void CSyncServer::RemoveClient(int id)
	//Since each client keeps a list of who caused a unit to be disabled, it should suffice to let them
	//keep their lists in order if we just tell them who left

	lastDiffClient = id;
	lastWasRemove = true;

	// Remove it from our list of units

	// We are the server (but also a client) so we will do it for ourselves automatically
	string diff = GetClientDiff(localId);
Exemple #2
	* Class:     aflobby_CUnitSyncJNIBindings
	* Method:    GetClientDiff
	* Signature: (I)Ljava/lang/String;
	JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_aflobby_CUnitSyncJNIBindings_GetClientDiff
		(JNIEnv *env, jclass myobject, jint id){
			return env->NewStringUTF(GetClientDiff(id));
void CSyncServer::AddClient(int id, const string& unitList)
	istringstream s(unitList);
	Unit u;
	string name;

	while (s >> name) {
		s >> u.fbi;
		s >> u.cob;
		s >> u.model;

		clientLists[id][name] = u;

	//The time has come, to calculate diffs! ohnoes!
	lastDiffClient = id;
	lastWasRemove = false;

	for (map<string, Unit>::iterator i = clientLists[id].begin(); i != clientLists[id].end(); ++i) {

		//Check with each other client if they have this unit
		for (map<int, unitlist_t>::iterator clientId = clientLists.begin(); clientId != clientLists.end(); ++clientId) {
			//No need to compare with ourselves
			if (clientId->first == id)

			//Now, determine if this unit is here, and if so, if it has the same crc
			map<string, Unit>::iterator curUnit = clientLists[clientId->first].find(i->first);
			bool unitOk = false;
			if (curUnit != clientLists[clientId->first].end()) {
				if ((curUnit->second.fbi   == i->second.fbi) &&
				    (curUnit->second.cob   == i->second.cob) &&
				    (curUnit->second.model == i->second.model)) {
					unitOk = true;

			if (unitOk) {
				//No need to say anything about this unit
			else {
				// If a unit has a bad crc, that client is added to the differing list
				map<string, MissingList>::iterator mli = curDiff.find(i->first);
				if (mli != curDiff.end()) {
				else {
					MissingList ml;
					curDiff[i->first] = ml;

	//Now we need to check the other way around.. If any client had a unit that we did not
	//if we find such a unit, it must be added to the difflist for that client
	//this could possibly be optimized by flagging everything that we do find in the above pass..
	for (map<int, unitlist_t>::iterator client = clientLists.begin(); client != clientLists.end(); ++client) {
		//No need to diff with ourselves
		if (client->first == id)

		for (map<string, Unit>::iterator unit = client->second.begin(); unit != client->second.end(); ++unit) {
			map<string, Unit>::iterator found = clientLists[id].find(unit->first);

			//If not found, we should do things
			if (found == clientLists[id].end()) {
				map<string, MissingList>::iterator mli = curDiff.find(unit->first);
				if (mli != curDiff.end()) {
				else {
					MissingList ml;
					curDiff[unit->first] = ml;

	//Alright, now we have a map that for each unit contains id's of clients that need to know that
	//this unit should now be disabled

	// Since we are the server, we should install the diff for ourselves automatically
	string diff = GetClientDiff(localId);