// ahInfo can be NULL
bool AuctionBotBuyer::RollBidChance(const BuyerItemInfo* ahInfo, const Item* item, const AuctionEntry* auction, uint32 bidPrice)
    float itemBidPrice = float(bidPrice / item->GetCount());
    float itemPrice = float(item->GetTemplate()->SellPrice ? item->GetTemplate()->SellPrice : GetVendorPrice(item->GetTemplate()->Quality));
    // The AH cut needs to be added to the price, but we dont want a 100% chance to buy if the price is exactly AH default
    itemPrice *= 1.4f;

    // This value is between 0 and 100 and is used directly as the chance to buy or bid
    // Value equal or above 100 means 100% chance and value below 0 means 0% chance
    float chance = std::min(100.f, std::pow(100.f, 1.f + (1.f - itemBidPrice / itemPrice) / sAuctionBotConfig->GetConfig(CONFIG_AHBOT_BUYER_CHANCE_FACTOR)));

    if (ahInfo)
        float avgBidPrice = ahInfo->TotalBidPrice / float(ahInfo->BidItemCount);

        TC_LOG_DEBUG("ahbot", "AHBot: Bid average: %.1f biddable item count: %u", avgBidPrice, ahInfo->BidItemCount);

        // If there are more than 5 items on AH of this entry, try weigh in the average bid price
        if (ahInfo->BidItemCount >= 5)
            chance *= 1.f / std::sqrt(itemBidPrice / avgBidPrice);

    // If a player has bidded on item, have fifth of normal chance
    if (auction->bidder)
        chance = chance / 5.f;

    // Add config weigh in for quality
    chance *= GetChanceMultiplier(item->GetTemplate()->Quality) / 100.0f;

    float rand = frand(0.f, 100.f);
    bool win = rand <= chance;
    TC_LOG_DEBUG("ahbot", "AHBot: %s BID! chance = %.2f, price = %u, bidprice = %u.", win ? "WIN" : "LOSE", chance, uint32(itemPrice), uint32(itemBidPrice));
    return win;
// ahInfo can be NULL
bool AuctionBotBuyer::RollBuyChance(const BuyerItemInfo* ahInfo, const Item* item, const AuctionEntry* auction, uint32 /*bidPrice*/)
    if (!auction->buyout)
        return false;

    uint32 itemBuyPrice = auction->buyout / item->GetCount();
    uint32 itemPrice = item->GetTemplate()->GetSellPrice() ? item->GetTemplate()->GetSellPrice() : GetVendorPrice(item->GetTemplate()->GetQuality());
    // The AH cut needs to be added to the price, but we dont want a 100% chance to buy if the price is exactly AH default
    itemPrice *= 1.4f;

    // This value is between 0 and 100 and is used directly as the chance to buy or bid
    // Value equal or above 100 means 100% chance and value below 0 means 0% chance
    float chance = 100 / sqrt(itemBuyPrice / float(itemPrice));

    // If a player has bidded on item, have fifth of normal chance
    if (auction->bidder)
        chance = chance / 5;

    if (ahInfo)
        float avgBuyPrice = ahInfo->TotalBuyPrice / float(ahInfo->BuyItemCount);

        TC_LOG_DEBUG("ahbot", "AHBot: buyout average: %.1f items with buyout: %u", avgBuyPrice, ahInfo->BuyItemCount);

        // If there are more than 5 items on AH of this entry, try weigh in the average buyout price
        if (ahInfo->BuyItemCount > 5)
            chance *= 1 / sqrt(itemBuyPrice / avgBuyPrice);

    // Add config weigh in for quality
    chance *= GetChanceMultiplier(item->GetTemplate()->GetQuality()) / 100.0f;

    float rand = frand(0, 100);
    bool win = rand <= chance;
    TC_LOG_DEBUG("ahbot", "AHBot: %s BUY! chance = %.2f, price = %u, buyprice = %u.", win ? "WIN" : "LOSE", chance, itemPrice, itemBuyPrice);
    return win;