/** Draw the chat message-box */
void NetworkDrawChatMessage()
	Blitter *blitter = BlitterFactoryBase::GetCurrentBlitter();
	if (!_chatmessage_dirty) return;

	/* First undraw if needed */

	if (_iconsole_mode == ICONSOLE_FULL) return;

	/* Check if we have anything to draw at all */
	uint count = GetChatMessageCount();
	if (count == 0) return;

	int x      = _chatmsg_box.x;
	int y      = _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - _chatmsg_box.height;
	int width  = _chatmsg_box.width;
	int height = _chatmsg_box.height;
	if (y < 0) {
		height = max(height + y, min(_chatmsg_box.height, _screen.height));
		y = 0;
	if (x + width >= _screen.width) {
		width = _screen.width - x;
	if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;

	assert(blitter->BufferSize(width, height) <= (int)(_chatmsg_box.width * _chatmsg_box.height * blitter->GetBytesPerPixel()));

	/* Make a copy of the screen as it is before painting (for undraw) */
	blitter->CopyToBuffer(blitter->MoveTo(_screen.dst_ptr, x, y), _chatmessage_backup, width, height);

	_cur_dpi = &_screen; // switch to _screen painting

	/* Paint a half-transparent box behind the chat messages */
			_screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - count * (FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + NETWORK_CHAT_LINE_SPACING) - 2,
			_chatmsg_box.x + _chatmsg_box.width - 1,
			_screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - 2,
			PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT, FILLRECT_RECOLOUR // black, but with some alpha for background

	/* Paint the chat messages starting with the lowest at the bottom */
		DrawString(_chatmsg_box.x + 3, _chatmsg_box.x + _chatmsg_box.width - 1, _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - y + 1, _chatmsg_list[count].message, _chatmsg_list[count].colour);

	/* Make sure the data is updated next flush */
	_video_driver->MakeDirty(x, y, width, height);

	_chatmessage_visible = true;
	_chatmessage_dirty = false;
 * Add a text message to the 'chat window' to be shown
 * @param colour The colour this message is to be shown in
 * @param duration The duration of the chat message in seconds
 * @param message message itself in printf() style
void CDECL NetworkAddChatMessage(TextColour colour, uint duration, const char *message, ...)
	const char *bufp;
	va_list va;
	uint msg_count;
	uint16 lines;

	va_start(va, message);
	vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), message, va);

	Utf8TrimString(buf, DRAW_STRING_BUFFER);

	/* Force linebreaks for strings that are too long */
	lines = GB(FormatStringLinebreaks(buf, lastof(buf), _chatmsg_box.width - 8), 0, 16) + 1;
	if (lines >= MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES) return;

	msg_count = GetChatMessageCount();
	/* We want to add more chat messages than there is free space for, remove 'old' */
	if (lines > MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - msg_count) {
		int i = lines - (MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - msg_count);
		memmove(&_chatmsg_list[0], &_chatmsg_list[i], sizeof(_chatmsg_list[0]) * (msg_count - i));
		msg_count = MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - lines;

	for (bufp = buf; lines != 0; lines--) {
		ChatMessage *cmsg = &_chatmsg_list[msg_count++];
		strecpy(cmsg->message, bufp, lastof(cmsg->message));

		/* The default colour for a message is company colour. Replace this with
		 * white for any additional lines */
		cmsg->colour = (bufp == buf && (colour & TC_IS_PALETTE_COLOUR)) ? colour : TC_WHITE;
		cmsg->remove_time = _realtime_tick + duration * 1000;

		bufp += strlen(bufp) + 1; // jump to 'next line' in the formatted string

	_chatmessage_dirty = true;
 * Add a text message to the 'chat window' to be shown
 * @param colour The colour this message is to be shown in
 * @param duration The duration of the chat message in seconds
 * @param message message itself in printf() style
void CDECL NetworkAddChatMessage(TextColour colour, uint duration, const char *message, ...)
	va_list va;

	va_start(va, message);
	vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), message, va);

	Utf8TrimString(buf, DRAW_STRING_BUFFER);

	uint msg_count = GetChatMessageCount();
	if (MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES == msg_count) {
		memmove(&_chatmsg_list[0], &_chatmsg_list[1], sizeof(_chatmsg_list[0]) * (msg_count - 1));
		msg_count = MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - 1;

	ChatMessage *cmsg = &_chatmsg_list[msg_count++];
	strecpy(cmsg->message, buf, lastof(cmsg->message));
	cmsg->colour = (colour & TC_IS_PALETTE_COLOUR) ? colour : TC_WHITE;
	cmsg->remove_time = _realtime_tick + duration * 1000;

	_chatmessage_dirty = true;
/** Draw the chat message-box */
void NetworkDrawChatMessage()
	Blitter *blitter = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter();
	if (!_chatmessage_dirty) return;

	/* First undraw if needed */

	if (_iconsole_mode == ICONSOLE_FULL) return;

	/* Check if we have anything to draw at all */
	uint count = GetChatMessageCount();
	if (count == 0) return;

	int x      = _chatmsg_box.x;
	int y      = _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - _chatmsg_box.height;
	int width  = _chatmsg_box.width;
	int height = _chatmsg_box.height;
	if (y < 0) {
		height = max(height + y, min(_chatmsg_box.height, _screen.height));
		y = 0;
	if (x + width >= _screen.width) {
		width = _screen.width - x;
	if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;

	assert(blitter->BufferSize(width, height) <= (int)(_chatmsg_box.width * _chatmsg_box.height * blitter->GetBytesPerPixel()));

	/* Make a copy of the screen as it is before painting (for undraw) */
	blitter->CopyToBuffer(blitter->MoveTo(_screen.dst_ptr, x, y), _chatmessage_backup, width, height);

	_cur_dpi = &_screen; // switch to _screen painting

	int string_height = 0;
	for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		SetDParamStr(0, _chatmsg_list[i].message);
		string_height += GetStringLineCount(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, width - 1) * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + NETWORK_CHAT_LINE_SPACING;

	string_height = min(string_height, MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES * (FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + NETWORK_CHAT_LINE_SPACING));

	int top = _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - string_height - 2;
	int bottom = _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - 2;
	/* Paint a half-transparent box behind the chat messages */
	GfxFillRect(_chatmsg_box.x, top - 2, _chatmsg_box.x + _chatmsg_box.width - 1, bottom,
			PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT, FILLRECT_RECOLOUR // black, but with some alpha for background

	/* Paint the chat messages starting with the lowest at the bottom */
	int ypos = bottom - 2;

	for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		ypos = DrawStringMultiLine(_chatmsg_box.x + 3, _chatmsg_box.x + _chatmsg_box.width - 1, top, ypos, _chatmsg_list[i].message, _chatmsg_list[i].colour, SA_LEFT | SA_BOTTOM | SA_FORCE) - NETWORK_CHAT_LINE_SPACING;
		if (ypos < top) break;

	/* Make sure the data is updated next flush */
	_video_driver->MakeDirty(x, y, width, height);

	_chatmessage_visible = true;
	_chatmessage_dirty = false;