//! Returns the proper rectangle, which an editor should fit in
CRect CGridColumnTraitText::GetCellEditRect(CGridListCtrlEx& owner, int nRow, int nCol)
	// Find the required height according to font
	int requiredHeight = GetCellFontHeight(owner);

	// Get position of the cell to edit
	CRect rectCell;
	VERIFY( owner.GetCellRect(nRow, nCol, LVIR_LABEL, rectCell) );

	// Adjust position to font height
	if (!owner.UsingVisualStyle())
		if ((requiredHeight + 2*::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE)) > rectCell.Height())
			rectCell.top -= ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE);
			rectCell.bottom += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE);
	if (owner.GetExtendedStyle() & LVS_EX_GRIDLINES)
		if ((requiredHeight + 2*::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE) + ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER)) < rectCell.Height())
			rectCell.bottom -= ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER);
	if (owner.GetExtendedStyle() & LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES)
		if (owner.GetImageList(LVSIL_SMALL)!=NULL && owner.GetCellImage(nRow,nCol)>=0)
			rectCell.left += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER);
	return rectCell;
//! Returns the proper rectangle, which a cell value editor should fit in
//! @param owner The list control for the inplace cell value editor
//! @param nRow The index of the row
//! @param nCol The index of the column
//! @return Rectangle where the inplace cell value editor should be placed.
CRect CGridColumnTraitText::GetCellEditRect(CGridListCtrlEx& owner, int nRow, int nCol)
	// Get position of the cell to edit
	CRect rectCell;
	VERIFY( owner.GetCellRect(nRow, nCol, LVIR_LABEL, rectCell) );

	// Adjust cell rectangle according to grid-lines
	if (owner.GetExtendedStyle() & LVS_EX_GRIDLINES)
		rectCell.bottom -= ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER);

	if (owner.GetExtendedStyle() & LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES)
		// Add margin to cell image
		if (owner.GetImageList(LVSIL_SMALL)!=NULL && owner.GetCellImage(nRow,nCol)!=I_IMAGECALLBACK)
			rectCell.left += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER);

	// Check if there is enough room for normal margin
	int requiredHeight = GetCellFontHeight(owner);
	requiredHeight += 2*::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE);
	if (requiredHeight > rectCell.Height())
		rectCell.bottom = rectCell.top + requiredHeight;

	return rectCell;
//! Create a CEdit as cell value editor
//! @param owner The list control starting a cell edit
//! @param nRow The index of the row
//! @param nCol The index of the column
//! @param dwStyle The windows style to use when creating the CEdit
//! @param rect The rectangle where the inplace cell value editor should be placed
//! @return Pointer to the cell editor to use
CEdit* CGridColumnTraitMultilineEdit::CreateEdit(CGridListCtrlEx& owner, int nRow, int nCol, DWORD dwStyle, const CRect& rect)
	CGridMultilineEditorText* pEdit = new CGridMultilineEditorText(nRow, nCol);

	CRect limitRect(rect);
	if (m_EditMaxLines > 1 && GetStyle() & ES_MULTILINE)
		// Calculate the number of lines in the cell text, expand the CEdit to match this
		CString cellText = owner.GetItemText(nRow, nCol);
		int nLineHeight = GetCellFontHeight(owner);
		int nLineCount = CharacterCount(cellText, _T("\n"));
		if (nLineCount > 0)
			if ((UINT)nLineCount > m_EditMaxLines - 1)
				nLineCount = m_EditMaxLines - 1;
			limitRect.bottom += nLineHeight*nLineCount;

	VERIFY(pEdit->Create(WS_CHILD | dwStyle, limitRect, &owner, 0));
	return pEdit;