, y->Z, z->theta, np==AXISYMMETRIC_MPM, otherwise dvzz=0
    This material tracks pressure and stores deviatoric stress only in particle stress
void Mooney::MPMConstitutiveLaw(MPMBase *mptr,Matrix3 du,double delTime,int np,void *properties,
								ResidualStrains *res,int historyOffset) const
	// incremental energy, store initial stress
	Tensor *sporig=mptr->GetStressTensor();
	Tensor st0 = *sporig;
	// Update strains and rotations and Left Cauchy strain
	double detDf = IncrementDeformation(mptr,du,NULL,np);
    // get pointer to new left Cauchy strain
    Tensor *B = mptr->GetAltStrainTensor();
    // account for residual stresses
	double dJres = GetIncrementalResJ(mptr,res);
	double Jres = dJres*mptr->GetHistoryDble(J_History+1,historyOffset);

	// Deformation gradients and Cauchy tensor differ in plane stress
	{	// Find B->zz required to have zero stress in z direction
		// fixed arguments
		double arg = B->xx*B->yy - B->xy*B->xy;
		double arg12 = sqrt(arg);
		double arg16 = pow(arg,1./6.);
		double arg2 = B->xx+B->yy;
		// Newton-Rapheson starting at B.zz = 1
		// In tests finds answer in 3 or less steps
		Tensor *ep=mptr->GetStrainTensor();
		double xn16,xn12,xnp1,xn = (1.+ep->zz)*(1.+ep->zz);
		double fx,fxp,J13,J0,J2,Jeff;
		int iter=1;
        double mJ2P,mdJ2PdJ;
        // solution for B.zz in xn and J = sqrt(xn*arg) with dJ/dxn = arg/(2 sqrt(xn*arg))
        // Solving f=0 where f = 3J^2 Kterm + Jres*G1(2*xn-arg2)J^(1/3) + Jres*G2(xn*arg2 - 2*arg)/J^(1/3)
		//			where J^(1/3) = (xn*arg)^(1/6)
		// df/dxn = d(3J^2 Kterm)/dJ dJ/dxn
		//				+ Jres*G1((14*xn-arg2)/(6*xn))J^(1/3)
		//				+ Jres*G2((5*xn*arg2+2*arg)/(6*xn))/J^(1/3)
		{	xn16 = pow(xn,1./6.);
			xn12 = sqrt(xn);
			J13 = xn16*arg16;
			J0 = xn12*arg12;
			J2 = J0*J0;
            Jeff = J0/Jres;
            // get f and df/dxn
            GetNewtonPressureTerms(Jeff, Ksp, mJ2P, mdJ2PdJ);
            fx = 3.*Jres*mJ2P + G1sp*(2.*xn-arg2)*J13 + G2sp*(xn*arg2-2.*arg)/J13;
            fxp = (1.5*J0/xn)*mdJ2PdJ + G1sp*J13*(14.*xn-arg2)/(6.*xn) + G2sp*(2.*arg+5.*xn*arg2)/(6.*J13*xn);
            // new prediction for solution
			xnp1 = xn - fx/fxp;
			//cout << iter << ": " << xn << "," << xnp1 << "," << fabs(xn-xnp1) << endl;
			if(fabs(xn-xnp1)<1e-10) break;
			xn = xnp1;
        if(iter>=20) cout << "# Not enough iterations in plane stress Mooney-Rivlin material" << endl;
        // Done and xn = new B->zz = Fzz^2 = dFzz*(old Bzz)*dFzz = dFzz^2*(old Bzz),
		//    and Fzz = dFzz*(old Fzz) = 1 + ep->zz
        double dFzz = sqrt(xn/B->zz);
        B->zz = xn;
		// particle strain ezz now known
		ep->zz = dFzz*(1.+ep->zz) - 1.;
        // incremental J changes
        detDf *= dFzz;
    // Increment J and save it in history data
    double J = detDf*mptr->GetHistoryDble(J_History,historyOffset);
	// account for residual stresses
	double Jeff = J/Jres;
    // update pressure
	double p0=mptr->GetPressure();
	double Kterm = J*GetVolumetricTerms(Jeff,Ksp);       // times J to get Kirchoff stress
    // artifical viscosity
    double delV = 1. - 1./detDf;                        // total volume change
