Exemple #1
HRESULT CPigEngine::CreatePig(BSTR bstrType, BSTR bstrCommandLine, IPig** ppPig)
  // Initialize the [out] parameter
  CLEAROUT(ppPig, (IPig*)NULL);

  // Lock the object for the following validation checks
    XLock lock(this);

    // Ensure that the scripts have been loaded

    // Ensure that the MissionServer property is not empty
    if (!m_bstrMissionServer.Length())
      return AtlReportError(CLSID_PigSession, IDS_E_NO_MISSIONSRV,
        IID_IPigSession, 0, _Module.GetResourceInstance());

    // Get the number of pigs that exist
    long cPigs = 0;
    if (m_pPigs)

    // Get the maximum number of pigs allowed
    long nMaxPigs = 0;

    // Check for maximum pigs
    if (nMaxPigs >= 0 && cPigs >= nMaxPigs)
      return AtlReportError(CLSID_PigSession, IDS_E_TOOMANYPIGS,
        IID_IPigSession, 0, _Module.GetResourceInstance());

  // bstrType is optional, so assign a default value if not specified
  CComBSTR bstrTheType(bstrType);
  if (!bstrTheType.Length())
    bstrTheType = L"Default";

  // Find the specified behavior type
  CPigBehaviorScriptType* pBehaviorType = GetBehaviorType(bstrTheType);
  if (!pBehaviorType)
    return AtlReportError(CLSID_PigSession, IDS_E_CREATE_BEHAVIOR_TYPE,
      IID_IPigSession, 0, _Module.GetResourceInstance());

  // Create a new pig thread object and it's associated pig player object
  DWORD dwGITCookie;
  RETURN_FAILED(CPig::Create(pBehaviorType, bstrCommandLine, &dwGITCookie));

  // Get an apartment-safe pointer to the pig object
  RETURN_FAILED(GetInterfaceFromGlobal(dwGITCookie, IID_IPig, (void**)ppPig));

  // Indicate success
  return S_OK;
ezParticleBehavior* ezParticleBehaviorFactory::CreateBehavior(ezParticleSystemInstance* pOwner) const
  const ezRTTI* pRtti = GetBehaviorType();

  ezParticleBehavior* pBehavior = pRtti->GetAllocator()->Allocate<ezParticleBehavior>();

  CopyBehaviorProperties(pBehavior, true);

  return pBehavior;