    double QAVred = 0.,AVEnergy=0.;
    if(delV<0. && artificialViscosity)
	{	QAVred = GetArtificalViscosity(delV/delTime,sqrt(Ksp*J),mptr);
        if(ConductionTask::AVHeating) AVEnergy = fabs(QAVred*delV);
    double Pfinal = -Kterm + QAVred;
    // set the pressure
	// incremental energy - dilational part
    double avgP = 0.5*(p0+Pfinal);
    double dilEnergy = -avgP*delV;
	// incremental residual energy
	double delVres = 1. - 1./dJres;
	double resEnergy = -avgP*delVres;
    // Account for density change in specific stress
    // i.e.. Get (Cauchy Stress)/rho = J*(Cauchy Stress)/rho0 = (Kirchoff Stress)/rho0
	double J23 = pow(J, 2./3.);
	double J43 = J23*J23;
	double JforG1 = J23/Jres;                   // J^(5/3)/(Jres J) = J^(2/3)/Jres to get Kirchoff stress
	double JforG2 = J43/Jres;                   // J^(7/3)/(Jres J) = J^(4/3)/Jres to get Kirchoff stress
	//JforG1 *= Jres;			// this uses Jeff to get Kirchoff stress
	//JforG2 *= Jres;			// this uses Jeff to get Kirchoff stress
	// find deviatoric (Cauchy stress)J/rho0 = deviatoric (Kirchoff stress)/rho0
	Tensor *sp=mptr->GetStressTensor();
	sp->xx = (2*B->xx-B->yy-B->zz)*G1sp/(3.*JforG1)
            + (B->xx*(B->yy+B->zz)-2*B->yy*B->zz-B->xy*B->xy)*G2sp/(3.*JforG2);
	sp->yy = (2*B->yy-B->xx-B->zz)*G1sp/(3.*JforG1)
            + (B->yy*(B->xx+B->zz)-2*B->xx*B->zz-B->xy*B->xy)*G2sp/(3.*JforG2);
	sp->zz = (2*B->zz-B->xx-B->yy)*G1sp/(3.*JforG1)
            + (B->zz*(B->xx+B->yy)-2*B->xx*B->yy+2.*B->xy*B->xy)*G2sp/(3.*JforG2);
	sp->xy = B->xy*G1sp/JforG1 + (B->zz*B->xy)*G2sp/JforG2;
    {   sp->xx += (2.*B->yz*B->yz-B->xz*B->xz)*G2sp/(3.*JforG2);
        sp->yy += (2.*B->xz*B->xz-B->yz*B->yz)*G2sp/(3.*JforG2);
        sp->zz -= (B->xz*B->xz+B->yz*B->yz)*G2sp/(3.*JforG2);
        sp->xy -= B->xz*B->yz*G2sp/JforG2;
	    sp->xz = B->xz*G1sp/JforG1 + (B->yy*B->xz-B->xy*B->yz)*G2sp/JforG2;
        sp->yz = B->yz*G1sp/JforG1 + (B->xx*B->yz-B->xy*B->xz)*G2sp/JforG2;
	// incremental work energy = shear energy
    double shearEnergy = 0.5*((sp->xx+st0.xx)*du(0,0) + (sp->yy+st0.yy)*du(1,1) + (sp->zz+st0.zz)*du(2,2)+
    {   shearEnergy += 0.5*((sp->xz+st0.xz)*(du(0,2)+du(2,0)) + (sp->yz+st0.yz)*(du(1,2)+du(2,1)));
    // strain energy
    double dU = dilEnergy + shearEnergy;
    // thermodynamics depends on whether or not this is a rubber
	double dTq0;
    {   // convert internal energy to temperature change
		dTq0 = dU/GetHeatCapacity(mptr);
	{	// elastic particle isentropic temperature increment
		double Kratio;				// = rho_0 K/(rho K_0)
		{   case J_MINUS_1_SQUARED:
				Kratio = Jeff;
			case LN_J_SQUARED:
				Kratio = (1-log(Jeff))/(Jeff*Jeff);
				Kratio = 0.5*(Jeff + 1./Jeff);
		dTq0 = -J*Kratio*gamma0*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*delV;
Exemple #5
								  double delTime,double &dTq0,double &AVEnergy) const
void Viscoelastic::UpdatePressure(MPMBase *mptr,double delV,ResidualStrains *res,double eres,const Matrix3 *dF,
								  double delTime,double &dTq0,double &AVEnergy) const
	{	// pressure change
		double dP = (detdF-1.)*mptr->GetPressure()-J*Kered*delV;
		double dP = -Kered*delV;
		// artifical viscosity
		// delV is total incremental volumetric strain = total Delta(V)/V
		double QAVred = 0.;
		if(delV<0. && artificialViscosity)
		{	// Wants K/rho
			QAVred = GetArtificalViscosity(delV/delTime,sqrt(Kered*J));
			QAVred = GetArtificalViscosity(delV/delTime,sqrt(Kered));
			if(ConductionTask::AVHeating) AVEnergy += fabs(QAVred*delV);
		// increment pressure
		// work energy is dU = -P dV + s.de(total)
		// Here do hydrostatic term
		// Work energy increment per unit mass (dU/(rho0 V0)) (nJ/g)
		double avgP = mptr->GetPressure()-0.5*dP;
		// Isoentropic temperature rise = -(K alpha T)/(rho Cv) (dV/V)
		dTq0 += -Kered*CTE*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*(delV+3*eres)/GetHeatCapacity(mptr);;
	{	// J is total volume change - may need to reference to free-swelling volume if that works
		// Note that swelling looks like a problem because the sums of strains needs to be adjusted
		//		to stress-free state
		// history pointer
		double **h =(double **)(mptr->GetHistoryPtr(0));
		// tracking J
		double detdF = dF->determinant();
		double J = detdF*h[mptrHistory][MGJ_HISTORY];
		h[mptrHistory][MGJ_HISTORY] = J;

		// account for residual strains (needed in tension, but must always track)
		double dJres = exp(3.*CTE*res->dT);
		double Jres = dJres*h[mptrHistory][MGJRES_HISTORY];
		h[mptrHistory][MGJRES_HISTORY] = Jres;
		// previous pressure
		double P,P0 = mptr->GetPressure();
		double delVMG = 1. - 1./detdF;			// (Vnp1-Vn)/Vnp1
		double Kred;
		// M-G EOS
		// Want specific pressure or pressure over current density (using J = rho0/rho)
		{	// new compression J(k+1) = 1-x(k+1)
			double x = 1.-J;
			// compression law
			// denominator = 1 - S1*x - S2*x^2 - S3*x^3
			double denom = 1./(1. - x*(S1 + x*(S2 + x*S3)));
			// law not valid if denominator passes zero
#pragma omp critical (output)
				{	cout << "# Excessive x = " << x << endl;
			// current effective and reduced (by rho0) bulk modulus
			Kred = C0squared*(1.-0.5*gamma0*x)*denom*denom;
			// Pressure from bulk modulus and an energy term
			double e = mptr->GetInternalEnergy();
			P = J*(Kred*x + gamma0*e);
			P = Kred*x + gamma0*e;
			// particle isentropic temperature increment
			dTq0 += -J*gamma0*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*delVMG;
		{   // In tension hyperelastic law P = - K0(J-1)
			double Jeff = J/Jres;
			Kred = C0squared*Jeff;
			P = -J*C0squared*(Jeff-1.);
			P = -C0squared*(Jeff-1.);
			// particle isentropic temperature increment
			double Kratio = Jeff;
			dTq0 += -J*Kratio*gamma0*mptr->pPreviousTemperature*delVMG;
		// artifical viscosity
		// delVMG is total incremental volumetric strain = total Delta(V)/V
		double QAVred = 0.;
		if(delVMG<0. && artificialViscosity)
		{	QAVred = GetArtificalViscosity(delVMG/delTime,sqrt(Kred*J));
			if(ConductionTask::AVHeating) AVEnergy += fabs(QAVred*delVMG);
		// set final pressure
		// work energy is dU = -P dV + s.de(total)
		// Here do hydrostatic terms, deviatoric later
		double avgP = 0.5*(P0+P);
		double delVres = 1. - 1./dJres;